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Legend of Sol (Modern Legend of Zelda)

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Nova, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Sol?! Where the heck are ya?!" Zalor called out, his voice echoing through the halls. He kept looking around for Sol, and kept running until he stoppe and saw Jos and came to a hault. He quickly turned around to face he and looked at her "Jos, have you seen Sol around here?" the swordsman-in-training asked
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Seven, maybe even eight feet high, a figure draped in what appeared to be flowing, ghostly black cloak paced around the woman in red. Rather, being that the figure lacked any actual feet to pace on, it seemed more as though it were floating idly over the grass on the crypt floor, leaving it browned and withered in its wake. All the while, the figure gazed down upon the woman with cold, piercing white eyes, wide with wonder, amazement and pride. After several minutes of pacing, the figure uttered its first words in a low, hissing voice. "You've done well to find me here, Koumake."

    The woman remained silent. She was still smiling, but in a more reserved and nervous manner.

    "However," the figure continued, "I would have expected it to have happened much sooner than this."

    "Sadly," the woman said conservatively, "I had to free myself before I could even begin to start looking for you, My Lord."

    "The Sages trapped you as well?" the figure inquired.

    "Yes. They did. Not in as harsh a manner as they did you, of course. You see, they were operating under the... misconception that I would be held by inferior shackles. They were right; until the shackles started to rust."

    "And then for how long were you freed before now? I take it it's been some count of years, being that your powers were so drained as well."

    "I've been freed for nearly two centuries, My Lord."

    "And for what reasons did you not attempt to seek my return?"

    "I began to work towards this as soon as I was liberated," Koumake asserted. "I knew I could challenge the Sages until I regained my strength. So I stayed low for some time, and in that time learned what I would need to do in order to break the seal on this place. I had to be certain of what needed to be done. Otherwise, you might have been vanquished upon your release by sheer lack of form."

    "Ha!" the figure gave a spitting, sarcastic laugh. "To think that Bayan Gan would be vanquished by such trivial manners! But your concern for my well-being in return is touching nonetheless. But then, why am I still bound to my spirit form?? Did you not use the power of the Sages to revive me?"

    "I-I-I was unable to find the Sages themselves," Koumake sputtered. "I searched everywhere for them. But they have, since your reign and defeat, passed on and gone dormant within their new forms. They must be awakened. I used the power of the priests, the guardians of this crypt, to release you into this Realm. But now that you've returned, the Sages should begin to reawaken; or, at our expense, we will be able to awaken them and defeat them before they realize their own power."

    Bayan Gan stared coldly at Koumake for several moments before speaking again. "It would be dishonest of me to say that I am not disappointed in my lack of physical form. I can make little headway personally until I've regained my old body. You have proven yourself well, my Lieutenant. I trust that you will continue to prove your worth. You will be my arm into this realm until I can reassume physical form. For now, however, we must take our leave from this place." Gan's form expanded, consuming Koumake ina blanket of shadow, which compressed and vanished, leaving the crypt empty.​


    Silently by her standards, Eve descended from above and landed down on Jos' shoulder. She had a sort of smirk on her face, as though to say that she knew that Jos hadn't actually been in class for most of the block. "So, that wasn't getting sidetracked?" she asked. "But I guess your friends are important enough to miss class for. What was with the passing out in the hallway though? Oh..." she cut herself off, seeing Zalor coming down the hallway towards them. "Hold that thought," she said.​


    "The Gorons are frightened," Eizo explained. "They've already been driven off of the Mountain and out of their home within its caves. If Gorons are too frightened to go back up their own Mountain to investigate, then there is undoubtedly something amiss, and possibly dreadful afoot. However, they've agreed to go up to investigate on the condition that a party is formed amongst themselves, the Sheikah and the Hylian soldiers. That way only a few of each people need to be at risk. I require only a small number. Perhaps five or ten troops, as best as you can spare. I suspect there's little need to rush them. They can make their preparations, we can plan our course, and depart as soon as they're ready to go. If need be, we can depart for Kakariko come morning. It is rare, after all, that I see the opportunity to hold presence amongst the Royal Family."​
    Angel likes this.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    The king nodded. "Yes, I suppose it would be best for the investigation to head out tomorrow morning. After all there some prior engagements we have later this night which concern Sol. Speaking of which it is a shame he isn't around to greet you. Unfortunately there is his schooling which he keeps himself immersed in. He always does enjoy seeing you though."


    Sol continued his search throughout the school as fast as he could given what little time he had remaining. If it wasn't for his teleportation magic it would be almost impossible to cover the ground that he had. Unfortunately for Sol his search had only resulted in failure. Nobody seemed to know who held the list. And of course the girls were more interested in seeing who Sol favored. Thankfully, for Sol at least, he hadn't encountered Impa or Joselyn yet. He could only imagine the hell they'd give him if they heard about what was going on.
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Josleyn gave Eve a short answer before responding to Zalor, "I just passed out? I didn't.... go anywhere?" That was all she managed to get out before Zalor was within earshot so Josleyn decided to change the subject and answer Sol's friend instead, not really wanting anyone else to know what she and Eve had been speaking of.

    "Hello Zalor." she said casually "Sorry, I haven't seen Sol." she added to answer his question. "Not since he rudely disappeared from the nurses office." she teased but then sobered quickly "If you see him though, please let me know? I'm kind of worried about him. He's been acting more strangely than usual today."

    "No way! How is Gretchen above me on this list? The girl's skin is like sandpaper!" Lyra heard some girl whine from somewhere in the classroom she had just entered. She located the source of the whispers from a couple of girls in the back of the classroom "Um, Malon, she's half Goron. Cut the girl some slack. All things considered, she's not entirely unfortunite."
    A third girl spoke, snatching the paper they were all looking at away from the first girl. She smirked as she spoke "I'm not sure if you'll feel the same way, Flora, when I tell you that she's ahead of you too."
    "What!? No way, that disgusting toadface is ahead of me?!" the girl half screached, half whispered, grabbing at the list. The other girls erupted into hushed giggles.

    Curiosity getting the better of her, Lyra made her way over to the group. Upon noticing, one girl grabbed the list and quickly stuffed it into her pocket.

    Feigning a cheerful oblivious attitude, Lyra waved at the girls with a graceous smile "Flora! Malon! Nayru! How were your summers? I missed the three of you since we lost touch." she said in a charming mock pout.
    Almost instantly, the three girls attitudes changed from tension to releif to an equal cheerfulness to Lyra's. "Oh my gosh Lyra!" the one named Nayru beamed, stepping forward to give Lyra a half hug "You look so cute today. Gosh your hair has gotten long! Are you taking this class too? You should sit with us we have so much to catch up on!" They spread out some, giving Lyra room into their circle.
    "Totally." Lyra agreed, more cheerfully than her normal tone but in a way she knew would appeal to the girls. Having not really heard about this 'list' before now, Lyra took a shot in the dark by deciding to assume more people knew about whatever it was they were talking about than just them. "So, what's this news I hear going around about a list of girls? Is there some pagent I'm not aware of?" Using flattery as her next tactic, she turned to the girl with the paper in her pocket "If there is, Nayru should totally enter! Wouldn't that be so fun? We could make it a group effort and everything with Malon using her expert hair and makeup skills and Flora instructing her on what to say for the intervew questions, she would definitely win."
    The other girls laughed and Malon spoke up "I hadn't thought of that before. Maybe Sol's writing the list of people elegible to do a Pagent to find his future wife? It would be just like that fairy tale about the young elf with the glass anklet at theroyal ball!"
    "Malon!!!" both of the other girls tried to shush her, but it was too late, the truth was out.
    "Oh... sorry." Malon squeaked sheepishly.
    "So, Prince Sol made a list of girls? That's fascinating. I knew you girls would know something so interesting on the first day of school." Lyra continued her ruse without falter. "Being so popular and interesting and all. I'm glad I decided to sit with you this is fun." she said, clapping her hands together twice and asking a question she knew they couldn't ignore, knowing this particular group's need for gossip "So, what do you think it's about?"
    All three of them shrugged, forgetting secrecy for the sake of their egos. "No one really knows. But most everyone is thinking that he's ranking all of the girls in school for datability purposes or how hot they are." Flora giggled
    Lyra's interest increased, of course she didn't honestly believe this was the purpose of such a list. She didn't know prince Sol that well aside from the few encounters she had with him while with Josleyn, but he didn't seem like that kind of a boy. No, something else was going on in the prince's life and she was sure that list would be something the Prince valued greatly to get back.
    "That's fascinating. I want to see it. Do you happen to know who has it now?" she said.
    "Actually..." Flora said in a playful manner "We do." she pulled it out of her pocket and handed it to Lyra "Go ahead take a look, we've all already looked at it and know our ranks. So tell us Lyra, can you find your name on his list of crushes?" another fit of giggling.
    Lyra gracefully took the list and looked it over, having timed it perfectly because the letter got into her hands just as the bell rang and the teacher came storming into class "Alright everyone take your seats and no lollygagging! Just because it's the first day of school doesn't mean I'm going to cut you some slack. Reminis to each other about your summer vacations later. Chop chop!"
    Flora looked at Lyra with a questioning look. "I'll return it to you after class." Lyra lied in a hushed tone. The other three nodded and turned their attention to the teacher.

    "Alright class, let's begin with roll call shall we?" the teacher announced. "For those of you that are new to my class this year, my name is Professor Gryphon and I am your Hyrulian History teacher." He was saying as he finished writing his name on the blackboard and then turning his attention to his roll book. "Now, let's get started. Malon Rulenski?"
    "Wonderful, now Rugar Chang?"
    The process of roll call finally began to come to a close, Lyra was slightly surprised that her name had not yet been called. Finally, at very last, "Lyra Inferio?"
    "Here!" Lyra said. The teacher smiled "That wasn't roll call dear. It was a question. Your name isn't on my list are you sure you're supposed to be taking my class this hour?"
    Slightly embarassed, Lyra pulled out her scheduel, ignoring the stiffled giggles coming from the other people in class.
    "i think so..." she was saying "It says here I"m registered for this hour at least." she said, confused.
    "Interesting..." the professor walked to a monitor behind his desk and scrolled through... "Ah, heres the problem. I must have missed this email somehow. Apparently you are supposed to be taking Advanced Magics and swordplay in the training hall this hour with 10 other of the students in your class. My apologes my dear. Let me just correct this on your scheduel..." he said, taking out a quill and making the proper adjustments to the paper in Lyras hand magically from across the room "Your History class isn't until next hour. Let me just write you this note explaining to King Ace why you were late. This is entirely my fault, I dont want you getting into trouble because of my mistake." he handed her a small piece of paper that he had written his apology onto and then ushered her out the door "Go on now, don't want to miss too much of your first AP combat class. And congratulations on your acceptance into the class. It is quite an honor. Only 10 seniors get selected for that class per year."

    Lyra only nodded politely while the professor rambled, pretending to try to hand the list back to one of the girls she had been talking to earlier. Of course, she was scolded for passing notes when she should be getting to class and was stopped. After faking an apologetic look to her three new 'friends' Lyra hurried out the door, thanking the goddesses for her luck. That theft of Prince Sol's list was carried out better than she had planned. Not really caring to look at the list for the moment, Lyra tucked it safely away in the pocket of her jacket. It's content didn't interest her. Only the prince's need, or lack thereof, to get it back.
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "AGH.... Great, thanks Jos," Zalor said annoyingly, not on purpose, he was just tired of how his best friend would always be somewhere where he couldn't find him, "I really to talk to him about something," Zalor then ran off, holding onto his holster that held the sheathes for his swords. He really hoped that Sol had finished that list, what with going to the nurse's office, he thought Sol might not have finished it. It wasn't until he came to a halt when he heard some girls talking. Normally he would just keep going, but was interesting was that they were talking about Sol... And a list....

    "Wait a minute... What about a list?" Zalor asked, rudely entering their conversation,

    "Didn't you hear? Apparently Sol is ranking all the girls in this school," one of the girls said,

    "What?! Okay Sol would never do something like tha-..." Zalor thought it over for a few seconds until he made the connection, "GOTTA GO!" he said as he ran off, faster than he was running previously,

    "Great, now I HAVE to find him!" Zalor said aloud to himself.
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ace sat, hidden in the training hall, a half smile on his face as students began to enter. He was currently sitting on one of the many lights in the room, not caring that people wouldn't see him.

    Counting the heads, he had seven so far, but the lack of Sol, Jos, and Lyra, was ringing in his head. He'd give them about three more minutes before personally hunting them down. Until then, he just listened to the gossip.

    ((With only three girls in the class, Lyra, and Jos being two of them, I figure Ace probably wouldn't hear about the list, but he does already sort of know Sol needs a date... Matchmaker Ace to the rescue heh heh!))

    The many Iron Knuckles shuttered, life stirring briefly within them. In unison, they all groaned out, "He has risen..."
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    >No he doesn't. What he knows is that Sol is already seeing somebody and that somebody is gonna go to the castle sometime after school has ended. There is nothing that would hint to Ace that this is a lie. The only ones who know it is a lie are Joselyn, Zalor, and maybe Impa. And even if Ace would consider the notion that it is a lie because he hadn't heard of it before, I would only assume that he would know Sol doesn't not tell him everything and in fact keeps plenty of secrets from Ace.<

    The bell rang. Sol sighed, feeling deflated over his inability to chase down a single list. "I... I don't know where that damn thing could be." He began gently hitting his head against the wall. "Of all the times to fall asleep why did it have to be as I was writing that?" He stood up and straightened himself out. "Calm down. It'll be fine. Once I find it I'll just tell everybody it was a simply memory test. After all it wouldn't do for me to forget the very same people I go to school with. Just another thing to study. I do that all the time." As he spoke to himself the green bands of magic swirled around him again, teleporting him to his next class.
  8. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The swordsman kept running down the halls, swaying his head left and right trying to find the prince before the bell rang. He kept on running, until he accidentally collided with a certain, Guredo girl, Lyra. He fell backwards to the groun and rubbed his head, unaware of who he crashed into and started to tell, "Hey! Watch where y'all are going!" Zalor exclaimed
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ((Ahh, okay, fair point))

    Ace turned his head at the flash of green as Sol appeared... using magic. He called the boy out from his seated position, "Sol! You yourself stated no special treatment, meaning NO magic on school grounds UNLESS otherwise stated by the teacher. Broken rules mean punishment, and I don't care if you're tired. Fifty sword jabs, now."

    Ace turned to the rest of the class, "Commence warm up sparring with a partner. Class will begin when our two missing ladies arrive."
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    In the main halls, students from all across Hyrule congregated and loitered about, but as you would expect. The races of Hyrule usually stayed within their own species/social groups. Gorons with Gorons and Humans with Humans. Only less than half of these social groups were actually diverse.

    After leaving his class, Strega made his way to the Main Hall. It was pretty spacious but appeared smaller than it actually was by the roaming students. "Phase 1" he thought ambitiously. Strega eagerly looks around. A familiar face took a momentary glance and quickly avoided eye contact. "OH HELLO! RIE!" Before the student bolted off in the opposite direction; Strega placed his arm around his shoulder. "You weren't thinking of hauling tail when you saw me? Were you?" "Of course not!" Rie responded laughing oh so awkwardly.

    Rie is a Rito. Strega would normally get him caught up in all kinds of notorious schemes. Given Rie's personality, he could never turn down a plea for help.

    Strega began to speak. "I need your help!" Rie knew that trouble wasn't far behind. "Do you know my Sorcery Instructor?" "Strega! You wouldn't" "I would!" Strega's face was embedded with a bittersweet grin.​
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2013
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Having been walking calmly down the hall, Lyra was a bit stunned when she turned a corner and was suddenly taken out by a random stranger. The impact of running into the stranger knocked her over backwards. Having grown up where she did, her first instinct was to spring up and attack the stranger, but her common sense stopped her.

    "Killing a student on your first day isn't exactly good for your permanent record anyway." the voice in her head mused.

    Laughing at the coment softly, Lyra sat up and began to gather her books, deciding to take the high road as the stranger who ran into her was scolding her. "My apologes." she said, just as cheerfully as ever "I must have been day dreaming."

    'I'll be late for Lord Ace's class. As my king AND my teacher right now, I doubt he would take my lateness as easy as he would with other students. I should hurry, though this letter from the other class's teacher should help some hopefully...'

    "Sorry!" she called after Zalor with a shrug. "Oh well, I'll let Sol know Zalor's looking for him in class I guess." she looked at Eve, "I guess we'll talk about this later, I should get to class." she said apologetically before heading to the training hall. She got there in no time seeing as it was just a few steps away from her locker anyways. As she entered she counted 8 students not including herself. Still 5 minutes until class starts. It's still pretty late to be just barely arriving though. At least I'm not the only one. she thought to herself. Of the class, she recognised all of them but only knew a handful of them (including Ace and Sol) personally.
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Alright well if you are on your way to class, and if Sol is there, tell him to meet me infront of the doors to the library got it?!" he said to her, and then ran off, "I need to get to class!"

    He hoped that that Gerudo girl would tell Sol. This was urgent, and it was clear that this was not needed to blow out of proportion anymore. He kept on running to his next class, hoping that his teacher wasn't going to be mad.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2013
  13. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *the bit about going to Ace's class was supposed to be a thought she didn't say it outloud. Sorry I forgot the italics

    "Will do." Lyra said before going on her way again. She got into class just as the bell rang and set her History books on top of one of the wepon racks so it wouldn't get desturbed. She noticed Josleyn wasn't far from her and casually strolled to stand next to her.

    "You not with Sol? Is the sky falling or something?" she joked.

    Josleyn laughed a little "He's been busy today and kind of stressed out so I'm giving him some space. He's not admitting it, but there's like an 85% chance that he's going to end up at our doorstep after school today though."

    "Do I even dare ask why?"
    Josleyn laughed, "Probably not."

    "Does it have to do with this?" Lyra discretely pulled the infamous peace of paper out of her pocket and handed it to Josleyn. Recognising her best friend's handwriting instantly, Josleyn looked astonished "What is this?"

    Lyra shrugged "I was hoping you could tell me. What is your boyfriend doing making lists like this in class?"

    "How many times do I have to tell you? He's not my boyfriend. He can make lists if he wants to... I don't care."

    "Yeah sure ok." Lyra teased, taking the list back before anyone could see. "So you don't have any idea what this is about? Should I give it back to him?"

    The answer dawned in Josleyn before Lyra even finished her question "I think i know what this is about...." she said, looking worried "Lyra where did you get that list?"
    "Off of some girls in the History class that's going this hour. They were gossiping about how the prince was ranking them on it."
    "Well that's not good..." Josleyn said, her eyebrows furrowing. "Hold on to it for now." she instructed her friend "And make sure no one else sees it the last thing he needs is a rumor."
    "yeah... about that..." Lyra said cautiously "I think it's too late to avoid rumors."
    From outside the still-open doors of the training hall that was right next to the two friends, a group of Zora girls walked past and Lyra and Jos both heard them arguing about who Sol fancied more based on the list. Josleyn sighed "Ok, fair enough. Just hold on to the list. I'll talk to sol later when there arent as many ears around us."
    That was when the final bell rang and the doors sealed themselves shut.
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    OOC: Fixed it so that he says "if she is has Sol in her class"

    Zalor, luckily, managed to jump through the door way ino his next class, as all the doors all began to close. He tumbled on te ground until he jumped up and raised his arms and hands over his head with a "WOOH!". He turned around, and saw the whole class eying him, as well as his teacher,

    "....hehe..." Zalor chuckled nervously
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "It is always a great honor to meet with the Crown Prince," Eizo said. "Though we rarely see each other, he is as family to me as the rest of the Royal Family is." After a short bow, Eizo rose to his feet. "Then, If it happens that I am to be in Castleton until morning next, then it would be my obligation to pay visit to the Academy. After all, Sol isn't the only student there that looks forward to seeing me; many of them seem to find my visits... fascinating. With your permission, of course, I would be honored to set foot within the Academy's walls."​


    Eve was far from thrilled by the constant interruptions. With the arrival of Zalor, and later Lyra, she threw an unnoticed harsh scowl to the "other." How was she supposed to be a Guardian Fairy when everyone was bombarding Jos? She sighed, knowing that at least their next class was going to be Advanced Combat Training. That meant that, unlike other classes that Jos was taking, Eve had no reservations of sticking around on the sidelines, despite that the instructors of combat classes were inclined to demand her removal from the training arena. She was a Guardian Fairy, and in a place where something could easily go wrong, it was best to keep Jos in eyesight; this was especially the case, she realized, when she say that Ace was to be the instructor of the Advanced Class.

    "I'll be on the sidelines," she whispered right into Jos' ear. "If he tries to get rowdy, I'll show him what for." Then, she kicked off of Jos' shoulder and fluttered off to a safe distance, from where she watched the class unfold.​
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Sol looked around for Ace's voice, bewildered by the sudden shouting. He looked up towards the ceiling and saw Ace sitting there. Sure, using magic is technically against the school rules. Although Sol figured the obvious lack in teleportation magic during modern times meant Sol could technically use it as a loophole. And besides, it was a personal emergency that required covering much of the school grounds as fast as possible. But unfortunately, technicality or not, Ace was right. So Sol silently did the little punishment Ace demanded.


    "You are the leader of the Sheikah, the race that has always been closest in service to the Royal Family." Zelda spoke. "You are welcome anywhere that the Royal Family is welcome."
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ace looked around and smirked. Jumping down from his seat, he smashed into the ground with his sword. "Welcome boys and girls, to Advanced Magic and Swordplay. For those of you who don't know me, I am the King of the Gerudo tribe. My name is Ace, and you will call me just that." He gazed at Lyra briefly, "Except you. You will address me as you normally would."

    Raising his hand, a wave of fire emerged from his palm, stopping just short of Eve. "No interference this year, Eve." He turned to the class again and went through roll. "Fantastic. Everyone's here. Okay. Today we'll be studying parrying. Can anyone tell me what a parry is?"

    A boy called out, "It's when you dodge an opponent!" Ace groaned, "Wrong. Sol? Jos? Would one of you mind defining the term parry for the class?"
  18. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The teacher rolled her eyes at the student's actions, it was typical of this student in particular to be late. Humans.

    "Well Mr. Zalor, if you are done with praising yourself, please take a seat, you are already late," she said dryly. Zalor quickly got to his seats and placed his bag of school books next to him,

    "Now that we finally have you all here, please pull out your Hyrulean History books and head to chapter one," she said as she watched the students pull out their books rather quickly and went to the first page of the first chapter.
  19. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jos waved as Eve flew away "I'm sure he'll behave." she laughed. She and Lyra then made their way to the front of class, as Ace seemed to be about to want to start class. It was then that Ace began to speak.
    Lyra wasn't surprised by Ace's order for her to call him by his official title. She probably would have even if he hadn't told her to, it was an ediquite thing in her culture to show a certain amount of respect to her own leaders and elders as well as those from other nationalities as well. Besides, though she didn't know him well personally, she owed him her life in a way.
    "Not nessisarily, even if he and the other Gerudo hadn't accepted you as one of their own and bought your freedom, you would have been alright."
    Lyra was confused by the voice's words and responded, mentally as always, 'I was too young and powerless to fight off the slave traders by myself. If it weren't for their kindness, I would still be a slave today, if not worse. she shuttered.
    You have more power than you give yourself credit for." the voice responded.
    Lyra ignored it this time, focusing on class instead.

    "Jos? Sol? Can one of you define parry for the class?"

    Jos was the one to answer Ace's question, speaking confidentely but barely loudly enough for everyone in the class to hear "To parry is to ward off an attack or a weapon with a counter move. It's also known as a counter-strike."
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Whoa!!" Eve was particularly startled by Ace's actions, but only for a fraction of a second. After that fraction, she knew she should have expected him to lash out that way. As the fire flew towards her, she called up a quick shield, stopping the fire dead in its tracks four feet off from her. "What a jerk," she muttered. No respect for anyone, that one. He better not try anything like that on Jos! Or he won't know what hit him!


    "I know of my peoples' long-standing service to the crown, Your Highness," Eizo said. "But I have never considered it a gateway to walk where I may without consent. There are, after all, those who would not wish to see me amongst them without your expressed permission. I must respect that I am not at leisure here as I am back home." The Sheikah gave a final bow as the guard that had entered the study with him stepped froward.

    "I shall escort you back out to the castle grounds, Lord Sheikah," he said.

    "Of course,"'Eizo replied, and he followed close behind the guard, back out into the corridor where they were met by the other escorts. With Eizo at the center, the group traversed back through the corridors and then the outer courtyards. At front gate, the soldiers departed, leaving Eizo with another escort party. This group persisted to the edge of town.

    "Thank you," Eizo said with another bow to the soldiers. I shan't be needing an escort to the Academy."

    "Of course, Lord Eizo. The Academy will be joyous in your presence."​



    "I see my old dominion has lost none of its potency." the voice of the Demon Lord spoke directly to the Iron Knuckles as the chortled of his return. "You've done well to have lived so long as you have, my minions. No doubt your strength still lingers in the depths of your souls. Why don't you come and shake the rust from your armor?"

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