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Kairi's keyblade?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Mudstoise, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    I love KH2, there's one plot point that rubs me the wrong way. Why is it Riku who gives Kairi her keyblade? Where did he get it from?

    Someone please enlighten me...
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Riku can dual wield. XD
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    There was a claim that the keyblade was crafted from Riku's memories of Destiny Island. <_< That part irritates me since I believe that the keyblade form would be different in a different form and that Kairi's keyblade that she gives to Aqua would be the one with flowers but oh well. To each their own.
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I thought; the theory was 'that the memory of Kairi on DI that Riku had', constructed the Keychain.

    Eh. Doesn't really matter.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... Never heard of that theory before. I don't know. It is just another plot hole.
  6. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    And it's one that really annoys me -_- I don't mind that Kairi suddenly gets a Keyblade (at least not as much as it bothers me that Axel/Lea now has one), but to have Riku giving it to her, without even explaining how HE got it....
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Yea. Even now, I do not like how the keyblade that Aqua earned did not tie in to how Riku got it. If it is a memory from Riku but yet, it existed during Aqua's time when Kairi gave Aqua flowers, it just doesn't tie in together.
  8. Cylix

    Cylix New Member

    the keyblade that aqua used was just a little easter egg because kh 2 was first and kairi used it but it wasn't a keyblade you could use
  9. MadarasLives

    MadarasLives New Member

    yeah that bothered me to, its suppose to be aquas keyblade being passed on, so how did it fall into rikus hands? i guess thats just something we're going to have to wait on unless someone has any solid theories. maybe it was in soras heart when kairi was all heart broken and required sora to release his heart, and riku just happened to find it within sora when they were 'putting sora back together' so to say.

    I'm new to the forum and am doing the Kh2 Fm+ Critical lvl.1 challenge, i am also recording it but i wont post that until iv finished the series

    (sorry i'm adding that at the end of all my posts for exposure as well as wanting to become more known)
  10. kingdomkeys

    kingdomkeys New Member

    Riku didn't get ahold of Aqua's keyblade. He handed Kairi a blank keyblade, and because Kairi's heart resonated with Aqua's that one time, it transformed into the keyblade Aqua recieved from her. Destiny's Embrace, I believe it was called.

    This is my theory on what happened. I haven't heard anything that says that is what really happened, so don't quote me on this. This is just my idea. I really don't think Riku could get Aqua's keyblade, mainly because every person's keyblade is different. The keychains resonate with memories from that person's heart, which is why certain worlds have their own keychains.
  11. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    A blank keyblade? There's no such thing.
  12. kingdomkeys

    kingdomkeys New Member

    Technically, (and this is just coming from my mind, so if I am wrong, I will admit it fully), I would think most keyblades are blank until you put a keychain on it. I thought the keychains were what gave the Keyblade its power and looks.
  13. MadarasLives

    MadarasLives New Member

    this has bothered me also and no theory really fills the plot hole void properly.. lol
  14. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    It's currently unknown where Riku got Destiny's Embrace from. Unanswered questions aren't plot holes. A plot hole is a contradiction.

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