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K-ON Rise To Fame RP

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    In hopes that the spectacle of the other molestation taking place would take the focus off of her, Mira adjusted what needed to be done under her shirt. Now that "her figure" was as she wanted it to be displayed, Mira grabbed her backpack, slipping a cigarette out of the front pocket, and ran out of the place.

    Desperately she wanted to make friends with the boy across from her. A good start was hopefully made with the gift of the pancake, so she poked at his hand from across the table to grab his attention. "Alex!" she spoke in a harsh whisper. "Want to get out of here?"

    As the breast of the newly molested came out onto display, Mira panicked. She was hoping that the rest of the school year would be nothing like this.
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Alex!" she spoke in a harsh whisper. "Want to get out of here?"

    Alex looked back at her and nodded. He gripped the pancake and put it into his mouth and picked up his backpack. Mumbling with the pancake in his mouth he murmured "Lets go"

    Grabbing her hand he pulled her out of the store and picked up speed for a bit till they were a block away from the campus. The sakura blossoms were in full bloom as they floated through the air softly. The warm air fluttered through his dark hair as he came to a stop and slowed down.

    Gulping down the last pancake a puff of air came from his mouth. a sound of happiness and joy as he finished the pancake. " Sorry about that back there, things got a bit out of hand. So um, are you new in town?"
  3. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    As swiftly as Alex responded, they got the hell out. Trying to keep up with the boy who had her hand, she had to run. Her ill-conditioned lungs and frail body did their best to keep up, but it was all she could do not to lose her footing. Mira's saving grace came when they were but a block away from campus, and Alex finally stopped his hasted charge.

    "Sorry about that back there, things got a bit out of hand. So um, are you new in town?"

    Released from the boy's grasp, she tried her best to regain her composure. "No, I've lived here a while," Mira responded. "I used to hang out with a lot of older girls, but they all went off to college." What she said wasn't totally a lie, but it also masked the part where her abruptly cut short party life had made it impossible to go out with people her age--mostly for fear of being seen by the older students.

    Mira lit the cigarette she had been carrying along, took a long drag, and puffed away from Alex, not wanting to be rude. As a common courtesy, she held out the burning mass of paper and toxins, in his direction, offering it up to him--a lost kitten trying to give a stranger a dead rat. "You smoke?"
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "No, I've lived here a while,. "I used to hang out with a lot of older girls, but they all went off to college."

    Alex was a bit taken back by her at first, she hung out with older girls? Wow...she's so amazingly cool... He thought to himself. He hung out with 2 older guys as well but two old men who fed him pancakes at the old folks home probably isnt that cool in comparison. He was trying to think of something to make himself seem cool but then when he was snapped back to reality she offered him a smoke.

    "You smoke?"

    In a feeble attempt to fit in he puffed up his chest and took it from her hand. " Of course i do" He said as he took one puff and the next second he was on the floor rolling around coughing. Standing back up he coughed a bit as his face was red. Flushed with embarrassment.
  5. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    Mira giggled when Alex fell to the ground coughing. While it felt really mean, she couldn't help herself. The boy was cute, she could certainly give him that much. "You didn't have to say you did, you know," Mira said, picking up the cigarette that Alex dropped. "It's a bad habit. Better that you don't, really."

    Concerned about the time, Mira checked her phone. Thrown into a panic once again because school was getting ready to start, she burned out the cigarette on the naked part of her in between her knee highs and her skirt. The burn, as always, was a bittersweet sensation.

    Mira grabbed Alex's hand and motioned toward school. "No need to blush, Alex. Time for class. You going to be alright?"
  6. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    It was still dark outside. Only feint sounds of faraway traffic echoed through the streets which inhabited mostly of folk whose pay check would be a laughable excuse for money to anyone with proper education. Still, these people persevered through new hardships every day and were left aside as the neighbourhood was a filthy stain on the landscape of the whole town.

    Although it was almost morning, 4:57AM to be precise, some lonely characters could be spotted stomping the crackling concrete streets - some with more ease walking towards their destination than others. As the nights were chilly, being the end of summer, most of the folk that still wandered the streets were dressed up warmly so the cold wouldn't reach their bones.

    Just around the corner, a grey hooded and black scarf-masked figure was making swift progress to his destination; home. Or a safe haven from the long fist of law, which he preferred to think of it as. He had been out all night with people around his age, and still carried the stains of spray on his abnormally large grey hoodie. This was a reason why he wouldn't keep his eyes on watching his feet or straight ahead for too long, even, as the police night patrol was still on the move. After crossing the street whilst the red light was still emitting its light through the fog, he made a sharp right turn and finally saw his destination. When he reached the door and was about to slip the key into the lock that looked at least 20 years old, a loud patrol siren could be heard in the distance. It made his heart jump a bit, but he knew that he was out of the trouble already. Turning the lock, and stepping in ever so slightly to be sure not to wake anyone up, he made his way through the living room and into his own bedroom, shutting the door as quiet as possible.



    The sunlight crackled through black silky curtains into the room waking Kenshin up from his deep slumber. With an uninterested peek towards the alarm clock that was not set on, he slowly got up and sat on the edge of his wide bed for a while before deciding to put his clothes on. Whilst putting on a casual t-shirt, he realized that something was amiss. What was it? Something about this particular date… it was all foggy, but he knew he had to do something today. He started searching under all the clothes and stacks of paper in his small and dark room and it took a good while before he found the small note from his mother.

    School starts next week, don’t be late!
    So that was it, huh… he mumbled and noticed the somewhat-clean garments sitting neatly in the corner of this dark abyss.

    Grabbing everything that was necessary, his black shoulder back, 32GB iPod and a neat little travelling speaker, he double checked that everything was there. When he grabbed the handle, he remembered – he was supposed to drop off a delivery around the block. Most likely something illegal, like all the other ones were as well. Most of the time he didn’t know what was in the small tightly shut bags or packets, nor did he care. But sometimes he knew, and knew the trouble that would come if he’d get caught. They were simple drop-offs though, with a huge payment, so it really mattered little.

    Checking his wrist watch, the clock had already forwarded by 25 minutes. He was running very late from school, but it didn’t bother him too much. The only thing that they would do anyway would be meeting the new students and some of them would be assigned to show them around the school and town… he wasn’t really into meeting new people who he had nothing in common with or who wouldn’t eventually become his customers – teens around the proximity of his school weren’t really into nothing more than anime and TV-drama romances.

    Grabbing an apple from the kitchen into his bag, he then stopped by the nearby bus stop. After a few cigarettes and eating the apple, the bus finally arrived and he was able to finally journey into the school. It was not the longest distance, but by walking the length of his trip would take too long as the roads weren’t really invented for pedestrians.
    When he arrived, the clock was around 11:15. He noticed that the whole yard was empty of students – they had to be preparing for the entrance ceremony. Thinking whether or not to march right into the gymnasium would be a wise idea, he decided to wait a bit before even trying to stress the situation any further.

    The ceremony should be over in 30 minutes… I know.

    He waltzed through the main hall not paying attention to the info lady trying to sign him into the roster of arrived students and made his way up to the stairs when finally reaching the maintenance door that led to the roof. Opening the door and feeling the warm breeze that last winds of summertime had to offer, he made himself comfortable a few feet away from the door and took out his mini-speaker and plucked it into the iPod.

    Yes, sweet solitude.

    Scrolling through the available songs, he finally found the one that he was looking for and started it. Even though the speaker was small, the music could easily be heard echoing through the upper hall and outer yard.

    Last edited: Jul 8, 2014
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Time Skip to Opening Ceremony

    Alex was pulled along by Mira and they were ushered into the Gymnasium to seating for the opening ceremonies. Only the freshman were allowed to be in attendance this year as the upperclassmen all prepared their clubs outside in the courtyard for recruitment.
    At the center of the stage stood a short hefty man with a curly beard. It was the Dean of the school Mr Ozuki, he was a nice quiet man. He's been over the highschool for years. Always a ear for students. As he began his speech Alex found a seat next to Mira and slouched down. " Guess i got time to kill" he said as he pulled out his small VGP. The Dean talked for quite a while and was finally coming to the last part of his speech.

    " Here in this Academy we strive for excellence of all our students abilities. To do this. All students are required to join a club, a club of your choosing of course. Feel free to find any club that fits your interest from the Film club, down to the Gourmet's Club. We have many sorts of colorful clubs that something will surely peak your interest. Once you leave this room outside in the main hall will be a large Board with all freshman names and homerooms. Report to your home rooms directly afterwards. From their we will have Club recruitment outside in the main courtyard." He stretched out his arms and belted out

    " Welcome to you all"


    Alex got up and made his way through the crowd, Slipping his portable console back in his pocket so he could keep it hidden in class. " Alright let's see where i fit in." He pushed through the crowd and read the board.

    " Alright i'm in class 3A on the 3rd floor. " He adjusted his backpack and headed to his homeroom."

    (OOC: Just a note, we don't all have to be in the same class if you don't want. The school has 5 floors. 3 floors for classrooms and 2 upper floors for club rooms and activities.)

    Sliding the door open he was greeted by a beautiful older woman. in her late 30's

    " Why hello Alex i'm your homeroom Teacher Miss Kaname"

    Alex's face flushed red as his eyes glanced at her body, it was sculpted to perfection. He quickly took a seat in the middle of the row next to the window. " Well i guess this is highschool"
  8. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    After dragging Alex along to the opening ceremony, Mira realised just how exhausted she was. All of this running about wasn't really her thing anymore, and she tried her best to stay awake during the ceremony. It was, however, to no avail. Even though she had drank more coffee that morning than an average person would in a whole day, her body gave way, letting her drift into a light sleep.

    "Welcome to you all!"

    At the sound of the dean's bellowing voice, Mira sat up straight and at attention. Everyone appeared to be getting up, and they were all gravitating towards the boards that showed the home rooms. She did her best to push through the crowd, and as soon as she saw her name and class, she rushed out and found the nearest staircase.

    Class 3A, third floor... It took Mira a moment, but she found the room, and opened the door. Waiting for her on the inside was a woman whose shape she could certainly appreciate (however jealous she was over it). After a quick greeting, Mira found her seat with ease. Sitting in the seat in front of the one person she had potential to be friends with, Mira was able to relax--school was her safe zone. Alex is going to think I'm a stalker.
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Krystal had sat giddly through the "Welcome" speech, and when it ended, had happily made her way towards her classroom, Third Floor, 3B was where she was headed. Upon reaching her destination, she smiled, "This is it... Time for some fun!"

    "Hello young lady, I take it you're in my class this year. Excellent, I always like to see happy kids who are excited for learning. I am Ms. McCool, but I prefer my students to call me Michelle or Ms. Michelle. Welcome to my... Oh my..."

    "They are so bouncy! I love you already teach! Your boobies are so nice!"

    "Oh dear. You're one of those girls. Well, this is definitely going to be an interesting year..."
  10. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    (OOC: I edited my post just a bit, instead of lunch break I changed it to the opening ceremony so I could hop on to the story with the rest of you guys! And Helena, I kinda tried to make a little contact with your character in the end of this writing while trying to respect the biography of your chararacter, so tell me if there’s something you want changed.)

    After spending a hefty amount of time on the rooftop listening to some old hip-hop beats, he heard a door open as the sound carried through the open windows from the lower levels of the school. Hundreds of simultaneous footsteps stopped at one point, most likely looking at the board to see into which classrooms they would be assigned to.

    Guess that’s my cue.

    Kenshin grabbed his equipment from the rough concrete into his bag and started slowly making his way into the first floor whilst the other students were already making their way into the classrooms. Taking his time he bumped into many young students that immediately were forced to drop their holdings, some cursing him on the stairs and some just wondering what just happened.

    As he arrived into the main hall where the board was held up on the wall, he searched his name using his index finger to give a point of direction.

    Let’s see… class 3A, huh. It’s on the 3rd floor.

    Giving finally some room for the few students to see the board who looked like they would freak out any second from the stress of running late, he made his way up the stairs into the 3rd floor. Seeing as the hall was empty, he checked his watch and noticed that was running late for about 8 minutes.

    They must have started already. Hopefully the teacher is way nicer than the earlier douches.

    Gripping the handle and slowly opening the door, he peeked inside and saw that at least almost all of the assigned students had already seated themselves into the large classroom.

    “Ah, Yamamoto-san! From what I read from your file, your absence was well expected. I’m Miss Kaname and I’ll be your teacher through this semester, please take a seat and try not to cause any trouble.”

    “Hai haaaaaai Kaname-dono” Kenshin replied with little interest and eyed the classroom quickly to find an empty seat.

    Most of the seats in the back were taken, but he had absolutely no intention to it in the front of the class. After a quick peek, he noticed that a seat in the second row from the windows was empty next to a girl that looked like he’d just seen a ghost. Taking his time to the seat he bumped into a boy who dropped his eyeglasses on floor from the contact, but instead of helping him he continued walking and simply said “Pardon.”

    Finally seating himself, he was disgusted about the thought of school.

    It’s like a cage to morph young people into labourers… most of these people end up working in the docks or have to live in the slums like I. Pitiful.

    His thought was soon interrupted as he noticed the girl on his left. Something seemed awfully familiar about this particular individual. He had either seen or met her before, but he couldn’t just place just where…

    Grabbing his smart phone from his pocket and starting browse his social media page he started going through the girls of his age trying to place this girl in the description, but without a result. He glanced at her again, scratching his blonde hair in wonder… then it occurred to him. He started browsing through the names of girls older than him and eventually stumbled upon a picture that was taken from a party in the slums a year ago. The girl was in a picture with many girls that were a few years older than them and then he was finally figure out where he’d seen her. They’ve only exchanged a few words when Ken had arranged some light drinks and liquor to the girls from his older contact and made some money on the side.

    Once more taking a quick peek in the direction of this girl, he turned back and took out his notebook almost filled entirely with miniature graffiti pieces on the cover, opening it and tearing out a little piece from the side.

    He then wrote something on the paper with his peculiar handwriting, folded it into two and bumped the girl slightly on the shoulder with keeping his eyes on the teacher, making sure that the teacher in front of the class wouldn’t notice. He handed the piece of paper over to the girl and winked ever so slightly before focusing again on his smartphone, browsing a catalogue of the nearby music store close to the school.

    You owe me 2 cigarettes, paper-tits.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2014
  11. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    “You owe me 2 cigarettes, paper-tits.”

    Mira was in awe. Who the hell could he have been? She turned her head slightly to get a better look, and then she knew. Shit...

    The blonde hooligan knew he she was, what she hid, and who she used to be. Way too much for information about herself to be to Mira's liking. Now completely ignoring her teacher, Mira scrawled a note herself--her usual handwriting now a disgusting mixture of anxious chicken-scratch and script.

    Waiting for Miss Kaname to turn around, she passed a note back over to the blonde boy at her side.

    "Don't say anything about who I am and we can make that a pack."

    Is my chest really that obvious? Mira wondered, peering down and examining herself. Maybe that was the first bad habit she needed to knock.
  12. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    "Don't say anything about who I am and we can make that a pack."

    Noticing the girl’s anxiousness, he smirked. He knew he could exploit this even further – the obnoxious first day of school just turned interesting. No one seemed to notice their exchange of notes, which was perfect; the only obstacle between the exchanges was their teacher.

    He once again tore a piece of paper from his notebook, writing down deepening this silly little extortion.

    “It’s a deal – on one condition. You get me that pack, but also you have to kiss me on the cheek right after the bell rings telling that break between classes begin, and I keep my mouth shut. Nod ever so slightly if you agree. Get rid of this note after you've sealed the deal.”

    He then waited for the teacher to turn around once again writing on the chalkboard the plan of the afternoon and passed down the note to the ghost pale girl and returned to browsing his phone.
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Mel got to school finding the main office she walked in.

    "Hello, may I help you?" An old woman wearing tacky retro outfit spoke up when she walked in.

    "Yes, I..." Mel looked at her a bit startled by the mannerism. The secretary was not a nice lady like the secretaries at her old school, this secretary seemed a bit rough.

    "I'm a transfer student, this is my first day of school here..." Mel spoke as the the secretary chewed on some bubble gum blowing a bubble and letting it pop as if waiting for something from the girl.

    "Oh right..." Mel dug out a large yellow folder from her backpack with the paperwork her mother had filled out as well as an additional copy of transcript in case her actual school transcript didn't come in the mail or if it got lost. The secretary sat there for a bit as Mel bit the inner part of her lip before the secretary sighed and got up out of her chair and walked to the counter opening the yellow folder.


    "Melody..." Mel said confused as her name was on the paperwork.

    "Oswald." The secretary completed as a stubby man walked out of an office.

    "Grace, do you have my speech." The man said as the secretary sighed and put the paperwork back in the yellow envelope and proceeded to walk to a back room leaving Mel and the man.

    "New student?" The man asked.

    "How did you know?" Mel asked, more on the side of sarcastic, she was so stereotypical the new student.

    "It's a small town and you look like your mother. I'm Mr. Ozuki, Dean of this Academy. You're transferring from the Suzui Performing Arts Boarding School, it's a pleasure for you to join us here Miss. Oswald." Mel nodded as he walked over and opened a drawer pulling out a manilla folder and handing it to her.

    "I read your transcripts, I'm impressed, shocked you're here though."

    "Well, sir, under the conditions of my home life and personal family, I just couldn't bring myself to not be home." Mel explained.

    "Ah right with your father, yes, that makes sense. Well, I hope you'll fit right in as well as get involved with perhaps the music club or something." Mr. Ozuki said as the secretary came back handing him a packet. "Well I will let Grace finish taking care of you and see you soon for the opening ceremony." The man said as he left. Mel watched him leave and watched the door of the office close behind him before turning back around looking at the old woman secretary still chewing on her bubblegum.

    "So... is everything good, do I need anything...?" Mel asked a little confused. Grace looked at the manilla folder in her hand as Mel looked down opening it up to see it had a map of the school, her list of classes, as well as other information needed for a transfer student. "Right... thank you..." Mel said as she awkwardly left the office glancing one last time behind her into the office at the secretary staring at her and blowing another bubble before the door closed completely behind her.

    "Right, so this opening ceremony is probably in the auditorium..." Mel spoke to herself digging out the map and proceeding to the location.

    Apparently the school was not all that easy to get around as she got lost in the school and finally found the auditorium. She snuck in the back door carefully and unnoticed.

    The incident that morning still fresh in her mind, she didn't need anymore attention to herself than that, probably no more than that for her whole life.

    " Here in this Academy we strive for excellence of all our students abilities. To do this. All students are required to join a club, a club of your choosing of course. Feel free to find any club that fits your interest from the Film club, down to the Gourmet's Club. We have many sorts of colorful clubs that something will surely peak your interest. Once you leave this room outside in the main hall will be a large Board with all freshman names and homerooms. Report to your home rooms directly afterwards. From their we will have Club recruitment outside in the main courtyard."

    Mel listened as she realized she missed the whole first half, hopefully she didn't miss anything too important.

    " Welcome to you all"

    Students all got up and started towards the door where she was located. She quickly got out of the way and headed to the list to try and find her name quickly so she can get to the room (without getting lost) and not be bothered and hopefully noticed.

    "Oswald... Oswald... Oswald..." She quickly scanned the list before her finger pointed to her name.

    "Oswald, Melody... 3A..." Mel quickly read jumping out. of the now gathering crowd fighting to read their location. She looked on map as she started walking.

    She got there being the first one there, something she was shock about.

    "Excuse me, I'm assuming this is my homeroom?" Mel asked standing in the doorway as a teacher standing at a desk organizing papers looked up and smiled. She was a pretty woman in her late to mid 30's.

    "This is and I'm assuming you must be Melody Oswald. I'm Miss. Kaname. You're a transfer student, so things are going to be overwhelming, if you need any help, let me know." The woman, Miss. Kaname, explained to Mel smiling as Mel smiled back.


    "Now you're first so you get first pick of a seat." Mel nodded settling on the window seat in the back of the room, a location she would hopefully be most unnoticed.

    She was Miss. Kaname greet each student that came in the door. Girls smiled and thanked her, it seemed like every boy that came in had stopped and drool a little before proceeding in.

    She took out her iPod and put in the ear buds and pulled out a book reading while waiting for students to filter in the class.

    Prior before, nobody had been in front of her but when she went to turn the page in her book and looked up that's when she noticed a boy in front of her, and not just any boy, it was the strange pancake boy, Alex, from that morning.

    Part of her smiled, maybe a potential friend, but friends meant it would be harder to go back to her home- her performing arts school. Plus after the events in the restaurant that morning with a boob being fully exposed by a lunatic who attacked her, she wasn't sure if she wanted to be noticed by the boy in front of her. It was all she needed to go from being the new girl to be maybe boob girl, or something along those lines, even know she was the one attacked and practically molested.
  14. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    “It’s a deal – on one condition. You get me that pack, but also you have to kiss me on the cheek right after the bell rings telling that break between classes begin, and I keep my mouth shut. Nod ever so slightly if you agree. Get rid of this note after you've sealed the deal.”

    In a tight spot, Mira put the note in the front pocket of her backpack. Shit! First I get groped by a strange girl, and now a hooligan is blackmailing me? Having no options any more favourable, Mira gave the slight nod, as requested by the blonde boy. It wasn't like she had never kissed anyone before, but this was just demeaning. Mira could not wait to get out of class 3A and go to the club faire. Maybe starting a hobby would salvage this terrible day. It was almost time to leave class when Mira had an idea. She pulled out a sheet of paper, and scrawled a note on a sheet. She passed it back to Alex, as slyly as she could.

    "Walk around and check out the clubs with me?"
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alex rested his head on the desk slightly tipping his notebook to the side. His phone buzzed and it was a text from one of his friends.

    "You lucky bastard you got Miss Kaname....i'd do ungodly acts....unforgivable acts to be in her class"
    Alex's face looked up at His teacher as her back was turned while she was writing on the board. His face turned pink a bit and then looked back at the phone he hid under his desk.

    "Ha you lose chump, the view is quite nice from here >;3" He texted back but while doing so he knocked his notebook off the desk. Leaning over to pick it up he noticed Mira passing a note to the guy next to her. He looked like a pretty tough guy, He began to think to himself. " Does she know him? is she involved in something with him?? Maybe they dated during the summer?" shrugging it off he sat back up. Scanning the class in front of him he figured he might as well look around to who's in his class. He turned around and sitting directy behind him was the girl from the morning. He tapped her desk to get her attention.

    " Hey there, remember me? sorry that i left so fast i didn't wanna be late for school."

    " Alex Sweetheart could you face forward" the teacher motioned while lowering her glasses. All the rest of the males in the class were all facing forward like they had a target. He smiled at the girl behind him and faced forward " Yes Sensei!"

    When he turned around there was a note on his desk.

    "Walk around and check out the clubs with me?"

    takng the piece of paper and turning it on it's backside he scribed one word

    " Sure"

    he poked her and sid the note on the side of her chair.

    Miss Kaname sat on her desk in front of the classroom crossing her legs. " Alright class this will be a short class because you all have to report to the courtyard soon for club's We have to elect a Class representative. Any takers?"

    OOC: Kaname's Appearance >> Click
  16. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ((Geez; a guy is indisposed for a few days and gets left in the dust out of the starting gate. lol)).

    Earlier this morning...

    It was commonplace for most people to awaken to the sounds of a blaring, screeching or howling siren of an alarm clock. Those poor saps, in the first moments of their mornings, roll over, pressing snooze a half-dozen times before finally clicking the alarm off and switching the radio to some local news station to serenade them through their wake-up routine.

    But that wasn't the life that Kayla McKenna was about. The buzzing of her phone's vibration heralded a far more inviting wake-up call. Her ears perked immediately at the sound of a brisk-paced rock beat. Seconds later, her eyes came open, signifying that she was wide awake. As she sat upright, stretching her arms up and out with a relaxed yawn, a smooth, clean guitar line entered over the drum beat, identifying the morning's song as Weird FIshes by Radiohead. Despite the general melancholy of her choice of alarm, the young redhead nodded in approval as she took in the sight of her bedroom, filling with early sunlight from the cracks in the window blinds. Somehow, the music made the day ahead seem more bearable.

    It was for the best that the song could have such power over her; from the instant she set her feet upon the floor, she remembered that the day ahead would, in fact, see her at a new school, away from home. With the soundtrack behind her, she charged forth into her morning routine: a quick shower and an even quicker brush through her hair afterwords (to her fortune, her hair had a certain natural straightness that made it a bit easier to maintain); the hygienics capped off with the brushing of her teeth.

    Within moments she was fully dressed in her typical ensemble: A plain white t-shirt, over which she threw on a black, zip-up, hooded sweatshirt that read "Vic Firth" across the chest (despite her mother's best efforts to shrink it, it remained a size or two too large for her), a skinny pair of grey jeans, worn out Vans skate shoes over socks that matched to the color of her jeans. Completing the outfit, she threw on a gray bandanna embroidered in red with the word "SCRAM."

    Giving another nod to her reflection, she made her way from her bedroom, into the kitchen, wherein she respectfully greeted her host family and insisted that she take her breakfast to go so she could hopefully get to school a bit early. When she exited the home, she had a carefully wrapped egg and cheese sandwich in her hand, her backpack slung over she shoulder and her feet balancing her upon a rolling longboard that her half-brother, Ian, had sent her from home. She rolled along quite casually, taking bites out of her breakfast sandwich when her balance was sure enough to risk it. By the time she rode through the heart of town, she was adequately filled for the morning.... which she assumed was more than some of the patrons at the local diner she rode by could claim.

    A few hours later...

    Kayla stepped out of the school gymnasium, having been nearly bored to sleep by the welcoming words. "Seems like every school goes through the same motions," she muttered to herself. She walked from the gymnasium exit into the openness of the main hall, where she managed to catch a clearing in the crowd to look over her course schedule. Everything seemed pretty routine, with a homeroom first thing and academics shortly thereafter. The only thing that made her scratch her head was what she would do about a club, but she figured she could cross that bridge when she got to it. "Maybe I'll finally get in with a new act," she said, wishfully, though under her breath; even though her mother had hoped that sending her away from the family would put her off of her male role models' shaky path through musical careers, she hoped to continue the lifestyle regardless of where she was. You can take me away from my drums; but you can't take the drummer out of me.

    "Class 3A? 3rd floor?" She said as she continued walking, double-checking her schedule to ensure that she had read it correctly. She arrived not long after, entering with a small cluster of students. The teacher was standing at the front of the class, beaming at everyone as they walked by.

    "Hello students," she said, "my name is Miss Kaname. You may take a seat wherever there is one open."

    Acknowledging the teacher with a passing grin, Kayla picked herself a seat in the middle row of the classroom, amid a group of people that she swore looked familiar.
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Mel watched as the girl Mira, also from earlier passed notes between a rather interesting guy. But based on appearances, she should see them being involved together in the same crowd - a bad crowd.

    While paying attention to that, she felt a slight tapping on her desk sliding her book down to see the blue haired boy smiling back at him.

    "Hey there, remember me? sorry that i left so fast i didn't wanna be late for school."

    Alex spoke to her. She closed her book looking at him.

    Yes she remembered him, but he also quickly ran off and by following him, was pretty much exposed by a crazy girl in front a crowded restaurant.

    "Alex Sweetheart could you face forward"

    Both Mel and Alex looked up at the teacher. Alex smiled back at her one last time before turning around, " Yes Sensei!"

    Mel sighed before opening her book again still listening to the teacher and observing the class.

    " Alright class this will be a short class because you all have to report to the courtyard soon for club's We have to elect a Class representative. Any takers?"

    Mel glanced up as the whole class remained silent. She along with them.

    "Anybody have any suggestions? Any at all?" The teacher still spoke.

    Mel looked around as the class remained silent no hands raising up.
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "We have to elect a Class representative. Any takers?"

    Kayla heard it only seconds after having taken her seat, though the words didn't register with her until few seconds after that.

    Suddenly, the classroom, buzzing with life, sat in an awkward silence, the usual kind when a teacher asked for a volunteer for... just about anything really. Kayla, like the majority of her class, spent that awkward period of silence looking about the room waiting, figuring that someone would be bold enough to finally raise their hand. But after what seemed like an eternity of just staring at her new peers, she saw fit to end the silence. Her calm courage peaking up over most of the class, Kayla's hand came up. "I'm up to it," she said coolly. "I mean, I don't know what it entails, but I'm willing to give it a shot."
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "I'm up to it," "I mean, I don't know what it entails, but I'm willing to give it a shot."

    Thank you Darling. The Class Representative is the person who is appointed as the spokesperson for the classroom ,They also enforce the rules amongst the student. Also as an additon to that. The class rep's of the school meet twice a week to discuss class and school events such as the cultural festival. It's a tasking job so i'm glad someone stepped up"

    The teacher beamed with delight as the bell rang. " Now, all of you are to head straight to the courtyard for the Club Fair! have a wonderful day!"

    The students got up in droves and headed out. Alex stood up and poked Mira. " Ready to head out?"

    OOC: You can now all go out and talk to club members and other places. I'm going to set up the K-ON club in the next few posts.
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Once a student volunteered, Mel raised her book back up as the class got up to head outside. She remained sitting there. She turned the page looking up seeing Alex poke the girl in front of him from earlier.

    'Stay strong, stick to your plan, Mel.' she said, but she couldn't help but be a little bit upset, she is the new student of course she's the stranger, nobody knows her and this high school, nobody ever tends to learn the new girl unless you're attractive. Granted Mel was attractive, but she never tried to draw attention to herself like that.

    The other way if you were new was if you were famous. That she wasn't neither.

    She just sat there, not bothering to get up till either everybody was gone or she had to. And even then she doubt she would go to the courtyard. She didn't want to join a club, there's not even a guarantee she could be involved in a club.

    If she had to leave she knew where she was going glancing at the school map on her desk.

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