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Morph: The Blast (Actual RP)

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by Abyssal Knight, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...


    "We just need to get this finished okay then we can start this party at Simon's place okay Ace." A hooded boy said. "No I'm not robbing another person I told you me Sherlock and the other are through with robbing pointlessly. We have all we need down here and enough to last us for the next 8 months there is no need for us to rob that store." A boy said standing in the doorway facing away from the hooded boy. "Darius! we are going to rob the store, we will be set for the next year and no one will get caught this time. I promise." The hooded boy replied. Darius turned around and looked at the boy. "Are you seriously considering us loosing another one of our crew just for a few thing we probably already have! Are you fucking nuts Aaron! You have to be..." Darius began to stroll back and forth as he paused then said " I can't hold anyone here who is as greedy as you. You care about no ones health but your's, Aaron their are people who we have here who have no where to go and parents who won't bail them out of jail if they get caught. This heist is not happening that final and if you go on with it.....well then you can stay here anymore.". Aaron removed his hood and looked at Darius. "Well I guess I'm not a Defiant Spade anymore. I just Defiant then" Aaron sad as he grabbed a bag and strolled out of the room. "Don't return asking for my sympathy or help...we are no longer allies, or brothers!" Darius said slamming the door behind Aaron.​
    Aaron looked at a few people and signaled them to follow and they did. The Defiant Spades were no longer. Just the Spades, or so Darius thought. - December 11 2020​

    "Ugh...what time is it!" Kevin said as he got out of his bed. "I need to find the others...they've been missing since that party two days ago. No ones even heard from them. Where could they be" He thought. Kevin got dressed and grabbed his bag and headed out. ​

    "Good thing I'm gaining control of these powers...and I still need to find these Spade members..maybe my friends are with them I'll check back in with you later if I'm still alive." Kevin said into the camcorder as he cut it off. -December 16 2020​
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    San Francesco, such a marvelous city. It's truly beautiful, it's wonderful, so diverse, but out of recent events of an explosion outside of town, it has become a bit more... chaotic.

    San Francesco has always housed street gangs. They were variety of gangs that did different things. They were bad some could possibly be classified as good based on the viewer of that said specific "good" gang. Nobody expected that to change. City officials have been trying to cut down on it but honestly nothing changes, nothing will until that one day.

    Theia Dickinson, that's her name, graduate of the local high school, expected to succeed in so much, go off and do so much, based on the "story" of her parents she was expected to go on and become heroes of the country. But no not Theia, after being orphaned for four years and forced to sit in a world with people of such lower intelligence as herself, she found herself bored and the idea of having to go on and solve all of their little problems didn't... entertain her. Now don't get all worked up, Theia is not a villain, not some evil mastermind who wants to rule the world. As of late yes she got involved with a local street gang of San Francesco, but not for reasons one would jump to if she were to say "oh I'm in a street gang called the Defiant Spade." and then that thought in the listener's ear on why they're involved, none of those are true... well... not all of them are true.

    You see it started out when Theia moved to San Francisco, if it wasn't obvious enough, she was a genius. She was at first and for the most part being home schooled by her parents, particularly her mother. Her father worked for the CIA, he was a bit of a... secret agent. Theia's mother was a scientist for the government also working closely with CIA as well as the FBI, but on a much grander scale. Her parents lived secret lives. Her father secret story life is he's a soldier in the Marines, which in a way isn't too far off from the truth for what he actually does. Her mother secret, an inactive duty military doctor, which explained how Theia was home schooled. However on a mission during the summer of what would of been the year before Theia entered "high school" both her parents disappeared. Some time later her father was found, however he was dead. Her mother, never to be seen from again, assumed dead. This dramatic change forced government to act fast with Theia to try and not raise suspicion. So to keep a secret up, government gave the story her parents on a mission trip through an old church they were members of got themselves killed in one of the "terrorist" embassy bombings.

    This not only made Theia in the eyes of the normal, an orphan, but also forced Theia to enter the life of those typically her age. To say no more, Theia, hated it. She found herself surrounded by dull, boring, and un-intellectual beings. All she wanted to do was escape that lifestyle. But no matter what she tried to do to escape the lifestyle of which she was thrown into while also escaping one where she stayed on what those would expect of her she did the only thing she could think of after she graduated. Instead of reading the speech the highest in the class read in school, she didn't, instead of offering one of three full scholarships to three ivy league schools, she didn't, instead she chose the life of a street gang. She moved out onto the streets. It also was an easy choice based on her boyfriend at the time.

    Her boyfriend was a young man a year old than her by the name of James Colt, Jay for short. Theia first met him on her first day of starting her life in high school. He disliked the world, and that was putting it lightly. He himself was a genius similar to Theia. He grew up surrounded by morons, idiots, and flies his entire life. They annoy him. He also has another story to tell, but that can be held.

    Needless to say like similarities attract, Jay and Theia found themselves to each other. Jay was the first to show her around the school and the two realized they were in some sense the only people that the other could understand. Jay though was in some ways a bad influence for any hope of a good girl. He was a bad boy and would show Theia his ways.

    A nickname thrown upon her in high school though really did become more of a truth, that nickname, named after the literature world only consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes, she quickly became known as Sherlock. At first a bit intrigued but eventually came a point she just did not care and was bored again. After much influence from Jay who dropped out of high school before graduation, Theia, aka Sherlock, found herself joining into the street gang Defiant Spade. At first people who did "know" her when hearing that word, quickly went and jumped to conclusion that instead she would grow up and become a consulting criminal, calling her Moriarty for a time, but she proved them wrong as she managed to in some sick and weird way begin to turn some members of the gang good by becoming anonymous heroes by turning in pieces of advise to cops. Place where a new drug deal would be going down, where the murderer of a recent murder is hiding out. Just small stuff which was easy for though you least expect as heroes to reveal and was very easy to begin with for Sherlock to figure out.

    The only thing they didn't quite give up was robbery mainly for the reason that as a bunch of poor kids living out on a street with no money, they needed to survive somehow. However after several recent high end robberies which they were very successful at and able to give up, Sherlock still raised on good nature was able to turn the gang to stop doing that and they became more of a gang that just lived out on the street not doing much of well... what you would expect of a simple street gang.

    However that could be said differently by one of the brothers of the gang who were co-leaders. Aaron was a selfish fellow and after so many recent successful robberies, Aaron wanted to continue on with them, Darius though, the friend more so to Sherlock, refused seeing no point much like Sherlock. The group split that day.

    Jay much like Aaron also split from the group going with Aaron seeing as a a few months prior Sherlock broke up her relationship with him. Jay still loved Sherlock, but he had a violent background. He needed to play out those violent ways and didn't see a reason why not to.

    Some time later at some party in which out of boredom many of the members of the gang decided to crash, something happened. Sherlock was the first to notice it. Not many people did after till many were sick, when news arrived of what happened, and shortly after "cops" arrived. Once again though, Sherlock knew these weren't "cops" they were top members of the government, much like the secret military branch her father belonged to. She and several other members of the Spade escaped. What was thought at first to be unharmed. But Sherlock could smell it, plus she was able to deduce. There was something in the air, something government didn't want people knowing about, and didn't want getting out, and whatever this was, it was going to do something to all these ordinarily human beings.

    What it was though wasn't revealed till that night. It started with Sherlock awaking with a terrible migraine. She never ever got migraines, none like this, it was like a migraine of knowledge flooding in which you can't comprehend, something normal people get not her though. She was greatly puzzled by it as it did seem a ton of knowledge was flooding in her head. She also wasn't the only one as others too were struggling from this unknown sickness. It was until one of the other members demonstrated what they could now do that Sherlock figured it out.

    That gas, the recent why government was there trying to capture all of them, the gas whatever that strange substance was that even she herself could not figure out mutated humans granting them some sort of strange new power.

    "Seven deaths have been reported in the past hour just within the city district. All relating to this new street gang violence of some sort. Once again police have not said anything reporting they are completely unsure what is going on." Sherlock sat in a small utility closet of sort with several computers, books, and more all spewed out. She sat watching the news on one of the larger television screens she and the gang managed to steal over two months ago.

    "Darius, he's on the run again." She spoke aloud in a sigh but not only did she speak it aloud she spoke it mentally to her comrade as she stood up flicking her wrist at the TV as the tv turned off and the door opened for her to walk out into the hallway. The Spade hide out was within the basement of an old abandoned factory along the San Francesco bay. She could see everything, because she saw a lot, but now with her powers she could see everything.

    Since Sherlock was exposed to the gas, her already quite intellectual mind became truly a super mind. From telepathy to telekinesis, to read one's thoughts, to mind control, she could do it all with her now super super super brainy mind. She pushed open two double doors without even having to touch them as they swung open.

    Sherlock was one of the first to learn how to control their new found powers, she was the first to comprehend after a few hours as well, probably had something to do with it. She looked around seeing other members of the gang chilling around. Some just talking, others resting, other training to also try and conquer their powers.

    Without even having to ask Sherlock knew where to find Darius, not that he was hanging out in his typical place, well he was, but she was able to tell where he was at.

    She made her way to a stairwell and climbed up to the broken open door as it revealed a balcony of sorts over looking the bay. It was late at night, probably well into the early morning hours, the sun just threatening to rise behind them on the eastern horizon.

    "Did you hear me?" She asked wasting no time pulling out a pack of cigarette and placing one in her mouth and lighting it up before offering him one.


    "Seven deaths have been reported in the past hour just within the city district. All relating to this new street gang violence of some sort. Once again police have not said anything reporting they are completely unsure what is going on."

    "Yo, Jay get up here, we're all getting drunk tonight after the success." Somebody called from a door looking into a dark basement. Pounding was heard before it grew silent.

    "Drunk, why get drunk?" A voice responded back as footsteps climbing up a stairs responded. Once into the light a bit more a dark figure appeared.

    James Colt, a man was the son of a legend in the gang world. His father was a serial killer, a murderer who not only officials could figure out. His father had the nickname dubbed Ripper.

    But James, or Jay for short, wasn't originally supposed to end up in that life style. James for the first majority of his life was raised by his mother up until he was 11 when her mother had died, it wasn't exactly known how, not at first by officials. It was believed to be accidental, she was driving along a cliff side, lost control of the car and the car fell off the cliff, she was pronounced dead on the site.

    The young boy was in a complete disarray. He had no other family. His birth was of unknown cause to the world, his grandparents died when his mother was in high school, shortly after their death she became pregnant. The truth was after Jay's mother's parents died, she became depressed and started taking drugs and became pregnant in the result of raping from her drug partner, a dealer who she often got high with. It was bound to happen, she had had sex with him multiple times, protected by birth control, however, she had skipped the last month and current month pill and so she resulted in a pregnancy.

    It ended up being a good thing. It turned her life around. She moved out to the east coast to study out east while raising her only child. James was named after her mother's beloved father. Life was good. But after the events of his mother's death, he was expected to be put in an orphanage, only for his father to step forward and claim him. His father first appeared to be a clean man, he had a large amount of wealth in results of as he claimed 'inheritance.' Except it was all a lie, a setup. After state granted full custody and let James go, the truth came out.

    James's father was a gang leader for one of the most notorious gangs in the city of San Francisco, people didn't even know the truth of his identity was how good he was. He was also a serial killer, a genius, but also a nutter. He knew about James and studied the young boy, he believed James was being raised wrong for he had his blood in his veins. He was destined to live the life of the gang and to one day become as notorious as him in the gang life.

    At first James resented the truth, but was eventually forced into the gang world and taught the gang life. After accepting the gang life, his father put him in school to continue to enforce the gang life. To an extent it worked, James hated the people in his school. He found them annoying. Though he made some profit off some selling drugs in the school, he also got into a lifestyle of picking up all the chicks, throwing parties to get girls drunk and have sex with them. Even got one girl pregnant, though it resulted in a miscarriage or an abortion, it remains unknown.

    Then he met her. A genius, a real world genius. Theia Dickinson was her names. He immediately had an attraction to her, unlike any other girl. He didn't just find her actually attractive, but he was intrigued by her. When there paths met, his world turned upside down and appeared to be getting better. James, dubbed Jay by Theia due to being dubbed Sherlock by him which only then resulted in being dubbed Sherly on some occasions as a tease.

    As Jay's life turned around, Sherlock's life gravitated to the lifestyle like his. When Jay's father was finally caught and put in jail, he went into hiding with only Sherlock knowing where he went. With the crazy plan to start a street gang along with two friends of his who grew up in a similar gang lifestyle, the Defiant Spade was formed. Jay acted as the fighter of the group, when Sherlock was brought in she started to change the group. Violence slowly became a thing of the past, something Jay disapproved of.

    Jay was raised and trained by his father to be a violent figure, he needed violence, he found a secret thrill in winning fights even some more if it resulted in death. Sherlock against this broke up with Jay. That's when Jay suffered. He needed Sherlock, he loved her and would do anything for her. Although he started to work on improving so he could get back together with Sherlock, the group split, and pressured in and his still working on temptation to fight, he went with his best friend Aaron and joined the Defiant.

    A week or so passed. The Defiant was making a name for themselves as one of the most feared street gangs in existence. Then there the party. The party was the party of the century. It's when the college students all came back for spring break, seniors had senior skip day, and it was an all day thing held in an abandoned barn. Well it was traditional that gangs would attend in hopes of recruitment of the most rebellious teens and college age people they can. Both The Defiant and The Spade would be there.

    It was here Jay made his plan to try and get back together again with Sherlock. He already decided to leave the Defiant and would give up his violent ways all together just to get Sherlock back in his life. He wouldn't get the chance though, thanks to the explosion. He escaped along with several other members of the Defiants. Amongst the crowd he searched for Sherlock, but something was happening. He couldn't shake an image in his head, a nightmare fighting for control.

    He found himself back at their fairly new hide out, an old abandon motel in the downtown shadey area of San Fran. He discovered he had gained powers, control of nightmares. With this he too changed. Everyday since his life has been controlled by his new powers, his powers fueled with psychopathic thoughts, he fights it though, just to try and get back to the one he knows could save him, Sherlock.

    "Aw come on man, have a beer or two. Marks got some of your dad's old infamous shots too, some guy was selling them and offered them to us, and by offered, begged for his life to be sparred and gave them to us." Jay stepped out of the darkened basement digging out a bag with some homemade cigarettes within.

    "Perhaps I'll take some later." He said pulling out a cigarette containing most likely some other form of a drug putting it to his lips and lighting it up with a lighter he sat back on a bar stool in the bar area looking into the living room area at a television broadcast showing the news, the top story being their latest mission, a success.
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    "Shit...I need to get some food..." The brown haired boy with the red beanie had to leave the safety of his basement, which wasn't really his basement but the owners wouldn't be using it ever again after what the Defiant did to them. The idea of leaving his room of promised safety, out to a world of chaos and freaks was terrifying...but necessary. The boy in the red beanie rose up slowly from his flat mattress and walked up the steps, exiting the dark basement slowly.

    He peeked his head out of a crack in the door, making sure he was alone.

    He was.


    He slowly opened the door and held a long black chain, rolled up around his fist, for self defense if needed. He made his way through the kitchen, which had blood, food, and kitchen supplies everywhere in the room. Jordan hadn't bothered cleaning it up. It was better off the way it was, not a thing changed about it, in case whoever was responsible came back. The boy in the red beanie eventually found his way to the front door and casually walked out, preparing to hurry off to the local market, on the chance that it was open. He had no money, but with the look he gave off, he probably didn't need any. He had already been mistaken as a gang member already, so he used it as a bit of a golden ticket.

    He hadn't taken five steps out of the house when he was surrounded by three men, the one in the center was clearly the boss, whoever he was. Nervous, not wanting to say the wrong thing, the boy in the red beanie spoke:

    "Um...heeey there guys. You know, I was just heading to the market. You, uh, guys want anything? Some chips? Milk?"

    'For Christ's sake Jordan. Milk? MILK? Yeah, you're fucking dead.'

    The shorter of the three took a step towards Jordan, putting his hand out towards him.

    Not knowing the man's intention, Jordan quickly grabbed his wrist out of instinct. That's when he saw everything....everything about that man.

    Always late for school, even in 2nd grade.
    One of the best runners on the Cross Country team.
    A caffeine addict, he could drink four Monster energy drinks in a single sitting, and go to sleep at 10 p.m.
    An errand boy for Defiant Spades.
    Respecting Darius more than Alex, he stayed with the Spades.
    The explosion.
    Super speed.
    His name was Dave.

    After several seconds, Jordan let go of the man's wrist and fell back into the door, breathing heavily.

    Dave did the same, yelling, "What the hell was that?! Is that your power? Poking around in people's minds?! Jesus, we got another Sher-"

    Jordan began to violently twitch. The three men stared at him in confusion before Jordan appeared behind them, a look of confusion on his face. "N-N-No.....n-not ano-ano-another one," he mumbled.

    Dave looked at him with a shocked and almost delighted expression. "He's a power sucker?"

    The three men tried to advance towards Jordan, but were stopped short when Jordan raised his hands up and shot fire at them, going between Dave and the one slightly taller but hitting the bigger man of the three in the face, killing him instantly.

    "No, no, no, no, no! God...I didn't mean to do that! It was an accident!" Jordan tried to run away, but his own speed betrayed him as he made it to the street curb before tripping, moving too fast for himself.

    The middle man walked behind him and hit him one time in the head, knocking him out cold.

    "Fucking assholes."

    Jordan sat up in his cot, a much larger downgrade then his mattress from his sanctuary, finishing reminiscing what let him to this rock confinement, made by the same guy that knocked him out. He looked around his college dorm sized cell and sighed. No windows, in fear he would generate enough heat to break the glass, and not a single crack, in fear that he would escape like before by turning into smoke.

    After a brief moment of silence, Jordan screamed, hoping the Spades keeping him hostage would hear, "Hey assholes, how about some food? Or, even better, some fresh fucking air!"
  4. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    The click of shoes on wet concrete echoed through the tunnel as the boy pulled his collar up. He glanced around the exit of the tunnel before noticing he was alone. He quickly moved out towards the trees of the park, jogging up to the path. He quickly moved from the small park to the streets, knowing that the open would just set more things after him. He slipped into an alley as he started to feel something behind him. He snapped his head back and noticed two Defiant Spades after him. "Great... They think they're going to try and recruit me again..." He huffed, silently moving into a smaller alley to his left, the stench of garbage and rain mixing into an unpleasant smell. He brushed the back of his hand over his nose as he quickly lifted himself, landing into a heap of trash and turning over, the black color of his coat blending with the bags. He quickly burrowed a bit deeper, stomach turning a bit from the smell as he heard the people who had been chasing him come into the alley.

    Their footsteps slowed a few feet from the dumpster. "I swear I saw him turn this way!" One barked, kicking some gravel. "How did one man slip three of us?" Another asked, his feet scraping as he turned. The third looked around, eyeing the surroundings. "Darius did say this guy was good. Said he was like a ghost." He breathed, eyes going to the dumpster. The man slowly walked towards it before the smell hit him, making him turn and gasp for air. "Ok, no sane man would enter that thing... He must have ran past and found a way to the business district. We need to keep moving." He panted through dry heaves. The other two chimed in to agree before all three quickly continued down the alley and turned, heading right. Will surfaced and climbed out of the dumpster before brushing himself off, taking in large lungfuls of fresh air. "Good... I slipped them... Now to head home. Back to the loft..." He breathed, starting towards his right and into the industrial district.

    As he quickly moved through the streets he approached the edge on a block, hearing a party coming from a house a few doors down. He smiled lightly, having half a mind to go join them if it wasn't filled with gang members. But then again parties around this area tended to have quite a few. He shrugged and continued before he heard the three Spade members from before. "There he is, don't lose him again!" The leader called, sending them sprinting after him. Will quickly took to the right, sprinting behind an old factory and up towards the power plant. The sound of the machines in the plant covered his footsteps as he ducked to the side, drawing a knife from his belt to pop open the door, quickly shutting it behind him and ducking near the metal stairwell that lead up to the offices. The rattle of the machines was deafening but he heard a faint rumble behind it. A loud bang followed, sending a shock wave through the factory that set him off balance, making him fall towards one of the generators. A bit of falling lumber knocked wires off the generator and landed near him, his hand hitting a puddle of water as the wires hit it, sending a surge of electricity into his system.

    After a few minutes Will regained consciousness, his sight blurry and ears ringing. He stumbled to his feet and headed towards the exit, seeing a few boards and such in his way. With one hand on his head he lifted his other hand, reaching towards the boards. As he was about to grab one he twitched his finger, the first board flying away from the door. Will quickly glanced at the door, thinking that someone had hit the door and sent it soaring. He quickly turned the other way, heading to a shattered out window and clambering out of it. As he worked his way out of the window he noticed a dark shape to his right that swung, hitting him right in the jaw. His vision darkened again as he felt them lift his limp body, passing out as he felt them start to move. Will's vision continuously showed him flashes of the area. A dark tunnel was first, the dank smell making him a bit dizzy. The next was a small hallway as they opened a door and threw him in, his slim frame rolling across the floor to the wall. Will's head pounded as he drug himself to the wall, sitting back against it.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2014
  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Check the alleys! He couldn't have ran far", the Deputy Sheriff shouted to Petty Officer McGruff. "You three, I want this entire perimeter secure" "Carpenter, Mason, evacuate the nearby buildings" he continued barking orders. "I'll circle around back. This bastard won't escape this time! I bet my badge on it."

    "Oh, really?" a wry grin eclipse the boy's face who was lurking in the shadows. "Send all the officers, you want. I sure as hell ain't giving up this loot" he thought slinging the burlap sack across his back.


    Kite turned around. A gun pointed at his chest.

    "No sudden movements!" The officer said, reaching for the sack.

    "Officer, how about we just work this . . ." Without finishing his sentence, Kite head-butted the officer then bolted across a corner. Gun shots soon followed and echoed throughout the alleyway, alerting more officers. "Over, here" the officers called from an adjacent alley. "Oh, shit. Not this way" Kite said turning an entirely different corner. More shell casings hit pavement, but then absolute silence. The officers had ceased fire, because the ricochet from the bullets were taking down their own men. "Deuces!" Kite laughed as he seemed to be home free, but his smile quickly dissipated. Kite was surrounded on all sides. A quick glance mapped out his only escape route, a fire escape. He began to climb. "Go go go!" the police were in hot pursuit, but it was about to get hotter. Kite grabs the metal rod below him. The metal staircase began to increase in temperature, burning the hands of the officers. Now, they were falling like dominoes. "Too easy!" he stated finally reaching the top, and breaking through an apartment window. He begins to walk through the room making his way to the front door. "I wonder if I still know how to operate one of these!" he thought twisting the handle.

    A slow applauds erupts from the door as it slowly opens. "Face to face at last" stated the Deputy Sheriff. "You know, you've caused me quite the trouble in these past couple of weeks" Two officers behind the deputy were locked and loaded, and more began pouring in from the broken window. "The way that I see it. You have two options. Give up now and we kill you humanely or don't give up, and we kill you now."

    "Gracious ultimatum, Dep! But I know when I'm beat" Kite says slowly raising his hands as to surrender. "Good boy, now arrest him!" the deputy sneered. "Tsk tsk tsk" Kite clicked with his mouth. With his hands still raised, he bent his index finger pointing it at the deputy. A quick stream of fire latched out, striking the Deputy's badge and hurling it in the air. "Well, you did say that you would bet your badge on it". He then throws the burlap sack into the air and hits it with a fire ball. The coins within burst into flaming shards of copper and nickel, stunning the officers. "It's been real!" Kite says grabbing the badge and burning a hole in the floor and escapes!
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Crouched down on a roof top sat a young man. electric crackling could be heard pulsing from his body. he was flipping a coin in the air. catching it again, then tossing it once more. it was a coin from a member of the local Defiance faction. " Bastards, you would rather embrace this curse than try to find a way around it..." As of recent there had been many attacks on new recruits. Victor had been the one doing so.

    Hey tommy keep an eye out till we get back to base. i don't trust anyone anymore" Two soldiers were talking to one another on the ground near a local gas station. "Let's get this over with. " The one soldier stood in the ground a few feet from the door while the other went in. there was a blink of lightning the cracked the glass of a window. " What the hell is--" He was cut off as in a flash a fist connected with his face sending him straight through the window into a stack of canned foods.

    " What the ...w ....what the fuck is going on here..." The second solider said as he held up his gun. " Come out!" a whisper could be heard from the entrance " Ask and you shall receive..." Dashing in dodging the bullets that the solider was shooting franticly, Victor grabbed the man slamming him into the wall tossing him through the soda isle. " Quickly the soldier crawled away hiding beneath a table. scrambling to grab his phone he called a number quick. it rang for a few moments as he waited impatiently for an answer.

    " Someone anyone please we need back up!"
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    My name, is Rosalyn White. I'm the leader of the Intelligence Division in the street gang known as Defiance. Now, it wasn't always like this, but what can you do? See, I'm not normal. Frankly, none of the Defiance members are. We all have... powers. Mine, well... They call me the Big Bad Wolf. I'll let you guess why. Anyway... it all began three days into my freshman year of high school...

    I was, I guess, what you'd call a nerd. I was super intelligent, and I liked to show it off, but unfortunately for me, that earned me quite a few enemies. It was only the third day, and I was already about to get shoved into a locker... But then, that's when she showed up. Theia Dickinson. The smartest girl in the entire school(I don't doubt that nobody in the world could outsmart her.). Why she decided to help me, I still don't know to this day, but I'm glad she did. After she told the bullies off, she helped me up and we hit if off great. We became friends... She was my first friend ever, I was her second.

    Over the first two years of our friendship, we grew close. We were each other's best friend, and we shared our secrets with each other, played brain games(which she always beat me in), and showed off our intelligence wherever we could. It was strange though, considering she wasn't much of a social person. But we were happy, genuinely, and we had a lot of fun, even though her anti-social attitude more then occasionally got us in trouble. But... that second year... Well... She had never introduced me to her other friend, but with the growing feelings in my chest, it was only a matter of time before I met him...

    "Jay! I thought I told you not to smoke. It's bad for you." Rosalyn pushed herself off the wall to address the dark boy properly. "Anyway, I'm going to do some recon. I need some time to think. So nobody follow me. All of you behave yourselves while I'm gone." Rosalyn was known for her motherly behavior towards all the members of Defiance, even those who were older then her. It was something she grew up doing, so it stuck, and everyone, even the baddest of the bad in the gang, respect her. It goes without saying, even bad boys love their mom.

    She had a general idea of her plan. Spy on the Spades(Spy on Theia.), see if they're planning anything(find out what Theia's planning. She's always planning.), and if possible, remain unnoticed. Simple right? Nope. Her mind focused on other things, she walked right into the line of fire so to speak.

    Darius, he's on the run again... Did you hear me?

    Hiding behind the closest thing, Rosalyn prayed to anyone that would listen that the voice she heard wasn't who she thought it was. Because if it was, she was caught red handed. And to make matters worse, Darius, the leader of the Spades, was there as well. If they saw her, she'd be in a whole mess of trouble.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2014
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    In the midst of the San Francisco slums, a pair of young feet echoed about the alleys of otherwise empty streets. Their pace was quick, clapping a fast rhythm with each falling stride as they went. For all that speed they were pounding, driving with a sense of desperation into the concrete beneath them; it was almost intentional, as though they wanted to be heard and for that matter feared to be of something far worse than what they really were, playing to the paranoia of those caught in the tricky aires of those shady spaces between the buildings.

    Stepping into a patch of sunlight cracking through the literal fracture lines between the packed brick and stone walls, the owner of the feet emerged from the shade in a vague silhouette. Seventeen, blonde and quite the looker by the standards of high school, Julie Levina was far from the damsel she seemed to be. Despite that her face bore the look of apprehension, it was all a stem from her bold awareness to the streets and back ways around her. As she stood firm on her spot, pulling her face into clarity of the line of sunlight provided, her nerves raced with impulses as though every signal her mind and body exchanged were running in double time.

    Her stillness and consequent silence confirmed to her what she had suspected since entering her current backalley: that she was being followed by someone. A rustling of clothing in front of her; the light tapping of footsteps behind her; a subtle jingling of chains and jewelry. She knew she was being cornered by multiple someones, and it was obvious by their methods of stalking that they were “normal” predators, clearly unaware of exactly what sort of prey they sniffed out on this particular hunt.

    Subtly, Julie’s tight-locked face transformed into a mild grin. Time to say hello. Carrying the knowledge that she was more than a match for whoever it was she had made her acquaintance with, she slipped back in the direction she had come from. disappearing into the depths of the shade. From the dark came the sound of a bare hand striking a cloth-covered chest followed by a dim flash of purple-white light and a humming, cackling buzz. Soon after, a body audibly fell to the ground and a second body rushed through the fracture of sunlight towards its fallen partner only to meet with the same fate.

    When the second body fell, Julie kicked it into the light, revealing the dark skinned man’s red ensemble. Bloods. To find the refuse of old gangs lumbering about near Spade and Defiant territories was common enough around the city. They often stalked in the obscure hiding spots, like spiders waiting for their chance to catch one of the ‘new’ gang’s members off guard, all part of their war of attrition to reclaim the territory they had once dominated. Of course, since the advent of the blast that granted most of the Spade and Defiants abnormal powers, the wars they waged against the old street powers immediately became a massacre; the guns and shanks just couldn’t match the superhuman abilities, as Julie had just proven with her Electrokinesis. While the old orders dwindled by death and hospitalization, the more sensible ones in their ranks skipped town to merge with other factions and sets, while those that remained clung to the hopelessness they called a “war.”

    Man, that must suck,” Julie said with a sarcastic sneer to the unconscious man at her feet.

    She toggled with her hair, relieving her statically uplifted strands. Sharpening her sneer, she continued her previous path, stomping her foot onto the young man’s rib cage as she walked by. Now at a more leisurely stride, she paced towards the end of the alleyway, into more abundant sunlight. From a pocket she manifested a small slip of paper with an house number and a street name scribbled almost illegibly upon it. Taking several traded glances between the paper and a sign across the street from her, she made a singular nod and slipped the paper back into her pocket. Soon, she would be at her new home.

    Home, she thought. She briefly traded stares at the street before her and the riddled path behind her. Then, without a second look back, she set her sights ahead of her and walked casually across the street.
  9. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    OOC: I'll post Darius later I'm just reaching Florida sorry for the hold up but let's get this show on the road.

    Kevin jetted out if his home and began roaming the streets of San Francisco looking for his friends and not to mention his girl friend. Kevin had equipped himself with a metal bat that hung from his red JanSport book bag and a pocket knife hidden on his hip for protection. After running around the city search every where for his lost friend he found himself at a park alone. He sat there thinking of where they could be, but he had no idea where they were.

    Then suddenly a man walked up to Kevin and dropped a brown envelope on his lap and continued strolling through the park.
    "What the.....fu.." Kevin paused in mid sentence and grabbed the envelope that read 'I know where she is' on the envelope. He then opened it and began reading the letter placed inside the brown envelope. Kevin looked more worried then he had ever been, he bowed his head and stood up. He had read something unbelievable but it was the only thing he could go off of.

    Kevin then lit the envelope on fire with a lighter he had pulled from his pocket and walked out of the park.

    Kevin then made his way to the Spades hideout located deep inside the slums of San Francisco. He walked into an abandoned building and made his way up the steps and down the hallway.
    "How did they get her? How did he even find her...." Kevin stated as he arrived at a door with two guards standing in front of it.
    " I received a letter from Ace saying I was to meet him in this building on the roof. The two guards looked at one another and then stepped aside and the on the right opened the door and closed it behind as Kevin made his was up the steps behind the door.

    Darius sat on the ledge of the building looking down on the slums of San Francisco or what he called San Fran. His mind was clouded he couldn't stop thinking of the fight with his brother Aaron. Nor could he forget the fact he fought him and was the reason he his brother didn't escape the explosion. Darius couldn't shake the fact that he had killed his younger brother.

    Then he had heard the door but he had already known who it was and didn't look back. Before he could even speak his best friend Theia was offering him a cigarette, that he wouldn't refuse.

    "Theia....it's my fault he's dead...I murdered him I never had that in mind Theia I sware." He stated before he put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. He inhaled the smoked and blew it out. "Not to mention this curse I gained for doing it....God doesn't forgive me for this nor does my mother..." Darius said as a tear fell from his eye and off the balcony.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Well, sorry that I really can't change that, not in my power, you've got to move on with it, forgive and forget... I'm sure your brother may forgive you and you've got to forget about it." Theia, or Sherlock spoke taking a puff of smoke before sighing.

    "Darius, what I'm trying to say is, what's in the past is in the past, it's time to move on. Besides, we've got far more bigger problems. With the Defiant out there completely leaderless, they've created a ton of chaos. So help me if these powers are cursed, then they're going to help us out by putting a stop to the destruction caused by the Defiant." Sherlock said offering him a hand up.

    "How about you go get some rest, after you rest up, no more swallowing in your pain." Sherlock said sending him inside.

    "Also, by the way some of the guys brought in a new recruit, against what I asked of them, they locked him up downstairs in the security storage. They claim he's dangerous and violent, I've looked into his mind though while he was asleep. He's not violent, his powers are dangerous, but he just doesn't know how to control them yet. I figured he would be a good one for you to check out, perhaps talk to him, tell him about our mission, and offer him help to control his powers, or hang out with us until I come up with a way to take away these powers from people." Sherlock said.

    OOC: Hope you don't mind me brushing your character off to the side, Abyss, but for one I don't like how things were played out before, plus I wanted to portray Sherlock more emotionless/ socially awkward this time around.

    Also, Sho, that first part you copied, Theia spoke telepathically to just Darius.


    Theia sighed after sending Darius inside to get some rest. Part of her did feel bad. He's been feeling down in the dumps since the incident with his brother. At first it was anger, this reality hit him and he no longer was angry but regretful.

    She turned around looking out over the city. They were across the bay from the bustling portion of San Fran in an old abandoned portion of the river. She glanced over at the city in the distance which has been dealing with overrun of crime for a long time, but even more now with the events of the explosion causing a mutation within the human body, causing strange powers to manifest themselves.

    Theia jumped off roof, sighing upon when on the ground.

    "What the hell are you doing here?" Sherlock spoke snapping her finger as the other woman was lifted into the air from her hiding spot before being dropped down in plain spot.

    She crossed her arms glad she sent Darius inside without having to worry about dealing with him there. This encounter Theia wanted just between her and the woman in front of her, an old friend, or perhaps ex-friend is better to say.

    "So how's the Defiant thing working out for you?" Theia asked.
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Rosalyn should've known better. Nobody can hide from Sherlock. She felt herself being lifted up and then just as suddenly dropped in front of Theia. "I was just... Theia look I don't like this any more then you do. Someone had to keep the order after Aaron was killed, and as much as I wanted to come back... I couldn't. You don't see what I see. The visions, those crystal clear images that terrorize me day in and day out. There was no way the Spades would've accepted a monster like me, we both know it."

    Rosalyn bit her lip nervously, trying desperately to keep her emotions in check. "You're still my best friend Theia!" She shouted rather suddenly, startling even herself, "You always will be." Rosalyn sighed, she knew better then to try and reason with her friend. "Look, I'm not here to do anything. Jay was driving me up a wall. I was stressed, so I took a walk. I let my mind wander and somehow ended up here. That's all. No tricks... Are you going to hold me hostage?"
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Hold you hostage, why would I hold you hostage?" Sherlock asked confused she sighed.

    "I don't have a problem with you keeping them in check, but you haven't been doing a very good job. People are dying, getting hurt, and are suffering because of the acts of the Defiant. That is not ok." Sherlock stated looking at her ex-friend.

    "Plus your power is just as much of a pain as everybody else. Do you really think I appreciate it knowing a random passerby's grocery list, about the sexy affair they had the night before, or if there's a test next Friday? The world is overflowing with thoughts and visions within everybody's mind, and I receive them all. Now granted I've gotten ahold of these powers faster than anybody else's, but trying to blame your powers for something you did was pathetic for you can control your powers, you learn how to. So leaving, don't blame them, blame yourself." Sherlock stated crossing her arms.

    "If you want to go to the Defiant, I have no problem with that, it's fine, really, I didn't care." Though mentally Sherlock did care. She was hurt when Jay had left, but she expected Jay to leave, it was part of the reason why she broke up with him, when Rosalyn left it was a blow to her especially how many times she stated and just stated, she was still her best friend.

    "What I care about is the destruction you all are causing in the Defiant." Sherlock finished. Her inner thoughts not escaping, she never expressed emotions, she didn't care for emotions.

    Jay deep in thought not paying attention to what Rosalyn stated but he did notice when she was leaving.

    "Breaking news!" Jay turned and looked back at the TV. "This just in that another creature has attacked and killed two military soldiers who were brought in to try and control the creatures-"

    "Can you believe that, they're calling us fucking creatures now."

    "They should be calling us gods." Two members remarked.

    "Shut up all of you." Jay stated staring at the television intensely.

    "I was just driving by when I witnessed the attack. He shot out this electricity and it was just destructive, they were dead quickly."
    "What was your reaction?"
    "When I saw it I was panicking and sped up quickly and called 911."

    "It is unknown if this creature is part of the infamous Defiant gang." The room broke in outroar with fame as Jay kept quiet watching.

    "Right now military is on the scene as police force are fighting to keep more creatures from entering the area. Citizens are warned to also please stay away and to remember to practice precaution always." The news reporter finished.

    "Guys, how about that we're famous!" The gang still went on cheering.

    'Y'know y'want to, James, you a Colts, go cause some fucking damage. Who knows maybe he'll join y'gang.' Jay sat there hearing his father's voice in his head, the voice he associated with a psychopathic side of him brought out by his powers. His own personal nightmare edging him on to do something he'd rather not do, but it was too much for him, it's always too much for him.

    "Boys and ladies, we're heading out there."


    "You heard the news report, whoever this guy is, he's violent and he's not part of our gang and we certainly know he's not part of the Spade. It's time to pay this guy a visit, cause a bit of chaos and get him to join us." Jay spoke taking charge, something he's done since Aaron's death.

    "Let those out there know." Jay ordered as a member sent out a text letting those out know that including Julie, Kite, and Rosalyn.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "I see... As always, you know exactly what to say Theia. But while I'm trying to calm Defiance down... Jay keeps going over my head. I can't stop him. I've tried, believe me I have but..."

    It was at that moment, her cell phone beeped, signalling a text had been recieved. She pulled out her phone and slid it open, revealing the message. Her eyes narrowed and she growled frustratedly, "Dammit. I told him to stay put and now this..." She looked at Theia and sighed, tossing the phone to her so she could read the message. "I'm so going to beat his ass when we get back..." Rosalyn groaned but looked at her friend with a look of sorrow, "I have to go make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. I'll see you there I'm sure?"
  14. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darius looked into the distance of the city before he heard two people coming up the steps behind him. He then turned his back to the balcony awaiting his guest who had finally arrived.
    Kevin made his way up the flight of steps with the guard following behind him. He walked through the steel door, to see Darius awaiting him.
    Darius stood there leaned against the balcony ledge looking at Kevin. "Welcome Kevin, to what I call the The One of A Kind. It's not much but has everything you could ever need and it's has this nice room in the basement that could shelter a family from an atom bomb" Darius said to Kevin.
    Kevin looked at Darius with a stale stare. "Where is she?" Kevin asked Darius.
    Darius smirked and said " I have no idea I just needed you to come to me I know about your power and watched you master it over the last few days not to mention you've been asking around me a lot lately so I got some background information on you, I only have one of your friends the other two girls. I have no idea where they are, but that work of art in the basement.....". "I don't give a damn about the shelter in the basement Ace..". " I'm not talking about the shelter" Darius said smirking after being cut off by Kevin.

    " Your friend Jordan is a handful and I'll have nothing to do with him if you can't control him. That why I have you here...as of right now your a member of the Spades whether you like it or not as a matter of fact your the leader of the Spades...starting right about..." Darius said before a bullet when through he head and into steel door next to Kevin. Darius' body dropped cold dead right in front of Kevin and Darius' main guard.

    "Sir...." The gaurs said then paused looking at Kevin.
    Kevin was shocked at what had just happened he had no idea what was going on.
    "Well he did just say you were in charge...what should I do with the body sir? Dispose of it?" The guard asked. Kevin couldn't believe the Ace of the Spades had just be assassinated in front of him and that he gained his blessing from him before it happened. He looked at the body to see there was no blood at all on the floor.
    "What kind of trick is the....?!" Kevin exclaimed when he realized that there was no blood coming from the body.

    From a distance Kevin heard clapping.
    Kevin looked up to see Darius on the opposite balcony on another building with a sniper rifle in his hand. "I'll meet you in the basement kid! Your friends waiting for you!" Darius said.
    Kevin turned his back to Darius and made his way down the steps silently.

    "Release the boy, his friend is here to bail him out. Tell him not to try to escape he will be free as soon as we talk." Darius said into a telephone as he stood inside an old school elevator.
    "This kid is very observant." Darius said to the gaurd standing in front of the elevator switch.
  15. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will propped himself against the wall, the knot in his stomach coming loose slowly as sweat beaded down his face, the room feeling like an oven from how enclosed it was. "So I guess Darius finally caught me. I wonder what the Spades want. Ever since this gang split Darius has been sending people for me..." He slowly breathed, feeling the muscles in his right arm begin to tighten. He watched as his fist clenched, the nerves giving off a painful response at first before a small bolt of lightning crackled from his hand.

    He gritted his teeth as sparks came from his palm and fingertips for a few seconds before he turned his hand, heat coming from it as lightning shot forward, scorching a bit of the door. He looked down at his palm in amazement as he clenched his fist, his arms starting to loosen as he rubbed his wrist and slowly stood, beginning to feel better. He still felt a bit off but he began to walk, feeling his legs begin to stretch as he began scanning the room, his mind going towards looking for a way out.
  16. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan paced back and forth in front of the concrete door that separated him from the world.

    "For Christ's sake," he whispered quietly to himself at first before beginning to yell once more, "Are you guys even listening? It's feeding time and last time I checked, you shitheads didn't bring me my meal for the day!"

    Jordan was growing more and more impatient. If he could perform an explosion like he had when he first gained his powers, he'd be set to escape this prison. The problem was, he did it by accident before, back when he was unable to control his powers. Now he was more experienced, the solitary confinement in a fire proof environment proved it's worth after all. However, his explosive technique still escaped him.

    "I swear to whatever you bastards believe in, if I don't get some food in the next 60 seconds, so help me I'll-"

    The door opened slowly, leaving nothing but a small crack.

    This was Jordan's escape. He merely had to use his smoke talent to squeeze through the crack and escape through the ventilation. He had done it one before, having used the cracks in the door when he first discovered his newfound skill, but the guards who constructed his prison quickly sealed up the cracks so there was no escape. No doubt there was some kind of trick to the cracked door, but Jordan didn't care. If he was fast enough he could get out. That's all there was to it.

    Jordan sprinted full speed towards the door, turning into nothing more than a stream of smoke by the time he reached it. He slipped through the crack and was met with a stone wall right in front of the door. He turned back into his solid human self before being lifted up by one arm by one of the guards. The guard grabbed both of Jordan's arms and encased his hands in rock-like cuffs. They weren't heavy by no means, but did their job in keeping Jordan from touching anyone. Jordan was familiar with these kind of cuffs. They somehow restricted any kind of movement in them, not even allowing Jordan to turn into his smoke self and slip out. The guard stomped his foot and soon Jordan's legs were encased in the same kind of cuffs, limiting Jordan's speed. He was stuck.

    "Oh come on! Really? Is this all really necessary? I don't even get a hello?"

    The guards remained silent. Jordan couldn't escape, and he wouldn't be able to move very far.

    Jordan rolled his eyes and looked over at the apparent, regular, cell that was adjacent to his. He waddled over to the window and peeked in to see a brown haired boy walking around his room. Either the kid was looking for a way out or he was simply amused with his cage. Jordan couldn't tell.

    "Hey, amigos, what's that guy's deal? he a power sucker, too?"

    Again, the guards remained silent.

    Jordan sucked his teeth and looked back in the cell. He wasn't sure if he could hear him, but he decided to try to strike up a conversation with the mysterious man in the cell. He hadn't had a mutual conversation since the blast so it'd be nice to hear someone who hadn't completely become an asshole in the blast....Jordan was just hoping he wasn't an asshole.

    "Hey, uh...muchacho! Hey, what're you in for," Jordan enthusiastically said aloud to the stranger.

    The guards shook their heads, not concerned about the two conversing.
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will's head snapped up, eyeing the window that showed him a boy about his age shackled on all appendages. Will smirked slightly before walking over to the glass and stretching, boots clicking loudly on the tile floor. "Well, ever since the Spades and Defiant split, Darius has had people tracking me simply because I tend to be a hard man to find. Now I think he wants me here for different reasons." He slowly finished, lifting his right palm and kicking sparks from it. He cracked his knuckles and then began to look at the man's shackles as he continued the conversation. "Since we are both prisoners of the same box, what is your name friend? I'm Will." He said in an almost deadpan tone as he wiped his mouth. His eyes scanned the restraints, almost as if he saw a way out of them.
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan tried to process what he said. For the most part, he understood, but he had no idea who this Darius was, only through the guards light chatter had he ever heard his name. Whoever he was though, Jordan had now made it his mission to shake his hand. And he would make sure he wouldn't let go.

    Jordan whistled, as if it were a lot to take in. "Well then...sounds like you have a lot on your plate, eh? Me, I'm just a-"

    He stuttered.

    If he told this stranger that he was some power sucker, some leech, he probably wouldn't get a chance to "get to know" this Will. Jordan wanted to make sure he had a taste of everything everyone around him had to offer, even if it meant....a little white lie.

    "-a hot head. Yeah, burned this guy so bad his face practically melted off. By accident of course! Apparently, these Spades aren't so keen on the murder of their own, so I got locked up down here. Oh, and it's Jordan."

    He gave Will a small smirk before looking at the guards, still waiting for....whatever it was they took him out of his cell for.
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will's instincts screamed that Jordan was lying. They wouldn't have him completely shackled without a reason. Will circled the room once more, his boots clicking as he crackled a bit of lightning between his fingers. "Well, it sounds like you were a bit of a handful. The chains make more sense now." Will breathed, playing it off as a joke as he continued to look around the cell.

    One small cot, a toilet in the corner, and what looked to be a solid steel door and bulletproof glass. He wasn't getting out unless he found the smallest thing, or they wanted him out. "Well hopefully your stay is more... promising than mine is currently." He breathed, sitting on the cot before drawing a knee to his chest and resting his elbow on it.

    The room was still warm but if he removed his coat they would find the knife on his belt. Will wiped a small bead of sweat from the bridge of his nose, eyes focused intently on Jordan, almost like he was a research subject. The abilities fascinated him. He saw it as a way to improve his different talents that he already possessed, and it seemed this Jordan had figured out just that.
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Sherlock looked down at the phone she looked at the message interestingly enough, it wasn't from Jay but from another member but it was Jay's command. But it was the nature of the message that interested her.

    'The eagerness and anticipation to do something is Jay, he hates sitting idle like I do, but the other nature, even with Jay's violent inner nature, that's not him. Something's not right.' Sherlock looked to herself.

    She looked behind her.

    "Rosalyn, wait what side are you actually fighting on? This text is a command and nature of the Defiant sure, but what you're telling me really isn't of Defiant nature." Sherlock said not caring too much if Rosalyn answered or even answered the truth, she just needed to analyze her old friend's mind.

    OOC: Before putting any of the characters at the location, I'm going to let vox post and cause a little more destruction.

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