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GreySpace [World Building]

Discussion in 'Roleplay' started by Remedy, Jan 27, 2017.

  1. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Hey guys! So I hope this is the appropriate place to put this, but I'm trying to work on building a world for a future roleplay/story I want to create, here on KHP. So participating in this world building stage of development does not necessarily mean you have to participate in the eventual roleplay, so all help is appreciated even if you don't have any interest in participating in the future.

    So the idea that I'm starting with is this: A 5 part (5 different complete story arcs, we'll call them "chapters") SciFi saga, which starts with lots of charm and innocence and progresses into a darker more mature plot as the saga continues (think of Harry Potter). I have very little of the world built yet, but here's a few things I do know about the world. Also "GreySpace" is a working title.

    ~Aliens do not exist, and IF they do they are scarce and unknown to humans

    ~This world is gritty, technology doesn't suck, but there also are no crazy light weapons or 'laser cannons' or other high tech things of that nature.

    ~The primary evil will be a strange religious cult like group. I have no name or motive for them yet, and they likely won't be fully introduced until maybe the 3rd chapter.

    ~I want characters to have depth, I want everything behind what they do to have a motive. It doesn't neccessarily have to be known to the reader, but any character has to have a firm reason for why they are the way that they are, or why they do what they do.

    ~Along with character point I want good representation, culturally and what not.

    ~I'm still unsure if i want multiple worlds.

    ~I DO KNOW that at some point in this story I want some superhero type characters to show up. No powers, but costumed icons for people to reference, admire, hate and more.

    ~Robots will be present and play a role.

    So I know that's rather disjointed, and it's a lot to ask help with, but I'd really LOVE LOVE LOVE to make this a thing, so I would be so appreciative of anyone who would be willing to help me build a story here. I'll leave ideas here from time to time and use it as a brainstorming zone as well.
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Sounds like an interesting project. What exactly are you going to want help with first?
  3. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    The first step for me is building the home world. The motivations, the infrastructure, people, and lore surrounding that.

    Currently I have no name for the home world, but here's what I do know.

    I want there to be 4 different continents, each of which is a full country. I really want each country to have different governments and specialties, but for all but one of them to coexist peacefully. The outlier which does no peacefully exist is the poorest of the nations, angry at the bourgeoisie that make up the other nations.

    So i guess the first thing I could use some help with, is 3 people to create the 3 peaceful nations. By creating these nations I need things like:

    ~what is the name of this nation
    ~What do the people look like
    ~What are the people there good at
    ~what do they have an abundance of (does not necessarily have to be a physical item)
    ~what form of government do they have
    ~who is the leader
    ~what does their history and lore look like? What is the story behind these people
    ~who is an icon of their culture
    ~what does their architecture look like
    ~what are some major cities, and what are they like

    thats a lot I know, but if 3 people answered those questions for the 3 other nations, I feel like we'd have a good basis of understanding of what this world looks like.

    Also it is worth mentioning, as I do want diversity, one constant I do want in this world is language.

    and this next part is hard to explain but when it comes to naming things, I don't want anything too SciFi in feel. For example Gamora, Obi Wan. I want names to be similar to modern day naming, but with deformed spellings. Here are some examples

    Cliid (Clyde)
    Sidni (Sydney)
    Jasuun (Jason)
    Pitrr (Peter)

    ^^^ those aren't the most thought out but you can kind see where I'm going. So I naming I highly recommend common names with distorted spelling.

    All that being said I am now going to get to work on developing the non-peacful nation I mentioned, and will post that here when completed.
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I think it might help the rest of us if you could draft up a general map layout of your world.

    And probably set up your non-peaceful nation so anyone looking to help out can at least have a model to work off of.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2017
  5. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Warning: This may get dark and NSFW. I don't aim to glorify any dark or gruesome actions shared, they are detestable, don't misinterpret the beginnings of this story as a glorification or glamorization.

    The Nation of Revrumn of the Planet REOH

    Synopisis: Revrumn is the land of the downtrodden and the hopeless. Owning the least land, fewest resources, and least financial power Revrum is looked down upon by its counterparts. After years and years of being treated as the least of the nations to inhabit Reoh, Revrum turned militant towards the other nations, often pillaging, raiding, and attempting to undermine the others. The reputation continues to deteriorate as the violence and anarchy continues under their maniacal leader Ayrun Willyth.

    Government and Leaders: Ayrun Willyth is the primary leader of Revrumn. He has been able to create a stir in the form of an army of radical anarchists. There is no established government, but surprisingly the people of this land all get along very well with each other. Crime is low, and the communities rarely bicker. Not all citizens of Revrumn fall under the radical anarchists views though. Many are happy enough with the way they live, even if it is less privileged than the other nations. Many of the other nations send their unwanted, rejects, and prisoners to Revrumn, as a form of punishment. For some it is punishment, for others it proves to be a blessing.

    Notable Skills and Resources: Due to the plentiful raiding and pillaging ventures, Revrumn has plenty of firearms and munitions. So much so that they have far more than they need. Outside of this, their natural resources are not awe inspiring. There are thick woods on the western half of the island, surrounding the lake (which provides food and water) by Bekam. The people of Revrumn are quite gritty and determined, not easily deterred by challenges or hardship. This mental determination is their greatest skill, but it is followed closely by physical grit. Most citizens are accustomed to going without large amounts of food and water, specifically near the desert city of Caydo. Their combat is highly aggressive and somewhat effective although unrefined.

    The People: Revrumn is a true melting pot. People are of all different colors and backgrounds. The one physical attirbute that can be seen to be shared is an odd combination of gaunt faces and toned, strong bodies. They are accepting of each other but not all too tolerant of the nations it shares the planet of Reoh with.

    History: Revrumn was not always the scourge of Reoh. They were once an equally respected nation until the savage King of old, King Jazpur pillaged a neighboring nation (someone else will have to include this in the history of the nation they create.) and stole another kings daughter, raping her, and beginning Revrumn's fall from grace and path of violence. This led to year of war between Revrumn and the other nations. The current whereabouts of the princess are unknown(i'd like to find a way to include this into the story). The wars lasted for 20 years, leading to King Jazpur's death. War has now ceased among the nations and Revrumn, but Revrumn (due to Ayrun Willyth) remains militant and smugly proud. Ayrun's propaganda leads the people to believe that King Jazpur was a good man, and that the other nations were the ones who had wronged them by declaring war. This fuels the hatred that almost all people of Revrumn share for the other nations. Not all are active though, many just maintain their passive hatred.

    Architecture: Shanties. The desert city of Caydo has some marvelous stone towers, but other wise everything is rather junker-shanty kingdoms in Bekam.

    City of Bekam: The city of Bekam is seated next to a lake (yet to be named) making it the capital of Revrumn. Food and water are plentiful here, and industrialization is starting to develop under the Mayor Konore Jaimms. Konore is a surprising beacon of ethics and moral uprightness among what is a largely immoral nation. He enforces the laws in Bekam, and works to provide for all who need aid. Bekam is on the verge of becoming great.

    Desert City of Caydo: Caydo is an ancient city ruled by thieves. It stands as a polar opposite of Bekam. It is a barren town ruled by immorality and has no bright future. Adventurers visit for the rush and the sight seeing of the stone towers that reside here. Due to the ancient roots, there is something seemingly mystically powerful about Caydo.

    Alright that is what I got. Just a reminder that I really want to take my time for this whole project. So all the information used in this explanation of Revrumn won't even necessarily be used for certain. We're just using this development to set up a world for the story to take place in. So to anyone else that decides to participate in the creation of these nations keep that in mind :)

    There are recommendations for city locations marked by Cyan dots (you dont't have to use them. And borders with yellow lines.

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