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hi there everybody♥

Discussion in 'Archive' started by IcyFire, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. IcyFire

    IcyFire New Member

    hi my name is IcyFire,
    I am 15 years old that is on spring break♪♪
    I choose the username IcyFire because ice and fire are my favourite elements★
    it is a pleasure to meet you all,I was actually looking for a reference pic of Sora so I can try to draw him,suddenly I found this forums,so I decided to sign up.
    oh yes my hobbies are to draw,make costumes,baking and cleaning.My favourite KH game is birth by sleep and the first one♥I also like playing other video games and eating.I do hope that I shall make friends here♥
  2. RealmoftheDragons

    RealmoftheDragons New Member

    Welcome to KH Planet. I hope you enjoy your stay here.
  3. IcyFire

    IcyFire New Member

    thank you very much ★
  4. RealmoftheDragons

    RealmoftheDragons New Member

    ^ It's what I do.

    Might I ask who your favorite KH characters are?
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Welcome, Icyfire. e sure to bone up on our rules and not be shy.
  6. IcyFire

    IcyFire New Member

    ok and thanks for the welcome^^

    my fave is Ventus^^
  7. Noir


    Welcome to KHPlanet. Have fun, read the rules and stick to them.
  8. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Your name is so contradicting... LOL, but yea, welcome

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