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Divine Inheritance: Chaos

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by Nova, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    At Kable's first comment, Raven shrugged as she turned following Kable back toward the church she responded "What can I say. I don't mind a person with a dark side." As he stopped in front of the church and looked it over she passed him, casually leaning against the worn down brick wall.

    As Kable commented on the status of the town she smiled slightly "Yes, I can see that. Truly, it's the star of Azureth." She scanned the area, once again getting a somewhat ominous vibe from it. She also noticed the change in Kables attitude when he mentioned it, gaining some insight on him and possibly the town. Clearly he had some knowledge of it. And the strange sense she got from the area made her curious. However she decided not to ask about it. Considering the fact they might cross again in the future it seemed better that way.

    "Certainly perfect for this type of meet up anyway." She changed the subject.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  2. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable nodded, his mind still adrift. "That's why I picked here, of all places. No one of importance comes through anymore. They're all scared of what happened here. Or rather, what came through."

    He turned to Raven again. "You told me that whether I choose to stay with Lilith or not is my decision to bear. But I have to ask, where do you stand? You help with getting Lilith out of town, pay a complete stranger a large sum to move her to safety. Then you show up and defend her would be killer."

    Maybe it was the feeling of dread that always crept up whenever Kable came here. Or maybe it was the recent demonic possession, but Kable had a sudden idea in his head. He drew the broken sword hilt and gazed into it. He then faced back to Raven.

    "If you have to, are you prepared to take a side? Will you be able to kill any of us if it came to it?"
  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The night, still young though it was, had been escalating quickly; too quickly, in many regards, for Marcus's comfort as an officer.

    As the messenger made his leave from the, the Colonel, having previously been in an almost trance-like state of thought, ruffled his hair and began his typical pacing about the command tent. Every few seconds he would mutter one thing or another to himself, just barely audible as speak of strategy, though the details obscured by his low tone. After about a dozen paces back and forth, and several more mutterings, he stopped facing out towards the tent's exit. Beyond, he could see the controlled chaos of his camp: soldiers bustling in what preparations they could see the need for without orders and officers shouting what orders they could muster in the circumstance.

    Solemnly, Marcus shook his head, and peered over his shoulder towards Lucius. Heart throbbing where the mercenary had nearly carved in his chest less than hour before, he spoke out. "General," he said, assuming a more subordinate tone than he had upon Lucius' arrival, "I've already explained my disposition on Barisor. The city is strategically useless for anything other than functioning as a staging area. You know it. I know it. And I believe we both agreed that their next logical step would be to march upon the waterway at Carmilla Sar." He turned about, now facing the general, and fell to one knee. "My regiment is at your disposal. If you'll take it, I pass command of this campaign unto you; however, I merely make request that you allow me to focus attention onto securing the road to Carmilla Sar. I must not allow another city to fall under my watch."
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Raven hadn't expected Kables questions, and wasn't sure how to answer. She paused for a moment, watching him draw the broken sword hilt.
    For the time being she wasn't to concerned but this behavior was somewhat suspicious. Finally she answered "I have no interest in the childish rivalry between the two girls. And you can rest assured, I do not stand behind the Emperor's decision in this case."
    Obviously given years of reasons to distrust Atticus, not to mention the more recent issues, she could confidently say she wouldn't stand with Atticus on any other issue either. But she decided to keep her overall view on him to herself.
    "Lilith has no reason to fear me, nor do any of her companions. I don't kill unless I have no other choice. However I will not allow Jaxx to be killed by the other side either." She shrugged. "So to answer your question, I don't choose sides. I will only do what I believe is right. For now, that's all you need to know."

    She straightened herself from the wall "Which has me curious now that you mention it. What will you do now? In your profession, you have no reason to stay now that your month is over. Yet, what you just said sounds like you have decided to stay anyway."
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Jaxx's reply to what Gerik had said caused him to think of what she meant. Were he to press her to explain, it might get into conversation that could make Claire feel uncomfortable. He figured it would be best to bring it up at another time.

    Gerik thought about Jaxx's question about making it up for what he said to her. "Well... The only thing I can really think of would be to simply ask you for information. After all I did come to this land in order to learn about the people who live here. I do have many questions." Gerik paused. Given his and Jaxx's positions, and even Gerik's suspicions of Lilith, depending on what he asked could lead to political problems down the line. He had to consider his words very carefully. "While I can understand any reservations you may have with answering certain questions, I suppose the most important question I have at this moment would have to do with who we were fighting earlier. Why are you pursuing someone who is supposed to have died five years ago?"


    "Given your current state Lilith, you are most certainly not the strongest woman in the world right now. There are many who can surpass your strength as you are." Voltair silently thought to himself as he considered whether or not Lilith was allowing any sort of pride in herself to delude herself.

    He did chuckle a bit with Oryx offering him the bed. "I do appreciate the offer to have the bed. Though I should point out I still have my own residence here in Mira. There is no need for me to stay in an inn in the confines of this city." There was also the matter of whether or not he needed to rest at the moment or not, but that wasn't something needed to be brought up at the moment. "I must admit though I am quite tempted to follow Kable at the moment. Though I doubt he would appreciate that and I can only assume he would think I was being suspicious of him, regardless of the legitimacy of such a claim."


    As Raven and Kable conversed a small black cat walked near them, stopped, sat down, and simply stared at them.
    Nova likes this.
  6. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable stayed silent for a minute. Then he nodded. "I do, as a matter of fact. The professional side of me tells me not to continue on with Lilith. But there is a strength and kindness to her that needs protecting. So I will accomplish that to the best of my ability."

    Kable turned to Raven, sheathing his broken sword. "If it comes down to it and we have to fight each other, then I ask you to not hold back. I hope it doesn't come to that, however. I'd hate to ruin a pretty face."


    Lucius glared to Marcus as he kneeled in front of him. He hated kneeling and the appearance of groveling, even if Marcus didn't mean it. But Lucius decided better against making a comment. Instead, he motioned for Marcus to stand and pointed to the war table. "I have no immediate desire or need to take control as of now. Continue as you were. I, however, would like to tackle the problem of this chieftain. Combined efforts of thr clans could cause massive problems for us."
    Nova likes this.
  7. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Oryx was a bit sadden by the man's response. "Where's the fun in that lassy? Sleep overs are the best! We can tell high tales of our greatest fights, victories, accomplishments! We can wrestle like mad men, pitting brawn against brawn! And the best part is we can get incredibly drunk and test who has the best songs to sing! If you're going to stick around with us, might as well learn a bit about us without using your mystical playwright powers!" Oryx exclaimed as he wrapped an arm around Voltair and shook him all giddy and jolly like

    As Voltair mentioned following Kable Oryx breathed a sound of indifference. "Pfft, Kable, table, fable! Let the man be! Mercs are unusual fellows to me, he'll be back, but until then we should get a head start on drinking!" If Voltair had not noticed, Oryx liked to drink.


    It had not taken long for Ilda to consolidate her power as the Grand Chieftain of all the tribes, with her calling the shots the city was becoming more and more fortified by the hours. She had received word that more tribes looking to pledge their alliance to her sailed upon the great sea enroute to Azureth. Large trenches were being dug around the city, giant pits of hidden spikes littered the land beyond the trenches, camouflaged well with the surroundings, but marked subtly so that her own warriors would be able to avoid them. Barisor walls were refortified and a massive trench was built around the city preventing any siege towers from being able to get close. However Ilda was growing restless, riches and the glory of battle awaited elsewhere. She had once again reassembled the Chieftains to the council room, except this time a large and detailed map lay across the table. Tiny and crude carvings of soldiers marked the armies in play. The Chieftains mumbled and talked among themselves as everyone awaited the arrival of the last few stragglers, but once everyone had arrived she called the room to attention.

    "Great work has been done fortifying the city that you let your clans run about destroying after it was clearly captured. With this I am pleased. Though the time has come to set our eyes elsewhere. To the south is the city of Carmilla Sar, it is not as large and magnificent as Barisor, but it is a key strategic position and has valuable supplies that our forces will need in the foreseeable future." With a long stick she moved the forces at Barisor towards the mountain range between them and Carmilla Sar. "The quickest way will be through the mountain range. I do not like it, but the longer we wait the more the enemies armies converge on us and will eventually force us into a standstill, which we will not be able to survive for long."

    One chieftain stood up and made no move to put be polite in his thoughts, "Why don't we move west towards his city of Mira Queen Ilda? The journey would be on flat ground and puts us in a less difficult position to fight than possibly fighting uphill on the mountain sides? Your plan will get us all killed, and I will not die a glory-less death." The chieftain said as he crossed his arms and awaited Ilda's response. Some chieftains nodded in agreement, others awaited her reply.

    Ilda had a smirk on her face, but remain calm and cool. "No doubt we would meet the enemy on the plains, and while our people are bigger and stronger than they are, as of right now they have the numbers and the home field advantage. A mantis against a single ant will have an obvious outcome, but a colony against a mantis will end in massacre. We have taken one city and it was rather quite easy. We know little of their tactics or their capabilities,we have a better chance of fighting the enemy in the mountains, using the harsh environment to our advantages and possibly avoiding and use of large war machines against us. I will admit that you are correct that an uphill battle will be difficult, but Carmilla Sar will be a far greater reward than this city of Mira." Oh how little foresight her Chieftains had, greatness awaited them and all they had to do was seize it. "Prepare to march tomorrow, I will leave the details to you to complete. I have some ravens I'm must send to our brothers and sisters that sail for Azureth..." Reinforcements would be key to victory in the battle and war to come.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx had already anticipated Geriks curiosity about Lilith. She had considered what to say if he decided to ask about it. However she wasn't entirely sure about the truth herself. Her father had always been so vague about why keeping Lilith quiet was so important. However, JaXx had a theory she was pretty sure was to the reason, she had no confirmation
    Given that Gerik was not from Azureth it wasn't like Liliths succession really affected him. Even if he was an important political figure from his own country, which she suspected, it only made good relations with him more important. With that in mind, she decided to just go with her own thoughts on why Lilith was imprisoned as it made the most sense.
    "There is a day in Azureth's history that many of my people know well. On the day my father took the throne, there was also a terrible event that they say shook the earth. The epicenter of the quake was so violent it tore the city, Sax, in two. Many people lost their lives." She paused for a moment, considering Claire but assuming she was from the Empire chances were she had already heard the story or at least felt the quake.
    "The truth of it is that Lilith lost her temper on that day. The quake was her doing. She was put under arrest, my father says, for the good of the people. He decided to keep this from the public to avoid dispute among an already shaken society. Since then, she has been in custody under my supervision. Her recent escape has my father concerned for our people. And, as she is my responsibility, I was the one sent after her." She decided to leave the kill order to herself for the moment. "Lilith is, I believe, good at heart. But she's dangerous. With so much unchecked power and has a serious vendetta against my father, she could do something drastic. I have to stop her."


    When Kable spoke on his reasoning to stay with Lilith she smiled slightly.
    "The professional side of me tells me not to continue on with Lilith. But there is a strength and kindness to her that needs protecting. So I will accomplish that to the best of my ability."

    "On that we can relate, though for different reasons I'm sure." Though not many would see Jaxx as being kind or compassionate in any way, thanks to her father's influence, Raven knew there was more to Jaxx. She knew Jaxx had more to offer than the world gave her credit for. In her own way, Raven did her best to keep that side of Jaxx alive. Which proved to be difficult at times given her upbringing.

    Kables other comment about them facing each other again in the future was more humorous to Raven. She responded in kind with a jab of her own "You shouldn't have to worry about that. I rarely go for the face." turning his backhanded compliment against him she laughed a little.

    "Now, on the subject of combat I have considered what to offer as payment for your month with Lilith. It isn't money, but it does have value in whichever way you decide to use it..." She spoke as she reached for the sword on her hip to an item tied around the hilt. She untied it and looked it over once before handing it to Kable. The item was two different things secured to a silver chain. The first was a unique looking stone. It was about the size of a small marble and oval shaped. Translucent black in color but there was a bright gold that could be seen from the center which glowed slightly.
    The other item on the chain was made from wood. It was similar in size to the stone if not slightly bigger and the shape of a coin. It had the same symbol carved into both sides of it of two circles separated by a pair of parallel curved lines.
    She explained the monetary value of the object first. "On the chance you decide to sell this, you should remove the wooden charm as it has no value. However the stone itself is native to the Labiski desert. It is known as a star garnet. Any trader would recognise it's value." She paused. This type of gem occurred naturally in one place of the desert. Labiski was known to be dangerous and most travellers avoided the area. Because of this garnet was known to be very rare and difficult to obtain.

    "However, I chose this item for an other reason in mind. I have encased inside of this gem a great deal of light, similar to what I used against you earlier." She explained "The charm alongside it is of my own making to enhance the spell. However I won't bore you with the details. It won't keep the demon from taking control again. But it may weaken it enough to give you a fighting chance to control it the next time it does." She had considered the consequences of giving Kable this object. On one hand it wouln't work and he could simply sell it. On the other hand it could. In which case she had just handed a great deal of power to one of Jaxx's enemies. However something told her Kable being in control was still less dangerous than the darker being to face in battle. "The magic of this object will only affect you if you choose to draw from it. And the spell will fade with use. Beware of that."

    (Ooc: image of the stone on the charm. also I know a star garnet is a real gem. this is different xD I got lazy when coming up with a name.
    If you would rather I change this post let me know. I'm not sure what your plan for Kable is. But I thought this could be interesting.)

    Last edited: Nov 6, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  9. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable took the pendant in his hand and looked it over. It had a simple, elegant design to it. Anyone could mistake it as a simple token. But Kable felt the power inside that Raven spoke of. It washed over Kable as he turned it over and filled him with a sense of calmness. He hooked it around his neck and faced Raven.

    "Thank you for this, Raven. This just might actually help out." He started walking out the door. Kable then stopped and turned back to Raven. "You know, despite being a mercenary and having been in the army, I despise death. So take care of yourself, Raven. I would like to get a drink with you when all this is over."

    Kable then bowed his head to Raven and left. As he walked out, a light breeze blew over him. It brought a sense of change and wonder with it. Kable took one last look back at the church and began walking back to Mira.

    The abandoned village suddenly didn't seem so dark and foreboding anymore.
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Well that explains some of the damage I saw in Sax." Gerik muttered to himself. In Gerik's eyes the situation seemed to be getting worse and worse the more Gerik learned. How should he act with respect towards Lilith, assuming he should even be involved with that stuff anyways? He had only known Jaxx for a day and yet to him she seemed friendly enough. Whether or not it was a characteristic of her or Gerik was being foolishly trusting towards her, he found himself not wanting Jaxx to risk her life for something such as pursing certain individuals.

    "What of the other man. Before he attacked you, you had said that you were also sent to find him. Knowing what we know about him now I can understand why you might have to find him. But I don't think you had that information prior. Why are you after him as well?"


    "You sure you want to drink with someone such as me?" Voltair asked Oryx. "You may be a keen drinker yourself, but not even the useless gods can hold their liquor like I can. Though you did suggest we wrestle as well. Something nobody dares to try against me when they realize who I am."


    The cat that observed Raven and Kable had suddenly stood up when Raven gave Kable the necklace. It moved closer to them, keeping an eye on the necklace. When Kable walked away the cat followed. It jumped up on his shoulder and pawed at the necklace, almost like it was trying to grasp it.
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx shook her head, she stood and walked toward the window which overlooked the street. "I knew he was potentially dangerous. However the extent of his abilities has been a mystery until now. Around here, as I'm sure you've noticed, society values strength. Because of that, the gladiator arenas are quite popular. Especially in this city. Voltair, more publicly known as the 'Titan of the Arena' is possibly one of the most famous among them." She explained to the foreign man as she scanned the streets below for a moment before turning her attention back to Gerik. "This fame was earned by his success like most of them. However he is unique in that in his countless matches, he is famous for the fact that he has never been physically harmed in combat. Obviously he has faced Demigods, monsters, vicious animals, and multiple enemies at once. So news reached Sax as well as rumors of cheating. When my father sent guards to investigate they were not heard from again." telling the story now, she got a better perspective on just how foolish it had been to rush into the attack without considering the identities of Liliths companions. "His avoidance and violence against the guards aroused suspicion of guilt in my father. So, I was sent to investigate myself as well as to bring him back to Sax to meet the Emperor. I had hoped things with him would be simple. That I could prove his power was normal, that he came by his victories honestly, and he would find no more trouble from us. However, what we've learned about him today changes things. I don't know how the Emperor will react. Or if Voltair will go to Sax willingly to begin with. Any chance I had at dealing with him peacefully has diminished after today I'm sure."
    She shrugged "I suppose all I can do now is travel north from here to report to General Lucius, the head of my father's military, so I can send word about what I've learned." Considering that she assumed Gerik was for sure someone important from his home country, JaXx decided on a diplomatic offer. As Gerik had mentioned he was in Azureth to learn more about it, she added "I don't know what your plan from here is. But if your objective in this country is to learn more about Azureth, you are welcome to join me. The battle has mostly shifted to the east so his camp would be safe for Claire. We can learn more about each other's countries along the way and you will get the chance to meet an important figure in our government."


    Raven watched the cat follow Kable somewhat suspiciously. Seemed odd for a stray to have taken a liking to a person, especially one with Kables presence, so easily. However she didn't think much else of it as she decided to give him a few minutes head start to avoid walking back together. The thought of just using teleportation to get back to the city. However she didn't mind walking and it gave her more time alone anyway. Until then she resumed her place on the beam in the church. Should Kable decide to look back, it would appear she was already gone.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  12. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Oryx gave a large chuckle and slapped his knee. "Lassy, I could drink the seven seas work of liquor and then go back for more! I've had drinkin matches with both gods and mortal, ain't no one beat me yet! Though I challenge you to do so, and I hope ya do beat me, because that means I get to have a rival to train against when it comes to drinking!" It was a marvelous thought, an endless amount of alcohol, two worthy drinkers locked in battle of the gut. Mug after mug, foam, belching, laughter, and a crowd from every realm no doubt to come and watch, a legend for the ages.

    Voltair seemed intrigued by them wrestling, another Challenge Oryx was all for facing. "Lassy, it don't matter who you may be. I'd wrestle Odin, Zeus, or Atlas, better yet I'd wrestle them all at the same time! Am I going to win? Heck I ain't, will it be a great story, heck it will! There is more to life than just winning, losing can be just as exciting and fun as winning, just means you have to work harder and push yerself even more!" Oryx exclaimed as he daydreamed about wrestling lions, tigers, bears, minotaurs, giants, and any other large and powerful creatures known to man.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
    Nova likes this.
  13. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable glanced over at the strange cat that decided to hop in his shoulder. It meowed at him and began pawing at the pendant. He pushed the paw away and looked the cat in the eyes. "What do you want, you little furball?" The cat merely looked at him and meowed again. Sighing, Kable pulled out a piece of meat and fed it to the cat. It gobbled the meat up and continued staring at him.

    "Fine, you can stay with. But when I get back to Mira, you're gone."
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Over the next 3 weeks

    Jaxx recovered much more quickly than Lilith from their fight. She and her companions started their journey north toward the the military base camp to report to General Lucius on what she had learned about Lilith, her companions, and about Voltair.
    On the road toward their destination they crossed paths with Tess and Merrik. It only took short conversation for the assassins to realize they were speaking with the daughter of the Emperor, the person they were ordered to assist on her mission. Merrik gave Jaxx the scroll containing the official order from the Emperor to prove the legitimacy of their claim. Jaxx, however, was still skeptical considering her father had no way of knowing Jaxx would need assistance much less from Black Guild Assassins. She allowed them to join her party for the moment. After learning that the royal army has moved east, Jaxx decided not to report to Lucius. The group returned to Mira where Jaxx hired a messenger to report directly to her father.
    With that taken care of, Jaxx went on to resuming her mission. She spent more time in Mira asking around about Lilith's newest party member, Voltair, as he had an extensive fan base in that city as well as a few enemies. However, no one seemed to know any sort of weaknesses he might have. Which only strengthened Gerik's theory of him to Jaxx's annoyance. The group is now travelling south east, tracking Lilith. They are about a week behind Lilith.

    Raven agreed to travel with Jaxx. However, she refuses to answer any of Jaxx's questions over where she has been over the month she was missing. She did inform Jaxx that she took the fall for Lilith's escape after the Emperor learned that someone helped her. Jaxx agreed to keep Raven's reappearance a secret from her father for now, feeling responsible or her friend's current fugitive status.

    Lilith took quite some time to recover. Unlike Jaxx, she was forced to heal on her own without magical assistance. However the group did not stay in Mira long. As a majority of their group found it unsafe to stay in Mira. Because there was significant risk in every direction (Labiski to the West, War to the East, and the Imperial Army to the North) their only option to travel was South. They ended up in a small villiage north east of Mira on the base of the mountain range. Here, they group has settled. Lilith has mostly healed from her fight with Jaxx and has begun training with Voltair to prepare for when she faces her rival again.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  15. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Despite being new to the land, Oryx took the lead on finding shelter elsewhere. The forest or mountains were their best bet and it would be much easier to hide from their pursuers there. Oryx had used the last of his coin to buy them horses and a wagon, nothing else would be able sustain Lilith that was for sure. Most the group carried out on foot and only switching every so often with the injured princess when her stubbornness was no match for them. After traveling for a few weeks they had stumbled upon a small town that was not on most maps of the land, it was a small community of log cabins and hunters called Gainsville. They had managed to find shelter close to the town in an old cabin that belonged to an old couple who had long past.

    Oryx took to doing the hunting with Kable while Voltair trained with Lilith. In truth Kable was more of the stealthier hunter, Oryx found bears to fight and beat up for what he considered hunting. Lilith's strength return with as she was able to now rest in a more peaceful environment and eat on a regular basis, and the group managed to keep her there, quickly dismissing any thoughts of her being capable of running off to save her kingdom in her current state.

    As Lilith healed though, Oryx was eager to challenge the strength of his crush, the most beautiful and toughest woman he had yet to meet. A simple fight of powers or iron was not good enough however, the resulting context was what Oryx called the Log-lympics. They had done a series of challenges, from log squatting to log hurling, but it had now come down to log benching. "You've got this Oryx! You're a beast, you're a Viking! YOU EAT LOGS FOR BREAKFAST!" He yelled to himself as he pushed with all his strength and benched three large stacked logs. He was growing tired, but he was able to bench them once, matching Lilith. Now it was her turn again to add another log and bench it.
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Having recovered fully, Lilith and her group had been training for the good part of a week now, she herself had her own personal training regiment with Voltair, and she had other training sessions with Kable and especially Oryx, who wished to test his strength against hers. They were currently benching logs, and Oryx had just impressively benched three large stacked ones. He was getting tired, she could tell, so she decided to end this triumphantly, and admittedly, a bit show offy. Channeling her powers to her right foot, she carefully lifted it and kicked the air beside her, sending a tremor straight through a nearby tree, cutting right through it, and sending it toppling her way(thankfully, she was glad it didn't go the other way or she would have been in a bit of trouble)

    Preparing herself, Lilith adjusted herself and with a bit of effort, and a loud groan the tree fell atop her stacked logs, crushing them with ease and pushing down on Lilith's hands, causing her a bit of discomfort, but she powered through, forcing herself to bench the entire tree once, before looking towards Oryx with a smirk, "Beat that."
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    The past three weeks could easily have felt like a year to Jaxx. She knew Lilith would have healed completely at this point and even if she hadn't, she had no way of knowing how to defeat her with Voltair around. Her best bet, as far as she knew, was Raven. Her mentor was the only person she knew who could at least match him somewhat. But she wasn't sure if that was because she had actually bested him when they had first faced each other, or if it was that she simply caught him off guard. There was also the matter of what he had done when she approached him in the first place. Both of them completely lost their heads. Even if it was only for a few seconds, Jaxx noticed. And the fact that Raven outright denied it and then refused to talk about it altogether irked Jaxx even more. Raven was known to keep her secrets but in the case of a common enemy it made no sense.
    The group had been travelling for most of the day and through all of the night before. Jaxx could tell she was pushing her companions too hard. Although no one admitted it, Jaxx herself was beginning to feel a strain on her energy. Next to her walked Raven. Not far off, the two assassins Tess and Merrik. Jaxx really didn't get along with the two since their meeting. The idea that they just showed up, carrying with them an official order from her father that perfectly responded to an event that had just barely happened made both Jaxx and Raven suspicious. Though for very different reasons. Jaxx didn't trust the assassins themselves, part of her wondered about the validity of their claim. Jaxx was quite openly against the black guild. The idea that their orders were a forgery and the guild had sent them to kill the Emperors daughter had occurred to Jaxx. But her father's response, which was carried with magic, verified that they were in fact working for the imperial army for the time being. Jaxx still didn't like the idea but she obeyed her father's order to accept their help. With it wasn't like she was in a position to turn them away with how outnumbered she was compared to Lilith's fast growing support.

    The appearance of the assassins bothered Raven as well for much different reasons than Jaxx. She herself didn't much care for the Black Guild either. However, what really bothered her was how Atticus had responded, and how quickly. Less than a day after Jaxx faces Lilith and Voltair, somehow two assassins show up with a direct order that completely contradicts what he had originally told Jaxx to do: Accept help from two VERY powerful paid allies, and caputre BOTH of her targets rather than killing Lilith right off. It didn't make sense and how had he learned she would need the assistance so quickly? In order for the assassins to have received the order and started toward Mira, they would have had to received the order before Jaxx had even faced Lilith and Voltair. She knew Atticus liked to put forth the front of a loving father, but still. To have changed his mind so quickly and just happened to have been right when Jaxx needed help was suspicious. Her suspicion was easily mistaken by Jaxx to mirror her own, which Raven allowed. The two women had enough disagreements about Atticus without making an issue of this as well. However, Raven tried to find subtle ways to bring Jaxx to that conclusion on her own. The girl, as usual, sided with her father on that front. She made the excuses he had simply changed his mind and the timing of the assassins arrival was simply a coincidence.

    Raven spoke to Jaxx, finally breaking the silence "We should make camp-" Jaxx seemed to have foreseen this suggestion coming because she responded quickly, cutting Raven off.
    "-No. We have too much ground left to cover."

    Raven nodded 'Yes, I understand. But You've pushed your companions quite hard already. None of them will be much use to you in a fight if you've taken all of their energy to catch up to your enemies."
    Once again, Jaxx shook her head "We will all just have to push on and do our best. The longer it takes, the stronger Lilith will become."

    "Do I need to remind you there is also a child among us? We will catch up to her and I promise I'll do what I can to help you. But even you have to rest. You're not going to be much good against Lilith if she's rested and you've been walking for days."

    The mention of Claire worked. Jaxx stopped, sighing as she eyed her surroundings. Somehow the ending of their conversation perfectly lined up with their arrival at a perfect place to stop for a while. For most of their journey, which was off the main road, the surrounding area had been thick with trees and other plant life. The area they had found themselves in was a clearing, with enough tree cover to still remain somewhat safe in the case of attacking bandits. Jaxx could also hear moving water nearby. She didn't respond to Raven directly, choosing to address all of her allies at once. "We stop here until tomorrow."


    It didn't take long for everyone to get settled. Jaxx and and Raven both helped to set up small shelters for their allies.

    Jaxx watched the surrounding area, having not visited this area very often in the past, she wasn't sure what to expect. She spoke to those in her immediate presence "We will need someone to search for fresh water, another to build a fire, and someone to scout the surrounding area. With the already questionable company we carry, I'd rather not add bandits to the mix."

    Raven picked up on the snide comment about Merrik and Tess and subtly rolled her eyes. When tired, Jaxx was known to be confrontational. However, she remained silent about it, not wanting to escalate the situation on the hopeful chance Tess and Merrik hadn't picked up on it.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2016
    RebelMurf likes this.
  18. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    “I’d hardly call her questionable, she’s naught but a little girl” Merrick said to no one in particular. Tess punched him in the arm and he merely shrugged in response. Gathering a few things from his saddlebag Merrick began making his way out of the camp. “There’s water this way, I’ll bring some back in a little while”. He removed his armour and took off his shirt, revealing scars that he had on his torso. He draped a towel around his neck and placing his handful in a bucket he picked two up and proceed in the direction of the sound of the running water. Once he had disappeared behind some trees Tess spoke up, she too had removed her armour, “I apologise for my brothers remarks, he doesn’t work well with other people” She said choosing not to remark on Jaxx’s comment. “I’ll go gather some firewood and can build a fire pit when I get back”. She grabbed a blade and noted how she was watched when she did. Without another word she headed into the woods.

    “Perfect” Jaxx said, “The two who kill people from the shadows are the first two to leave the camp. This can only end well”

    (OOC: Had Hopes permission to control Jaxx)
  19. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Just as she finished speaking, she felt something strike her fairly hard on the back of her head. "Ow!" she reached her hand back, turning to investigate the source of the annoyance to see Raven standing not far behind her. "What the heck was that for!?" she complained, rubbing the back of her head where Raven had hit her.
    "For being a jerk." Raven spoke calmly. She wasn't angry with Jaxx, just scolding her. "Like them or not, they are being paid to help you. Deal with it."

    Jaxx scowled "Stop talking to me like I'm a child. From the moment we left Sax, you are no longer my mentor."

    Raven thought to tell her to stop acting like a child if she didn't want to be treated like one. But decided against it. She shrugged "You're right. But I'm not telling you what to do. I'm advising you. Merrik and Tess are much better allies than enemies. You should do better to connect with them. If anything it will help you work better with them in upcoming conflicts."she secured her sword to her hip "I'm going to scout the area. I'll be back later."

    "Alone?" Jaxx called after her, she was going to protest that it was dangerous but by the time she had caught up to where Raven had disappeared between the trees, she was already gone. "Damn her."

    She sighed, deciding Raven was right. Even if Jaxx didn't like the assassins, there was no reason to be rude. If anything it just increased the chance of them turning on her in the long run. She made a note to make an effort to get to know the both of them better. She worked on building the beginnings of a campfire.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  20. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Kable glanced up as he sat against one of the few trees still standing. Oryx's loud outbursts as he benchpressed trees with Lilith. Both were attempting to show themselves off. Kable shook his head and looked back down to his book.

    It had been a rough journey so far. Lilith's slow recovery had slown them down, but she had began to show clear signs of gaining her strength back. Maybe her encounter back in Mira opened her eyes to what she had to do. Or maybe she was beginning to already to take a personality like Oryx, which scared Kable to a degree.

    And then there was Voltair. Kable glanced over to the man. Whatever he was, Kable was glad to have him on their side. His training of Lilith was helping her along her own set path. Kable was still uneasy on him though. Not that he could complain.

    The pendant around Kable's neck jingled slightly. He held it up and looked at the symbol. No matter how much he looked into it, Kable could not find any meaning for it. Nor could he contact Raven about it, seeing as they were enemies now.

    Lilith's grunt brought Kable out of his thoughts. He packed his book up and stood up. Brushing his legs off, he walked over to the tree benching behemoths. "Are you two having a blast so far?"


    Lucius stood over a clifftop, gazing down at Barisor. They had traveled far for the last few weeks, but they had made it. He could see the clans hard at work setting up more defenses. Not that they would be able to do much to help them.

    "Men, set up camp here and send a spy ahead to get information on their defenses." Lucius commanded.

    "Yes sir!" the nearest soilder saluted and ran ahead.

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