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K-ON Rise To Fame RP

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Sakura blossoms flutter about, the wind is warm it's such a nice day outisde. Students all over the city are getting ready for school. There was a rumor going around that the best Club to have the best showing at the Fall Festival would win a prize of their choosing. But who knows?!?! What will you do today!

    Beep Beep Beep Beeep!!!!

    " Alex oh my god turn your alarm off!!"

    A voice was heard from the adjacent room muffled by the wall. Then short bumps could be heard on the wall as if someone was beating on it. More muffled sounds like someone getting out of bed and mumbling to themselves. " Lazy good for nothing stupid little"

    " Crash!" a loud thump as his door was kicked in. " Alex! Get up!!" His older sister yelled. But he rolled around and curled into a ball. " Dammit he's gone into hermit mode." Hermit mode was Alex's special sleepy time defense. he'd cover himself up from head to toe with a blanket and curl into a ball. He called it. " The Ultimate Defense"

    " I'll get you out of bed right now" She shouted marching down the steps. a few pots and pans were heard and shortly the aroma of maple syrup and bacon flowed into the house and into Alex's nose. His head popped up like a newborn Gopher looking for food. Sliding down the stairs and into a chair he waited to eat.

    " Now Alex mom and dad left last night for their business trip to America so you have to make sure you get to school on time. "

    He nodded as he began to chow down on his food. in a dash he ran back to his room Got ready for school grabbed a pancake and headed out the door. He was running a bit late but he figured he'd stop at the manga store on the way to school.
  2. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    Mira watched the clock intently, waiting for it to be only two hours before school. The anxiety that came with her first day was immense, and as time to get ready clicked in front of her eyes, Mira sighed. She extinguished the flame from the cigarette betwixt her fingers on her naked thigh, and threw it's lifeless form out of her bedroom window. There was now only an hour before her father woke up, and that meant she had an hour to get up and get out.

    The young woman tip-toed her way to the bathroom, thankfully only one door down from her own bedroom, and removed her underwear and her nightshirt. Getting undressed was Mira's least favourite necessity, as what it revealed to her was never better than the days before. Bruises, some fresh, some old, riddled her adolescent body, turning her slender, borderline emaciated form into a canvas for shades of blue, purple, and black that no girl her age should ever have had to endure.

    She was used to this, now. At least that's what she told herself. After cleaning out the smell of night terrors and cigarette ash, Mira put her clothes on and did her hair and make-up. Making certain to cover up any of the marks visible below the line of her skirt, she was ready.

    Mira did not eat breakfast. Instead, she poured herself a travel mug of coffee and walked out the door. Ten minutes, Mira mused in her head, proud of herself. Ten minutes before he wakes up to see that his "good for nothing" daughter is already off to school.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Melody "Mel" Oswald,prodigy of music and gifted pianist, was up and early. It was her first day starting at her new school, and a week since she's been home-home from her performance arts boarding school.

    "So weekends and evenings I expect you to be around, Mel." Mel nodded coming out of an office room at the local music store speaking to the owner and manager.

    "Well I appreciate being able to work here, Mr. Vahn." She told him smiling,

    "Bill, please." The owner said smiling, William "Bill" Vahn was a bass player in Mel's father's old jazz band. He still is in that jazz band, taking over it due to Mel's father growing ill and hospitalized, "And you know I would do anything for my goddaughter," Bill was also Mel's father's best friend, best man, and became Mel's godfather. Of course though, when Melody went off to boarding school up in the northern region of the country and a good days travel, she lost connection with the lives at her birthplace and her parent's residence. Often speaking only to her parents.

    Now with her father's illness, Mel found herself back to her birthplace to help her mother out, while attending secondary school there and now getting a job there.

    Of course this was only going to be for a year then she would be back to where she really considered her home, her performing arts boarding school.

    "Now, you aren't going be required too much. Mostly just running the register and helping customers, maybe doing stock, but what I really want you for is if people come in for music lessons, I want you to do them." Mel nodded.

    "Of course, I'd be happy to do all of that." She smiled as they stood at the front door of the shop.

    "Great, I better let you go to your first day of school."

    "Great, thank you again, Mr. Vahn."


    "Right, thank you again, Bill." Mel said smiling as he smiled back and started back to his office and she headed out the door, opening it, only to open it onto somebody walking by. Mel walked out and looked down to see she knocked somebody to the ground with the door.

    "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She quickly exclaimed kneeling down to check on him and help him up.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    If I could tell you... I would tell you. If I could show you... I would show you. But this life of mine prevents me, from being who I really want to be...

    Singing to herself as she walked along the sidewalk, on the way to school, Krystal Gjemn came across multiple strange happenings.

    The first of which was a young couple sprawled out on a bench, looking very drunk. While she worried about them getting into trouble, she had school today, so she really didn't have time to be sticking around to see what the end result would be and seeing if these two were alright, she moved on. Only to come across quite the interesting sight. The new kid, or at least Krystal assumed this was her based off the gossip she's heard and the fact that she's never seen this girl before in her life... though that could be a coincidence, regardless, this girl had just walked straight into a boy who looked around their age... He looked familiar, but Krystal was more focused on what would come of this... though the urge to jump out from the corner she was now hiding behind to fondle the other girl was great, Krystal held herself back...

    This could potentially be interesting, and she just HAD to see how this one would turn out. There was plenty of time for fondling later anyway. So Krystal stood quietly behind a corner, poking her head out enough to see the two, and chuckling lightly to herself as this interesting encounter unfolded.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2014
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alex was reading a manga while chewing on his beloved pancake. He loved sweets and he loved pancakes and waffles the most. One of the things he was looking to join was the manga club or the anime club for sure. It was such a warm day out, he really would rather sit under a sakura tree and read manga all day. " Why can't this day just be no class...."

    " OH wow!! check this -" He was getting excited over a page in his manga when BAM!!

    " Ooof, ouch ouch!"

    A door slammed straight into him knocking him flat on his but dropping his manga and....his pancake!

    "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

    A young girl that walked out of the store said but Alex wasnt concerned with her his eyes were tearing up.
    "NOOOOOOOOOO MY PANCAKE!!!!" He was more concerned about his pancake that had now hit the floor.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Mel saw him about to cry and winced back a little bit not sure what to expect next. Did she really hit him that hard?


    Mel looked towards the pancake laying on the ground now quite a few ants scattering towards it and carrying off their new found treasure.

    "Well, now hey..." Mel turned back to the teary eyed boy probably about the same age as her, "how about I get you a new pancake!" She said not only was it partially her fault, but she didn't want to see him crying, nor did she believe, if the boy was her age and probably in secondary school, he shouldn't be crying. Finally she wanted to make sure he was physically alright.
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    He watched as those demonic ants carried away his precious sweet pancake. " I curse you ants to the lowest pits of hell! i hope you choke on it!!!" His face turned red and his entire demenor changed. as he pointed a finger at the ants as they scurried away.

    "how about I get you a new pancake!

    Alex shot up and stood next to her back to a normal composure. " New Pancake? hi hello my name is Alex nice to meet you!" He went back to a normal teenager at the sound of new pancakes. " what's your name?"
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Mel smiled awkwardly as he perked up very quickly with the mention of a new pancake.

    'Well at least he's not crying now or anything...' She thought to herself as he introduced himself.

    "Oh!" She shocked herself before smiling and nodding.

    "Melody Oswald, most people call me Mel." Mel told him, "let's go get your pancake, I'm assuming you're also on your way to school?"
  9. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    Sitting in a booth by the window in her favourite family restaurant, Mira sipped at her fourth cup of morning coffee and read her course notes from her sophomore year. They weren't as interesting as she had thought they were the first time, but to be fair, her swift and violent pull from the party life had made everything feel dull. That was when the beatings started. That was only eight months ago, but it had felt like forever since anything tasted like anything more than cigarettes and black coffee.

    Turning and looking out the window, Mira caught a glimpse of a comical sight. A couple of students who looked her age appeared to be in mourning over a fallen piece of breakfast, now being carried off by a small army of ants. If only I had people my age to talk to, Mira thought. Maybe I could do something nice...

    Mira paid for her beverage at the front counter, and kept the two across the street in mind. "I'd like to order two short stacks before I go, actually," she said after paying off her coffee. Just as she saw the girl across the street help the odd-looking boy up, she started beckoning to them through the restaurant window by her booth, hoping they would notice. I look like an idiot.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2014
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Oh! that's a pretty cool name it sure is neat." He chuckled to himself. turning around be kneeled down to pick up his manga when he noticed someone waving at him from across the street. She looked familiar but because of the window he really couldn't place a face to a name. But she had food which made him instantly jealous.

    " I think i know...."

    He mumbled to himself as he awkwardly waved back to her. His manga was torn down the side which also made him sad. This was turning out to be some day. The only thing that could fix this day were beloved pancakes. When he looked at her more instead of waving it looked like she was beckoning him over.

    " Sure why not" he said as he just took off across the street.He stood awkwardly outside her window smiling.
  11. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    Mira frowned, and quit beckoning as the boy from across the street stood outside of the window. Is he... daft? She smiled back at him, and pointed towards the door of the restaurant, and then the stack of pancakes.

    To reinforce the point, she turned and picked up her pen and paper, scrawling "Breakfast?" and presenting it. She blushed, realising this probably looked like she was trying to make a date with the boy. I can't believe I ever had friends.
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alex could not process what was happening. He looked her, then at the pancakes then at the door. A light bulb and buzzer went off in his head and his Eyes widened. " PANCAKES!!!!!!" like a gust of wind he sprinted into the cafe and into the seat.

    In a rush to put the savory cake into his mouth he mumbled.

    " Hello my name is Alex nice to meet you" It could be barely made out between his mouth being stuffed with pancakes. He took a moment to swallow and then place a single cake in his mouth.

    " Thank you for this, i dropped my beloved pancake earlier". He said as he frowned at the thought.
  13. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    "Beloved... pancake," Mira repeated to herself in a whisper. "I see." She watched the boy eat in front of her, trying as best she could to mask her disgust. I don't know that I could eat that much in a day, let alone in one sitting--certainly not that fast.. Mira began to pack her bag, since she knew she could not stay too much longer.

    The boy was cute enough, but that was currently being ruined by his ravenous hunger's sating. "Is this your first day of school, as well?" Mira asked, hoping that maybe the question would force the boy to come up for some air. "I'm Mira Alain, junior year."
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alex stopped as he saw her getting ready to leave. he put the knife and fork down and took a large gulp of orange juice. He felt pretty bad about eating so quickly he didnt even get a chance to speak to her really. Clearing his throat he hit his chest a few times.

    " Sorry about that, i just love pancakes" He said with a smile on his face. He left one pancake on the table for him to take out and hopefully this beloved pancake would not be stolen from him.

    "Is this your first day of school, as well?

    " Yea, it's my first year here. i've heard alot about this school i've been here alot actually to the school's fall festival where all of the school clubs have events and booths. It's really fun so i'm looking forward to doing something like that as well just don't know what it is i want to do yet. Sorry i'm just going on and on, What's your name?"
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Watching Alex run off towards the girl who appeared in the window got Krystal's blood pumping. Another chick?! That meant more fondling! She jumped from her hiding spot and charged across the street, and into the cafe, right behind Alex tackling the boy in a hug when she caught him. "Hello strangers! I'm Krystal!" Letting go of the boy, she turned to the girl and wiggled her fingers, giggling lightly. "They're sooo big! Don't mind me okay? I'm just gonna..."

    She inched closer and closer until the other girl was within reach and with a laugh, she jumped her, grabbing at her breasts in an attempt to play with her new friend. "Grab you playfully! Don't be shy! I do it to everyone yep! Hehehe!"
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2014
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Mel watched as just as quickly she met the new boy he had ran off to a restaurant across the street. She followed not seeing what exactly he was excited about, except maybe his pancake which she did say she'd pay for. She soon crossed the street and enter to see him sitting in a booth quickly cobbling up a massive stack of pancakes talking to another girl there.

    'Maybe a friend of his?' She thought to himself. Seeing she was quickly forgotten about she went to head on out to get to the school early in order to get her schedule and a tour of the school. That's when it was her turn to be knocked to the ground by a girl who ran into the restaurant. She didn't fall to the ground but her back hit hard against the door frame as she was pushed aside.

    'I really am living up to the new girl stereotype...' She thought to herself only to turn and her jaw drop to see this next stranger tackle the boy she just met to the ground then jumped onto his friend and actually grabbed her boobs.

    The whole restaurant must have stopped what they were doing and were staring, jaws dropped staring in confusion.

    "This place..." Mel spoke aloud still a bit of shock, 'I never could imagine a place to be this...

  17. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    Mira was beyond confused. One second, she was talking to Alex and preparing herself to depart, and the next, there was another girl on top of her, groping at her chest. Instantly embarrassed as she felt the stuffing in her bra shift, a bad habit from her party days that she hadn't quite yet stopped. In seconds she went from a high C to a low B, and her face flushed.

    "Please," Mira said, attempting to scurry back, hoping the other girl wouldn't notice the lumps falling down to the bottom of her blouse. "Please stop."

    The first day of school hadn't even started, and the anxiety was already there. Maybe she shouldn't have left home so early.
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    While sitting in a calm state suddenly a young girl burst into the cafe slamming him against the window. His eyes began to whirl around like spinning discs. While shaking off the random hug from a un-named girl he took notice of his last pancake. Grabbing the plate before it slipped he yelled loudly.

    " Not this time!!"

    He caught the plate and placed it by the window. But as he looked up slowly his face turned pure red and blood started to explode from his nose. As the girl he just met was having her chest fondled like toy plush dolls.

    " I...i...i i'll die a happy man" He said as he took his pancake, and cleared his nose." SCHOOL IS ABOUT TO START WE HAVE TO GO!!!" he shouted loudly to bring things back to a state of normalcy.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Krystal looked up and pouted, "Aww, already? Drats... Oh well... on to the next one!" Letting go of Mira's boobs, a bright glint shone in Krystal's eyes as she turned toward the other girl who had followed them in. "Mmmm... Not as big as I'd hoped but..." She giggled to herself before lunging herself at Melody attempting to grope her like she did Mira.

    "Don't be shy new girl! No no no! I love each and every one of you equally yep yep! Even though I've got no clue who you are... oh hey, squishy. Boing boing!" Laughing, Krystal eventually pulled away, and with a wink to the crowd, took off in the direction of the school.
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Mel stood there before Alex seemed to pull things back to reality. She dug out her phone looking at the time. He was right, school was about to start and the school was still a bit of a distance away of a walk, at this point she would need to jog or run to get there on time.

    As she looked up the strange bizarre girl stood in front of her. She stepped back a bit startled.

    "Don't be shy new girl! No no no! I love each and every one of you equally yep yep! Even though I've got no clue who you are... oh hey, squishy. Boing boing!"

    Before suddenly her breasts were beings gripped and pulled on. as her boob slipped out of the bra pocket and poked a bit out from her button blouse.

    Mel looked down in shock and horror quickly covering up in embarrassment. She looked up at the whole restaurant. She felt herself about to be sick from embarrassment as the restaurant seemed to be staring at her now. She quickly hurried out of the restaurant.

    The day wasn't starting out well.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2014

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