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KHPlanet SOTW #2 Final Fantasy Voting

Discussion in 'Archive' started by NeRo, Jun 28, 2014.

And The Winner IS!!!!!

Poll closed Jun 30, 2014.
  1. Entry 1

    1 vote(s)
  2. Entry 2

    6 vote(s)
  3. Entry 3

    0 vote(s)
  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Let's just get right into it then!

    Entry 1

    Entry 2

    Entry 3

    Lets vote!
  2. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Here's my votes:
    (Coming from a member who is not experienced in graphic designing.)


    Entry 2

    My favourite text font between all three signatures. I like the pink colour scheme; I find it suits Lumina well. I also like the constellation effect going on in the background.

    Second Favourite

    Entry 1

    The text isn't so bad: Making "Legend" stand out, by having it in cursive writing, is quite fitting for Zack. I find; however, that the light effect next to his sword is a little too overpowering. I'm more drawn to it at first sight, rather than the character himself. Overall, I do like the purple tones used and it's a pretty siggy.

    Third Favourite

    Entry 3

    I'm not really into the text used in this signature. I only noticed that "Xelhes" was in the left hand corner on my second glance of the signature. It's a little difficult to notice, so it would be nice if it were a little more clear. Underlining "Zack Fair" seems a little bulky too, and it's instantly what I see. I LOVE the orangy-amber colours for Zack though. It's very attractive. Really, the only thing I'm not a fan of when it comes to this signature is the text. The signature is very well done as a whole.
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Just posted all of this already but KHP logged me out... >.<

    Anyway I'll critique my own but I'll leave it out of my ranking. I'll start off by saying I'm proud of it for the most part. I like the colors, flow, and lighting. That said, I should have just erased the tail of Lumina's dress off to the right. It looks a little awkward and out of place. I think I'm getting better at blending but I still see a few rough spots around the edge of the render.

    My first favorite out of the other two is

    #1- I actually love this one. The colors work nicely together, the lighting is good, and the text makes sense and stands out in a pleasing way. I especially like the light effect near the sword. My only complaint is that it is a little distracting compared to the darkness in the rest of the sig. Zack literally fades into the background.

    Second is #3- For the most part it's simple but good. I like the colors and the smudging effect along the bottom. The text isn't your best though. I didn't even notice the "Xelhes" until Napoleon pointed it out and the "Zack Fair" has the exact opposite problem. I can tell this is one of your older sigs, though. For the most part, It's good looking.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    For those that are wondering what Xelhes is, it's my Old old old screen name back when i first started making Sigs. I grabbed this one out of my old stuff to help fill up the SOTW since it was just 2 entries. So just wanted to clarify.
  5. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Voted for #2.
    Rather simple, but elegant all the same.

    then there was 3 and my own.

    3 is nice, but contrast seems high and text is bland. But hey I don't blame vox, haha I remember seeing this 3 years ago
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    And the winner is Hope, great job dear!

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