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Has your music taste changed through the years?

Discussion in 'Music & Industry' started by Ovum, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. Ovum

    Ovum ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

    I was thinking about this earlier, and I realized that my music tastes have changed a lot throughout the years. I remember in 9th or 10th grade I was obsessed with bands like Tokio Hotel, Breaking Benjamin, Bring Me the Horizon, Devil Wears Prada, etc. Throw some whiny teenager-oriented bands like We the Kings and Yellowcard (I still somewhat like them, though) in there, too. A lot of deathcore/alternative/etc shit went into that mix, and I've tried listening to some of it recently and I just can't do it. Nowadays, I don't even know how to describe my music taste. I listen to a lot of weird experimental/electronic shit like witch house and trip-hop mixed with different forms of metal. Hell, I even listen to genres like R&B whereas in the past I wouldn't even have bothered.

    Has your music taste changed at all? Has it been for the better?
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    When I was younger, I was more into pop- boy bands like NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, heck, even New Kids on the Block back in the day. Nowadays I listen to more classic rock- Journey, Queen, Foreigner, etc. I still enjoy some 90s pop on occasion, so I don't know that I'd say my taste has changed completely, but I definitely don't spend much time listening to current pop.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    In a way, I suppose. When I was younger, all I listened to was country. Now I listen to that, a bit of rock, and lots of Japanese songs (Mostly the songs that were the opening or ending songs for various anime).

    But I still do listen to the music I listened to as a kid (90's country is so much better than today's country, though there are plenty of good songs recently).
  4. Dion

    Dion Member

    I can say that when I was younger, I was really into Techno and Pop Rock. But now that I'm older, I'm really into Heavy Metal, Screamo, Punk Rock, and J-Rock.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Seems like everything was better in the 90s, though maybe that's the 90s kid nostalgia coming out in me. ^_^
  6. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    The 90's was the best era, hands down! haha
    We made sketchers look good.


    My music has changed a lot. Growing up around old parents, a lot of music from 50's-70's. I grew liking and listening to the Temptations and Michael Jackson. I was forced to listen to backstreet boys, NSYNC, B2K, Christina Agulera (sp), and other things in that lane by my sister. I connected to hip-hop at a young age, Eminem was just my idol -_-.

    So with me growing up with different types of sounds in music. I never latched to a genre. When I started my teenage years, I started listening to more rock, metal, and classical. I started making my own music around Junior year, so I started listening to everything that appealed to my ear. No matter the genre, it didn't even need lyrics. It could be anything, music wise. As long as my ear agrees.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Yeah, same here. At the time, I didn't love it, but now it's a majority of what I listen to.

    Also, growing up, I was a dancer for much of my childhood and teenage years, so I listened to a lot of show tunes and a lot of classical. And though this wasn't by choice most of the time, I have a lot more appreciation now for those styles.
  8. Luke

    Luke Member

    I used to like a lot of clean vocals over guitar riffs like power metal kinda stuff. Now i prefer gutterals and hardcore.

    But ive always like country.

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