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Dirge of Cerberus Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Compilation of Final Fantasy VII' started by Kyuu, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Nyan, what do you think about this game? -^^-

    Well, we all know it's different Final Fantasy from the others... It's like.. an action game, right? And it's not very long, that's not nice...
    However, in my opinion it's awesome! Not so good as many of the others (like FFVII), but I like it. Especially for Vincent as main character! There I learned more about his past, too...
    Yuffie is funny in this game, as always. I like Nero, too. He's one of my fav villains in FF. ^w^
    And yay, we saw Vince's dad... Heehee, Grimoire is a nice name.
    So, how about you guys?
  2. Xehanort

    Xehanort New Member

    Wow, this game must be sort of bad. Eh, I'll get it anyway
  3. ViaxraXIII

    ViaxraXIII New Member

    I rather enjoyed the game :) I tend to scream during games when the bad guys attack me and stuff, I did quiet a bit in this. I really did enjoy it.
  4. Maxad

    Maxad New Member

    Aside from always running short on ammo due to lack of gil, it's pretty solid for a shooter. Wish Genesis would've gotten a bonus chapter or a Dirge of Cerberus 2 or something. That ending introduced him and did nothing with his character until crisis core.

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