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Pokemon Amethyst Version - OOC and SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, May 13, 2014.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest


    Press Start...

    Long Time Ago... I Was Created
    Long Time Ago... I Dreamed of Them
    Long Time Ago... I Learned
    Long Time Ago... I've Escaped
    Now... I Have Found Them
    Now... I Have Found My Destiny


    Is this thing on?...
    Ah! There we go, that makes it much better, thank you!
    Welcome! My name is Professor Oliver Cypress, I just recently been appointed the Pokemon Professor of this region, so I'm happy to welcome you as my first trainers in the Acirem Region!
    Now all the known pokemon in the entire universe is thought to be found already, this region, based on my predecessor discoveries, all of the pokemon in the entire universe has all been found in this region, plus no new versions of any pokemon exists here. So for that matter, you can go online with your fancy new iPoke-tech devices and look up information on the pokemon. But I still need your help!
    As you all probably learned in Trainer School before you graduated, and if you have not, I suggest you go back to trainer school and come back once you truly know everything there is about being a Pokemon Trainer!
    Still here? Good! Sorry, I'm getting very side track, but let me get straight to the point! Although we know every pokemon exists here, we don't know how it's possible. As you learned, every region is different with different pokemon, that no other region in the universe has all known pokemon living there, except for this region. That's where I need your help! I need you to help me uncover what makes this region so... magical!
    First things first, I need you to fill out some paperwork. It's just a simple template I need to keep stored in my database.
    Name- (Full Name Please!)
    Age- (Average trainer age in this region is 13 to 16)
    Gender- (Are you a boy or a girl?)
    Personality- (What are you like? Do you have a catch phrase perhaps?)
    Appearance- (What do you look like? Can you attach a picture? If you forgot a picture you can describe yourself to the greatest detail as possible. Until I can put a name to a face, this will help me recognize you!)
    Biography- (Tell me about yourself. How was trainer school? What type of student were you? What type of trainer are you going to be? Do you have family involved with pokemon? I love to know who my trainers are!)
    • Pokemon Type and Nickname:
      Wiki Link:
      Moves: 1.____ 2.___ 3.___ 4.___
    (Today you'll be getting your first pokemon! Over time though you will collect pokemon, be sure to keep your party and bank up to date every time you catch a new pokemon. Our computers can only do so much, and it's always good to keep track of it all on paper work. Be sure to list your pokemon on a separate sheet of paper to keep it neat, I suggest using Spoiler Tags to keep them organized! Further I suggest keeping two pages, one for your current party, in which you can have up to 6, and the other as your bank. Of course you can switch out pokemon at any time!)
    Bag- (Item inventory is always good. Keep track of all the items you have here. From your iPoke-tech, to your running shoes, to poke balls, etc. While you travel too you'll gain new items! Make sure you keep track of them, or you may just lose them!)
    Other- (Is there anything else I should know about and we should have on paperwork. Cool facts are accepted such as themes!)
    Great! While you're working on that, let me briefly introduce you to the starter pokemon. Unlike some of our rival region you can start with any pokemon, we have them all. They're all at level 5 on their first form and they don't know too many moves yet. As you travel though you will grow together as a team.
    On the thoughts of a team, I'm placing you all in your own individual team. Those of you signing up today are going to be together as a team, and you will be Team Amethyst! You all should feel lucky, amethyst is my birth stone! So be sure after this you get to know your team. Introduce yourselves. Some of you may know each other being from the same town, if not well get to know the others. You will all face some hard times either from the world around you or amongst yourselves, but if you all work together, I know you'll all become good friends!
    Now as for your travels, I'm giving you all a Region Map of Acirem!
    Yaksha- Nestled in a small little valley, a rocky forbidden road lies north, but if you travel on the nor-west road, you're safe, instead traveling through some woods and along a beach. Home to the Pokemon Lab, trainer school, Pokemon Day Care, and your central base for your journeys, i.e. your dormitory!
    Terrera- Although located on a beach and it is one of the popular beach resort locations, it's very sandy and rocky in the city and the surrounding area. To travel to your next destination head west. This route is quite rocky, and famous for martial artist to train. Home to beach resort and some shopping. Gym: Rock
    Pugilis- Despite it's adorable name, this town is nothing but adorable. Martial art students and masters alike travel here to train. The town and surrounding area is loaded with rivalry dojos. Perfect place to train, though dojos only allow in specific trainer levels. To head on out head south through the fiery lava mountains. Home to dojos, move tutors. Gym: Fighting.
    Ignis- Boy is it hot! Ignis is a town created thousands of years ago floating on lava of an actual volcano! That's right, a volcano, the volcano is still active but thanks to the careful planning of pokemon that have made it home, the volcano shouldn't erupt, shouldn't. To head on out there are several paths, but best to head south-west down the mountain, this path is a little safer and a little cooler, plus you'll see more friendly faces down this path. Home to a volcano. Gym: Fire
    Aurora- Now this now is rather... normal... very normal... there's seriously nothing exciting here at all! There is though a cool library! To head out, head East. Home to a Rich Mansion, Acirem Region Library. Gym: Normal
    Fontaine- It's so peaceful here. With all of the clear crystal water, just flowing in the streams, it's simply magical, there's even a small little beach cove just as equally beautiful. Be sure to check out the spa north of town on the path leading back to Ignis. To head out head on the lower western path, you'll actually eventually run into a grassy maze of sorts. Home to spas, messages, pokemon baths. Gym: Water
    Greenleaf- Hope you don't have allergies, I know I get pretty stuffed up here! The town takes careful care in greenery around town trimming hedges in shape of pokemon and famous figures. There's one of even yours truly right outside of the Safari. While here be sure to check out the safari, although you'll find the pokemon here throughout the entire region, these pokemon have been brought in to be studied in a habitat stimulus To head out, head out through the northern path through the maze again. Had I not had bad allergies to pollen, this is where the lab would be located. Home to the Safari, Herb keeper, Gardeners, and farmers market. Gym: Grass/ Bug
    Violight- So as the creepy path leading too wasn't enough, this town is scary. It used to be an old mining town, it has long since been abandoned by most. Now those who inhabit the town are not really the friendly type. I must warn you, they aren't huge fan of visitors neither, unless you're like them, and by like them I mean, a witch or warlock. To get out of there as fast as possible, head north. Home to: Haunted mines, witch's lair, and graveyards. Gym: Ghost/ Dark
    Chrysalia- This place is a perfect getaway. It's romantic among young couples. Stars live here. There's quite a bit of shopping too. To head out head nor-east. Home to Resort, TV Station, Movie Sets, Shopping Mall, Name Rater. Gym: None
    Illusio- Where's the town at? Good question! Have you tried looking up? That's Illusio there! But how do you get there? I'm sure you'll figure it out, just step on up and see. After you figure it out, or give up, head south east.. Home to Psychic guild, move forgetter, legend keepers, rune protectors. Gym: Psychic/ Fairy
    Cragspur- It's not pretty, that town there in the fissure. It's filled with so much smoke from the steel factories, it's no wonder how anybody can live there, that is until you go through the secret cave entrance and discover the town has clean air because it is underground away from the smoke. To leave head nor-east. Home to steel factories, archeologist hub. Gym: Ground/ Steel
    Viperia- Careful! This town surrounded in swamps, fueled by the smoke gas from the steel factories is poisonous. The town though is doing some good though studying how to take some of the poisons and create cures, also there is a hospital in case anything happens. To leave head nor-west. Home to hospital. Gym: Poison
    Avia- Brrrrr... It's cold! What do you expect, although it may not completely seem like it, but you're at one of the highest elevations in the whole region, though not completely the highest (as you continue north, it becomes higher in elevation. Home to ski resort and ski lodge. Once you're done with this cold head north down into the valley. Gym: Ice
    Valora- Welcome grand hero, except you're not a grand hero quite yet. This place is the home to legends! However, the main city is crossed off until you are a citizen of the city or you've got champion permissions to enter. Feel free to wall through the underground tunnels though towards the next destination. If you achieve special permission, this is the place to be to meet others of great valor and legend. Home to Valor Leagues, Port, Mansions of Champions. Gym: None
    Nixtorm- So you've been traveling underground the entire time, the tunnel system you've noticed is pretty wired up. Well upon emerging you understand why. You're nearly knocked off your feet by the amount of wind generating power for the power plant that provides electricity for the whole region. Within the wind you can even feel the charge in the air from the power plant. No wonder there's so many flying and electric type pokemon everywhere. To leave travel on the upper eastern path, but be sure to stop at both gyms, that's right there are two here! Home to the power plant, windmills, and nesting grounds. Gym: Flying. Gym: Electric.
    Dragnor- The mountains are glistening in the sun as you walk on this mountainous path. You've been hiking deep into the mountains for what seems like forever, until something catches your eye flying around the peak of that last glistening mountain. It's a dragon pokemon, and behind that peak is a whole city practically cut off from the outside world. The city in a monastery protecting some sort of ancient legend. What is this legend? When leaving head south east. Home to Monk monastery, dragon dungeon, legendary dungeon. Gym: Dragon
    Spectra- You've been traveling for so long now. But you've finally reached it, victory road! This is the last stretch, but it'll prove to be a challenging stretch as you must push through challenge after challenge. After making it through you've made it to this castle village. You've made it to the Elite challenge. Be ready though, this elite challenge is unlike any you've read about before.
    There's a lot to take in isn't there? But this journey, this quest certainly will keep you continuous busy. After all this region is an endless story.
    So how is the paperwork coming along? Are you almost complete with it? I guess I should remind you real quick about trainer etiquette for your journey.
    Trainer Tip 1: It's one thing to be a master and another to be a show off. Remember what it takes to be a real pokemon master, a trainer with level 5 pokemon will always win against a show off with level 100 pokemon. I guarantee you that. So don't pretend to be a god.
    Trainer Tip 2: You can only control your own pokemon and you control your own decisions. Sure it's good to make suggestions, however, you can't call the commands of your friend's pokemon team unless they've given permission. If something happens to your friend though which causes them to freeze and be discovered pause, I Professor Oliver will step in to save the day.
    Trainer Tip 3: The more detailed you are in logging your journey, the better it'll be for you and others to reflect back on it. Remember detail is the key!
    Trainer Tip 4: You're all between the age of 13 to 16, trying to act like adults is not ok. I do understand though that you're all teenagers and you can't control who you fall for and want to give a smoochen to every once in a while, but nothing more.
    Trainer Tip 5: Some of you may want to pause the game to discuss something of statistics, be sure you discuss it in the appropriate place, not in your story journal log.
    Trainer Tip 6: You're on a team, be sure you work as a team.
    Trainer Tip 7: Keep an update on your paperwork. Every time something new happens on your journey such as getting a new pokemon or a new unique item, be sure you update it in your paperwork otherwise you'll lose it!
    Trainer Tip 8: You should post your paperwork first! If you have questions, my Pokemon Lab Assistant, Destiny, will take them in her message inbox.
    Trainer Tip 9: I'm pretty lazy, so go ahead and stamp your own paperworks approval by putting at the top of your paperwork "Professor Cypruss Approves!"
    Trainer Tip 10: Don't be afraid to consult the KHPlanet Trainer Academy Rule Book or ask my Lab Assistant Destiny questions
    You should be all set. I look forward to seeing your paper work! Currently here is my list of the paperwork I've collected and I know are ready to go on the journey...
    Trainer Paperwork
    1.) Aura Mitsuko - Destiny
    2.) Laharl Magnus - Vox
    3.) Jasmine "Jazzy" Olivia Kurosaki - Taboo Sho
    4.) Darrick Lee Kuhn III - Wayward
    5.) Zac Hanes - Zacax: The Gunsmith
    6.) Sara-Kate "Little Miss Sassafras" Akins - A>>N>>G>>E>>L
    7.) Krimson Bell - King of Darkness
    8.) Thomas Springfield - Desert Warrior
    Other Paperwork (Open control, with general control preference as user listed)
    1.) Professor Oliver Cypruss - Destiny
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2014
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Professor Cypruss Approves!

    Name- Aura Belle Mitsuko
    Age- 14
    Gender- Girl
    Personality- Aura is a much more serious type of trainer. She's very disciplined and focussed. She's extremely intelligent and well mannered. She's respectful, and contains a natural leadership quality within her. She can be a child at heart too, knowing how to have fun. Overall though she is very wise and will give honest advice on matters. She has a natural ability to sense other's feelings and if she focuses and closes her eyes she can see the aura of people and pokemon alike.
    Biography- Aura Belle Mitsuko is the daughter of Belle and Kazuki Mitsuko. Aura's mother died a few years after Aura was born leaving her father, the infamous gym leader of Pugilis to raise her. Aura loves her father and is thankful for everything he's done in raising her, but as a gym leader and a dojo leader, it was hard because he was not always there, who was there more often was her mother's loyal partner, Lucario. Lucario watched the young toddler grow up following her around everywhere to make sure she stayed out of trouble and if she got in trouble to protect her. Needless to say having her mother's pokemon help raise her was interesting as a young child she mimicked Lucario and dressed like Lucario and Riolu. She began learning martial arts from Lucario and even picked up on the ability to sense and see aura's of people and pokemon.

    Thanks to Lucario and influence of her father who is also a Lucario trainer, Aura aspires to have her very own partner like Lucario and this influences her starter pokemon decision to be Riolu.

    Of course, Aura had to go through Trainer school first, so at 12 she moved to Yaksha and began attending school there quickly becoming one of the top students in the class. Now on her 14th birthday, she's ready to get her own Riolu and start her very own Pokemon journey.
    -Party Pokemon
    1.) *Pokemon Type and Nickname: Riolu "Lu"
    Gender: Male
    Ability: Inner Focus
    Wiki Link: Riolu (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
    Level: 5
    Moves: 1.Foresight 2.Quick Attack 3.Endure 4. Detect

    Box Pokemon

    Key Items:
    Healing Items:
    6 Potions
    6 Pokeballs

    Held Items:

    Other- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-Bce8UC_cc


    Professor Cypruss Approves!

    Name- Professor Oliver Cypruss
    Age- 26
    Gender- Boy
    Personality- A bit of a klutz, Oliver Cypruss is an extremely smart and intelligent individual. He is often refereed to the PokeProf Nerd or Geek mainly because of his personality. He enjoys technology and messing with various gadgets, but he's also quite interested in mythology and some of the mysterious unknown magical properties of the world.

    So overall Professor Cypruss is a young, active, comedic, intelligent, techie, kind of guy.
    Biography- (Tell me about yourself. How was trainer school? What type of student were you? What type of trainer are you going to be? Do you have family involved with pokemon? I love to know who my trainers are!)
    Party Pokemon
    Pokemon Type and Nickname: Magneton
    Gender: Mineral
    Ability: Analytic
    Wiki Link: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Magneton_(Pokémon)
    Level: 32
    Moves: 1.Magnet Bomb 2.Spark 3.Supersonic 4. Tri Attack

    Pokemon Type and Nickname: Audino
    Gender: Female
    Ability: Healer
    Wiki Link: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Audino_(Pokémon)
    Level: 35
    Moves: 1.Helping Hand 2.Secret Power 3.Heal Pulse 4.Attract

    Pokemon Type and Nickname: Trophius
    Gender: Male
    Ability: Chlorophyll
    Wiki Link:http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Tropius_(Pokémon)
    Level: 36
    Moves: 1.Fly 2.Cut 3.Strength 4.Magical Leaf

    Pokemon Type and Nickname: Totodile
    Gender: Male
    Ability: Torrent
    Wiki Link: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Totodile_(Pokémon)
    Level: 30
    Moves: 1.Waterfall 2.Surf 3.Ice Fang 4.Leer
    Box Pokemon-
    Several, as a pokemon professor. I shall make individual pokemon templates every time he calls upon a new one

    Key Items
    Running Shoes
    Items are unlimited for the professor due to the role he plays. I will try to continuous update a list though as need and time for certain items pop up.

    Other- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7U3fWvZo0Y
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2014
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Professor Cypruss Approves!

    Name- Laharl Magnus

    Age- 15

    Gender- Boy

    Personality- Laharl is incredibly arrogant as well as snarky and always tries to prove that he is the strongest in the world. He is, however, extremely powerful for his appearance, which, despite his age he houses an uncanny physical strength. He's been in physical training since he could crawl due to his father being the prominent owner and master of one of the most well known and largest dojo's in the world. However, he has a weakness towards extremly attractive women. so much so that he loses focus on whatever task he was doing to follow a pretty girl. has a number of childish traits, According to his Father Alexander, Laharl learns through his body, as he is relatively naive, simple, and being slow to understand a principle or situation, which often requires an oversimplified analogy in order to grasp what is being explained to him. Overall, Laharl responds best to competition and has a great deal of self-confidence, loudly proclaiming that he will master whatever technique he is learning within a fraction of the usual time, though he doesn't hesitate to ask for help if he needs it.While as naive as he appears to be throughout most of his antics, Laharl has proven to have a keen eye to certain things most people don't see, showing that he can be smarter than what most people think.

    Appearance -

    Biography- Laharl Magnus, the son of Alexander the Typhoon. Laharl went to trainer school in his hometown and though he didnt have the highest grades on paper when it came to battle prowress and stragety he passed all events with flying colors. He was the type of student that goofed off with others, played pranks on others and got along with just about everyone. Though he was very competitive with some of the higher ranking students he never let them tear down his care free demenor. Whenever they'd make fun of him for not being as smart as them he'd just give them a thumbs up and say " Thanks for the support" turning their negative comments into positive re-enforcement. Laharl wants to become a part of the Elite 4 and join the pokemon league as his father once was. He's always dreamed of standing on that stage with the other four elite proclaiming to be the best in the world. Laharl grew up with several pokemon always around him that his father and sister and mother collected. He found a special bond with the Pikachu that he found as a pichu. He has never formally trained it but it follows him wherever he goes sitting on his shoulder or on his head.

    Pokemon Type and Nickname:
    Wiki Link:
    Moves: 1.____ 2.___ 3.___ 4.___

    In party Pokemon

    1.) *Pokemon Type and Nickname: Shinx "Raijin"
    Gender: Male
    Ability:Lightening Rod- An ability used by some Pokémon that can absorb any Electric type move and nullify the damage. It also increases the Pokémon's special attack
    Shinx (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
    Moves: 1.Charge 2.Spark 3.Leer 4. Tackle

    Box Pokemon


    Pokeballs- 10 Pokeballs

    Healing items- 5 potions

    Key Items- Runnig shoes, Hiking Boots, Roller Skates, map.

    Ipoke- tech


    Other- Theme Song !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsZ0oJjRWjQ
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2014
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Professor Cypruss Approves!

    Name: Jasmine "Jazzy" Olivia Kurosaki

    Age: 14

    Gender: Girl

    Personality: Jasmine is extremely shy, but also very caring. While she is a well disciplined trainer, her inability to cope with a multitude of things has resulted in her relying heavily on others for support, especially Aura, whom she admires. She desperately tries to avoid being a burden, but her terrible past has left her weak, and her moderate case of depression has rendered her pretty much a joke among her peers and teammates.

    Appearance: *Soon*

    Jasmine was born James Oliver Kurosaki, to his parents Joy and Ross Kurosaki. His mother, Joy, tragically died soon after his birth, and his father never stopped blaming him for her death. Thus James grew up abused by his father, and while he'd learned to take the pain and eventually stop crying altogether from the abuse, it left a mental wound on the boy that to this day has never healed.

    James's family was rather wealthy, and when James's father died, and James moved in with his Godfather, the then ten year old boy asked to start over, to rid himself of the memories. The only way he could think of, was to change himself completely, and thus his Sex Change began.

    It was around this time he met Aura Mitsuko. She was a nice girl, and they became fast friends. For her age, she was a surprisingly good listener, and a very supportive friend. She was the only person besides his Godfather who knew of his past and she supported his transition from male to female. She was his only friend, and the only person he trusted completely.

    At age 12, both Aura and fully transitioned James, now called Jasmine, went to training school, bringing along her only other friends, her Godfather's Eevee, who would later become her starter Pokémon. For her fourteenth birthday, her Godfather gave her his collection of elemental stones, a Thunder Stone, Fire Stone, and Water Stone, which she can use to evolve Eevee when she's ready.

    Now, with Eevee and Aura alongside her, Jasmine prepares to embark on the long road ahead to hopefully become a Pokemon breeder.

    'And hopefully', her young mind thinks, 'I'll be able to stay with Aura. Hopefully she likes me that way too...'


    -Party Pokemon
    Pokemon Type and Nickname: Eevee "Summer"

    Gender: Female

    Ability: Anticipation

    Wiki link: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Eevee_(Pokémon)

    Level: 5

    Moves: 1. Quick Attack 2. Tackle

    Box Pokemon


    Key items:

    Trainer Card
    Running Shoes/Boots
    Roller Skates

    Healing Items
    Potion x6

    Pokeball x6

    Held Items
    Thunder Stone
    Fire Stone
    Water Stone

    Other: Jasmine has a pretty blatant crush on Aura, and is picked on for it frequently.
    Last edited: May 13, 2014
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Professor Cypress Approves!

    Darrick Lee Kuhn III
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male

    Personality: "Now I know I may not look like much; after all, I am just a kid you know. But I've got my values and I've got the resolve to stand by them no matter what the world throws at me! My grandfather always used to tell me, when I was ready to give up on something, whether it was homework or housework, that "you've come this far sonny! why not go even further?" That question has stuck with me through my life, and I pretty much live by it. I won't turn back or stop dead just because the road gets rough; if I get to a dead end, I'll find a way through it and beyond. If the force of the world starts to weigh down on me, I'll just push up that much more!

    "Speaking of my grandfather, family is a really important thing in my life; it's the whole reason why I'm even leaving on this journey to begin with. I believe that there are traditions that need to be kept alive. Training Pokemon is that tradition in my family. I care about my family, especially my mother and father for everything they've done for me and everything they did for my sister. My grandfather's a bit of nut but I care for him too. Of course, in a Pokemon family, family isn't just limited to people. All of the Pokemon that I've shared my life with are just as much family to me a the humans are. I only want the best for both (humans and Pokemon).

    "So I guess, in short, I know what's important, and I strive and fight for it with all that I've got, and bit of what I don't."


    Biography: "Tracing my family as far back as I can, I can say that I've branched off from a particularly expansive line of Pokemon enthusiasts. Most of them were mere footnotes (albeit successful footnotes) in the Pokemon world though; amateur trainers that never really went for the big prizes, preferring to train, collect and battle locally, or a town or two over at best. But that all changed two generations ago, when my grandfather, Darrick Lee Kuhn decided that he wanted to leave our family's mark somewhere in the record books. He was the first member of the Kuhn family to embark on a journey with his Pokemon and the first one to find himself with any sort of notoriety in the Pokemon World. He battled his way through the Gym challenges, and made his way to the preliminary rounds of the Pokemon League, where he made some headway before falling short of the final tournament.He retired from his journey after about three more tries at the League Title, but competition was tough, and he never made it past the preliminaries, though he did get closer with each year he tried, which I guess says something about his resolve and ability. After retiring, he was offered a position as a Gym Leader, which he accepted and held for some time, up until my father, Darrick Kuhn Jr. was born.

    "At that point, my grandfather retired from competitively battling Pokemon for good, settled down and raised his son(s) to follow in his footsteps. My father continued to carry my grandfather's old torch. His path quickly became prodigious, relatively speaking of course, and he made his way through the Gyms like they were nothing. I've been told a lot of stories about my father's journey: he would train his Pokemon meticulously before even setting foot inside the next Gym, and while some others failed on their first try and had to train over again, he would just walk in and walk out with a badge on his first go. His friends always regaled me with the tales of how he would train his Pokemon to use unconventional moves for their types, often catching his opponents by surprise with the moves he used, which almost always threw the notions of type advantage for a loop. Whatever it was he was thinking, it worked, and he made a name for himself. After several years of competing for the League Title, he finally managed to scrap a win up for himself.

    It was right before that final win that he and my mother, also a trainer at the time, began consummating their relationship. After my father's last tournament battle, he, like my grandfather before him, settled down, and opted to serve as a Gym Leader, a role that saw him moving the family around frequently based on where he was needed. In this time he raised us, his children. He first fathered my older sister, Deena. Seven years later, I was born. And for that period we were nestled happily in Yaksha. while my father briefly set up shop in Ignis as an interim Gym Leader. Seven years ago, he made a much bolder step though: he challenged into the Elites of the Pokemon League, and succeeded! Then, returning home, he challenged Deena to a Pokemon battle... as anyone could have expected, she got smeared; it was that loss the showed her what she had to strive for. He even told her "keep this defeat in mind and never give up."

    "It was Deena's departure that really motivated me to follow in the family footsteps. The name of Darrick Lee Kuhn would be mine to carry on; that much I resolved that day as I waved goodbye to my father and sister as they left town.

    "Five years passed by and at age 12 I decided to attend the Trainer School, where I picked up the tools of the Pokemon trainer trade. I kept my father informed the whole way through... but he seemed to be distancing himself from my aspirations to becoming a trainer. His only words to me were about how my mother was doing, and how many friends I was making; he kept reminding me to just stay close to my loved ones. And as if that weren't enough, no one had heard or seen anything of Deena in over a year, like she had just completely fallen off the planet or something. We all feared the worst, and the worst was declared after the search parties came up empty-handed from her last known location. It was a real mystery.

    "Well anyways, now, after two years of Trainer School, I'm confident in my readiness to take on the Pokemon World, just like my father and grandfather... and my sister before she vanished."


    On Hand
    Pokemon Type - Cyndaquil
    Nickname - Dante
    Gender - Male
    Ability - Blaze
    Wiki Link: Cyndaquil (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
    Level: 5

    1. Tackle
    2. Leer
    3. Double Kick (Egg Move)
    4. Dig (Coming Soon)
    Key Items

    • iPoketech
    • Running Shoes
    • Swimsuit
    • (Old) Fishing Rod
    • PokeGear necessities (map/GPS; phone).
    Healing Items

    • Potion x5
    • Antidote x5
    • Berry x20
    Pokemon Catching Items

    • PokeBall x5 (not counting starter's PokeBall)
    Other Items

    • Escape Rope x5
    • Pokemon Food
    • People Food (mostly trial mix)
    • Repel x5
    • About six days worth of clothing changes

    Theme Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWlKqrgvMes
    Last edited: May 16, 2014
  6. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Prossor Cypress aproves!

    Name- Zac Hanes
    Age- 15
    Gender- Boy
    Personality- Zac appears to be a very laid back and cheerful young man, and shows a lot of affection towards Pokemon. He appears to be a bit of a goof, and a child at heart, and it shows a lot of the time. He aspires to be a Pokemon Breeder, and wants to form a strong bond with each of his Pokemon that he gets. He also appears to be familiar with quite a few Pokemon, and actually has had a lot of hands experience thanks to his mother's job. Zac also tends to want to help out others, always asking if they need anything, which for others can get rather annoying.
    Biography- Zac and his mom actually are from a different Region, and they moved to Acirem when he was around 6. Zac was raised by his mom, as his dad was rarely home do to his work, so he was often over at the Daycare with his mom while he was young, interacting with a lot of the Pokemon left at the Daycare. One of the Pokemon he interacted with a lot was his mother's Archanine, and because of him always coming to the Daycare after school, he has had plenty of experience interacting with many Pokemon, and has since then, developed a fondness for Pokemon of all kinds, wishing to be a breeder like his mom.

    When he turned 12, he started to actual help out his mom with the Daycare, heping attend to the Pokemon, running errands, and also cleaning up. This helped him out with his classes, seeing how he got to see some interesting Pokemon, and it has given him an advantage with Pokemon knowledge. Now 15, Zac is ready to start his adventure to be a great breeder with his new Pokemon.

    Pokemon- Golett, Mega

    Pokemon Type and Nickname: Golett, Mega
    Gender: Unknown, Zac refers to Mega as a male
    Ability: Iron Fist
    Wiki Link: Golett (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
    Level: 5
    Moves: 1. Pound 2. Astonish 3. Defense Curl 4. Mud Slap


    Key Items:
    -Running Shoes
    -Folding Red Bike

    Healing Items:
    -Potions x6

    -Poke Balls x6


    Held Items:

    Last edited: May 13, 2014
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Darrick's bag is filled.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Wayward, you are good to go!
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Professor Cypruss Approves!"​

    Name - Sara-Kate "Little Miss Sassafras" Akins

    Age - 13

    Gender - Female​

    Personality - Sara-Kate is a fiery brunette with a quick mouth to boot who knows how to get her way. She hates when people call her "Little Miss Sassafras". When she is angry, Sara-Kate puffs her cheeks and stops breathing until she turns blue in the face in order to get people to conform to her whim. Sometimes, she strikes people that she is anger with, with her tiny fists. Sara-Kate is very mischievous but ironically lovable. Her true gentle nature is expressed to her Pokemon companion. She isn't the type to jump into a dangerous situation. She is more methodological and calculative. Sara-Kate wins every argument that she has ever been in even though it is obvious that she has no clue what she is talking about or does she. She is quick to judge but rarely underestimates her opponent. Sara-Kate is more of an covert type. Apart from her personality, Sara-Kate's battling style focuses subtly on deceiving and manipulating her opponents. Her and Zorua are inseparable. Zorua is the yang to Sara-Kate's yin. Zorua keeps Sara-Kate in check.
    Appearance -​

    Biography - Sara-Kate is the daughter of a Pokemon Teacher and a Pokemon Con-Man. Sara-Kate mother now teaches in the Acirem Region and her father is a con-man for an extremist organization in the Arcirem Region. Sara-Kate just recently moved to the Acirem Region, so she's a new girl in a new region. Sara-Kate was born in the Johto Region. As the daughter of a Pokemon Teacher, Sara-Kate is very knowledgeable when it comes Pokemon. She knows the various types of Pokemon, their weaknesses, evolution, stones, and so much more. Her mother practically schoolled her in everything Pokemon. It was hard to discern whether she was her mother one day or her teacher the next. Also as the daughter of a Pokemon Con-Man, it was natural for her to adopt the style that is akin to her father such as deceit, trickery, and manipulation. Zorua was actually an egg that was given to Sara-Kate by her father who left when she was very young. Sara-Kate treasured and hatched the egg on her own. She would protect the egg at all cost and sleep with her arm around it. When it hatched, it was a Dark Type Pokemon, how convenient, and not just any dark type. Zorua was color-wise different from other Zoruas. She was a shiny. From then on, Zorua and Sara-Kate were inseparable.

    Party Pokemon:
    Slot 1: Zorua​
    Pokemon Details:​

    Pokemon - Zorua
    Pokemon Type: Dark
    Nickname: None
    Gender: Female
    Ability: Illusion
    Wiki Link: Zorua
    Level: 5
    1. Scratch
    2. Leer
    3. Pursuit
    4. Copy Cat
    Box - ​

    Bag - ​

    • iPokeTech
    • Running Shoes,
    • Poke balls X6
    • Map
    • Trainer Card
    • Potion X6
    • Roller Skates
    • Pokétch
    Last edited: May 15, 2014
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel, although the character is nice, it totally 100% clashes with my character.
  12. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Yeah, I just read yours and it's almost identical. Okay. I'll change it up.
  13. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    So, I'm super pleased with my intro post (for once). Though I'm starting to think that Darrick might not have known Aura and Jasmine too well... then, maybe that's not much of a problem.
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Okay. I think. I fixed it.
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Could have sworn I posted this but I added the correction
  16. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Name: Krimson Bell

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Krimson has been high-spirited his whole life and is a very hard person to disappoint or let down. Almost always having a smile onhis face, Krimson is told that his smile is infectious. Having always studied Pokemon, whether it be abilities, typing, etc. he has always been the nerdy type. This has cause a bit of an outcast state of mind with Krimson, but he's usually nonchalant about it.


    Bio: Krimson was born into a family of breeders and as such, was expected to be a breeder as well. Although when he was littler he helped out on the ranch, and learned many things about breeding and caring for Pokemon, he aspired to be a Trainer more than anything in the world. After years of persistence of him saying he wanted to be a trainer, his parents finally told him how his father was cousin to the famous trainer Red. Due to Red's mysterious nature and fame, he was never at family reunions or mentioned. This made Krimson's drive to be a trainer burn even brighter. At the age of 12, Krimson began attending Trainer School, so he could ascertain all the knowledge needed to be a true trainer in the future.


    Pokemon Type and Nickname: Cyndaquil
    Gender: Female
    Wiki Link: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Cyndaquil_(Pokémon)

    Pokemon Type and Nickname: Fletchling (Songbird)
    Gender: Male
    Wiki Link: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/w... Skates Pokeballs x5 Town Map Trainer Card
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2014
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Oh dear. Another Cyndaquil trainer. Rivals I guess? :p
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Most definitely :D I only chose it because it's my all time fave. When i saw you had one I was suuuper disappointed, haha. With that said, this should be an interesting rivalry (if I'm accepted, lol)
  19. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Professor Cypruss Approves!

    Name- Thomas Springfield

    Age- 16

    Gender- Boy

    Personality- How would I describe myself? Well admittedly I don't feel like I could do that properly. Hmm... I suppose I would say that I am a nice guy. I don't really hold grudges and I feel that I'm easy to get along with. I can be competitive some times I suppose. What else? Oh! I some times have difficulty remembering somebody's name. I remember things visually easier. I can identify somebody by their face much quicker than I can remember their name. I'm told I'm confident, though personally I don't feel that way. Surprising how something may look from different perspectives. And finally, I tend to be kinda carefree. Elite Four? Becoming a champion? Those are some cool goals but personally they take a back seat to the journey involved.


    Biography- Personal history... Something I am horrible at. Details that I tend to brush over and whatnot. Anyways, here's my best shot. A bit of a forewarning though. It might be random.

    To start, I should probably point out that I have in fact never gone to trainer school. Waste of time, according to my parents. They went over the basics of being a trainer with me. But if there was one lesson they absolutely pounded into my head, it was that being a trainer is not something that is taught. It is something that you learn by experience. And yet it seems like they've finally let me set out almost too late. Yeah, I'm probably a bit older than anybody else who is going through this same journey. But that's what happens when you grow up in Dragnor. Being hidden in the mountains like that gives you a feeling of isolation. Not that it's a bad thing. But things are... Different there. I wouldn't say it is calmer, mostly because I hear other areas are even calmer than Dragnor. But it seems a little... Outdated I suppose. I feel like we haven't necessarily caught up to the technology we have. One advantage to being from Dragnor is the Dragon type Pokemon though. Having grown up near them all the time, I feel as though we understand them on a different level than other people. I can only assume the same can be said for people living near other types.

    Aside from that... Well this is why I said I'm horrible at talking about my history. Hmm... Oh, I know. My family is full of trainers. Like me, none of them went to trainer school. If I were to describe them I suppose they would be trainers who simply rush headfirst into things. Learn from their mistakes. And you know what? That doesn't sound like a bad way of doing it.

    -Party Pokemon
    1.) *Pokemon Type and Nickname: Gible
    Gender: Male
    Ability: Rough Skin
    Wiki Link: Gible (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
    Level: 5
    Moves: 1. Dragon Breath 2. Sand Attack 3. Tackle 4.

    Box Pokemon

    Key Items

    Running Shoes

    Healing Items

    Potion x5
    Antidote x5
    Awakening x5


    PokeBall x5

    Other Items

    Last edited: May 17, 2014
  20. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Are we being split into teams of 3 or something like that for our adventures? or we all just going to go together as one big family.
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