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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories' started by $or@, Jul 7, 2007.

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  1. $or@

    $or@ New Member

    this game does not make sence
  2. zSoraz

    zSoraz New Member

    What's not to get?
  3. $or@

    $or@ New Member

    i mean chain of memories
    LivingDeath likes this.
  4. zSoraz

    zSoraz New Member

    Oh, well I knew that. I meant what don't you get? Or where are you? I'd be glad to explain, but maybe you don't quite understand it if you haven't played the first game yet. ;)
  5. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    I don't want to be rude, but here's my experiance. I played CoM first and understood everything that was going on. Now after discovering the other games, it seems like less sense.

    It's perfectly fine you don't get it, it's just Square-Enix way of making a bit of money in-between games in the series.
  6. Flare

    Flare New Member

    ^ I didn't like COM at all. It's just a cheap spin off.
  7. zSoraz

    zSoraz New Member

    How come you have Marluxia in your Avatar then? XD
    Anyway (on topic), I liked it.
  8. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    CoM wasnt a spin off...

    Without CoM KH2 would not have made sense...
  9. zSoraz

    zSoraz New Member

    Great point! It is also why most of us KH players don't know half of the stuff going on.
  10. Flare

    Flare New Member

    I have to admit some of the best org characters made their appearance in COM. lol

  11. Riku

    Riku New Member

    The Game...

    The game itself makes sense to me, but for me it was like a movie to Kingdom Hearts 2.;)
  12. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    I think it make sence It gives ya cules about kh2 thats about it mostly but yea.
  13. Angel of Oblivion

    Angel of Oblivion New Member

    it definitely makes sense and u also get to see the other organization XIII members and get to see wat there plan waz and how they r related to the whole entire thingie ^.^

    and u get to see wat happened with riku also and who namine is and stuff ^-^

    i agree with the ppls who sed that chain of memories leads u up to wats happening in KH2 ^-^
  14. Riku

    Riku New Member


    Exactly nyaaa.
  15. Duelist Dx

    Duelist Dx New Member

    It is basicly just a optional filler between KH1 and KH2. The fact is he forgets everything in Castle Oblivion at the end, so he starts blanc in Kh2 anyway.
  16. Vexen

    Vexen New Member

    it was just a filler to set the story for number 2
  17. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Actually, I have no idea how anyone actually understands KH2 if they missed CoM. I Thought the story in it made perfect sense. As far as story goes, I think KH2 is the weak link in the series. It's not that the story is bad, it's just poorly handled and badly paced. It's like SE had all the great ideas, but for some odd reason didn't put enough thought into stringing them together. Not to mention that CoM sets up KH2, but the game never goes into it. There are scattered pieces of info in the journal, but not enough in my opinion.

    I think CoM is way more than filler. If it wasn't for the cards, it'd give KH1 a run for it's money.
  18. If you want the quick answer skip to the bottom:
    I dont have CoM and i was really confused with what was going on at the start of kh2. But then i put it together. I have to say though that i do think CoM was a rip. No voices and really poor graphics. Why on earth did they make it for GBA? At least if it was for PSP or something it would look better and have sound. Even though i have a GBA i missed CoM because it was such a small release. It was so rubbish. Plus when i played it (eventually) round a friends house i found the characters just lifeless lumps of pixels. No emotion or anything.
  19. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    its not to bad but they didnt talk.
  20. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    I've always found that people put way too much stock in the cosmetic quality of games. Are your minds really so closed that you can't enjoy a game without superior looking graphics and voices? Whatever did you folks do back in the SNES days? OK, I admit, as an audio geek I love how much better sound quality in games has gotten. I love how there's the ability to do voices, realistic SFX and real orchestral music. Indeed I place sound way above graphics, something I don't think many other people do. But it still doesn't affect my overall appreciation of a good game. I thought the voice acting in FFX sucked in most cases, but it was an excellent game. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time looked and sounded horrible. Hell CoM has more voice acting than Zelda did. And you know what? It's still one of the greatest games ever made and always will be.

    Ya'all really need to learn to appreciate a game for it's important factors: it's story, it's gameplay, etc., and not for the stuff that is nothing more than cosmetic application.
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