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The Lost Generation ~Actual RP~

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by BK-201, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    The Lost Generation​

    Accepted OCs

    1. Krism (Taboo Sho) -LHOJ Leader-
    2. Maxwell "Max" Martin (Destiny) -ODGIA Member-
    3. Chaos (Destiny) -Lost Generation-
    4. Will (Curtis8494) -LHOJ Member-
    5. Lieutenant Julia L. Concord (Wayward) -ODGIA Member-
    6. Nick Cin (Blade) -LHOJ Member-
    7. Sam Cin "Incinerator" (Blade) -Lost Generation-
    8. Cyrus Lexington (BK-201) -ODGIA Member-​


    It was about 11:00 in the morning when Cyrus woke up, about four hours late for role call. Knowing this, he made the logical choice and laid in bed for another 30 minutes. His lateness meant that he missed breakfast but, as per usual he could really care less. The extra sleep was far more important to him. Yawning, he changed out of his pajamas and into a plain white t-shirt and military style cargo pants. Cyrus then fastened his drop-leg holster to his belt before taking his handgun out of the drawer, admiring the rare weapon while loading it and chambering a round. He made sure it was on safe before inserting it into his holster and heading out.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Another day, another hour, another minute, another second... Time is inconsequential to me honestly... Am I a god? No, I'm most definitely mortal. I came to terms with my mortality long, long ago. But that matters not, my goals must be achieved. My soldiers have been preparing another raid since two days ago, and they plan to launch it today. They're attacking the area my brother currently resides. Not all of my subordinates are smart... They don't always listen to me or my lieutenant, but if they wish to die for our cause, who am I to stop them?

    As for me... I have my sights on the Lost Generation. I've heard tales of a creature from the depths of hell resides somewhere around here, and if I can persuade this creature, if it exists, to join me, my plans will accelerate exponentially...

    However... it is only a matter of time before somebody strong enough appears in this era, this world... to take me out. They will rise up, and slay Emperor Krux, tyrannical ruler of The Left Hand of Justice. That time... is not now. Time is inconsequential, because until that time comes... I will dominate this pathetic human species, and I will sit here, upon the Throne of Want, watching, and waiting... Until my time comes...

    ...I will rule this miserable world.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Growls were heard the surrounding wild. A woman... a beast... or perhaps something else, sat there listening staring at a glowing sphere in the distance. She smirked at it.

    It was a city of people, scared people hiding away from that lurking in the wild, things like her.

    "Wake up!"

    Maxwell "Max" Martin opened his eyes as did other in his specific living quarters of the ODGIA. People around him moaned wanting to get more sleep some possibly have been out late the night before, or others didn't want to do the work required of them that day.

    Max grinned before standing up.

    "Bright and early, gentlemen." Max spoke up as he flicked his finger and drops of water got flung at the other guys in the cabin's forehead, a typical morning routine to act as the second or third alarm clock to the sleeping guys.

    Max found himself sitting at breakfast in the dining hall.

    "So, why'd you come back late." One of the guys asked another as they all perked ears. The guy being questioned looked over at a table of girls smirking but blushing as a girl, a blonde, and him made eye contact.

    "You got some didn't you." Another guy asked. Max leaned forward on his elbow smirking dipping his spoon into the cereal bowl and taking a bite as he listened.

    "She was the best I've had." The guy said.

    "Yeah, but hell no way on the same level as my babe." Max held in his laugh as the guys started to compete about their girl with one another. In some ways they were just like women when it came to gossiping, however, with guys it was far more competitive.

    "Cyrus, ain't up."

    "Third time this week."

    Max shook his head before speaking, "he's going to be screwed at role call at 11."
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    A lone, long piercing cry of a coach's whistle carried over the football-field sized training field of the ODGIA barracks, into the ears of ten young men and women clad in urban camouflage pants and white tee shirts. "Squad! TEN-HUT!" A voice shouted, bringing the entire group from "at ease" to "attention." From the far left of the line of soldiers marched in a young woman, head shaven, adorned by a similar uniform and the addition of aviator sunglasses that completely blocked her eyes from view even at point blank. Despite that the woman stood shorter than the squad in front of her, her presence commanded respect, which the squad gave her without question.

    As she marched across the line, the woman stared down each squad member in the eyes through the thick shade of her glasses. Reaching the end, she made an immediate about-face and stood front and center, facing the squad. She cleared her through and spat on the ground at her feet before addressing the squad. "Congratulations conscripts. As of morning, you have all been so lucky as to pass your basic training into the ODGIA. Not only have you been gifted with the powers necessary to joining this prestigious company, but you've as well demonstrated a superior aptitude for them. Now you get to run with the big kids.

    "I am Lieutenant Julia L. Concord; platoon leader working directly under the good Captain, whom you all met this morning. In a few minutes you ten will be joined by the rest of the ODGIA Company, and assimilated into the platoon. You will meet your Sergeants the other squads."

    Julia fell silent as she skimmed across the like of soldiers. "Corporal Traski!" She barked after a full minute of tension.

    "Ma'am!" One young man at the center of the line stepped forward.

    Julia walked forward, placed her hands on her hips and leaned in, hovering inches in front of Traski's face. "You earned quite a name for yourself back in Basic," she whispered. "They say you had some unique methods."

    "Ma'am?" Traski sounded nervous as he spoke.

    "They also said you had a unique attitude. But far be it from me to question the powers that be. Congratulations: you've been bumped to Sergeant. This squad is yours. You will answer to me and all appointed above me. Understood?"

    "Yes Lieutenant!"

    "Good." Julia turned about, returning to her previous position and faced the squad again. "For those not fortunate enough to overhead my conversation with Mr. Traski," she said, "he is now Sergeant, and will be the appointed leader of this Squad. You are to abide by orders from him and those appointed above him. Understood?"

    "YES LIEUTENANT!" The squad called in unison.

    "Good. Now, At Ease." The squad snapped back to their earlier stance. "Now, wait here for role-call. After that, your first official day of ODGIA life begins."
  5. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    As Cyrus walked towards the training field, distant memories began to flow through his head, things that he wanted to forget, but never could. These were the the events that shaped his life.

    It was like any other day in the LHOJ's HQ, the standard daily activities consisted of training and gathering resources. Rarely was there ever room for a break, the LHOJ was more like a colony than a ragtag group of bandits, and as such, there was always a task to be completed. Despite being the younger sibling of the leader, Cyrus was put through the same struggles in fact, his training was noticeably harsher than the typical member's. Maybe it was to respect his older brother's reputation or maybe it was out of spite for his greater intelligence. It didn't matter to Cyrus, he could really care less, that kind of lifestyle was much better than constant boredom. Maybe living in his brother's shadow had positive sides to it, and while he couldn't see them right in that moment, maybe they would surface later. "Hey, I've got some news for you..." Cyrus' pondering was interrupted by his mentor.

    Back in the present, Cyrus' pondering was once gain halted, he had just entered the training field. The smell of perspiration filled the air, a unpleasant scent that signaled where his day would actually start. He would probably have to suffer through an hour of Julia's "Verbal Abuse" as he liked to call it, certainly not the highlight of his days in ODGIA but, as per usual he could really care less.
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Sitting atop his throne, the leader of the Left Hand of Justice sat, staring out at the world below him. It wasn't until one of his men approached him that he made any movements, adjusting himself and frowning. "Delay the order... These fools are committing suicide to quickly. I want ODGIA to be oblivious for a while longer. They will not march until I issue the command. Is that understood?"

    The soldier nodded and saluted his lord before heading out to deliver the message to the assault squad.

    As the soldier left, Lord Krux sighed and shook his head, "Soon... I hope to avoid having to get directly involved until I have the upper hand, but the way things are going... I may have no choice."
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2014
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will sat quietly near the edge of their hideout, sharpening his blade on a whetstone as he overlooked the canyon below them, the barren landscape before him being inspected as he scanned over what little was actually out there. He slowly ran the stone down the sword once more before slinging it over his shoulder, the blade sliding quietly in the wrapping that served as a sheath. He checked to make sure his knives were still on his belt and his rigging was all set, his bag still tight to his frame. He stood and strode back into the base, quietly walking through the base before ascending to the top floor and reaching a room. He rapped on the door twice, hoping that Krism would admit him entry quickly.

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