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A Few Ideas For RP Action

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Become, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    While we're all on the spree of sharing our ideas for role plays to try and run, I figured I'd throw my ideas into the hat.

    1) Zombie Survival - Kingdom Hearts Style; No, that probably won't be the actual title for this one if it sees approval. The short story behind this one is that I've been playing KH1 on the whole 'night of fate' sequence for a few too many hours on end over the passed two days, and have been reinvigorated to work with an old idea of mine. Think of the RP as being set within a long-term infestation of Heartless upon a world within the KHVerse (possibly several if it can work out that way). People have been surviving within this world in a manner similar to how things play out in a typical zombie apocalypse scenario, traveling their world evading and battling Heartless that now roam quite freely. They're armed (some to their teeth) in weapons similar to Leon's Gunblade and Cloud's Buster Sword, with which they can slay Heartless, but the Keyblade seems to have vanished without a trace, so there's not much possibility of ending the onslaught of Darkness in the near future. Perhaps a group of heroes finds a clue to said Keyblade and embarks on a quest to find it.

    2) Gotham City:

    "Aftermath;" Utilizing the ending to Nolan's Dark Knight Rises as the springboard, this would be a follow up to that series, taking place only a short time after the fact. John Blake has stepped down from his position as detective with the Gotham City Police Department and inherited the Batcave in light of Bruce Wayne's death.' He has now taken up the mantle as Gotham's Dark Knight. With the exposure of District Attorney Harvey Dent's true actions, the City of Gotham could no longer uphold the Dent Act, for sake of public backlash. Many, formerly small-time, criminals have been acquitted of their overly harsh sentences, and are embittered by the injustice of their imprisonment regardless of that fact; a slew of more dangerous criminals still work the streets following Bane's storming of Black Gate Prison. But even these dangers fall short of the peril about to befall Gotham. A collective of extremely lethal adversaries is about the rear itself before the city, all sharing one common grudge: Wayne Enterprises, now headed by Lucius Fox.

    John Blake is sure to have his work cut out for him. He may yet need more than police to assist him in bringing down these rogues to come.

    3) Fighter/Martial Arts/Tournament Centered RP - Basically, something in the vein of the Arena, possibly taking place within the Arena itself. Pretty much something in the vein of most fighting video games (ie - Streetfighter, Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct, etc). The action focus would be on a tournament, but there'd definitely be something bigger going on behind that.
  2. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    The first one I'd be interested in, most definitiely. The third is a close second. Not so interested in batman, myself.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    The issue with the Batman one would mostly be the fact that there would be too little of a focus on non Batman characters. If it takes place in Nolan-verse then the only actual hero would be Batman. We could have other people decide to become vigilantes, but then it would make it more like Kick-Ass instead of Batman and personally I feel as though it goes against the overall feel of the Dark Knight trilogy.
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Going the way of having a group of vigilantes was more what I was going for with that one. I personally feel that, with the passing of the torch to a new person to fill the Batman role (and what I saw as a stronger participation on the part of the 'minor' protagonists), the door is pretty open for others to take up arms, even if it's the Nolan-verse. If it makes up for anything, I was planning on having it be by the Batman's hands that the group is assimilated.
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Goddamnit Wayward, what have you done to me? I've got all sorts of ideas spinning up in my head about 1 and 3 now!
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    It would appear that I've inspired you, my friend. Feel free to share your ideas, especially on 3.
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I've had an idea bouncing around in my head for the longest time of a diesel/cyberpunk world that revolves around a form of locomotion combat. A place with ample corners for grinding, wires for riding, scaffolding for climbing, and so on.

    I had two more whole idea sets, and a bunch of little ones.
    1. A guy with a chainblade, inertia-absorbing(and then utilizing stored energy) jumpboots, and a wing-backpack that allows him to glide.
    2. A cyborg woman with two extendable handaxes that can hook onto things easily, and shoes that propel her along grindable surfaces.

    little ones:
    1. large, cybernetic wings with propeller discs in the middle. for lift.
    2. Slide shoes. like, almost like skating, except. . . you basically just roll on the momentum you have until you either deactivate them or crash.
    3. Talon-set. Talon-capped shoes and a set of talon claws that wrap around the elbow when not in use.
    4. metal gauntlets that work like the dai-lee gloves, except it's just the front of the hand shoots off in one whole piece for remote grappling via electromagnetics. On the other side are sharp studs for punching.
    5. A gearlike crossbow that can also be used as a saw-axe.
    6. Somebody using a warhammer with an explosive tip and then combining that with an excellent pair of rollerblade things to get mad ups, yo.
    7. using some method of locomotion with a buckler and a needle/boltgun.
    8. "Electromagnetic wire spiderman" that also acts like a tazer. Also rollerblades.
    9. Jet boost boots.
    10. A hover board with bladed edges that can break in two/fold in half to become two/one butcher sword(s)

    As an added bonus, I entertained the idea of pairing each character to a subgenre of music. I.E. not "classical" or "rock", but "baroque" or "punk" and so on and so forth. So it's a more focused audio influence for each character. The two "more complete" characters i mentioned are influenced by nightstep and breakcore, respectively.
  8. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I have decided concurrent thoughts will be made in a new post rather than an edit, because people have a tendency of not seeing edits after they've seen the original post, and then posting and missing the point.

    Another aspect I entertained to be a part of this world's construction was that each of these people's entry into the city (no matter where) was blocked by a beast made of metal - a construct tailored to them in a way, but perfectly matched in combat. For example, the chainguy would be stopped by his underground/sewer entry by a crocodile the size of the one from peter pan. The hatchet woman would be blocked by something akin to a smaller brontosaurus with a more deadly, snakelike neck. I can only imagine the trials that go on for others.
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    So basically, you're suggesting that idea #3 be a steampunk genre?
  10. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    No. Diesel or cyberpunk. (Diesel is WW1-ish aesthetic to technology. Think Indiana Jones.)
  11. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Not quite what I'd be aiming for with it. Though there could be some elements of cyberpunk involved.
  12. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I mean, all any of the -punks are just an aesthetic.
  13. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I think if I were going to go with any "punk" aesthetic for idea 3, it'd be cyberpunk, though probably only mildly so.
  14. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I'd be very interested in the first. Just dropping this off here so you'd know.
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Thank you Cameron. In all likelihood, I'll be pitching that one up before the others, if only because it can operate with any number of participants without issue; the other two sort of hinge on being able to get the numbers that I'd need.
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I like the third one honestly. I've always held a fondness for those types of games.
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    As long as you'll be good with more moderate levels of power. Like I said though, that idea hinges on getting the right amount of people before I can move forward with it.
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I figured I might revisit this thread; I know there are some people that were interested in at least one of these ideas.

    Any further thoughts?
  19. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Anything I thought I've already said.
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Well, I guess it's safe to say that the Heartless-Zombie idea might be ideal. If you're willing to run a collab, that'd be awesome.

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