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2016, the Year of VR (Virtual Reality)

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Angel, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    So officially it seems that 2016, is the year of virtual reality, which sounds really really cool. I've been reading plenty of articles about them, and I honestly won't believe a word till I actually test one out myself, but it sounds legit enough. I'm plenty stoke for this! It'll actually revolutionize gaming, and I'm sure; there's other uses for it. But who cares about them, gaming is where it's at!

    Anyway, there are two main Virtual Reality (VR) systems out there. Oculus Rift and Project Morpheus:

    Oculus Rift is probably the most known of the VR technology. In my opinion, it looks bulky on the front, and probably has some weight to it. Anyway, it's supposedly will give you the feeling that your actually in-game with low latency aka lag. It comes with an XBox One controller and those motion controllers (Oculus Touch) above. are separate. It also seems that you'll need a Samsung phone in order to use this device, specifically Samsung Galaxy and Note 4. It slides into the top heavy part (Gear VR) which is interesting, but give people more reason to buy (spend money) Samsung devices. There's other things like position tracking and theater mode, which is self explanatory. It's release is set for Q1 2016
    I've only recently heard of Project Morpheus which is obviously for the PlayStation. Much like Oculus, it is supposed to give you that real in-world experience. I don't know too much about Morpheus, but it still in early development as opposed to Oculus. The design and how light it looks is very appealing. PlayStation still has a ways to go. Anyway, they say it will be released sometime in 2016.

    Microsoft's approach to Virtual Reality are holograms. The technology is definitely out there if you haven't seen Michael Jackson or Tupac's Hologram, you should give them a gander. With Hololens, you'll be able to create your own holograms, and interact with them. You can also apply holograms to your own environment such as stick holonotes to your fridge. It can also be used for connecting and sharing. Through apps such as Skype, friends can see through your Hololens what you see.

    What do you guys think of Virtual Reality?
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    To be honest i don't think it'll ever take off. just at least no time soon. i don't think this generation is truly prepared for that kind of transition. meaning making it affordable to the everyday gamer etc etc, game list, install base, things of that nature. seems like a cool Gimic just like motion was a gimic.
  3. Dion

    Dion Member

    While VR seems really cool as a concept, I just can't see myself liking it. If I want to play a video game, I want to sit down and relax on the couch, bed, or chair that I am in and click/push away on the buttons. I get enough of an experience from my own tv/computer to feel immersed in the world presented to me. I don't want to have a screen shoved on my face. :p
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I honestly think that VR has to start somewhere. It can't cost more than the 1990s game console when everyone was making them. The Neo Geo was like $700. People spend that kind of money on iPhones.

    With VR you'll still be able to do that, with a comfortable visor that'll give you even more experience. Plus I eventually see it slimming down.
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    So you're saying Sword Art Online is only a few years away?! here's hoping!
  6. Mike

    Mike Member

    I think that a technological revolution necessitates a software revolution. The technology will evidently arrive shortly...I just hope game developers can keep up. I'd hate to play normal console games with VR headgear... but a VR game designed from the ground up would certainly catch my interest.

    It's like the difference between designing a game around the Wii-mote, vs tacking on crappy Wii-mote controls onto an existing game. Both have been done, but only one type is really worth playing.
  7. Dion

    Dion Member

    I'm just very skeptical about it. I guess I won't give it full judgment until I have it for myself.
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    ^_^. If any games should be available for VR then it should be: .hack// and SAO
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I have been up-to-date on Oculus Rift (YAY FOR BEING A GAME DESING MAJOR AND HAVING ACCESS TO OR!) However, I may go after Project Morpheus since I have heavily a Playstation player than an Xbox player. It would be nice to be in the game and I do believe it will work. In Chicago, some of my colleagues in Chicago was letting the public try out OR during Columbia College-Chicago's Manifest annual Manifest event this past May. It is catchy to tell you the truth. I really am interested in testing out Skyrim on it though.
    Angel likes this.
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator


    So I've just been updated on Hololens, which is Microsoft's approach to Virtual Reality.

    Microsoft's approach to Virtual Reality are holograms. The technology is definitely out there if you haven't seen Michael Jackson or Tupac's Hologram, you should give them a gander. With Hololens, you'll be able to create your own holograms, and interact with them. You can also apply holograms to your own environment such as stick holonotes to your fridge. It can also be used for connecting and sharing. Through apps such as Skype, friends can see through your Hololens what you see.
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    i don't know, maybe i'll eat my own words. but i think it's gonna fall like the Virtua Boy did. i can't imagine playing my games in VR.

    But who knows it might be the most immersive experience i've ever had.
    Dion likes this.

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