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What's Your Favorite Drive Form?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Reonarudo Butsuchiru, Feb 5, 2010.

Your Favorite Drive Form

  1. Valor Form

  2. Wisdom Form

  3. Master Form

  4. Final Form

  5. Limit Form

  6. Anti Form

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. SUDoKu

    SUDoKu New Member

    I got nothing but Anti-form in one playthrough of KHII, so I grew to love it. It's definitely my favourite.
  2. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    After playing Final Mix with English Patch at my friend's on his PC, I knew for a fact Limit form is my favorite. I got to use Dodge Roll again, and I got to use my favorite skill, Strike Raid
  3. PaperBoy

    PaperBoy New Member

    ahh anti form, well for my first playthrough i loved it and always hoped for it. then i played on the hardest mode of the game and i absolutly hated it reasons:cant change back when needed,cant level up,and cant use reaction commands(whichs praticly causes you to die in any boss battle :(. But no, my favorite would be valor form its easy to control,easy to level up,and can cause some serious damage
  4. MadarasLives

    MadarasLives New Member

    Anti form, i just found it really fun xD, although it did screw me over a few times on some bosses
  5. tyekiller77

    tyekiller77 New Member

    Mine was Master mainly due to the ending moves, either in a room with the giant whirlpool or with a boss with the super strong finisher, and leveling it up was worth it, it is my favorite growth ability (Air dodge)
  6. Tsukiyo

    Tsukiyo New Member

    valor was the best, you could run around smashing everyone lol
  7. Biosaber

    Biosaber New Member

    Favorite is final form. I did like valor because duel wielding key blades early in the game is awesome
  8. Forever Hearts

    Forever Hearts New Member

    Final Form, it's just so awesome! I loved having the Glide ability again too XD
  9. Biosaber

    Biosaber New Member

    In wisdom mode I feel like surfing along the air then gliding.
  10. Captin Waffels

    Captin Waffels New Member

    Limit form because Sonic Blade, Ragnarok and Ars Arcanium and you do not need donald and goofy and oh ZENTSASUKEN finisher or however you write that

    Valor form was good at the beginning but it became bad imo at critical.

    Wisdom form was shit because mana isn't as spamable as in KH1

    Anti-Form same as Valor form and comes at great times without having the option to leave it

    Master form i dunno i just do not use it much

    Final is always great as usual not much to say
  11. Soapy Bubbles

    Soapy Bubbles New Member

    I always liked the design of Valor Form and how it is similar to Roxas' fighting style, it's like a return to the Roxas chapter of the story. I also am quite fond of Final Form, it is well designed.
  12. Maxad

    Maxad New Member

    Love wisdom form, casting magic, sliding around while shooting. Lots of fun.
  13. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Honestly? Anti. It's full of fun things to find:

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