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Sora's New Outfit

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3' started by Angel, Jun 29, 2015.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    So who actually likes Sora's new outfit?! I'm actually iffy about it. What happened to the baggy shorts and his size 30 shoe. Nomura completely slimmed his attire down. I'm okay with change, but this is too much! Nomura even messed with his hair!!! I don't know if I like this "new" Sora. According to an interview its a mixure of his KH3D outfit and KH2 outfit, which in my opinion wasn't a good idea. His slim appearance is due to his faster movements.

    Sora . . . what are they doing to you?!

    RoxVen likes this.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't mind the costume. I prefer darker colors and more neutral sorts of color palates, as opposed to a bright, cartoony character design.

    I don't know how I feel about the design of Sora himself, though. He just looks so tall and old now. It makes my heart sad a little, like my baby's all grown up, LOL.
    Nova likes this.
  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Not sure what image you're looking at there Angel. The shorts seem like they're still pretty baggy, just bunched up a bit, and the shoes don't look a whole lot smaller than the KH2 ones. Just not as pronounced at the front, so they don't look so much like clown shoes. The new design still begets previous Sora looks. It's just more sleek, which I like; it does give off an older, more matured appearance for the character, which is pretty much the direction that Sora needs to be going in, seeing as he's been adventuring around an growing up through all of his adventures.

    I'm just not so sure that I necessarily like the red trim; makes it look like it should be more of a drive form change (a la Valor form).
  4. Dion

    Dion Member

    My only quarrel with Sora's new design is his face... there is something wrong with the face and I can't quite put my finger on it.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^ His nose seems larger and his eyes a little smaller, imo. And the hair is styled a little differently, too. It's part of what makes him look older to me. Compare with Sora in KH II (under the spoiler tag):


    Looking at the two outfits, though, I do like the KH III costume more. I think the colors look nicer together.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    It also looks like his face/head is bit thinner. Lost all that puppy fat, no doubt.
  7. Dion

    Dion Member

    Ah, I see it now. I guess it makes him look older...? It just feels weird to me. Other than that I have no problems with his design. Just let me see what the others will look like in this game!
  8. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Personally, I'm all for it.

    For one, it does make Sora look older, which honestly needs to happen. So far as I can tell, Sora's journey has been going on for more than a year now story wise, and in the past 12 years or so since Kingdom Heart's First release we have all grown up as well, Sora might as well mature and grow up. Sora would be 16-17 at this point, and he deffinately looks that age here.

    Secondly, the color pallete is a lot more focused. I do love the old colors, but again, Sora is growing up so we don't need to have brighter colors, as far as I can tell not a lot of teenage boys going into their senior year where bright clothes, they start to become more dark and less pastel. Sora's outfit, from what I can tell, is loosely based off of Mickey Mouse, so it makes sense to focus on the reds and blacks, rather than adding more white, blue and yellow. I think the main reason why Sora looks so different is because we are now focusing on a more condensed and smaller color pallete, we are so used to see the more detailed colored outfit from the past 10 years. This one looks more cleaned up and focused, and honestly more pleasing to the eye.

    I will admit his hair isn't the best change but I'll grow used to it, I personally prefer he keep his old hair, but a bit shorter instead of the direction they took here. Also anyone else notice if you remove the two big spikes on the sides of his head his hair would looke more like Ventus/Roxas?
    Kitty likes this.
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Meh. I do not see the "SORA IS WEARING VALOR FORM" complaint. There's no "It is awesome" or "It is terrible!" to me. Nothing surprising or attractive and I see it as decent.
  10. KHdollabill93

    KHdollabill93 New Member

    I love this outfit. It's so beautiful! Sora is supposed to be older and look different! Hooray for postitive change!
  11. RoxVen

    RoxVen New Member

    Sora's new outfit is alright and his hair isn't that spike.
  12. Noxus

    Noxus New Member

    Chill, it's just an outfit upgrade and shorter hair. That generally happens when someone has matured. I mean you can have spikey anime hair in high school, but that doesn't work in an actual job. That's how I think of it anyways.

    Its obvious that this sleek look has something to do with his maturity and SPOILER self exileness. I like the look it especially because it's going to add a lot more acrobatic movement and Sora really needs that. Especially if he wants to hang with good ol' Riku doing all those flips.

    Plus you're blaming Nomura? The guy who left FF15 for FF7. It wasn't fully his fault others wanted a change as well as fans. Just like the ff7 remake the pressure was felt.

    What was the inspiration behind Sora’s new costume design?


    Nomura: “In terms of the costume, I noticed that the Kingdom Hearts II costume was very popular among fans, so I was actually torn until the very last minute about whether or not I should keep the Kingdom Hearts II outfit. But of course, this is Kingdom Hearts III, the first proper numbered title that we’ve put out in a while, so I did have the desire to change it. And staff members were pushing me, ‘no, you have to change it!’ So I was driven to redesign a new outfit for Sora. The basis is a mix between Kingdom Hearts II and the one iteration before Kingdom Hearts III was Dream Drop Distance, so we’ve taken a mid-point between the two titles. The previous new outfit was a red-and-black color palette, so we took the designs from Kingdom Hearts IIand the Dream Drop Distance outfit. You may have also noticed that it’s a lot more sleek and sporty, so to speak. Because, as you may have seen in the trailer, Sora does a lot more movements, more acrobatic movements, more action-oriented movements, so we wanted to make sure that it is a sporty fit and that he can move comfortably.”

    Sora seems to be getting more mature. Is the new costume tied to Sora’s growth as a person?

    Nomura: “At first glance, you may feel that Sora’s proportions have changed. But actually, when you’re looking at the trailer where he’s in Hercules’ world, he’s actually in the Kingdom Hearts II costume. So the skeletal structure is basically the same—Sora is the same size and proportion. It might seem, at first glance, that he may look a little taller, or his hair is less wild. We kind of muted the volume on his hair—it’s not as wild. Or, as we mentioned earlier, it’s more sporty, kind of like an athletic look, very sleek and slim, and less change in decorations. Maybe that might give the impression that he’s a little bit slimmer.”
  13. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Exactly my problem!

    Haircut + Clothes =/= Maturity. I have never heard of this nor has anyone else.

    And that's fine and dandy! But his fluid movements aren't tied to his clothes.

    Yes, I blame Nomura for all my KH problems. Don't you?!
    Kitty likes this.
  14. Noxus

    Noxus New Member


    Ok so you're telling me it's fine to go into a corporate job looking like super sayian goku right now with a legend of Zelda shirt and cut jeans and people would take you seriously?

    Besides the point. I'm saying I believe his new clothes are symbolizing a more mature sora after he failed the make of mastery test. That was the case in KHII so why not this game? Why can't this game give a different feel? Because you don't like it? Then you create the game.

    Nomura said they were.

    Sora does a lot more movements, more acrobatic movements, more action-oriented movements, so we wanted to make sure that it is a sporty fit and that he can move comforta

    Nah because it wasn't just his choice so blame everyone who pushed the idea as well. Plus I doubt I could make the game any better. Plus the fact I've been waiting on it for a Long while I'm not going to flame over clothes and hair

    Or because this dude has been working hard on some of the most anticipated games of all time (ff15, kh2, and now a remake of ff7) and people are going to cry (especially ff7) about every little detail they don't like. So no I don't blame this guy for making a choice with his team instead of going out and doing it on his own without any other ideas
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
  15. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Just getting started!

    What are you talking about?! I'm talking Kingdom Hearts here and you're bringing up corporations. Sora isn't applying for a job here. Whatever analogy you're trying to apply doesn't work!

    Like I said earlier, cool beans, you like it! I'm cool with that, but I don't like the outfit! Now that, that is over with, I'll get right on that Kingdom Hearts game.

    Have you not seen the E3 trailer?! Whether he's wearing the KH2 outfit or the KH3 outfit. The moves are practically the same in versatility.

    Plus, Nomura says Sora has more movements, so in turn, they gave him an outfit that represents that. Not vice versa!

    I think; I'll stick to blaming Nomura! I don't really care about whatever else he's doing. I'm concern about Sora's looks. Maybe you've "settled" because you've been waiting so long, but I'm not going to do that.

    Apparently, he's not working hard enough if you don't believe me; look at Sora's new outfit for guidance! Additionally whoever Nomura is listening to, he needs to stop it! Like today, if possible!
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Eh, to me it's not flashy enough.
  17. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Yeah. XD Who else is there to blame? When you're the face of a business/project, you get the blame for everything that goes wrong, whether it was ultimately your fault or not. I'm sure Nomura is used to it, and I also doubt he cries himself to sleep over what the fanboys are bitching about this time.

    I don't know why Nomura feels he has to justify why the clothes are different. Especially with a reason like this, which I feel is idiotic, when you remember some of his design choices in other games, which are hardly realistic or have comfort/maneuverability in mind. Just say the team felt like a change, and leave it at that. I don't need an in-story reason for why Sora decided to brush his hair or put on a different set of clothes.

    Sora is hardly going out into the corporate world. I don't see the point of this comparison.

    This is also just one posed picture, too. Once we see Sora moving around and talking, perhaps he won't look as different. People change their clothes and style their hair differently all of the time. I don't see why this would be a deal breaker, though I respect the opinion of those who dislike the change.
    Angel likes this.
  18. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Exactly, I'm not looking to blame Chief Editor Steve! Normura's going to do whatever he wants regardless of what I say, and he shouldn't care about pleasing everyone. @Noxus But that won't stop me from being petty about the outfit!
  19. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Not sure what the limit is but I see no reason to make a new thread soooooo more Sora clothes:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    And yes those are small crowns on the bottoms of his shoes.
  20. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I actually don't mind Sora's new look so far. Not sure what some of you are talking about when you say he has changed too much or has a more slender look. His pants are still baggy and his shoes are still huge. He still has the cartoony flair that he always had. Im not a big fan of their choice of colors maybe.

    What does bother me about this new Sora is his face. Or more his head in general. Could just be me being nit picky but there is something off about it.

    Overall he looks fine though.

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