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Pokemon Amethyst Version

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, May 13, 2014.

  1. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Darrick watched as, one-by-one, his fellow trainers took hold of their first Pokemon. He kept his Cyndaquil out, to give it its share of fresh air and stretched appendages before the long journeys confined to its Pokeball that lay ahead. While he observed the others' interactions, he sat himself on the floor next to his new companion, gently rubbing its head to its content. The effect wasn't lost on the trainer: the Pokemon was becoming calmer around him, the flames upon its back even emerged, getting slightly stronger by the moment. "We'll be best friends in no time, Dante," he said. He looked at the Cyndaquil, which looked back up at him with an almost puzzled expression. "Oh," he quickly added, "I figured I would name you Dante. If that suits you. Does it?"

    "Cynda! Cyndaquil!" the Pokemon responded agreeably and pleased with the name bestowed upon him.

    "Glad to see you're happy with it." Darrick pushed up and back onto his feet and looked down to his Pokemon. "What do you say we go mingl- what the?"

    A wave of red-brown hair brushed narrowly past Darrick's face on its way to the Pokeballs. His eyes followed after, finding that it belonged to an unapologetic looking girl who seemed to be a bit younger than the rest of the party. "You're excused," he said, only to be ignored in the light of the girl's speech that followed.

    "Listen up! There's only one position at the top, and it's reserved for none other than me. And to prove it"

    I can see where this one is going.

    "I'm challenging you all to a Pokemon Battle!"

    Knew it. Looks like we've got ourselves a Little Miss Sassafras. This'll be an interesting journey if her bite's enough to back her bark. As tempting as it was to accept the challenge, Darrick stayed put where he was, making neither a combative or retreating motion; his first battle was already determined by tradition. With Aura being the first to accept, he gave her a curt nod as she walked outside. "Let's get going Dante," he said to the Pokemon at his feet. "We don't want to miss a chance to see what this new girl's battling is like."

    He followed at the tail end of the group, out into the field where their first ever battle would be determined. Darrick quickly situated himself in the shade, leaning up against the trunk of a nearby tree, from where he watched the battle, a little ways away from the others so he could concentrate on what the two combatants were like: how the new girl would handle the battle in general, and how Aura would apply her learning with her new Pokemon.

    "Go Aura! Beat this chick and show her where cockiness gets you!"

    Darrick, assuming himself unseen and unnoticed, only threw a stern glance towards Jasmine for her comment. Maybe it is just cockiness that gives this girl her bravado. But then... He peered over to the opposite end of the battlefield, towards the new girl and beyond, to a tree on the other end of the field, where he could clearly make out the visage of a familiar and anticipated person. He rubbed his eyes, not believing it, only to find that when he looked again, the person was gone.

    "Quil?" he heard Dante chime in quizzically at his confusion, most likely the only person that had noticed.

    "It's nothing Dante. Just, well, something in my eye." He turned his attention back to the battlefield and caught back up to his train of thought. Maybe this confidence is what will win this girl this battle. Aura may have type advantage with her Riolu against a Zorua. But at this level it probably doesn't have any attack that align with its type. The resistance factor can only go so far. If the new girl has a good tactic to work off of, it'll be a rough battle. "Be careful out there Aura! This one could be more difficult than it seems!"
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Aura heard those cheering on the sideline for her. She looked up at them all and smiled before looking at the opponent.

    "Okay, now use Scratch!"

    "Riolu, detect!" Aura called out to the riolu who pulled off the move just in time.

    'I wasted a move, but upon doing that I can see what moves my opponent has.

    "Confidence is always good to have in a battle, but you need to watch as well, strategize, using a physical type of move early on lets me begin to see into you battle habits. Using a move like detect that I did though you should know I'm a strategist." Aura spoke out as Riolu stood there unharmed.

    'If I'm correct in assumption, she'll probably try to attack again with a physical move, I'll need to get physical though to, quick attack I think quick attack will probably be a good idea.' Aura thought to herself before waiting for the attack from Sara-Kate.
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Krimson walked outside with the other's prepared to watch the first, of what would probably be many, battle within the group. As he got out, his Cyndaquil was wide awake now, and seemed fully into the idea of battling. He tapped both of his paws onto his shoulder, cheering on the battle as it began.

    Krimson smirked at him and rubbed the top of his head as he cheered. Joining in, he yelled out, "Have fun guys!" He stood beside a boy who had received the Golett earlier, and tapped him on the shoulder. Figuring it was about time he introduced himself to at least one person here, he held out his hand and gave his trademark smirk. "Hi, I'm Krimson! That's a nice Golett you have. Did you give him a nickname?"
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac looked up and saw the boy who introduced himself as Krimson. Zac took a look at his hand and shook it, "I'm Zac, and yeah his name is Mega," Zac replied to the fellow trainer, with Mega waddling over to stick its hand out as well, seeming to want to shake hands as well. Zac began to notice that maybe Mega was interesting in acting like a human, and couldn't help but chuckle, "I think Mega wants to shake hands as well,"
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Krimson smiled and bent down a bit to Mega's height. He stuck his hand out, shaking it with a smile. "Well it's very nice to meet you too Mega!" Krimson's Cyndaquil hopped off of his shoulder to interact with Mega. Sniffing it first, Cyndaquil tried copying everyone else ad stuck out it's paw. "Cyndaquil!" Krimson watched, excited to see Cyndaquil already making a friend. "Haha, seems Cyndaquil wants to jump in as well. So, Zac, are you from this town like most of the others?" As he spoke, he occasionally checked the battle, seeing if anything new was occurring.
  6. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Mega shook Cyndaquil's little paw and Zac couldn't help but chuckle as well, "Haha, yeah," Zac replied, "Actually my mom works at the Pokemon Daycare, and I am often seen working there after school and such," Zac explained to the trainer, "What about you? What's your story?"
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Zorua's attack was dodged at such a close angle and at the last second no less. Even Zorua had the look of surprise on her face as the attack frantically missed.

    "Zorua, don't let up, use Scratch once more!"

    Zorua then swivels on its hind legs and lunges at Riolu once again.

    Sara-Kate rolls her eyes.

    "It takes an equal effort to defend. Don't talk to me as if you have all the answers. Strategist or not, you will lose, and my Zorua will make that happen!"
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Riolu took the hit but didn't stagger as the moved proved not to be that big of a deal.

    "Riolu, quick attack!" Aura called out as Lu in a flash ran across the field hitting a massive blow, critical hit, in addition Riolu has a higher attack range than the zorua.

    "Way to go, Lu!" The pokemon smiled not looking back though, neither one needed to, they could sense each other's aura.

    "Your pokemon's speed may be higher, however mine has a higher attack level." Aura pointed out, 'But at this point everything else is matched. But then again, quick attack I can actually call it faster in the next round means it can go first.'

    "It's interesting that Aura didn't call quick attack earlier for that move is what will let, Aura win this." Professor Cypruss spoke aloud to the few students gathered near him.

    "Both moves are physical moves at 40 power, however, Riolu will deal more damage that Zprua since it's 70 vs. 65, not a huge difference, but impact able. Next the moves."

    "Scratch is defined as Scratch inflicts damage and has no secondary effect. Where as Quick Attack inflicts damage, and is an increased priority move. If the target does not use an increased priority move during the round that it is used, Quick Attack will go first regardless of the user's or target's speed. That means the rules of speed is dismissed, Riolu would get to go first."

    "Alright, Lu, let's do it Quick Attack!" Aura called out as Riolu sped across the field and hit the opponent Zorua.

    Aura looked at both pokemon's health levels on the screen. Sure enough the damage was not evidential as Zorua's health was down in the yellow.

    'I need only to hit one more time. She'll need to attack two more times, further, the overconfidence although both for trainer and pokemon, it needs to be watched that it doesn't become arrogance, for the arrogant one will lose the battle.'

    "Good job, Lu, at this rate you'll have this battle over soon enough, keep it up!" Aura said with a smile on her face as Lu turned back around looking at her as he held up his paw."

    "Your move for the end of this round." Aura said looking over at Sara-Kate.
  9. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Zorua was bombarded with quick attacks and struggling to stand.

    "Hey, is that really all your Pokemon knows!"

    Sara-Kate was getting upset. She checked her wrist and by the way Zorua's health was depleting meant absolute disaster.

    "Zorua, you'll have to give it everything; you got!"

    With words of encouragement from its trainer, Zorua stood tall and unshaken. "Zor... Zorua"

    "That's what I'm talking about!"
    "Two can play this game"
    "Zorua use Copycat!"

    Just as Riolu had done before, Zorua was using Quick Attack and pelted the enemy Riolu with its own move.

    "But we're not done yet!"
    "Zorua follow up with Pursuit!"

    Zorua concluded by smacking Riolu with Pursuit. It wasn't very effective, but it was a critical blow.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Riolu remained standing as Aura stood there shaking her head.

    "Finish this battle off Lu." Riolu nodded as it ran and performed quick attack, it was the finishing move.

    "Set and matched." Professor Cypruss spoke as the HP was completely depleted.

    "Way to go, Lu!" Aura said smiling falling to her knees her arms open as the Riolu ran to her arms as Aura jumped up hugging the smaller pokemon. Still holding the smaller pokemon she looked to her opponent.

    Aura looked to her iPoketech vibrating and blinking.

    "At the end of your battle whatever pokemon is victorious and survived will earn experience, exp, points. Your iPoketech device will record that sometimes your pokemon will be available to learn a new move too, but you need to delete out an old move if you already have 4, your pokemon can only know 4 moves."

    Aura nodded looking at the device and sure enough, Lu could learn a new move. Aura clicked on foresight as it got replaced with counter.

    "Way to go, Lu you're now at level 7!" She exclaimed smiling. She stood up and looked over at her opponent.

    "You did pretty good, you got a tough little guy. Had my Riolu not have the ability inner focus, you could of actually maybe won this match with pursuit occasionally causing flinching, inner focus though prevents flinching." Aura said smiling to the younger girl.
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Sweetness! Did ya see that little guy!' He patted his Shinx on the head as he raised his arm in the corner of Aura" Aura Is the winner of this Trainee battle!. Laharl stepped back a few paces towards the professor. " I learned how to referee matches by watching my father in his dojo, but thanks for the refresher course Prof.

    " Shi..shi shi!! Shinx!"

    " Oh yea? i think so too! we should totally grab a bite to eat. Laharl's little pokemon hopped off his shoulder and onto the ground. Taking a seat against the wall he sat with his legs crossed. Shinx happily hopped into the small crevasse in his lap. " So prof got any other tips and tricks for us grasshoppers, well rather these grasshoppers over here." he said pointing his thumb to the others. Laharl had grew up around battles and his father who was world known for his battles and the dojo he ran that trained some of the best pokemon. There was little about pokemon that he didnt already know.

    " Well whenever you're ready prof."
    He said as he placed his palm over Shinx head rubbing him playfully."
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "That would be all the tips, for the other tips to arrive will come from your team leaders. I'm dividing you up into teams for your travels. So I'll start over here, the first team, (second team) will consist of Darrick Kuhn, Sara-Kate Akins, Krimson Bell, and Thomas Springfield. The other team will have Aura Mitsuko, Laharl Magnus, Jasmine Kurosaki, and Zac Hanes. The team captains will be Darrick Kuhn and Aura Mitsuko." Professor Cypruss read from his list a smile on his face.

    Aura turned her attention to the Professor after having previous attention on Sara-Kate. She smiled wide at the professor.

    "Sounds good professor!" She exclaimed smiling as she looked over at Laharl, Jasmine, and Zac.

    "You're all free to hit the road then, don't be afraid to check in every once in a while." Professor said as he left the young group.

    Aura walked over to Laharl as her riolu sat on her shoulder.

    "So I couldn't help but overhear you say something about a dojo, that's pretty awesome, I was raised in one too, we'll actually be meeting my dad on our journey. Anyways, shall we all hit the road?"
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Krimson was ready to reply to Zac, but before he knew it, the battle had ended in the girl's favor. Ha clapped and cheered happily, smiling widely. "Woohoo! Way to go Aura and Riolu," he cheered, his Cyndaquil jumping with him. "Cyndaaaaquiiiil!" Krimson stopped cheering and looked back at Zac. "Sorry, haha. I'm from Greenleaf. It's cool that your parents run a daycare! My parents are breeders, and have seen like a loooad of cool trainers from all over this region!"

    He looked at the professor and the others, learning that he was now to be put into a group with a group of others. Although his new friend was on the other team, he knew no one on his current team, which meant he would be making plenty of friends. The only problem was that he didn't know any of the other students, besides the firey Sarah-Kate. He had hoped that she was a little nicer and more calmed down later.
    Last edited: May 17, 2014
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Zorua stood up only to fall down again. "It's alright Zorua, return!" A flash of red light retrieved Zorua. Sara-Kate was discontent with the outcome of the battle, but it was only one of many. "Listen, you may have won this one by sheer luck, but I guarantee the next battle will be different!" She directed her attention at the professor who was leaving. "Professor, can you heal my Zorua for me?" but he was already too far gone. "Ugh . . ." she twirled her skirt and ran off in the direction of the Pokemon Center.

    OOC: She'll catch up with the team unless you want to follow her.
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Awesome job Aura!" Zac exclaimed, but turned to Krimson when he mentioned his parents, "Well, its just my mom who owns, my dad does something else," Zac said, but soon enough, inormation was being passed around soon enough Zac found out that the once 1 team was divided into 2, with the winner of the battle being his team's leader. Zac headed over to his fellow team mates and smiled, "Me and Mega are ready to get going," Zac said
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jasmine cheered loudly as Aura pulled off a victory. "Yeah I knew you wouldn't lose Aura!" The girl giddily got to her feet and ran over to her friend tackle hugging her. "You're super amazing, and so cute in that outfit!"

    Embarrassing her friend was something Jasmine took a lot of pride in, it was one of her favorite pastimes actually. Which is what she was currently doing, well, that and not allowing her to be alone with Laharl. She wasn't possessive or anything really, she just gets kind of jealous when other people try to impress her, mainly because Jasmine herself had no redeeming qualities in her mind. The only thing she had was her friend and she didn't want to lose that.
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Well, that was a bit unexpected. She shouldn't have let off on Copycat; it might have been her saving grace. Still, a close battle." With the battle over, Darrick pushed off of the tree trunk and joined the others, many of whom were congratulating Aura for her victory. He gave a more solemn affirmation, an approving nod of the head. He couldn't have brought himself to tell her just then that he had been somewhat pulling for her opponent to edge her out towards the end, if only to stand as an example of the tough journey ahead of them, and the secret hope that she would be able to back up her words with a performance to match. He knew he would have to challenge the girl as soon as he could, to see how he fared; he just had one other challenge to tend to before that could happen.

    For the time being though, he listened to Professor Cypress' last words of confidence and the plan for their travels. With an even number of trainers, they were split into two teams of four. Darrick, looking around, registered who his team was as the Professor ran down the names: Sara-Kate Akins quickly identified as the girl that had just battled Aura; Krimson Bell, the boy with the other Cyndaquil, whose name he had overheard in his conversation with Zac; Thomas Springfield, whom Darrick readily located as the last person whose face didn't have a name to it. Being designated a team captain came as a slight shock, though it made sense considering he was the only person in his group that was local and in personal contact with Cypress over the years.

    He didn't hesitate to rise to the challenge. As the teams divvied themselves out to acquaint, Darrick took the reigns of his group, first moving over to join Krimson and waving towards Thomas to call him over; the only one that was missing was Sara-Kate, who Darrick had seen running off to get her Zorua healed, and knew they would have to fetch her on their way out. "Darrick Kuhn," he said to Krimson, holding out his hand. "I see you got a Cyndaquil as well."
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "So I couldn't help but overhear you say something about a dojo, that's pretty awesome, I was raised in one too, we'll actually be meeting my dad on our journey. Anyways, shall we all hit the road?"

    " Laharl looked up at Aura with a smile. " Oh, yea sure lead the way, i'm not from around here so i'll just be tagging along for now." Shinx hopped out of his lap as Laharl stood up. But suddenly this strange girl kind of tacked Aura. " Erm....okay then" Laharl and Shinx took off as he felt awkward being around them at the moment at least with that strange girl giving him a stare of " go away"

    with both his hands in his pockets he made his away over to Zac" Hey man looks like we'll be traveling together, I bet you're excited as i am. Eventually we'll run into my old man at some point but until then lets just have fun yea?" he extended his hand out to Zac. " By the way, the names Laharl, Laharl Magnus"
  19. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Hmm... A bit of a shame. I was actually kinda rooting for her to win with Zorua. That boast about being the champion made her interesting to say the least." As he thought that, Professor Cypress had gone over the team members, stating who was to be traveling with who. He looked down at Gible as Darrick waved at him to gather the team together. "Well it looks like our travels are ready to begin now. You ready?" The Gible growled in acknowledgment. Thomas and his Pokemon walked towards Darrick and Krimson. "Nice to meet you guys. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier.. That sudden battle seemed to interfere with that. Speaking of which, should we go after her?" He tipped his head towards the direction Sara-Kate ran off to.
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Krimson gave Derrick a smile and shook his hand. "Krimson Bell! It's a pleasure to meet you Derrick," he said happily. He looked back down at his own Cyndaquil and smirked, folding his arms behind his head. "Oh yeah, I remember seeing yours inside. Yup, looks like we both have ourselves a Cyndaquil, haha. And you're the group leader right? Well I'll be sure to stay on your good side then." He smiled and looked at the new person approaching them. No doubt this was their last teammate, Thomas Springfield. "No problem man, that battle did seem to take up most of the introduction time, hehe." He looked at Thomas' Gible with wide eyes of excitement. "You have a Gible? That's awesome! I love dragon types. Of course, I love fire types more-" He looked down at his Cyndaquil and gave it a friendly wink, who smiled back up at him and began to approach the Gible to say hello. He looked at the direction where the girl, Sarah-Kate, had went. "Yeah, we should get her so we can start moving out soon."

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