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Megaman: Frontlines ((OOC/Sign Ups))

Discussion in 'Archive' started by FON, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist



    Those who are given power, will either grow wise or corrupt. It all depends on how it is used.

    Power was what caused a man of great knowledge to turn against the world he sought to help aid. Doctor Albert Wily, colleague of Dr. Thomas Octavius Light, turned against the world when the world's most power android was built. The ultimate accumulation of science and nature. The creation was named Zero, a young man who became the most powerful robot in history. Originally, Zero was designed to protect the world with his amazing power and abilities. But this power made Wily go mad, and he used Zero to make the world fall to their knees. He made more robots to follow Zero, and made an army, big enough to take over the world.

    With no other options, Doctor Light turned his grandchildren into androids like Zero, capable of countering the attacks and plans of Doctor Wily, to keep the world safe from his evil clutches. Other scientists decided to aid in the fight, and created their own androids they began to call Robot Masters, who would hopefully be enough to finish off Wily's army.

    The Age of Machines has begun...


    Industries in the RP are the factions, each creating Robot Masters. They are two as of right now, Light Industries and Wily's Army. Each side creates Robots, Light creating mainly Robot masters, and Wily creating an armada of "normal" robots with some Robot Masters


    Humans: Humans are normal beings, and make up the world in terms of NPCs. Humans in the RP are most likely going to be scientists or assistants. Later on in the RP, if requested, humans can be turned into Robot Masters, like Light did with Mega and Proto. Humans mainly work for Dr. Light as either scientists, mechanics or sometimes, if they are capable, soldiers to fight alongside the Robot Masters.

    Robot Masters: The Ultimate accumulation of science and nature, Robot Masters are some of the greatest robotic creations, being made from humans that have been heavily modified. Robot Masters are typically named by their special power or a theme they are centered around, and end in either Man or Woman depending on their gender.

    -Dr. Thomas Light: Taken by Zacax
    -Mega Unit: Taken by Zacax
    -Proto Unit: Taken by Noir
    -Roll Unit:
    -Dr. Wily
    -Zero: Taken by Vox
    -Robot Masters:

    NOTE: Players have no character limits, and can create many Robot Masters, either based from the ones from the classic or BN/SF universes or even an original robot master.


    Original Name (If any)
    Code name:
    Creator: (If a Robot Master)
    Relatives (If Any):


    I have a Three-Strike System. First strike, I'll inform you PM. Second Strike, I'll inform you in the OOC, and Third, you are out. No ifs, ands or buts.

    -No Powerplaying
    -No Auto-hitting
    -Can't dodge all the time
    -PLEASE. Respect other players.
    -No Meta Gaming
    -No instakilling
    -No God-modding
    -Any Questions, ask me.
    -Have fun!​
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2013
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Original Name: Forte

    Code name: Bass

    Age: Unknown

    Gender: Male

    Species: Solo Net-Navi


    Personality: Bass is prideful, but far from cocky. He has a deep hatred towards the humans for what they did to him during the Alpha
    Event. He prefers to solve his problems by making them explode. When they don't explode, like Megaman and Zero, then that becomes an entirely different scenario.

    Weapon: Currently Unknown

    Get Ability-
    Life Aura-
    Alpha Program

    Creator: Dr. Cossack

    Relatives: N/A

    Backstory: Currently Unknown

    Industry: Currently Unknown

    Will be filled out as the rp progresses.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2013
  3. Noir


    Original Name: Blues

    Code name: Protoman

    Age: ? (currently)

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Protoman

    Personality: Proto is a very calm person and serious person and acts cool. He plays an older brother role to Mega Man and cares for him like he cares for every of his relatives. He is loyal to Dr. Light, but Protoman always go alone but will help anybody if they need him.

    Weapon: Proto Buster V2, Proto Shield, Red Sword

    Charge Shot - Using his Proto Buster, Proto can charge his shots to make them more powerful.

    Sword Mastery - Proto is also very skilled at swords. Sometimes he prefer his sword more than
    his buster.

    Dashing - Proto can dash using his upgraded foot parts.

    Variable Weapon System - Proto Man can copy weapons from other robots and use them to his own advantage.

    Creator: Dr. Light

    Relatives: Dr Light, Mega Man, Roll, and some other Dr Light's creations

    Dr. Light created a humanoid robot that soon would be Proto Man. But he was a prototype, and Proto Man's design was not yet complete. He then one day left the doctor, and was found by Dr. Wily.

    Wily made Proto a combat robot by giving him his own shield and his helmet which had a visor in it. But Proto also left him when he knew the true nature of Dr. Wily. He then wandered the world and ended up back to his old home, Dr. Light's lab.

    Dr. Light first didn't know him, until he recognized his armor. He then upgraded him and changed his appearance and gave him his now current sword.

    Now, he works for Dr. Light himself, as he know that he should be a good robot, and followed his destiny.

    Last edited: Apr 3, 2013
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Taboo: Approved

    Noir: Like it so far, but NetNavi applies to bass only for now. I have stated before that this is not Battle Network, I only said that this was going to be an alternate universe LIKE Battle network (never did I say that it was BattleNetwork universe)
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    That does confuse me a bit to. So which model of zero will i be able to use. would i just be able to copy my " maverick hunter" temp and drop it over here or do i need to do a complete re work.
  6. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The background would need to be reworked as well as anything involving Zeta, nothing else really.

    Original Name: Zuriel "Rock" Light
    Code name: Mega Man
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: ((Pic will come soon))

    A tall, lanky, and skinny young man, with white skin, green eyes, brown, slightly spiky hair. He wears a black body suit under his armor that's form fitting. He has blue chest armor, with a green core in the middle, blue shoulder armor, cone shaped arms with white hands that are blue, with a yellow bar indicating the amount of his charging of an attack, dark blue built with a blue buckle, dark blue kneepads, blue lower legs shaped like X's, with dark blue trimming and wide, with feet like X's as well. Unlike other incarnations of Megaman, he has no helmet.

    Personality: A brave, humble and kind young man who generally displays a light-hearted, talkative, easy-going, witty and cheeky manner, but repeatedly demonstrates a vengeful and unforgiving streak as well. His strong personal sense of justice makes him quick to anger when he feels it is violated, this is coupled, however, with an intense sense of regret of the deaths of both his friends and enemies. He also has a tendency to babble, mixing apparent nonsense with vital information, sometimes acting erratically to put his enemies off-guard. He is prone to making comments that to outsiders seem obtuse or rude, sometimes to his own embarrassment.

    Weapon: Mega Buster
    -Charged Shots
    -Wall Jumping
    -Weapon/Power Copying
    -Super Strength
    Creator: Thomas Light
    Relatives: Thomas Light (Grandfather), Proto Man (Older Brother), Roll (Sister), Alia Light ( Mother)

    Zuriel was born at Light Industries, along with his elder brother and sister, and has lived his whole life there, living with his grandfather and mother while his father was a part of the war. He grew up with his brother in the laboratory, learning about how to create and repair machines from his grandfather. However, it wasn't until war finally came to Light Industries, Zuriel was sadly caught in the crossfire when trying to help some of the employees and his family escape to the Bomb Shelter. When the fight was over, Doctor Light began to operate on the boy, and soon, decided to turn his already complete "Cyborg Project", and turned Rock not only into a cyborg and heal him, but also made him capable of combat so he could finish the fight, and was dubbed, Mega Man.

    He began protecting Light Industries and soon went off into the world with his Grandfather and Proto Man to aid in the fight to bring back peace.

    Faction: Good, Dr. Light.

    Original Name: Thomas Octavius Light
    Code Name: None
    Age: 64
    Gender: Male

    A tall, and chubby old man with a white, shot beard, side burns, shot curvy hair, pale white skin, blue eyes, and a big round nose. He wears a brown vest with a white long sleeve button up underneath, a red ascot, tan slacks and brown shoes, and sometimes he wears a lab coat.

    Personality: A kind hearted and caring old man, Dr. Thomas Light was the creator of Proto Man and Mega Man. He is light hearted and caring, but sadly, is also gullible, an as a grandfather, often spoils his grandsons sometimes. He is very intelligent and wise, using his extensive knowledge in robotics to the aid of Rock and Blues. He also shows an interest in video games, often playing with Zuriel when he is not working.

    Weapon: His Cane.


    Creator: None
    Relatives: Zuriel "Rock" Light(Grandson), Protoman("Grandson"), Alia Light, Roll ( Granddaughter).

    Dr. Light grew up on a farm with his father, mother, sister and grand mother, and would often work on the crops with his father, as well as working with the tractor and delivering their goods. When he was 18 he attended college and got his PhD, and majored in robotics, medicine and the human anatomy. He was colleagues with Dr. Wily, until he disappeared for a while, only to come back as the creator and inventor of Paradox's robotic creations. He and his daughter left to his seemingly hidden laboratory, while his son-in-law went to fight in the army. He helped raise Aria's two sons and taught them a lot of what he knows in robotics and science. When Zuriel was injured, he turned him into a cyborg, and then upgraded him into Mega Man, as well as turning creating Proto Man in order to combat Wily, and upgraded him after Proto Man returned from Wily.

    Industry: Light Industries
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2013
  7. Noir


    Okay. I removed the species part and added Dr. Light as one of Proto's relatives.
    I'm looking forward to the RP
  8. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Approved now. Just need to wait for the others.
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Don't forget Dr. Cossack, Zacax
  10. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Original Name: Dr. Mikhail Cossack
    Code Name:
    Age: 36
    Gender: Male
    Dr. Cossack is very tall, reaching the height of 6'04. He has brown, short hair, a brown beard, white skin, grey-ish blue eyes and has a well built body. He often wears a beige dress shirt with a black tie, black slacks, black shoes and dons a pear of glasses, as well as a brown trench coat.


    To those who don't know Cossack, he can seem like a very stoic, and ignorant, but he is rather kind and caring, and very friendly as well when you get to know him. He treats Bass like his own son, similar to Dr. light and Proto Man, and also cares deeply for his daughter as well.


    -Desert Eagle

    -Computer Engineering

    Creator: None
    -Unknown Wife
    -Kalinka Cossack (Biological Daughter)
    -Bass ("Son")


    Dr. Cossack is a Russian Computers Expert and assistant to Dr. Light Industries, as well as the creator of Bass. Dr. Cossack always had a knack with computers, and was always obsessed with them when they first started to come into the world. For his time in highs school and college, he majored in computers and science, focusing more on those two subjects the most, as he was fascinated by those the most, which were part of the reason he is what he is today. After college, he became an assistant to Dr. Light, and became a family friend of Dr. Light's family. When he was 24, he married his wife and a year after, had Kalinka, his daughter. During his time as Dr. Light's assistant, he began working on Bass, or Forte as he was originally known as, who was designed to be the world's first fully conscious AI, which Cossaxk dubbed a NetNavi, and programmed him to aid him in his work.

    When Zero was created, however, Cossack began to work on a special project meant for Bass, and changed Bass to be more suited for combat, and allowed him to be able to create a projection of Bass so he could walk around in the real world, and says that Bass was being modified to take down Zero.

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