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K-ON Rise To Fame RP

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Krystal eagerly took the pen from Mira and signed her name neatly below the other girl's. She giggled lightly and spoke, "My name is Krystal Gjemn, I love singing, playing the Bass, playing videogames and strategy based games, and I also like to share love equally among everyone, because in my mind, nobody deserves to be alone, nobody deserves to be left out! The way I go about it is... questionable I guess..." She wiggled her fingers as reference to what she was referring to, "But even still, I'm not out to embarrass anybody! I'm trying to put a smile on people's faces y'know?!"

    Krystal smiled as she finished her introduction and looked around at the other people around her, before giggling again and handing the pen over to Melody. To think, this might be the year she finds her own happiness... Inwardly she truly hoped she'd find lasting friendship among this small group. Though admittedly, she feared for the worst.
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    With the last girl signing up, which much to Mel's horror she realized was the girl from that morning.

    'Hopefully I can keep my distance from her...' Mel looked at all the other girls glancing briefly around realizing this was her only option left anyways.

    "I'm Melody Oswald, Mel for short and I like music..." Mel said looking around at everybody who obviously shared more information than she did, "and I'm new..." She said again quickly before sighing and taking the pen really quickly and signing her name before allowing herself to step out.

    She set the pen down stepping back looking at them all, 'Definitely too late to step out of this now...'
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alex took the sheet from the table and smiled. Inside his own head thoughts began to race. " I'm the only guy in this club, surrounded by so many pretty girls My life is complete my anime harem has become a reality...The overlord of pancakes will have his throne" His face turned slightly pink but before it got too bad he shoo his head. " Alright then Lets go to the deans office and get our club." It was evening by now and most the clubs had started to pack up and leave. The sun was setting on a warm day. Walking thrugh the hall Alex lead the girls to the main office where a lady popping bubble gum sat at the front desk.

    " Hi there" Alex said as he placed his form on the table. The lady looked down at it then back at him. " Hello hun, how's your mom" The secretary knew Alex's mother and father from years back.

    " Mom's alright her and dad are in America for a medical trip, something about going to headquarters or something, i dunno."

    Reading over the sheet the lady glanced at all the other girls behind him. " Alex i certainly hope you're not up to anything bad.

    " No ma'am just decided i'd make my own club since a lot of the others seemed to be full and too much effort"

    She reached into her desk puling out a block with red circle on the bottom. Placing the block on top of the form it left a red stamp with the word " approved" on it. Alex smiled as everything was coming into place.

    " Let me get your keys " She walked over to the corner of the room where a wall of key's sat, it contained every key to the school , she grabbed 2 pairs of keys and handed them to Alex. " Your Club room is located on the 4th floor at the end of the hall. Club room K-ON is how it's listed on the door. A strange name that has been listed for that room for years. It hasn't been used in well over 7 years so it'll need a bit of help. Enjoy your club, and alex tell your mother i said hello"

    " Will do thanks!" Alex said as he turned to his new group with the keys and the approved sheet. " We did it guys! Let's go!"

    Rushing up the stairs in anticipation to see his clubroom he finally got to the end of the hall. across from the doors the endless Glass windows that were open let the warm breeze come through allowing the orange sunset hot the wood ever so slightly. Alex put his hand on the knob and inserted the keys

    " Alright guys....here we go" Turning the knob and unlocking the door he slowly pushed the door open. When he saw the room. his mouth dropped to the floor...Not out of happiness however....

    " EHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" The room was a mess, cobwebs everywhere, chemical equipment for science classes. gymnasium balls and storage equipment were pushed against the walls. But however it was a pretty large room. he could make out 2 doors in the back, which seemed to lead to other rooms.

    Rolling his sleeves up he turned to his new found friends. " Well i guess we better get to it..."
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Mel stood followed the group as they headed to the office. The same secretary from that morning was still there chewing her bubblegum. But the woman acted pleasant to Alex thanks to it seems common relations between Alex's parents. She stood there awkwardly glancing at the other girls.

    'I sure hope this isn't going to be something I'll later end up regretting...' She thought to herself as the sound of keys jingling brought her attention back. She looked over as the secretary handed the key to Alex and explained the location of it.

    'Club K-On?'Mel heard the secretary call the club, oddly that name sounded familiar, but she shook it off as they headed towards the room on the fourth floor.

    Sure enough just like the secretary said, painted on the door with paint chipping a bit was the old club name,"K-On" she looked around the hall as it seemed in general that the end of the hallway was essentially abandoned even more so when Alex opened the door and dust and stagnant air from the lifeless room of nearly 10 years rushed out at the group.

    The room was a mess. Dust, cobwebs, spare furniture and school equipment littered the room. She looked down as a spider scurried out of the room and past her foot.

    'What have I gotten myself into...' She followed Alex inside after he rolled his sleeves up and was ready to try and tackle the mess before them. She looked at the window, covered with old drapes she reached up as she went to pull it down to allow light through the window.

    She let out a scream as the drape landed on her instead and dust puffed up into the air leaving her in a coughing mess.

    She pushed it off of her before looking around.

    "This is going to be a lot of work."
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "K-ON is such a cool name! Yep yep! I think I'm gonna like it here!" Krystal smiled as they entered the club room and laughed loudly as she saw it, "Wowzers! This place is a pit! I haven't seen a room this dirty since my childhood nope nope! Okay girls, let's roll up our sleeves and clean up this mess, y'okay?" She turned as she heard Melody scream and chuckled a bit before extending her hand to the girl and smiling happily, "You okay there Mel-Mel?"
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The commotion cleared quickly after Kayla intervened. The boy that she had seen being dragged by the film club girls edged his way out of the crowd. The girl she had pitched her word in for, she noticed, have her a silent sort of thanks, evidently approving of her means. The crowd dispersed a second or two after, some appearing disappointed in that there hadn't been a fight. For a moment, Kayla stood on her ground, letting the waves of people clear up. And so begins my term as class representative.

    She pulled herself away from her spot, walking down the line of club booths and tables, searching for at least one that she could find to her liking. But, as it seemed, her intrusion on he scuffle proved just enough to set her behind curve. Every which-way she looked, the clubs were shutting down and packing up their booths as they roped in their last desperate members. Before she even knew it, Kayla was the last student in the courtyard, accompanied only by a few custodians tasked to clean up in he wake of a fair. "Maybe it's for the better that I didn't find one," she reasoned, letting the by-gone be a by-gone. "Being class rep will probably fill up most of my time pretty soon."

    She walked back to the school, commencing to look for Miss Kaname, and get a more details on her tasks for the coming year.
  7. Ava Mareinus

    Ava Mareinus New Member

    As everyone in the group introduced themselves, Leliana tried to commit their names and faces to her memory as best as she could. Normally, she was terrible at remembering names and even worse at putting them to a face, but since it seemed like she was going to be working with everyone here for a while, it was probably a good idea to remember them all.

    Once the introductions had finished, Leliana grabbed her pen back from the table that Mel put it on, and placed it back in her bag. Along with everyone else, she followed Alex to the office to get the approval for the club. Listening to the secretary talk, Leliana's mind wandered a bit. K-ON club? I don't think my brother told me about that. If it's been 7 years since the room has been used, it's possible that he didn't know about it. I'll have to ask when I get back home. And if it's been that long, I doubt that the room is going to look anywhere near presentable...

    Leliana sighed a bit under her breath, and followed the group up to the 4th floor where the room was. Looking at the other members of the group, she thought she could see quite the variety of feelings towards this endeavor. Krystal seemed super excited, as she had a smile on her face pretty much the entire way up there. Mira had a bit of an interesting expression. It was hard for Leliana to figure out exactly, but it seemed she was pretty neutral about the situation. She did say that she liked music. I guess I can assume that she's at least a bit excited, but her body language makes it hard for me to tell. I guess I'll learn more as I get to know her...I look forward to that. And then there was Mel; Leliana had noticed the slight awkwardness when they were in the secretary's office. Being new must definitely be making her nervous. It doesn't seem like she's befriended anyone yet, really. I remember being new in school...I'm definitely going to try to show her a good time here at school. No one should have to be alone. Leliana smiled a sad smile to herself. Even if I am...I'll make sure no one else is.

    "EHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Leliana was bolted out of her thoughts by the sound of Alex screaming. She looked past him and saw that the reason was the gigantic mess of a club room. Well, it's not like I didn't expect it. She chuckled slightly and walked in to the room to try to figure out the best way to get 7 years of junk out of the room they were supposed to use for music practice. She noticed the chemical equipment and her eyes widened. She noticed jars with labels of HCl, NaOH, nitric acid, and other stuff that was actually pretty dangerous if not handled properly. Yea, we're definitely going to need some good amount of effort and gear to clean all this. At least some gloves, goggles, and full body covering clothing if we don't want to hurt ourselves here. But before she could say anything to the group, she heard Mel scream as a giant drape landed on her in a puff of dust. Half expecting some bats, or other type of animal to come running out from the folds of the room, Leliana was pleasantly surprised when it looked like the drape carried only dust, and maybe some small spiders.

    Addressing everyone in the group, Leliana said "Alright everyone, this chemical stuff seems a bit dangerous to me. I'm going to go get some lab-wear from the science classrooms for us so that we don't hurt ourselves. While I'm gone, please don't touch any of the things here because it'll probably end badly." She walked back out of the room and started to head to the science rooms on the 2nd floor. There was a slight smile on her face as she walked down the stairs. This is going to be fun.
  8. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    Mira followed her fellow club members as they went along, barely paying attention to what they were doing. Using only Alex's blue hair as a guide, her mind wandered far from anything related to school, let alone the Light Music Club. I wonder how wasted dad's going to be when I get home, she wondered, staring out the line of windows as they walked to their club's new home. Everything was so peaceful away from home. If only I had a real friend, somebody that I could go to places with--maybe even have a sleepover.

    As they reached what she assumed was the door to their new club room, Mira actually felt excited when Alex put the key in the knob and opened the door. It was to be the start of something new; something that all of them would experience together. Her positive thinking of the situation shattered, however, as soon as she heard Alex's reaction to the new space.


    There's no way it could be that bad. Proven wrong as soon as she was able to peer inside of the ruined classroom turned storage room, she couldn't help but loose and audible gasp. Cleaning was certainly not her speciality, not that anything really was, and she was not at all excited to spend her first club meeting cleaning out the house of horrors before her.

    I guess all I can do is play follow the leader. Mira followed suit with the rest of the club members, doing her best to brave the terrible conditions of the room. Her smoker's lungs could hardly handle all of the dust, and she was truly worried that she may pass out. Regardless, she knew that she would have to push through to fit in.
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Leliana wait up!" Alex said as he ran to catch up with her. " You guys avoid the bad stuff and someone go get a big garbage disposal for us. This will be a while!" he said while jogging down the hall to catch up with his partner. " Hey mind if i tag along? two heads are better than one with this besides you'll need help carrying all the stuff back up" Alex slowed his stride and walked at her pace, " I'm glad you guys all decided to sign up. it looks like this might actually be fun after all." They continued to converse till they were on the second floor, Alex slid a door open and there were a few students in lab coats and goggles.

    " Alex?" a tall boy said. " Yea hey man what's up" He said as he gave the tall blonde kid a high five. He pulled Alex over away from Leliana " Hey dude..who's the cutie pie? you got yourself a main squeeze already? You sly devil you" His face immediately turned red as he pulled away. " No you bum, she's apart of my club

    " Your club?

    " Yea my club, i started one myself"

    " Someone as lazy as you i'd never expect you to do that haha"

    " Shut up! turns out this all works out fine because i just get to sit in the club room play my VGP and listen to music with girls so i lucked out scrub!

    " Yea yea whatever, Anyway what brings you here bro?"

    Alex looked over to Leliana " Leliana this is my friend Taiga turns out he's a member of the Science club."

    " Yup yup, our club leader is out right now but how may i help?

    " Alex scanned the room and saw some large white lab coats with goggles and pairs of gloves. " Could we borrow that gear over there? I got the keys to the old Clubroom and it's a mess so we need to get cleaning.

    " Yea sure man no problem just make sure you bring them back."

    Alex motioned Leliana over to the coats and put two of them in her hands. " Well let's get to it."
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Mel looked up at the girl a bit nervous as she came to help her up. The memory from that morning still fresh in her mind. She knew she needed to let go of it and hopefully move on from it so she took the girl's hand.

    "I'm fine, thanks." She said standing up and more carefully pulling down the rest of the window covers as sunlight filtered in through the room. The light shinning off the dust particles in the air.

    "While they're getting stuff to take out the science equipment, let's try to air out this room some." She said opening the windows as air swept into the stagnant room.

    "Anybody want to take that gym equipment to the gym?" She pointed to the gym balls. Before folding up the drapes she pulled off the window.
  11. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    Mira watched with a frown as Alex rushed out of the room, trailing after Leliana. Now it's just Mel, Krystal, and myself, Mira thought, and she considered the situation.While I really don't want to leave Mel alone with Krystal, I need to get out of this dustpan before I pass out.

    "Anybody want to take that gym equipment to the gym?"

    Mira whipped her head towards the pile of sports equipment, and saw the golden opportunity in front of her. "Yeah, I can do that," Mira replied, trying as best she could to muffle her excitement. Grabbing a nearby cover, hoping that no sort of horrid creature dwelled inside, Mira wrapped up all of the balls, and threw them over her back like a sling. Being as feeble as she was, she had to carry the weight with both hands. Given the strain, it must have looked as if she were carrying a sack of bricks.

    "Alright, then, I'll be back as soon as I'm done," Mira said, exiting the room slowly. Feeling like a turtle with a shell much too large, her path was set t'wards the gymnasium. From down the hall, she could already hear that some sort of sports team or club was in the gymnasium itself, so she decided instead to go directly to the gym teacher's office instead.

    She slowly approached Mr.Kawasaki's door, but stopped when she could hear that he was having a conversation--a heated one at that.

    "H-hey! You know I need these as soon as possible, right? I don't give a s-shit if your carrier had a hang up. I need them tonight!"

    Though Mira did not hear another voice, she could hear who she assumed was Mr.Kawasaki repeating the other side. "Same location as earlier, under the oak tree outside the school... Yes, two in the morning is fine. Just make sure I get it this time!"

    Seconds later, Mr.Kawasaki turned around and looked at Mira through the small window on his door. He approached her, opening the door, and standing in his doorway. "Is there something you need?" he asked, obviously trying to seem intimidating but failing at it due to his nervous demeanor.

    Mira swung the bag of gym equipment around, and held in with both hands out to him like an offering. "I'm cleaning a club room, and I figured that I should bring these to you," she said, shaking not only from the weight of the bag but also in fear that he suspected her of eavesdropping. "Sorry to bother you, ser."

    Mr.Kawasaki eyed her up and down, obviously suspicious of her bahaviour, and then took the bag of equipment from her hands. "I'll handle these," he said. "I've got to go oversee the basketball club, now, so if that's everything you need..."

    Mira nodded, attempted a smile, and turned around, making her away back toward the club room. I left the club room to escape a bad situation, not find one worse. Hoping that Krystal hadn't messed around with Mel, Mira entered the club room, relieved that she got out of everything unscathed.
  12. Ava Mareinus

    Ava Mareinus New Member

    (OOC: I talked to Vox about this post, and I was given permission by him to write dialogue and action for his character Alex here.)

    Leliana and Alex walked through the school, talking to pass time as they approached the science room. Well, it was mostly Alex talking and Leliana listening, but regardless, it allowed the walk to pass without being too boring. And luckily, Alex seemed quite excited about the club and happy to talk, so it wasn't too awkward either. Inwardly, Leliana was happy that Alex was so excited for the club. Truthfully, she was too; having so many people around could be a lot of fun.

    When they entered the science room, Alex was pulled aside by one of the kids who seemed to be his friend. It seemed that he thought that stepping over a bit would prevent Leliana from hearing him remark about Alex and his "main squeeze". Typical guys. Though she smiled to herself slightly, because being called cute was a compliment, no matter where it was from. Alex soon introduced his friend Taiga to her, and then they were on their way with enough coats, goggles, and gloves for everyone in the club.

    Leliana carried as many coats as she could, with the gloves and goggles put in a plastic bag that was conveniently left in the science room from earlier. Alex and her were quite the sight, as any passerby's would have remarked upon seeing these two students carrying enough lab coats to cover their faces.

    "So, Alex. What do you actually have planned for this club?" Leliana already knew the answer, but she kind of hoped that in the 5 minutes between his last explanation of the club and now that Alex had had some miraculous burst of motivation and energy to actually make this club something interesting.

    Of course, these hopes were pretty much shot down with Alex's response. "Well, uh...not much yet, honestly. I figured we could probably just hang out and listen to music and kind of just relax."

    They had reached the stairs going up to the third floor. Because of the ridiculous baggage weight, they went up the stairs slowly, one at a time, peeking out from the side as best they could.

    "Really?" Step. "That's it, huh?" Step. "Well then.." Step. "What was..." Step. "The point..." Step. "In making this club..." Step. "If you weren't..." Step. "Going to do anything?" They had reached flat ground on the landing for the third floor. Leliana looked inquisitively at Alex from the side of the lab coats, trying to be as stern as someone could look while drowning in white cloth.

    Alex looked sheepishly back at Leliana, but turned away quickly. "Well, I needed to join a club. And filling up this one was the easiest thing I could do when every other club was full." They started up the stairs for the fourth floor.

    "Besides," He continued as they continued stepping. "It helps..." Step. "All of you girls..." Step. "Who I assume..." Step. "Couldn't find another..." Step. "Club anyway. So..." Step. "Don't complain..." Step. "Unless you have..." Step. "A better idea." They had reached the fourth floor, and Alex looked at Leliana questioningly.

    She smiled at him, through the coats that she held in her arms. "Actually, I just might." She put the equipment she was carrying down on the floor to rest for a second. Her arms were tired from carrying it all up and she admittedly kind of wanted to look not silly as she relayed this idea that had come up to her while walking.

    She looked Alex in the eyes and said, "Let's make a band."
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Let's make a band."

    " Say what!" Alex remarked back as he dropped the coats on the floor. " Are you insane?! i don't know the first thing about playing an instrument let alone do any of us." Internally he wasnt exactly against it but his lazy part figured actually playing a instrument would consume more energy than he wanted throughout the day leaving little time for anime and video game time. Was this girl sharp? did she know that he was being inherently lazy this entire time and trying to get him to invoke a bit of effort?

    " Lili i don't know, let's just pitch it to the rest of the group and see what they say. i mean it's a big responsibility, what if we suck, what if they laugh at us, what if we get boo'ed off stage." Leaning down picking up his coats and equptment it covered his face and his mouth but the words " It might not be a bad idea though.." murmured through.

    He made his way back to the club room greeting the others. " Alright guys first act of Club K-ON is cleaning up this room. So put on these coats gloves and goggles. But before that Lili has something she'd like to run by you guys real fast..." He turned to her and shrugged. " the floor is yours.." he said to himself
  14. Ava Mareinus

    Ava Mareinus New Member

    "Lili, I don't know, let's just pitch it to the rest of the group and see what they say. I mean, it's a big responsibility, what if we suck, what if they laugh at us, what if we get boo'ed off stage?'

    Alex's words resonated in Leliana's ears, though it took a minute for them to be comprehended fully. Because although she heard the sentence, her mind got stuck on that very first part. Lili? Did he really just call me Lili? She looked at Alex with an expression of surprise. Never did I say that he was allowed to call me that. She was suddenly angry. Lili was the pet name that her father had used for her when she was a child. There was a point when hearing someone call her that would have filled her with joy. But when her father's emotional stability took a turn for the worst, the one playful and happy name became filled with dread and anger. It was after all, what he would call her in his mocking and sarcastic tone whenever she was told just how much of a disappointment she was, and felt the manifestation of his unstable mindset first-hand. "Lili" was a child's name. A happy name. And Leliana had been neither.

    So when Alex called her by such, Leliana was automatically resentful, and wanted to show Alex just how much. There was of course, no way that Alex would have had any idea what that name meant to her, and the rational part of Leliana recognized that, and knew she shouldn't be angry. It was this part of her that had learned to come up quickly over the years to sate her anger, just as it did in this instance. The anger in her eyes faded almost as quickly as it had come, thankfully without attracting the notice of Alex. As she followed him back to the club room, she resolved to let him know one way or another that she didn't like that name, without coming off as bitchy.

    It was when they actually arrived back at the room that she thought about the rest of the comment Alex had made. He is right, we definitely need to run it by everyone first. She looked around the room as she entered and noticed that the gym equipment had been taken away, but the room was still pretty messy. Cleaning it definitely needed to be done first. 'll just let Alex know real quick that we'll talk about the band idea once this cleaning is done. We'll have plenty of time to discuss it...

    ...But before that, Lili has something she'd like to run by you guys real fast..."

    ...God damn it, Alex.

    Leliana's eyes shot figurative daggers at Alex as he shrugged at her. She sighed slightly and turned to the rest of the girls in the room who had stopped their cleaning to look at her inquisitively, curious as to what it was she was going to say. This probably would have been better if we did it as an actual meeting...though I doubt that Alex planned that far ahead. Oh well, here goes nothing.

    "Well, it's not really the greatest time for me to bring this up, what with the fact that we just joined this club a little while ago, and I'm sure Alex has plenty of things planned for us as a group." She smiled a little, having fun with the jest, full well knowing he most likely didn't. But it was all in good fun, after all. "But as I was walking back here with him, I had an idea about something we could possibly do to make this club and our experiences enjoyable for everyone, and good enough for the school to recognize the club status. I think we should make a band."

    She paused for a moment to let her words sink in the room, and took a breath. "Of course, it's just an idea. And we'll have plenty of time once we finish cleaning this room to discuss other ideas as well and try to get the club to take off. It's just something I think would be fun, and in the spirit of what Light Music could be. What do you guys think?"
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Oooohhh! I'm sooo in! I love that idea so much, and I've always wanted to share my talents with others! It gets boring singing in the shower and playing bass along on your bed, yep-yep! I support this decision one hundred percent. Lala, I like the way you think, oh, do you mind if I call you "Lala"? It's cute and totally fits you yep yep!"

    Krystal jumped up and down excitedly as she spoke and in her excitement she charged forward, aiming to tackle Leliana in a hug, though if said target moved aside, Krystal's momentum would send her barreling straight into a wall, not that she'd care either way.
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Melody was just organizing text books when the three who left came and Leliana pitched her idea.

    "Melody was half listening until suddenly she heard it, "I think we should form a band."

    A band, a band?!

    Melody granted grew up her early youth around her father's jazz band, but her father has had his band since he was her age. Melody as she went off to performing arts school, she realized her father had so much potential to go very far, he could of been a bigger and better band versus a little one that toured just part of Japan. He could of been in a band that went around the world.

    But once he formed his band in high school he was tied to it, and based on current situations, he's been tied to his band till the day he dies.

    Melody though didn't want to be tied down. As a pianist she had lots of possibilities.

    "No thanks." She stated.
  17. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    "I think we should make a band."

    As Mira stood in the doorway and heard Liliana's word's, she could feel her heart flutter. By all definitions, a band would be exactly what Mira was looking for. She would be out of the house much more often, and her father could not really complain about it, seeing that it would be club related. If she was in a band, maybe she could attract some attention, and make friends again--hopefully of a better sort than the ones who had left her behind not too long ago. So far, assuming Alex and Liliana were members by default, they would have three members.

    "Oooohhh! I'm sooo in! I love that idea so much, and I've always wanted to share my talents with others!" There's four...

    "No thanks."

    Mira's heart sank when Mel gave her reply. Oh so dearly did she want to befriend everyone in the room, and it would not be a stretch to say that Mel was tied for top of the list.

    "I play guitar, and I would love to be in a band," Mira finally responded from the doorway, trying and failing to mask her excitement. "We could certainly make something really fun out of the Light Music Club!"
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    OOC: I'm going to control you guys for a bit to skip ahead a day

    Alex walked over to Leliana and smiled. " Well i guess your idea is better than anything else i've come up with. to be honest i was just going to sit around and play video games all day haha but this might be even more fun." Turning around facing the others he admitted he was disappointed in Mel turning down the offer.

    " Well we can figure out all the details later but for now lets get this place cleaned up guys!"

    They all cheered in unison save for Mel. " YEA!!"

    They spent many hours cleaning up the clubroom moving out old equipment and taking chemicals and sciece belongings back to the lab and science clubroom. Each of them took turns walking to the gym to return all the balls, uniforms and equipment. it took till the late evening around 7pm but they got it done.

    " Phew! Alex stood at the front of the group his sleeves still rolled up. He had already returned all the lab coats and goggles. Now they all marveled at their hard work.

    Click here for clubroom pictures >>> Click and Me Too! Clubroom from above
    It was a rather large room, in fact it was the biggest Clubroom on campus, which is probably why when unused for so long it became a large storage closet. The room was warm, it had a cozy feeling to it. There was a table towards the back, a board on the right side of the room for notes and announcements and the drum-set they found was set up towards the door. The piano that was in the back room was pushed to the window and all was right. The sunset's warm glow filled the room and they all let out a sigh of relief.

    " Well i'll see you guys here tomorrow! " Alex said as he stretched and walked away first.


    Getting home alex took off hsi shoes at the door and walked into his home. the warm smell of fried rice and chicken filled up his nostrils.

    " Mmmm!!" He said as he rushed into the dining room. His sister was in her maid robe setting the table for the two of them.

    " So little brother how was high school?

    " Oh it was awesome sis "

    " Did you join any clubs? i bet you joined the manga club didnt you ? " She said with a chuckle while placing a bit of rice on his place.

    " slowly eating his food he took a small gulp.
    " No actually i made my own club"

    " You did what? what club did you make?! " Her face was red with laughter because she was waiting for a silly answer.

    " Light Music Club K-ON"

    " Wha...wha what!" She choked on her own food and drank down some water quickly. " The light music club! Alex do you know what that is?"

    " Uh no sis did i ....do something wrong? i was just planning to listen to music all day and play video games..."

    Her eyes widened and she leaned over the table. " Alex when i went to that school. i heard about the light music club. It's a club for musicians and instruments The first generation of people that created that club went on to become the pop idol band C.O.R.E!

    The club had at least seven members with certain different instruments. The band C.O.R.E was formed by the four Light Music Club members Sawako Yamanaka, Norimi Kawaguchi, Della and Jane and quickly earned the admiration of the school's students and the rebukes of the school's teachers, such as Horigome. After the members of the band C.O.R.E graduated, the club was still active since the band wrote a song dedicated to the club's juniors!"

    Alex dipped more chicken and rice onto his place listening to his sister rant and rave.

    " Alex...do you even know how to play an instrument"

    His mouth full of food he looked at her and smiled. " Nope"

    She laughed and moved a bit of rice from his face. " Well i hope you're ready because you're gonna have to learn!"

    OOC: From now on we'll be skipping school scenes unless you guys put them in yourself just go straight to clubroom for the majority unless you have other plans or we go other places. But we're just going to assume we had our classes or are on lunch breaks. Also i'll let you guys know when to have full class scenes like tests and exams. Also Miss Kaname will be our Clubroom Manager so feel free to use her and bring her in from time to time.
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    OOC: I'm going to control you guys for a bit to skip ahead a day

    Alex walked over to Leliana and smiled. " Well i guess your idea is better than anything else i've come up with. to be honest i was just going to sit around and play video games all day haha but this might be even more fun." Turning around facing the others he admitted he was disappointed in Mel turning down the offer.

    " Well we can figure out all the details later but for now lets get this place cleaned up guys!"

    They all cheered in unison save for Mel. " YEA!!"

    They spent many hours cleaning up the clubroom moving out old equipment and taking chemicals and sciece belongings back to the lab and science clubroom. Each of them took turns walking to the gym to return all the balls, uniforms and equipment. it took till the late evening around 7pm but they got it done.

    " Phew! Alex stood at the front of the group his sleeves still rolled up. He had already returned all the lab coats and goggles. Now they all marveled at their hard work.

    Click here for clubroom pictures >>> Click and Me Too! Clubroom from above
    It was a rather large room, in fact it was the biggest Clubroom on campus, which is probably why when unused for so long it became a large storage closet. The room was warm, it had a cozy feeling to it. There was a table towards the back, a board on the right side of the room for notes and announcements and the drum-set they found was set up towards the door. The piano that was in the back room was pushed to the window and all was right. The sunset's warm glow filled the room and they all let out a sigh of relief.

    " Well i'll see you guys here tomorrow! " Alex said as he stretched and walked away first.


    Getting home alex took off hsi shoes at the door and walked into his home. the warm smell of fried rice and chicken filled up his nostrils.

    " Mmmm!!" He said as he rushed into the dining room. His sister was in her maid robe setting the table for the two of them.

    " So little brother how was high school?

    " Oh it was awesome sis "

    " Did you join any clubs? i bet you joined the manga club didnt you ?
    " She said with a chuckle while placing a bit of rice on his place.

    slowly eating his food he took a small gulp. " No actually i made my own club"

    " You did what? what club did you make?! " Her face was red with laughter because she was waiting for a silly answer.

    " Light Music Club K-ON"

    " Wha...wha what!" She choked on her own food and drank down some water quickly. " The light music club! Alex do you know what that is?"

    " Uh no sis did i ....do something wrong? i was just planning to listen to music all day and play video games..."

    Her eyes widened and she leaned over the table. " Alex when i went to that school. i heard about the light music club. It's a club for musicians and instruments The first generation of people that created that club went on to become the pop idol band C.O.R.E!

    The club had at least seven members with certain different instruments. The band C.O.R.E was formed by the four Light Music Club members Sawako Yamanaka, Norimi Kawaguchi, Della and Jane and quickly earned the admiration of the school's students and the rebukes of the school's teachers, such as Horigome. After the members of the band C.O.R.E graduated, the club was still active since the band wrote a song dedicated to the club's juniors!"

    Alex dipped more chicken and rice onto his place listening to his sister rant and rave.

    " Alex...do you even know how to play an instrument"

    His mouth full of food he looked at her and smiled. " Nope"

    She laughed and moved a bit of rice from his face. " Well i hope you're ready because you're gonna have to learn!"

    OOC: From now on we'll be skipping school scenes unless you guys put them in yourself just go straight to clubroom for the majority unless you have other plans or we go other places. But we're just going to assume we had our classes or are on lunch breaks. Also i'll let you guys know when to have full class scenes like tests and exams. Also Miss Kaname will be our Clubroom Manager so feel free to use her and bring her in from time to time.

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