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Blue Card With an Exact Value of One.

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories' started by D0GE, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. D0GE

    D0GE New Member

    I've reached the last door of the last world, and I can't open the door. Where exactly is the best place to find a blue card with a value of one? I've spent all day looking. Where exactly is it most commonly dropped, and/or where can I find a Black Mushroom card that I can SR with until I get a 1?
  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Drops appear to be random. Best to probably back track to the early world/s (because less variety of cards appear here) and farm for low number blue cards there with your "Teeming Darkness" Map Cards or any others that spawn more heartless.
    As for your mushroom cards, again its random with a smaller percentage of dropping. Sure fire way to obtain them is with your "Roulette Room" Map Cards and learning how the roulette spin works and land on the card you want. "Black Room" Map Cards appear on the roulette after each battle.
    You probably already know this as well, but make sure you have less than 100 Map Cards, otherwise you'll just throw the extra ones away.

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