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Sports Anime

Discussion in 'Anime & Manga' started by Napoléon, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    So, who here watches anime based on sports ?! I'm not going to say I watch them because of all the bishie boys, but I'm not going to deny that either.

    I find it's strange how I enjoy such anime because I don't like watching sports in real life, aside from the Olympics. They're just so beautiful to watch when it comes to anime.

    I only watch three different ones right now :

    Kuroko no Basket (which is getting a third season. Glorious !)
    Haikyuu (currently watching this one)
    Free! (famously called 'Swimming Anime')

    Free! will be airing again soon, and it's the second and last season. Oh, the feels T-T

    There's some I want to look into for the future, like Prince of Tennis and Slam Dunk, but we'll see how things go.

    But yeah, who else watches anime of this genre ?
  2. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    I used to watch a lot of old sports anime and manga, mainly the "Captain Tsubasa" anime and "Eyeshield 21" manga. I haven't seen much of the newer ones, but I have seen a few episodes of "Big Windup!" a few years ago, as well as "Yowamushi Pedal" with my girlfriend last week.

    I'm not interested in watching the newer ones. Not my taste.

    They're all ridiculous in a good way, with all their special moves. Real life sports would be very interesting if they were as creative.
  3. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    "Big Windup!" is baseball anime, right ? My friend who watches all the sports anime is in love with it. Did you find it any good ?

    I was debating on watching "Yowamushi Pedal". Let's watch it and discuss our feels in this thread ;)

    I know, right !

    Free! actually doesn't have a lot of ridiculous moves though. It's more of a fan-service anime with a bunch of attractive boys swimming. Most of the characters swimming abilities are somewhat believable. Also, Free! has a lot of funny episodes between the swimming competitions, whereas I find the other sports anime are almost completely focussed on the sport at hand (with sometimes a half an episode centered around the "off time" of the games).

    Now, Kuroko is filled with ridiculous special moves (AND I MEAN FILLED). I'm just so captivated. I probably scream as much as the people watching the actual NBA's. It's almost sad.

    I wish people in real life could do those moves. I'd watch more than just the Olympics :p

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