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Internet Relationships

Discussion in 'General' started by Kitty, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    What do you think about relationships over the internet? Are they as real or as important as relationships with people you meet face-to-face? (Note that I'm not talking only about romantic relationships in this thread, but friendships, too.) Have you ever met in person someone you've befriended online? Discuss.


    Being cripplingly shy in the real world, I actually find it much easier to communicate with people over the internet. Typing gives me time to weigh my words and think about what I'm going to say, without someone staring at my face and making me blush. And I've never really felt that the people in my life liked a lot of the same things I do, so being on an online forum gave me an outlet for some of my fangirlisms.

    I can't say that I've really made that many friends over the internet- really just a few close ones- but I'd say that those relationships were as important as the ones I've had with close friends in person, though in different ways. And I have met someone in person who I first met online. I found it kind of disappointing, like neither of us lived up to expectations, though I think I'm the only one who felt that way, and I sure as hell didn't say anything at the time.

    What say you all?
  2. Ovum

    Ovum ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

    Meeting someone in person that you've only known/grown with over the internet is a very, very strange experience. You get used to their 'realness' after a while, though.

    As for romantic relationships, just don't.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Friendship online? No problem. I've done that tons of times.

    Romantic relationships that are online? I think that is rather risky and ultimately won't work if the relationship stays only online. I do think that there has to be something there physically. Part of why I'm not a big fan of long distance relationships.
    Nova likes this.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I've done both, and i've dated online ALOT, most of them ended horribly? well not bad but, well im single. However they can work! my most recent relationship we met online and were freinds for years, then we moved in together and lived together for months. things just didnt work out, but in conclusion

    both parties have to want to make it work for it to work. otherwise give up.
  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    A purely internet relationship (online dating) is ridiculous to me. (No offense to anyone). What I mean is, you're "dating" someone online with no intentions of meeting them in person. That's just non-sense to me.

    Online friendship is okay only if you have offline friends as well. I don't think anyone should have purely online friends!
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    that's a bit of a stretch. not every time its with " no intentions of meeting the in person" You can become freinds with someone online so what makes having a relationship with them any different? Not to bring up old blood but my recent relationship i was friends with her online for years, from there we talked all the time on the phone to on skype, we got heavily involved with one another. Sometime after that we moved in together and things were fine. we broke up because of reasons not related to " online" and i know some people that are engaged today with people they met onlineand knew for years. So it's certainly possible.

    A relationship is 50 /50 you put in 100% it equates to 50 the other person puts in 100% it also equates to 50. If their putting 10% in and you're putting in your 100% that's 60% a 60% is an F.

    In conclusion. Online / distance relationships can work. but only if each person equally wants it to work as bad and does not lose focus of that. But it's not for everybody and that's fine. that's what's makes everyone unique.

    But i wouldnt call it non-sense.
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I know. I'm only taking about those online relationships with no intentions of meeting in person. I probably could've worded it better though.

    Sure, that's well and good if you eventually intend on continuing the relationship in person, but if not, what are you doing? In your case, you moved in with the girl you dated online. That's fine. But say you never intended to do so, then the time you spent on the phone and on skype are a waste i.m.o. And to answer your question, online friends are one thing but you're not trying to have an intimidate relationship with that person. It's like learning how to build a house and actually building a house. You can't learn to build until you actually are doing the building. Well, you can't truly learn about that person (intimidate relationship) if you aren't with that person.

    Technically, that's 55% not 60. Plus, relationships shouldn't be defined by values. I'm sure most relationships are not even close to 50 / 50 but they still work.

    And I'm simply stating online / distance relationships "never" work. There has to be actual physical space for a real relationship to pan out.

    I would.
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Well then we'll have to agree to disagree. i don't think you intend to get where im coming from. Nor do i think you want to.

    Nothing is ever wasted time, it's always a learning experience and it's up to the person to learn from it or not. alot of people waste their time doing god knows what else in this world so i'ts all relative.

    But yea w'ere so not about to agree on this topic and i've said my piece so yea im outie
  9. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    @Vox, Bleh, I'll just say this in general. That's no fun! If it just amounts "to agree to disagree". There's no point in discussing any issue or posting for that matter. It actually seems like a role reversal on the topic at hand. You're saying it's pointless to continue any further because no one will change their mind and I'm saying almost the exact opposite. I think that's hysterical.

    Anyway, learning experiences can be a waste. If you want to be an architect what's the point of studying medicine. Like Siri has told me multiple times, me and her aren't going to work out because it's not real. It's purely digital and people are only shown what the person wants them to see. Online, you can be anything that you're not. And a "pure" online relationship is doom to fail.

    I can't say that I completely understand what you are saying in the first place. At the very least, you owe it to yourself to get your point across if nothing else. Tell me how those relationships manage? What is the learning experience from those relationship? Is it real? If there's anonymity on the Internet, how do you know what you've learned is correct? What purely online relationship that you know of, actually stood the test of time? Like I legitlly want to know what you're saying because I have no clue. All you've said so far: you given an example of yourself ( not purely online ), relationship advice ( it didn't answer my question ), and a summary that there's no such thing as wasted time (from a universal standpoint). I think; we can all agree that there has to be something physical for those relationships to actually pan out!
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I said that because i get the feeling you don't care. So i don't feel a reason to really express my point any further.
  11. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Ugh. Wouldn't have written that long post if I didn't care. :/
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Sure i can answer those things for you. But can you do me a solid and tell me what your Zodiac sign is? it's un-related but i'm curious.
  13. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I'd say they're just as important although due to it's nature everyone online can be vastly different in real life. I shiver at the thought of how disappointing I'd be in person. (not that I'm a prize online either)
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    My thoughts every time one of my online friends says they wish we could talk in person xD

    Personally some of my best friends were met online. I've been close friends with a few people I've met on this forum for 5+ years. And I definitely count those people just as important to me as people I met in person.
    I can be incredibly shy in person so online was kind of an escape for me in my younger years. It was a way for me to interact without my social anxiety getting in the way. Since growing out of that, I don't rely on forums as much.

    Relationships are different. I won't say I'm against them because I've seen them work for people before. I probably can't say I wouldn't ever try it out either depending on the situation. Relationships are a more serious, intimate thing. In person interaction is important for a number of reasons. So, long distance and online could really put a strain on things.
    I could see maybe meeting someone online, becoming friends, meeting each other, and starting a relationship maybe. But to be a couple over cyberspace with no intention of meeting sounds counterproductive.
  15. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    lol I wonder if getting it out of the way that "yeah I might be a bit disappointing in person" would make meeting others easier since they'd be like "okay I was warned".

    I think a relationship of any kind could work so long as the people can meet. I've seen online relationships work too but it required regular meetings.
  16. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    It may in some cases but from personal experience I know even I caught myself putting my online friends on a pedestal so to speak when I was younger. At times when we did talk about meeting in person and how we would probably not meet each other's expectations I don't think it was taken seriously. I think a lot of it depends on your maturity level and theirs.

    Maybe but it kind of deponds on the kind of relationship. Some people see dating as a way to look for something serious like marriage while others just want something more physical. Either way eventually one or both people would have to move or become closer for that to work and then they have to get to know each other for real without the crutch of online interaction.
  17. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    That is true. Though almost everything like that depends on maturity level I guess.

    This is true and I'd bet the ones only after the more physical are account for most of the cases of it not succeeding.
    Nova likes this.

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