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Three Things You Like About The Character You Dislike

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Kitty, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Let's focus on some positives. Out of any game in the series thus far, name the character you dislike the most and give three things you like about them anyway. You can list more if you can come up with them, but the point of the thread isn't to explain or debate why such-and-such character sucks.


    My least favorite character is Kairi.

    1. Even though I don't quite buy that Kairi has a heart of pure light, without any darkness, I liked that princess of heart storyline and I wish her status had been utilized more, given her more of a strong place amidst the boys.

    2. She gave Sora the fantastically useful Oathkeeper in KH I.

    3. She spawned a pretty cool nobody, so that must mean there's awesomeness in her somewhere.
  2. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    I hate Axel; sorry! I just don't like how he's a Keyblader now he should of just stayed as the cool badass that he was.

    1. I like his hair
    2. I love his VA
    3. I love his chakrams
  3. I liked Axel in COM, but not KH2. What I do like about him is:

    1. His voice.
    2. He's fearless.
    3. He's dangerous and not above using any means to get what he wants.
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator


    I guess; he wasn't completely useless to the story with the whole unversed thing and the X-blade.
    If he were to be a rehashed character design, Sora seems like the best choice.
    I like his suit.
  5. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    Kairi don't ask why.

    1. Her smile
    2. Her laugh
    3. Her passion and love towards Sora.
  6. Mike

    Mike Member

    Wasn't the whole point of Vanitas to explain why Sora's nobody didn't look like himself?


    I hate Mickey for various reasons (not in general, but in the KH series). A few things I didn't mind so much however:

    1) I like his relentless optimism
    2) I liked him a lot when he didn't talk (in Timeless River)
    3) He looks like Mickey?

    That being said...please don't be a playable character in KH3...and if you are, keep the talking to a minimum, thanks.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Another character I dislike is Xemnas. Some things I do like about him:

    1. I enjoyed fighting him in KH II. His final battles weren't ridiculously easy, as final battles sometimes are.

    2. Hot voice acting.

    3. He has some pretty awesome theme music.
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    KairI is probably my least favorite character but only based on her role in the games. They could do more with her than make her the annoying damsel but they don't.

    1- Her clothes. Like most SE Characters, she dresses pretty cool.
    2- The Oath keeper.
    3- Namine.
  9. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    I honestly love all the characters. Whether it be because I think they're awesome, have good character development, are well rounded, have good voice acting, or simply because of nostalgia, I just love all the characters for some reason and I often find it hard to choose my favorite character since they all feel like family to me.

    If I had to choose a character to dislike though, it would probably be Pence. I don't even dislike him really, just kind of find him annoying.

    Can't think of three things I like about him, but I can think of one. I like his Dogstreet shirt. It's a reference to an old Square PS2 game called The Bouncer, and I like that they made a reference to Square game other than Final Fantasy or TWEWY.
  10. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Least favorite, Xehanort. I have a whole list of reasons why but if the objective is positives then lets see.

    1) Original role. When he was just a mad ruler turned heartless (Ansem/Kh1) I found him a nice twist of a boss since I expected Maleficent to be endgame. I also wondered how the robed man at the start would be important and finally I learned. He was the true villain.
    2) Honestly all the original ideas or theories I remember were pretty great too. So one positive was that he initially had good potential and sparked imagination.
    3) If it wasn't for Ansem Riku wouldn't have become one of the few developed characters.

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