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Kingdom Hearts: Daybreak (IC)

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. Key King

    Key King Member

    Palmund chuckled at Kelliane, "You're right of course, it's customary. But it has never been my wish for any man or woman to humble themselves before me. As far as I'm concerned, you are my equal."

    He turned to Sophia, pausing to think for a second on how to break the news that her grandfather would be too wrapped up in the impending war with the other side of her royal family to visit. "He's a bit too busy at the moment, but he sends his love and hopes to see you soon."

    Finally, Sophia introduced him to Jordan, to whom Palmund gave a curt but friendly hello, before the boy made a quick pardon and dashed off.

    Palmund once again turned his attention to Kelianne, "I think a regrouping is very much in order. I'd like to put names to these unfamiliar faces," he said, "And I'll be needing a word with you, Princess," he finished, regarding Sophia.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    It was strange. A being of darkness was unable to notice another's darkness. The man was a bit more intrigued about Deimos. He considered another option to try and get Deimos' attention. "Aww, why the hell not? I've got nothing better to do anyways." The man looked down at his hand as he thought to himself. Darkness formed in it, rising upwards like a flame. Muttering "Dark Firaga," the man held his hand outwards towards Deimos and shot the darkness at him.


    As the remaining group spoke among themselves Raven pushed herself off the wall she was leaning against and walked towards Deimos. She stood by his side and faced in the same direction as he was before throwing one arm around his shoulder and leaning against him. "Aww, don't be upset that they're ignoring you Deimos. After all Kelianne is curious about home. And you can't really deny a granduncle's desire to see his niece's daughter. I mean, I can. But you can't. Besides, your secret talk with Kelianne can wait until we return. Speaking of which, you're not trying to leave me in the dark about whatever it is you need to talk to Kelianne about, are you?"
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    A blast of fire struck his side, causing him to look up at whatever shot him. "You wanna fucking go? You picked a fight with the wrong guy jackass!" Drawing his sword, Deimos lunged forward, before feinting to the right and slashing upwards at the stranger's side.

    Deimos turned his gaze to Raven and raised an eyebrow. Raven was never one to show any type of feelings, so when she put her arm around him, he immediately suspected ulterior motives. "I'm not upset, I just wish they'd pay more attention to more important matters. As for my 'secret meeting' with Kelianne... That is between her and I, if either of us believe it necessary to clue you in afterwards, than you'll be filled in, but until then, it's not your concern."
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Of course I did." He spoke sarcastically, jumping back from Deimos' lunge. This man timed his jump back right when Deimos moved to the right, causing Deimos' blade to miss. As his body moved back, he held his hand out a bit as a blade dropped from above. Catching the blade, the man swung it a few times, a trail of darkness staying in the air for a moment along the path of each swing. Moving back towards Deimos, he swung directly at Deimos' blade. The two blades touching, he quickly swung his sword in a circular arc as he attempted to disarm Deimos.


    Raven let a slight laugh escape her lips from Deimos' comment. "So cold. And here I was trying to console you. I thought that our relationship had improved from way back when we started working with each other. Though I suppose you have a slight point. I've never really shown much concern for things that don't involve Sophia. On that note, I should point out that if it does concern Sophia I will find out one way or another. That being said, would a hug make you feel less grumpy?"
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Sophia quickly nodded her head in response to Kelianne's reply. She kept her head low, not wanting to show her red face, as she was embarrassed from her question. "Oh, yes, of course. Alright then, let us all head back to the castle," she said, now facing the group. She smiled at the sight of Deimos and grabbed his hand, unintentionally stealing him away from Raven to lead the group back to the castle. She stopped before going too far off once she had heard Palmund's last comment. She turned to him and cocked her head to the side a bit, curiously, before asking, "Oh, about what Uncle Palmund?"

    Jordan had found himself in a large field that seemed to be very distant from the busier parts of this world. He rubbed his eyes a bit, the power he had used now seeming to do more harm than it had ever done before. His eyes had returned to their casual haze gray color and Jordan spit out a bit of blood. "Seriously? Over something as pathetic as that? This world really sucks," he commented to himself. He walked onward for a bit longer before faintly hearing explosions in the distance. Without thinking about the consequences much at all, he sprinted forward towards the sound and soon found himself on a small hill onlooking the quarrel. Deimos, it had seemed, was fighting a mysterious individual. What was most peculiar was that the man gave off a smell of Darkness that was strong enough for Jordan to smell from this distance.

    Scanning the field a bit, Jordan had finally managed to identify Thalia not far from the ongoing fight. He quickly jumped down the hill, rolling as he landed onto the flatter bit of land, and darted towards Thalia, putting an arm in front of her. "What, you never heard that "curiosity killed the cat," or is that not a thing in this world," Jordan asked smartly, while trying to keep his tone down. "You should probably get out of here. Me and Deimos are gonna handle this jackass properly."
  6. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member

    Thalia had been down on the ground, shaking and trembling. Her eyes were shut tight, and she gripped her horns to try to keep them from vibrating, and therefore hearing, as though she was trying to remove herself from the outside world. Even with her attempts to block the scene out, it seemed to not be working. The only thing Thalia could hear was the sounds of fighting. Yelling. The sounds of anger and hatred. Her eyes were shut, but she was not blind.

    Her mind displayed the same twisted images to her. Her memory relayed over, and over, and over. She was unable to move, unable to react. Until she heard a familiar voice. She couldn't hear what he said said, but she knew it to be the voice of Jordan. Thalia's eyes shot open, looking up at the man in desperation. Her tremulous hands lunged out to grip at him. Her sobbing calmed a little, knowing that what she had been seeing was in her mind, but she was obviously shaken.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2016
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos was surprised by the man's skills, and though he was able to stop the man from disarming him by blocking the blade with his gauntlet, but was seemingly distracted by the commotion nearby between Jordan and Thalia, "Jordan! Get Thalia out of here!"

    Deimos let a smile reach his face as Sophia pulled him along beside her. He knew she was safe and sound by his side, and allowed Sophia to drag him wherever she wanted without a single word.
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Deimos wasn't focused on the fight. He left himself vulnerable for a moment. "If you can't keep a fight away from spectators," The man spoke as he took one hand off his blade, "You shouldn't be fighting." Taking advantage of the lapse in Deimos' attention, he punched Deimos right in his gut hard enough to knock Deimos off balance. Without pausing in his attack, the man quickly did a leg sweep to trip Deimos. Furthermore, multiple copies of the man's sword fell down from above. The swords dropped with enough force to pierce a body and pin it to the ground.


    "Still letting himself be dragged along after all these years huh." Raven thought to herself. "At least somethings stay the same." She quietly followed behind the group.
  9. Key King

    Key King Member

    Palmund began to follow the group before he halted slightly to respond to Sophia.
    "It is important, Sophia, but it can wait. I have only just arrived, and I certainly do not wish to burden your highness any more than I must."
    With that, Palmund moved along with the others, taking note of the snippets of conversation he caught from Raven and Deimos.
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "you better get the hell out of here and take this" Kousei reached into his pocket and handed a small earpiece to kate. "I'll be in contact, i have to make sure the timing is just right when we strike."

    Leaning outside of the door no one was in sight " They won't suspect me and they have no proof who let you out, however you'd be smart to not let yourself be seen by anyone that could suggest otherwise. " Leaving first he headed down the halls and quickly ran up the stair's out of the dungeons.

    " So..now let's put our plan into action...it's only a matter of time until i find you, and when i do...i can't wait to watch you suffer"

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