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Pokemon Amethyst Version

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, May 13, 2014.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest


    Press A to Continue...


    "Find it!" Men and women equally ran through the forest as the storm fell from the sky above.

    "Don't rest till you find it!"

    A figure hidden in a silhouette stood on a cliff above when a bolt of lightning struck behind it.


    The figure, a Pokemon of some sort, disappeared before those below could see it.

    "Sir, we've scouted this entire area, it's gone, it escaped." A few of the people running around dressed in a uniform completely black apart from a purple swirl on the chest of their uniform.


    The man they spoke to, their leader, looked back up at the cliff angrily. He looked back at the rest of his team gather back again.

    "This is not the end, we will capture you, Mewtwo." ​


    "I'm getting there!" A girl muttered coming out of the bathroom, a toothbrush in her mouth as she walked over to the alarm clock on her desk going off. She had gotten up early, who could blame the girl. She was excited today was her first day to go on her Pokemon journey. She would be meeting the rest of her traveling exploration team in a bit, she would be getting her OWN first pokemon, being a Riolu nicknamed Lu, and to top it all off, it was her 14th birthday.

    She picked up her bag, a brown satchel with various pockets, and slung it over her shoulders. She looked herself up and down.


    She jumped before hearing the ringtone on her iPoketech device before picking it up and see it was just a video message.

    "Good morning, Team Amethyst! I'm just sending you a reminder that today's the day! I'm here at the lab with your first pokemon to call your own! Remember to meet here at nine o'clock. See you all soon!"

    The girl smiled to herself looking up in a mirror.

    "Alright, Aura, today is the day! The day Aura Belle Mitsuko, the worlds soon to be greatest Pokemon master! Starts her journey!" Aura said whenever her iPoketech device started beeping. She looked at it seeing the event reminder before heading out of her dorm in the Trainer School Resident Hall.

    Welcome to Yaksha Town
    The town is known for the Poke Day Care, The Acerim Trainer School and the Pokemon Research Lab. The setting is a perfect mixture of several things, featuring a lot of normal pokemon in the surrounding areas, but it also has several other types due the perfect setting.

    She exited and ran across town before coming to a stop looking up with a smile on her face at the massive building before her.

    "Good bye, Trainer School!" She exclaimed before running around the big building to the building in the back.

    "Hello, Professor Cypruss Laboratory!"

    "And early as expected." Aura came to a stop seeing the curly hair blond man come from around back followed by a few assistance carrying cases with them, cases that contained the poke balls that contained Aura and the rest of her team's new partners.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2014
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Please move from the platform for your safetey"

    The loud announcement was made as the Bullet Train entered the station. The porcelen white doors split open slowly allowing passengers traveling to exit. among these passengers was a boy tapping his foot impatiently . " Geeeeeez these people take forever to get off the train." To his left there was a cute girl wearing a blue dress and leggings. She was truly adorable which was his weakness. He tried to put on his cool guy stance as he stood against the wall letting other people go ahead of him.

    The girl noticed and giggled in his direction.


    His Poke device was going off as he fumbled through his pocket to grab it he looked a bit clumsy but he finally grasped it, turns out it was a incoming video call from his mother. Taking his turn to walk out of the train he answered.

    " Sup mom!"

    Hello sweety, just remembered to tell you i packed you your favorite underwear and your Luxray plush doll in yrou luggage take good care of it! Oh and don't forget to brush your teeth! and did you get in safe yet?!

    His face turned smoking red with embarrassment the cute girl looked over at him and started laughing then wandered off. " Yes mom..."

    " Ok sweety your dad says he loves you and he says be careful of thieves. " Laharl clinched his fist and threw a quick punch. " Ha! no fear here mom tell dad i'll be alright he trained me well!, Well mom i have to get going i have everything and i'll call once i have my first pokemon!! gosh im so excited!! see you soon." Ending the call he placed the device back in his pocket and slung his backpack over his shoulder. It took him a moment to find it but thanks to his map he located the massive building and he knew it was where he was meant to be.

    " Prof. Cypress Laboratory Hmmm...awesome! guess i'm finally here. He stumbled through the large clear doors He saw a tall curly haired man in a lab coat. " Prof!!! i'm here...im finally here!" He said with a relieved voice.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Crap, crap, crap, crap! I'm going to be late! C'mon Jazzy, you got this, you can do this! Jasmine Olivia Kurosaki, better known as Jazzy, was running late for the most important day of her entire life... The day she begins her journey to become a Pokemon breeder! She put her school outfit on, pulling up her knee-high black socks and throwing on her shoes last, before grabbing a piece of toast, saying goodbye to her Godfather, and running out the door, bag in hand. "C'mon c'mon... Oh there it is!

    The building was in sight, and Jazzy had a few seconds to spare! She would make it! The building grew closer and closer, Jasmine started panting from running, but she couldn't stop now... She ran and ran, turning the corner...


    ...And straight into Aura. Jasmine looked down at the girl and apologized over and over, "I'm so sorry Aura! Sorry sorry sorry...!"
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac swung his backpack over his shoulder and headed out towards the door, today he was heading to the Professor in order to get his starter Pokemon, like the others who would be visiting the Professor today. But he stopped as he saw his mom, and quickly headed over to her, "Heading out mom," Zac said as he approached his mom and hugged her. She simply smiled and hugged her son back, "Alright, stay safe," she said as she let go, letting her son go out the door,

    "I'll call ya later tonight mom!" he called out as he exited the building, heading off towards the labratory. When he got there he saw two girls bumping into each other and a big guy who seemd to go to the gym often. After examining the surroundings he finally spoke up, "Hiya professor!"
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Finally!" Darrick's voice chimed loudly through the waking household as he tightened the last of the straps on his travel backpack, which had been filled to its capacity to accommodate the needs of the journey ahead. He had spent the entire week prior preparing the travel and roughing-it necessities and a few small items of want. Having checked, double-checked and triple-checked his items, he was certain that he had accounted for everything he needed, plus a bit extra. "Yeah, that's it," he mused, stepping back from his expert packing work, learned through the multiple moves he had gone through over his early childhood. With asense of satisfaction, he pulled the backpack up onto his shoulders, tightening the shoulder straps to comfort and fastening the supports at the waist and chest.

    He only spared a few extra seconds there, standing before his mirror, posing in modestly heroic stances as though he had scaled to the top of the peaks at Dragnor.

    "So, this is goodbye then, isn't," a voice spoke from behind him.

    Darrick stepped aside from the mirror, gazing upon his mother's reflection as she leaned at her arm against his door frame. He turned around, face turning a brilliant scarlet as he bowed and scratched his head. "Aw mom!" he said with a childish whine, "you're not gonna embarrass me all the way to the lab, are you?" He chuckled out loud, stopping only when he realized his mother wasn't chuckling along with him. He stared into her stern, yet caring and somehow saddened face, and quickly retraced his comments in a more serious tone. "It won't be forever," he assured her. "I won't disap-- I mean, you know I'll come back. I promise!"

    "I want to believe you honey," his mother said, stepping into the room and hugging him with her arms wrapping around her head. "It's just... such a dangerous place out there these days."

    "Oh for Arceus' sake stop coddling the boy Diane!" Another voice harassed from the doorway. Not a second later, an elderly gentleman, deeply resembling Darrick with, perhaps sixty extra years on him, entered the room. "He's not a child anymore. And this one's got his father's blood in him that's for sure I can tell you!"

    "Yeah ma," Darrick chimed in. "I'll be fine!"

    "Oh Grandpa Kuhn," Diane said, throwing a disapproving look at the man while letting go of Darrick. "As old as Darrick gets, he's still my son, still my child. It's only right for a mother to worry about their child. As should a father, AND a GRANDFATHER for that matter."

    "Oh I worry about the boy alright," Granpa Kuhn retorted. "But I also trust that he's got good enough a head on his shoulder to handle the tough times as they come. I taught him as best as that; his father more so than me, I'd say."

    "He's right! I can handle myself out there! Just like Dad!"

    "Yes, speaking of his father," Diane continued. "Where is he? I thought he'd be in town to see his son off on his journey."

    "Oh that son of mine is sure to be around before the boy hits the road," Grandpa chuckled. "Fashionably late; that's his style. 'A Pokemon Master doesn't dawdle, not in the least. But he also doesn't rush himself either.' At least that's what he told me... after I spent twenty years telling him. Now, we'd best be sending the boy off. It's about quarter after eight already. Don't want him getting hung up on our account." Grandpa Kuhn proceeded into the room himself, waving his cane lightly, ushering Diane and Darrick out the door, down the hallway and out the door, all the way humming "May the Road Rise to Meet You."

    At last, stepping out the door, rear end a bit sore from a few stray whacks from his grandfather's cane (for which he had received the oft spoken "sorry, meant for her, not you" apology), Darrick turned back only to wave to his two family members as they waved back from the door. Setting himself on the road ahead, the young Pokemon Trainer-to be made pace down the hill from his house, connecting with the main road through town. The path was a straight shot to the lab, bringing him past the Pokemon Daycare and the Trainer School. At the very end of that same stretch stood the sleek, super-modern Pokemon Research lab, the home to the studies of the renowned Professor Cypruss (and family acquaintance. "Almost there."

    His pace quickened, taking a slight hop to his stride as he got closer to the lab. Checking the time he saw that there was still about fifteen minutes before the scheduled meeting time. Still, his speed increased. He reached the double doors in mere moments, practically at a jog, entering just behind someone who had rushed in ahead. Entering the lab, he saw the culprit of the mad rush, who had reamed into another trainer of the group. He recognized most of the other almost immediately. "Zac," he said, giving a nod to the young boy recognized as having frequented the Daycare. "Jasmine, Aura," he said giving the two on the ground a wave. He turned to the other, slightly older looking one. "Aaaaand?" he said with an inquisitive inflection, moving his arms in a "push and pull" motion.
    Last edited: May 13, 2014
    Angel likes this.
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Well that's one way to crash the party" Laharl said as he stuffed his map into his back pocket. Trainers began to enter one after another. He didn't know anyone here considering he wasn't even from this city. But meeting new people was something he enjoyed doing. The last person to walk in seemed to know the others well enough by name but he stopped at his.


    Reaching out his open hand as he struggled to get his backpack on his shoulder he held out his hand with a large smile. " Laharl, Laharl Magnus it's nice to meet ya. Looks like were all first timers here. i'm not from the area but i sure did enjoy the ride. What's your name?
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Aura looked up at the girl on top of her, pushing up.

    "And good morning to you, too, Jazz." Aura said standing up and brushing herself off before offering help to the other girl. She noticed the others arriving.

    "Good morning, Zac and good morning Darrick."

    "As for you, we all know each other thanks to the trainer academy, which I'm assuming you attended a different branch of the academy seeing as I've never seen you around." Aura said to the strange boy.

    "Perhaps I shall do introductions, unless you're all against?" Aura looked around at the others.

    "I'm Aura, the other girl is Jasmine, the older boy is Zac, and this other guy is Darrick. Nice to meet you Laharl." Aura said before turning her attention to the professor.

    "Professor is this all of us?"

    "Hmmm? Well, no there's another one who may be joining you plus some more who may join you throughout your journey. But as of right now, how about I get you five started? Here I have your pokemon." Professor Cypress motioned to his assistance who stepped forward with individual cases containing poke balls.

    Aura smiled wide taking the poke ball from the case and holding it in her hand. She was excited to meet her partner and her very first pokemon.

    "In your poke ball is your very first pokemon, this pokemon you'll have the best bond with since you're both going out new into the world. To call forth your pokemon just expand the poke ball by pressing the button and tossing into the air. It'll release your pokemon." Cypress said demonstrating as a Totodile came out of his poke ball smiling wide.

    "Go ahead and give it a try."

    Aura was glad to as she tossed her poke ball out and a red light came streaming out as a riolu, her own riolu emerged looking around.
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Darrick returned Laharl's smile, pleased to see that someone as tough-looking also bore a friendly demeanor; those tended to be difficult to come by. Settling his gestures down, he extended one arm and accepted the handshake. "Yup," he said, agreeing with Laharl's sentiment. "We're all here to get started on our journey. Of course, by the looks of it, we've got at least some training under our belts; you look like you've already been in a Pokemon battle or two, actually." He released Laharl's hand, as he realized that he had overstayed the handshake.

    He turned about slightly, looking at the others before his eyes flared with recall. "Oh. That's right. My name's Darrick," he said, knowing that he hadn't introduced himself before. "Darrick Kuhn... III."
    His attention then quickly shifted over to Aura, who had gone through a quick list of introductions for Laharl, and then to Professor Cypruss, whom he hadn't immediately noticed amongst the others. He held back, outwardly calm against his inner excitement as the Professor unveiled the PokeBalls that housed everyone's starting Pokemon.

    Once others had gotten their picks, Darrick stepped up, recognizing a PokeBall held in a spot with his name on it. Just as fast as he had recognized it, he snatched it from the pedestal, holding it in a slightly trembling hand. "Here..." he said quietly... "Here we go!" he called, just a bit more loudly. He expanded the PokeBall and tossed it up with gusto. In an instant, he was greeted by the ball's inhabitant. A small, mammalian Pokemon with an billowing of flames upon its backside stood in front of him, happily calling, "Cynda! Cyndaquil!"

    Darrick looked down the Pokemon, smiling even wider than before. "Cyndaquil, the Fire Mouse Pokemon." He knelt down, patting the Pokemon on the top of the head. Though it drew away by instinct, it warmed quickly to Darrick. "I hope you're as ready as I am partner."
    Last edited: May 14, 2014
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Oh hey there man!" Zac said to Darrick, often seeing him at the daycare after school. Zac was a bit hesitant on greeting the newcomer, but he would do so later as Aura decided to go ahead and make introductions. After hearing the explanation of the Pokeballs, Zac took his pokeball, and just as the Professor said, pressed the button, tossed it into the air and out came a Golem like Pokemon who saw Zac standing before it. Zac smiled as he bent down and perched like a bird, smiling at the Golem Pokemon Golett,

    "Hey there little guy," Zac said in a welcoming tone, to which the Golett responded with a nod, saying "Go-go," which probably meant "Hello" for a Golett.
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The bullet train behind the previous one had finally arrived at Yaksha Town, after a brief delay. On board was a young 15 year old boy, who was prepared to go get his first Pokemon. The boy had talked so much about how he was going to meet the professor and he was going to be sent on a great adventure. His parents told him it was nothing more than research, but the word adventure sounded much more interesting. He had talked the ear off an elderly woman who sat next to him who, although he thought he was bothering, had enjoyed his story and company.

    However, all of the talking had worn Krimson out who already had little to no sleep the night before, due to his naturally anxious nature. Knowing this to be his stop, the elderly lady tapped Krimson on the shoulder, gently but also firmly. Krimson slowly began to wake up, his turquoise colored eyes revealing themselves to the world. He looked over at the woman and gave a hearty smile.

    "Good morning ma'am," he said with a drowsy expression.

    The lady pointed to the outside, noting that the train had arrived in Yaksha Town. The boy's smile grew wider, realizing that he was only moments away from obtaining his very first Pokemon. He waved at the old lady and walked onto the platform. "Thank you ma'am," he said to her from the outside. He wondered momentarily what her name was, and remember the woman never said a word to him the whole time. "Oh! I don't even know your name!" And with that, the doors closed and the elderly woman simply waved goodbye as the train took off.

    Krimson shrugged, not getting the chance to thank you elderly woman properly. He reached around into his bag and pulled out a pair of attachable roller skates. He stuck them onto the bottom of his shoes and began to take off out of the station. It wasn't long until he found his way around the trainer school and to the Pokemon lab. He stopped right at the doors and took his skates off, putting them back in his bag. He took a deep breath, worried about how his first impression may seem. Being late obviously was a bad start. But, maybe since everyone would be spending a great time together, he'd be able to erase this small mistake from memory.

    Krimson smirked and nodded before stepping inside, seeing that the other trainers were alrady there, interacting with their Pokemon. Nervous and a bit shy, Krimson silently entered and smiled at Professor Cypruss. "Good morning Professor. Sorry I'm late..."

    He reached into the box and took the Pokeball with his name on it, letting out a deep breath. He pressed the button, releasing whatever Pokemon was inside.

    Out of the ball was a small Cyndaquil, who looked up at Krimson with a drowsy and confused expression. "Cyndaa?"

    Krimson smiled wide as he knelt down besides his new friend. "Well hello there. I'm Krimson. I think you and I will be very good friends, don't you think?" He smiled, cocking his head to the side, closing his eyes. The Cyndaquil seemed to understand as it to smiled and waved. "Cyndaaquiil!" Excited, Krimson picked the little guy up and sat him on his shoulder. He looked around the room, watching the others interact with their own Pokemon, and noticed one boy with his own Cyndaquil. He looked at his Cyndaquil and whispered, "We should introduce ourselves later. A group like this with two Cyndaquil's should be fun!"
    Last edited: May 15, 2014
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jasmine waved timidly at Laharl as Aura introduced everyone, before Professor Cypruss brought out the pokeballs containing the starters. "Oh oh! Yay!" She grabbed the pokeball and pushed the button, before tossing it into the air. The ball opened and in a flash Eevee appeared in front of her.

    "H-hey there girl..." Jazzy spoke nervously as she kneeled down and reached her hand out towards her pokemon, who responded by rubbing her head against Jasmine's hand. "Ohh you're so cute! Come here you!" She laughed happily as she picked up her new partner and hugged her gently. "We're going to be best friends okay? I promise to take good care of you..."
  12. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Walking on the road between the train station and the Pokemon laboratory, a young trainer checked the time. "Hmm... Running a little late. That's a bit unfortunate. Should've considered how long it would take to get here from Dragnor. Should've taken an earlier train." He spoke, not really bothering to pick up his pace or anything. "Well... It is just a bit late. No point in worrying over such a small lapse in time."

    Reaching the lab, this trainer entered as Professor Cypress was giving an explanation of their Pokemon. "In your poke ball is your very first pokemon, this pokemon you'll have the best bond with since you're both going out new into the world. To call forth your pokemon just expand the poke ball by pressing the button and tossing into the air. It'll release your pokemon." Cypress said demonstrating as a Totodile came out of his poke ball smiling wide.

    "Go ahead and give it a try."

    Taking hold of the PokeBall meant for him, Thomas (Or Tom for short) pressed the button and tossed the ball into the air. He looked at the Gible that appeared from the PokeBall. It was a Dragon type, something Tom was incredibly familiar with. He smiled and reached his hand towards the Gible, to which the Gible responded by snapping his jaws and trying to bite Tom's hand. Tom pulled his hand away before he could get bitten, and then reached out towards Gible again. He managed to touch Gible, gently scratching it right around where the fin was connected to the rest of the body. "I see. You've got some rough skin. That's okay though." Tom then picked up the Gible, something that was a tad bit more difficult than it would seem considering how heavy such a tiny Pokemon really was. He then turned his attention back to Professor Cypress.
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Go ahead and give it a try."

    Laharl walked up proud and excited. Gripping the pokeball he looked over it for a moment watching the others release their new partners. " Alright lets do this!" He said with a bit of a nervous itch in his voice. Shrugging it off he pressed the red button and tossed the pokeball into the air. His eyes widened as the red light released a small blue pokemon. The pokeball retracted back to his hand. " Oh man! Hey little dude!!" He said to the little Shinx.

    It hopped up and down excited to see him as it ran circles around him laharl laughed loudly.This was turning out to be a good relationship. Leaning down Laharl picked up his new found partner. " I'm gonna call you Raijin!" The Shinx hopped onto his shoulder and sat proudly. Unlike most of the new trainers He had already had practice in battles with his father and older sister so naturally this gave him a small advantage to helping his new found friends out.

    " Thanks Prof this is the best day ever!"

    He ran his Poke Device to his shoulder scanning His new partner and it spoke out.

    Shinx, the Flash Pokémon. When Shinx flexes its muscles, it generates electricity. When sensing danger, its fur glistens.

    " Oh oh! Flex your muscles huh little guy! were gonna be the best ever.
    The little Shinx proudly smiled and it's fur began to glisten and a few sparks generated from it. It clearly loved its new owner.
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac looked around and examined everyone else and their startes. All of them were fluffy and cute, not to mention mammals while Golett was a golem. He seemed to be the odd man out, but non the less, he was happy to have his own partner, so he decided to assure the little guy that they were friends as well. So, Zac reached out a hand and rubbed the Golett's head, and it seemed like the little guy liked it as it hummed and its yellow eyes closed,

    "I'll call you... Mega," Zac said, "Mainly because you remind me of one of my favorite games,"

    The Golett now called Mega, nodded its head and reached for Zac's head and rubbed it in return, thinking it was how Zac greeted. Zac couldn't help but chuckle and decided to pick up the Golett for a hug, only, to quickly discover this little guy was heavier than he was. Letting the little Golem go, Zac panted for a moment, but bent back down to give the little guy a high five, in which in response, Mega gave Zac one back.
  15. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Sara-Kate stretched as wide as she possibly could. The midday light was the cause of her arousal or was it the fact that today was a huge deal. Her first Pokemon. Her first Adventure. A plethora of firsts that were sure to have kept her up the night before. It was an opportunity of a life-time, which was the sole motivation driving her to quickly get dress and finish the monotonous task of her daily ritual. With the twirl of her skirt, she was off.

    "Thank you, Nurse Joy for the temporary board!"

    "You're Welcome Dear. We hope to see you again!"

    She returned Nurse Joy's response with a "V" sign and a wink.

    "Count on it!"

    With her gallant stride, Sara-Kate was the last member of Team Amethyst to arrive at the PokeLab and boy did she make an impression. She quickly surveyed all who were there and announced plain as day to everyone.

    "Listen up! There's only one position at the top, and it's reserved for none other than me. And to prove it"

    She marched over to the professor who was holding the holstered pokeballs. She grabbed the one which was her starter and propelled it into the air, releasing Zorua.

    "I'm challenging you all to a Pokemon Battle!"
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Professor Cypress smiled at everybody but was disappointed when one last poke ball remained.

    "All right then, now that-" Professor Cypress began to say as, a young girl, with red hair came bursting in and quickly snatched up the last poke ball in a blink of an eye.

    Aura who was knelt on the ground with her riolu, Lu was exchanging auras with one another before both her and the pokemon looked up at the girl.

    "Listen up! There's only one position at the top, and it's reserved for none other than me. And to prove it"

    She threw her poke ball out and out came zorua. Aura stood up.

    'Zorua... a dark type pokemon... a pretty good pokemon, with not many weaknesses, except for fighting, but...' Aura looked to her iPoketech device pointing it at Lu as it pulled up her pokemon's details.

    'No fighting type moves, but a fighting type pokemon is pretty much resistant by half to a dark type.'

    "I'm challenging you all to a Pokemon Battle!"

    The girl just finished speaking when Aura stepped forward.

    "Challenge accepted, but you may not want to run into a battle too blindly." Aura spoke as a confident Lu stood beside her.

    "WAIT!" The professor shouted, "No pokemon battles in the lab. Though this is a wonderful opportunity for me to teach you all about pokemon battles. Let's head outside."

    (pardon minor power play)
    InfiniteLooper - Pokemon Origins OST - Trainer Battle Music!

    Aura stood on her side of the Trainer school's battle field as she looked down at her pokemon before exchanging eye contact.

    "Let's go, Lu!" She exclaimed as the pokemon ran out onto the battle field.

    "Now then, a bit about a pokemon battle!" Professor Cypruss began to speak, "As a reminder of course from trainer school."

    "There are several types of pokemon battle where you may be battling one on one like Aura and Sara-Kate, or a double battle where either you partner up with somebody or you send out two pokemon, or even a triple, or a swivel, etc. You'll learn more during your travels. Typically it'll be one on one."

    Professor Cypruss looked up at the giant screen projecting the two trainers and their pokemon with her HP bars.

    "Now then, you can battle just about anywhere, except in places where it's not permitted like people's houses, or stores, however, some will permit it and who know you may have to if say a wild pokemon is running through a store or a group of bandits it holding hostages, who knows, your adventure could encounter some wild things. In places like that there's not always a universal screen to recognize where you stand in the battle, just like the screen here. That's where your iPoketech device comes into play." Professor Cypruss said holding up his.

    "It will display your pokemon's health, the opponents health, stat changes of both of your pokemon, your pokemon moves, and an inventory of items you could use in battle. In the case of a wild pokemon you can call forth poke balls to try and catch it. You all should have received some items in your starter packs sent to you."

    Aura listened to the professor before grabbing her iPoketech device from her pocket and sure enough it pulled up the battle displaying all the information.

    "Now I know what you're going to ask next, do you really have to hold it during the entire battle, not with these you don't!" Professor Cypruss said as he pulled out a bag and opened it up.

    Pokétch - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia

    "These are modified poketch, they were created by your's truly, who said I had to be just a pokemon professor. This isn't as powerful as your iPoketech, but it does run individual apps, but more importantly displays the same battle info as your iPoketech device. Catch you two!"

    Aura caught the poketch tossed to her, a blue one matching her outfit perfect. She smiled before putting it on as it automatically synced to her iPoketech.

    "Now one last thing before I let these two truly demonstrate the battle."

    "You can only use one move at a time, and you go back and forth. Sometimes due to stat changes or whichever, your pokemon or the opponents may not be able to move. Incidents like this could be if your pokemon is asleep, frozen, too paralyzed to move, immobilized by attraction, confused, etc. Now I could go into details about pokemon moves, but I'll save that for the battle."

    Professor Cypruss turned around to face the match before turning back around.

    "Sorry forgot one last thing!" He said his hand up behind his head in embarrassment sensing people wanting him to stop talking or at least the paranoia of it.

    "Every battle must have a judge. Having a judge allows it to be fair and make sure nobody is cheating. Though there will be some battles in which a judge is unneeded. That's why you're being assigned to teams. I'll talk about your teams here in a bit, but in the meanwhile, how about I get somebody to judge with me? How about Laharl?" Professor Cypruss said looking around before pulling in Laharl.

    "Alright now let's begin! Zorua has a faster speed than Riolu, so the first move will be Sara-Kate and her Zorua."

    OOC: Don't forget to add the poketch device to your bag in your template!
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Laharl was busy playing with his new companion when he heard something that would only catch his attention more so than anyone else.

    "Listen up! There's only one position at the top, and it's reserved for none other than me. And to prove it"

    Turning his face a mischievous grin rolled onto his face. " oh ho ho! is that so!" Laharl was extremely competitive so much so that if he was in a draw with someone he'd keep fighting till there was a rightful winner. Before things could get started the Professor guided everyone outside and began to run down the basic pokemon rules. All things Laharl had already knew. Because of this he started to lazy around and not pay attention.

    Perhaps the professor caught onto this because before he knew it Laharl was trusted into the position to judge the battle. His little Shinx still sat on his shoulder, excited by all the action taking place. He raised his hand and looked over at Aura. " You better win"

    Trainers at the ready! Let this Pokemon Battle commence
    !" He yelled swiping his arm down and backing away from them.
  18. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Challenge accepted, but you may not want to run into a battle too blindly."

    Sara-Kate heard a confirmation from her challenger. It was a rather serious-looking girl beside her Riolu. Sara-Kate was almost disappointed when she saw her. Sara-Kate exhaled loudly.

    "WAIT!" The professor shouted, "No pokemon battles in the lab. Though this is a wonderful opportunity for me to teach you all about pokemon battles. Let's head outside."

    Once again with the twirl of her skirt, Sara-Kate was on the battlefield in opposition of her opponent. While the professor was on his rant, Sara-Kate took the opportunity to check her and her opponents Pokemon with her iPoketch. First, Riolu:

    Riolu, the aura Pokemon. Riolu can use the shapes of auras, which change according to emotion, to communicate with others.

    Now Zorua,

    Zorua, the illusion Pokemon. In order to protect themselves from danger, they hide their true identities by transforming into people and Pokémon alike.

    "Well, aren't I the lucky gal!"

    "Catch you two!"

    Sara-Kate surprised, still eloquently caught and strapped the red and black gradient Poketch onto her wrist.

    "Alright now let's begin!"

    "Trainers at the ready! Let this Pokemon Battle commence!"

    The two judges announced.

    "Sweetie, you can still back out now! I'll let you think it over after my first attack"

    "Okay, Zorua, get moving"
    Zorua scurried across the battlefield on all fours towards Riolu.

    "Wow, so fast!"

    "Okay, now use Scratch!"
    Last edited: May 15, 2014
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac was taken a back by the girl's spontaneous and confident statement, which seemed more like a command with how she said it. But why did she choose to battle a bunch of inexperienced trainers? And before he knew it they were all taken outside and Zac was about to witness his first battle with both trainers and Pokemon. Most of the time he saw some playful battles at the daycare but that was about the closest he could get to seeing a live battle until this point. So, eager to see how this would turn out, he and his little buddy Mega sat down and awaited to spectate this battle,

    "Good luck guys!" Zac said to both of them, not really having a preference on who one.
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jasmine and her Eevee, Summer, looked on as the battle began. She had already filled her notepad with what the Professor had just explained and was currently sitting cross-legged next to the Professor. 'Oh boy... this is going to be great! A battle this early will mean a head start before the real adventure! Unable to help herself, she cheered happily, "Go Aura! Beat this chick and show her where cockiness gets you!" Raising her fist to the skys she laughed and continued to cheer with excitement.

    'I know Aura will beat this girl. Nobody can beat Aura! Nobody! I'll believe that to the very end of our journey!'

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