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  2. Hi Guest, you may have noticed that we aren't khplanet.com anymore. For more information on why these changes are happening, check out our thread, Site Re-Brand Updates

Happy to be here!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by MonkeyDLenny, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. MonkeyDLenny

    MonkeyDLenny New Member

    Greetings everyone! Longtime fan of the series and happy to be part of the community! Hope I can have fun and get to know you all here
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Nice of you to join us, Monkey.

    However, as I'm sure you can tell, things around here haven't been very active, which is due to a recent merger with another site. For more information, see this post:

  3. RealmoftheDragons

    RealmoftheDragons New Member

    Welcome to KHPlanet! I hope you enjoy your stay here! ^^
  4. yzw035

    yzw035 New Member

    Welcome! Enjoy your stay!

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