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RE: Kingdom Hearts [Sign-Ups Currently Closed]

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by Become, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Re: Kingdom Hearts
    ~Prologue: Night of Fate~
    It's been many years since...

    The time has finally come...

    The door will open...

    And that’s just the beginning.


    Here, we find ourselves upon the humble, yet flourishing world of Destiny Islands, a tropical paradise that’s long sat teeming with content and joyous peoples…

    At least, that is, until the “Sage” Arrived.

    While old Esau’s arrival changed little in the smiles of the Islands’ residents, it certainly helped to stir their many curiosities about live beyond their modest homestead. Most evidently moved by the man’s tales and wisdom were, of course, the children. Impressionable and imaginative as they are, the younger denizens of the Destiny Islands were almost instantly captivated by the man. Flocking to him at every spare moment, the kids that could grasp even the most basic of his stories clung to his words without lapse, and absorbed it all like little, wide-eyed sponges.

    It was only a matter of time until some of them began to ask more of him: the teachings of magics he was rumored to practice in the privacy of his home; the more intricate workings of the worlds beyond the Islands. And old Esau, being as friendly as such a traveled, learned man could be, seemed only too happy to take on a few “apprentices,” and steadily began to amass a class of students coming and going from his home.​


    This was all some ten years ago. And through those years, Esau, just as steadily as he had gathered them, began releasing students, either as their performance began to falter, or he noticed their interest wane. Over the past three years, he’s maintained his staff of apprentices to three youths, whom, in his eyes, displayed the dedication, tenacity and overall proficiency to truly carry on his own works.

    And now, upon this day, nearly ten years since his first formal lessons, he has summoned these three apprentices to his home to begin what he claims shall be their “final” test.​


    About This RP
    [This RP is presently reserved to @Become, @Angel, @Hope, and @KuraiKeybladeMaster]
    RE: Kingdom Hearts, will be an RP centering around a ‘reboot’ of the Kingdom Hearts series, starting with events comparable to those of the first Kingdom Hearts. Within this reboot, the cast of original characters will be largely erased from the timeline, and substituting our own; characters originating from Disney and Final Fantasy will remain, for the most part, unchanged from their positions within the Kingdom Hearts Universe (IE - Mickey Mouse will still be the King of Disney Castle, and Goofy and Donald will still be his Knight Captain and Court Magician respectively).

    The underlying goal for this RP is ultimately to collaborate upon our own storylines within the worlds of Kingdom Hearts.

    While the sign-ups are currently closed to anyone not already invited to participate, I encourage anyone interested in joining later on to keep afloat with this (relatively) brief prologue material, as sign-ups will open once it is completed.​


    Character Sheet Template

    Name: (Feel free to include surnames as well).
    Age: (Preferably the equivalent of at least 15-16 in human years. I’ve little like for randomly immortal people, FYI).
    Gender: (Most of us will probably be either male or female).
    Physical Appearance: (Use a picture or describe them with words. Or do both; both is good too).
    Biography: (This is where you write about what your character has been up to since they were born).
    Equipment: (Armor and whatnot that your character may have).
    Items: (Stuff like potions, and also if you’ve got any Munny on hand).
    Weaponry: (Be creative, but reasonable. Keyblades are reserved for a select few. For the sake of the prologue, there will only be one Keybearer).
    Skills: (Basically any mundane capability that your character is naturally capable of or anything that they’ve learned).
    Magic & Abilities: (Spells, special techniques and magic-using abilities that your character can use. Be sparing if you’re just starting your character off; they’ve got to have some room to grow).


    Character Growth

    For the most part, we’ll be moderating character growth on the combination of milestone events and narrative development. As characters engage in the RP, they will have chances to receive new weapons, armor, and items and learn new abilities as well as upgrade existing ones. Bear in mind that you will, in all likelihood, not be able to “max out” a character in all capacities.

    Rules & Guidelines
    1. Basic Forum Rules. All present rules of KHP are in effect for the duration of this RP.
    2. Powerplaying & Godmodding. Most of us should, by now, be familiar with these two. Don't do either unless you've been given the expressed permission to do so from an individual or, in some cases, all of your fellow RPers.
    3. One Paragraph Post Minimum. It is expected that all IC posts be at least one (detailed) paragraph in length.
    4. Strive For Originality. A bit difficult, of course, considering that so many things in fiction have already been done before. Basically, though, just strive to make things as much your own as you can (IE describing characters with your own words, and such, even if you happen to be submitting for a canon character).
    5. General Approach To Combat. Tying in with the no powerplaying or godmodding rules, all participants are expected to remain mindful of combative limitations. Characters will get hit, injured and fatigued; occasionally, someone will slip up and not quite dodge or block an incoming attack.
    6. Magic Combat Approach. For the most part, the balancing of magic/special techniques in combat will boil down to higher level techniques being able to overpower lower level ones. For example, Fire vs. Aero, both level one spells, would effectively result in a stalemate; but, for our purposes. Fira, a level two spell, would be powerful enough to partially break through the level one Aero.
    7. Work Together. While we'll all, undoubtedly, have our own aspirations for our characters and ideas as to where things should go, collaboration should remain at the epicenter of the direction of this RP. Discrepancies with regards to the above rules will, for the most part, be dealt with communally.
    8. Have Fun. Within the context of the above stipulations, let's enjoy ourselves.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2017
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Characters & Cast

    Original Characters
    Canon Characters [Will become active upon Prologue's completion]
    All characters from Disney media and Final Fantasy games will be open game. Those such characters that have already appeared in the KH Series will start off as they are in their Kingdom Hearts debut (Tidus, Waka, Selphie and the Gullwings, will be exceptions to this stipulation), inclusive of their abilities and weapons. Characters that have yet to appear in Kingdom Hearts must be provided a biography that fits them into the KHUniverse.

    Banned Characters
    The following list will comprise of those character from the KH Series, who, for the purpose of this RP, will not, and have not, existed in the history of the KHUniverse, and are thus, banned from use.
    • Masters Eraqus and Xehanort
    • Sora, Riku & Kairi
    • Terra, Aqua & Ven, and their respective 'by-product' characters
    • ALL Members of Organization XIII, and Xion
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    To be finished...

    Name: Luna
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Physical Appearance: (Use a picture or describe them with words. Or do both; both is good too).
    Biography: Emotionally, Luna is a kind, considerate, and sensitive young lady. She embodies positivity and believes in the doctrine that you'll receive more than you give and, boi, does she give! Just ask the denizens of the Destiny Islands about Luna, and they'll describe her as bubbly and outgoing but her friends can attest to her best that she's simply being Luna. But don't allow these mere words, do her justice. You must truly talk to Luna to understand her charm. Her active imagination followed by her passion is a sight to behold. But her characteristics pale in comparison to her beauty. She takes pride in her appearance almost to a flaw. She dresses elegantly and fashionably so. Although perfect as she may sound, she isn't without flaws. She has moments when she is fragile and incline to dependency especially when it comes to matters of L.O.V.E. One of her values is a strong sense of family, believing in their security and protection. Her family extends beyond just blood but her closest friends Kaia and ___. Luna plans to grow up to be a doctor. On her hip is a medic kit with potions and elixirs that she uses to patch up her friends. Ironically, the kit is more so for herself as she is a klutz.
    Equipment: (Armor and whatnot that your character may have).
    • Potions (x5) - a brew capable of healing minor wounds
    • Ether (x5) - restores one's magical energy called mana
    • Elixir (x3) - restores mana and heals minor wounds
    • Phoenix Down (x1) - a rare feather belonging to the mythical phoenix, said to restore a person from the brink of death.
    Weaponry: Truth-Seeker Bow
    Luna's weapon is a oneida kestrel style compound bow. It is her own unique weapon crafted by Esau himself. The weapon is retractable through mana. The Truth-Seeker Bow, like it name implies, shoots true and hits its mark with accuracy and precision. The bow does not come equipped with arrows, pulling the string back will manifest arrows imbued with mana. On the bow, there are three nocking points in which she can fire three arrows simultaneously.

    Skills: Luna uses a variety of support based magic and abilities, but only has a few offensive attacks as part of her kit.
    Magic & Abilities:
    • Cure - a spell that restores minor wounds
    • Esuna - a spell that removes debuffs
    • Reflect - redirects minor spells
    • Holy - a minor level offensive light magic
  5. Sorry I haven't popped in yet! Here is Esau, your kindly master.

    Name: Master Esau
    Age: 45
    Gender: Male

    Physical Appearance:
    Unlike the picture, Esau's face is almost always creased into a calm, caring smile. He stands ever so slightly hunched, but still at a height of about 5'11", and a couple inches taller if he straightens out. He is generally seen in casual wear around town, but switches to martial arts style robes when teaching his apprentices. His wrinkles and graying hair tell of the many years he has been through.

    Little is known about Esau before he arrived on Destiny Islands more than a decade ago. To his peers, his neighbors, and his students, he tells tales of travelling distant lands and researching mysterious magics. Esau is a worthy scholar and a masterful magician, but he also seems to have skill with a mysterious weapon called a Keyblade. Reticent to talk about the weapon, when asked he will describe a decades-old struggle where he had no choice but to learn the ways of combat. Now, he spends most of his time with his three apprentices, teaching them magic and philosophy, as well as some self-defense techniques.

    Esau can summon Keyblade armor, but has only done so on the rarest of occasions, so rare that even his apprentices have seen it only once for a begrudging demonstration. His robes are simple but give him plenty of freedom of movement.

    Esau seems to be relatively well off, never hurting for Munny even if his lifestyle is comparatively modest. He keeps a full stock of restorative items on him in case of emergency or if training goes south, but almost never has to use them. Oftentimes Esau is seen carrying his journal, where he will scribble random notes during morning walks or perhaps document the progress of his trainees.

    Esau is a Keyblade Master, and as such owns a Keyblade he calls Moonlight Echo. A relic of his past, Esau doesn't like to talk about his weapon and almost never summons it outside of training with his apprentices. This weapon can be summoned at will in a burst of light, and will always return to him if another tries to wield it. This weapon seems to be very light, capable of quick, devastating strikes, as well as boosting his magical capabilities.


    • Item Synthesis. Esau displays a curious knowledge of the inner properties of items, techniques of a science not known to the people of Destiny Islands. When presented with basic materials, he can craft trinkets, potions, and even weapons. An evolved form of traditional crafting, Esau imbues his creations with special properties. He has used this skill to create the weapons that his apprentices wield.
    • Advanced Education. Esau is a student of the worlds and has learned many things in the half-century he has been alive. He is very intelligent and capable of mastering most fields, though he's admittedly a bit lacking in the creative department. He has focused his studies in the realm of the metaphysical. Captivated by magic, Esau pursues esoteric and arcane knowledge. His library is filled with such texts.
    • Sympathetic Connection. Esau is very good at talking in ways that persuade people to listen. Through the years he has learned the tricks to communication that will allow the listener to more closely understand the speaker. Whether it is children mesmerized by his tales, or adults exchanging stories of bygone times, people find it hard to leave a conversation with Esau feeling unhappy.

    Most inhabitants of the island do not know the full extent of Esau's magical mastery, though his apprentices have seen more than most. These are the spells the apprentices know for sure he can cast.
    • Firaga. An intense inferno that shoots from the palm of Esau's hand. The ball of flames will track the target's movement for a time and then erupt into a violent explosion. This mid-range spell has an incredible damage potential.
    • Blizzaga. A spiral of large ice crystals that shoot in out in a vortex, covering a large area in front of Esau. If any one of the crystals strikes the target, it will break and release powerful frigid energy. Individually less damaging than Firaga, but covers a wider range and can potentially be devastating if all crystals are focused on one enemy.
    • Thundaga. A centralized lightning storm that calls down more than a dozen bolts forming a circle around Esau. Anything hit by the bolts takes significant damage and is dazed for a time, longer for weaker enemies. Very difficult to avoid, but also a relatively small area of effect.
    • Curaga. The master-level healing spell, this can mend all but the most grievous of wounds. Though he has never had to use this level of spell for his apprentices, he often uses small healing spells to alleviate their pain in case of an accident during training.
    • Stopga. The apprentices have only ever seen this spell once, and Esau feels that time-altering magic is especially dangerous and not to be taken lightly. He has refused anything more than the initial demonstration and will not teach it to anyone. The spell freezes a small area in time for several seconds.
    • Graviga. A compression of star energy forms a dark sphere that forces aerial enemies out of the sky and damages even the most well-armored beings. This spell is used to get past otherwise difficult defenses or to bring flying enemies to Esau's level. For whatever reason, he is reluctant to use it and is sometimes heard grumbling about Gravity magic being "cheating."
    • Magnega. A powerful force that draws the target in close while simultaneously crushing them with magical damage. Esau is very inventive with this spell, and tends to use it a great deal in his personal fighting style to always maintain the proper distance from his enemy in a fight. He has been known to use the reverse of the spell to push enemies away, or even use it on himself to fly toward an enemy and deal a magically-enhanced strike.
    • Concentration. Unlike many casters, Esau will not be interrupted if he takes damage while casting a spell. His years of training and magical prowess allow him to block out any necessary stimuli to bring the spell to completion.
    • Mana Gift. Esau has the ability to impart his magical energy to his allies. As sometimes seen when his apprentices are exhausting themselves during magical training, Esau can give up some of his own mana to replenish another's.
    • Magnet Blade. Similar to the iconic Sonic Blade ability, this is a dashing stab that is aided by a reverse-Magnet spell. Esau propels himself unerringly toward his target, focusing the magic that would normally be damaging the recipient into his keyblade for a single, blindly fast, devastating strike.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2017
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The Master is looking good (for his age).
  7. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: Kaia
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Physical Appearance: >Kaia< (Will add details later; disregard the Kingdom Key).


    Few events worthy of specific note happened to Kaia during her earliest years. She was born and raised upon Destiny Islands, and enjoyed a comparable childhood to most other children on the island. Her father’s family, and her father by extension, had been particularly successful as hunters and fishermen around the islands, quite handy with both fishing poles and, perhaps, even more adept in the use of harpoons. Her mother, meanwhile, tended to the home, and the family’s stake in the local markets, building on her father’s ventures with an equivalent aptitude for selling things in the market. It was only to her greater fortune that she’d be her mother and father’s only child, thus granting her tutelage in both aspects of the family business from an earlier age.

    When she wasn’t helping with the trade, she busied herself with simply being a child. As other children did, she would often take trips via boat out to the smaller island, known locally as ‘The Kids’ Playground.’

    There, she spent nearly countless spans of hours laughing, playing, and occasionally roughhousing with children both older and younger than she was. Being so savvily raised as she was, by virtue of her mother’s teaching more than her father’s, she grew sharp to the networks of rivalries and alliances that inevitably sprung up among the children at play. Yet she herself held little preference for any one particular group, finding it far more enjoyable to test her wiles as a proverbial middleman between one innocent feud and another; of course, this didn’t stop her from holding her own when the fists and wooden swords started swinging in her direction… that kind of risk had to be assumed when one walked the middle of the road.

    Meeting Esau

    Where the first eight years or so of her life remained typical of the of the Destiny Island upbringing, the years that would follow would begin to take a more provocative direction.

    At one point, she’s not entirely certain exactly when, when she was seven, or perhaps eight years old, a ‘traveler’ came to Destiny Islands. At first, she thought little of the talk of the man; her young mind was too busy fielding thoughts of fun and fights to worry about the mysteries of some ‘old wayfarer’ and she was far too naive to care much for the danger posed by an ‘outsider.’ But over time, the talk of “Old Esau” began to raise her ears to attention. Perhaps it was because as she approached her teenaged years she grew more inquisitive and adventurous; maybe it was because the talk that Old Esau knew extraordinary. More than likely, both of these factors played into her decision to go to the Sage’s homestead.

    Though she had first played audience to Old Esau around age eight, and several other times since, these had merely been streetside showings. Manifestos of sorts, delivered by the experienced man of age in the openness of the Island markets, where anyone would be drawn into the conversation, even if they didn’t particularly want to. At age ten, she, along with a handful of other children around her age, decided to pay visit to the ‘Sage,’ as they had all come to know him. By then, the Master had already been entertaining eager students; when Kaia and her group arrived at the Master’s house, they found themselves in the back row of a gathering of some twenty or thirty other piled between Esau’s foyer and sitting room. There, she stayed for an unknown lapse of time, listening to the Master’s talk of other worlds and the many adventurous souls they were home to. By the time the talks were concluded that first day, Kaia found that she had stayed there well past sunset. She vowed to return.


    Over the years that would come and go, the daily routines of work and play became interspersed by various lessons and lectures given by Esau. The further Kaia delved into her studies under her master, the more into the forefront the lessons grew. As the lessons themselves became more involved and more demanding, Kaia would find her number of fellow pupils diminish. Before long, she was one of three Apprentices to Esau, along with Luna and _____, both of whom she grew close to over the course of their more advanced training. Together with her two friends, she would advance to learning the more practical uses of magic, as well as the fundamentals of combat with both her hands and weapons.

    Beyond these ‘basic learnings’ as Esau would call them, further lectures and discussions revolved around such topics as other worlds, and the properties of the Hearts of the many beings that populated them.

    Engaging in Esau’s teachings were, however, didn’t come without its challenges. The training and persistently accumulating studies of physical and metaphysical theories in itself might have been insurmountable if not for the close-knit reviews with her fellow apprentices. More challenging still was the toll of stress her tutelage under the Master took on Kaia’s family life. Between Esau, her mother’s market business and her father’s fishing trade, Kaia felt, for a time, torn in three directions. It would ultimately come to a head with her decision to dedicate herself completely to finishing her studies with Esau, a decision that, while supported in the end, caused noticeable stress upon both of her parents, especially as both were growing older, and in much need of someone to help with the increasing weight of their respective ventures.

    It was, thus, much to Kaia’s relief when Master Esau announced to her and her friends that their final project was prepared, and that they were all ready to conclude his training. Upon this revelation, Kaia felt reason to rejoice, and immediately began her own preparations for the ultimate test of her years of learning.

    • Fishing; though she never quite reached the level of her father's expertise on the matter of capturing aquatic delicacies, Kaia is proficient enough in the trade to get by in most situations, and is handy with rods, nets, and anything resembling a harpoon.
    • Basic Food Preparation; she can cook well enough for at least her own satisfaction.
    • General Survival Skills; the consequence of living on an island with somewhat limited resources, Kaia is somewhat skilled in such endeavors that would lend themselves to fundamental wilderness survival.

    Magic & Abilities:
    • Aero; the first tier of the elemental spell family that utilizes the manipulation of the element of Air. The utilization of spells within the Aero family will commonly result in the conjuring of a powerful, short-term cyclone around its targeted person(s). Acting primarily as a defensive measure, the cyclone serves as a viable shield against most physical attacks, and some magics (particularly those which would be elementally susceptible to or otherwise disrupted by changes in air currents), serving to redirect such assaults away from the protected person(s). It may also serve an offensive end as well, the force of the cyclone being enough to injure smaller or weaker adversaries upon contact.
    • Windcutter; birthed out of comparable strands of elemental practitioning as the basic Aero spells, the technique called Windcutter is, in essence, the offensive answer to the shielding aspect of the common spell. Generating a similar amount of pressure, Windcutter condenses the force of what would otherwise form the protective cyclone into a much more localized space, creating a much finer “edge.” Typically initiated via the motion of a slashing or thrusting of a weapon, Windcutter’s compressed nature endows it with the capacity for cutting and puncturing its target.
    • Scan; at the peak of her training under Master Esau, Kaia was able to begin developing her senses beyond the standards of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. The result of this sensory honing was her growing prowess in the field of perceiving and detecting the energies of people and creatures around her. Through the practice labeled by her Master as “Scanning” she is able to determine the extent vitality of others. The practice is most effective in combative situations as a means of gauging and determining a foe’s longevity. However, her current level of practice lends itself to relatively undetailed reads, and she can often become overstimulated by large powers.
    • Leather Armor; even though warfare hasn’t been practiced in any recent records on Destiny Islands, they still have some market for armor-like materials. Kaia’s is made primarily of a leather material, derived from reptilian origins, such as local snakes and lizards. Encompassing a spectrum of the green and brown hues of its source material, the scaley padding affords her the essentials of any armor: arm and leg guards, a vest, and a cap to protect the head.
    • Potions (5)
    • Satchel with 500 Munny
    • Shield & Sword; Kaia possesses two armaments, which she uses in tandem, those being the traditional partners of the shield and sword. Both items were crafted for and presented to her by Master Esau as a sort of coming-of-age gift, just as Sol’s and Luna’s weaponry was for them. Both items are, on the surface, quite simple in their aesthetic design, preferring the functionality of being sensibly built to the splendor of being lavishly ornamented. Both shield and sword take note from a more medieval styling.

      The former follows the model of an arming sword; measuring approximately three feet in total length, the weapon is one that can be maneuvered relatively easily with a single hand. The actual. The blade itself consumes thirty inches of the weapon’s length, and is of a straight, double-edged build, tapering to a fine point at the business end. At the opposite end is a six inch hilt, separated from the blade edges by a handguard that spans two-and-a-half inches out to either side. Below the grip of the handle is affixed a bulb-shaped, studded pommel.

      Kaia’s shield is just as nondescript. It follows its design cues from the ‘heater shield’ style. Geometrically, it bears resemblance to a rectangle stacked atop of and merged seamlessly with a wide, rounded triangle. Its size is fit to Kaia’s height, covering enough surface area to guard the entirety of her torso and neck. Its inner shield is made from several layers of wooden material, and an outermost shell made of a thin, but dense plate of metal. The inner side of the shield bears an arm strap and handle, as well as a longer retractable strap with which it can be slung upon the bearer’s back.

      While both weapons are quite basic on the surface, they, much like the weapons of Kaia’s companions, carry their own magical properties. The shield has been reinforced using a magic not unlike the Protect spell, which makes it all the harder to break or destroy using conventional methods. The sword seems to simply be strongly in sync with Kaia’s own mana reserves, and can be used as a conduit through which this power can flow, allowing it to be encased within an aura for brief periods, extending its range without causing much change in weight.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Name: Sol

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Physical Appearance:

    Biography: Sol is not native to Destiny Island but he does not remember much of his life before he came to the islands. He was found as a child 13 years prior to the current time of this story. He was 8 years old at the time. He struggled to remember much about how he got there and where he was from. After a number of months passed with no sign of his family, he was taken in by an elderly couple on the Island who did their best to steer him straight as he grew up.
    They both passed away naturally in the year that Sol turned 16. Sol's kindly neighbors did do their best to take care of him after their passing. Some even went as far as to try to house him themselves though Sol declined their offers. Not wanting to burden anyone else, and feeling he was old enough to look after himself. He takes odd jobs around the community to provide for himself and has learned to craft, or scavenge what he can't afford. But for the most part, his community looks after him in harder times.
    He was around 11 years old when Esau took on apprentices. Sol was among the youths that looked up to Esau and sought to become one of his pupils. As the years progressed, Sol was one of the only three that remained. Sol, holds a great deal of respect for Esau and looks up to him more than most adults.
    Sol is known by his peers to be a decent young man with a bright future. He has an easy-going and relaxed personality.


    • Pendant- An object found with Sol on the time of his arrival at Destiny Islands. It has elemental magic nullifying properties. It doesn't completely block all damage, just reduces it.
    • Leather Armor (Jacket x1. Gloves x1)- Leather long jacket and finger-less gloves.
    • Ether (x5)
    • Elixer (x3)
    • Potion (x5)
    • Wallet (200 munny)
    Weaponry: Sol's weapon of choice is a magic staff that is crafted from wood, thick around, and as tall as Sol. Used both to aid in casting magic spells as well as cause melee damage up close. Like the case with Kaia and Luna, his weapon was crafted by Esau.
    • Survival- Having spent a number of years on his own, Sol is independent and has basic survival skills.
    • Humor/Social- Sol is able to make light of most situations and play the role of mediator in the rare times there is contention among his friends. He has a charming personality that helps him to get along with most people.
    Magic & Abilities:
    • Fire
    • Ice
    • Thunder
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
    RebelMurf and Become like this.
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer


    I think I did mention in the character sheet skeleton on the OP that you didn't need to include things like Guard, Dodge Roll, etc, as abilities. Basically anything that would come down to locomotive function is treated as being a given for people who know how to fight...

    Other than that... Well, it's looking pretty good. I do have some reservation about her ammo at this stage in the game. But if Hope and KKM see no issue, I'll go with it.
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Okay, I'll probably change it.

    Hmm. I was basing her weapon similar to Xigbar who has infinite ammo as well. But if I need to change it, I'll do that.
  11. Weighing in on the magic ammo, I guess it depends on how strong we want the apprentices to be. Become's stance seems to be that he wants them on the weaker side, so perhaps starting with mundane ammo would be best. Another compromise would be to have magic arrows but have them drain mana, so they fatigue your character the more they are used. Then, as the RP progresses, they could reach a point where you can use them infinitely/nock multiple arrows/etc.
  12. PS. In all fairness, Xig was a mid-high-ish level nobody, so that may not be the best comparison for a more Aqua-like starting apprentice.
  13. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Sol's profile is finished for now. It's pretty basic and it is subject to minor edits in the future. But I think it's sufficient for now.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  14. Hey guys! After seeing that I had filled in the "Skills" section slightly incorrectly (and also that Esau apparently has a talent for weaponsmitihing :)) I decided to revise my character sheet and put a little bit more effort into the last three sections. Become, let me know if there's anything that needs to be changed! Looks like we're almost ready to start!
    Nova likes this.
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Well... as far as weapons, I HAD been intent upon keeping things more on the mundane and simplistic end. Mostly because the plan was for L-S-K to awaken Keyblade weilding ability towards the end of our Destiny Islands arc.

    But we can give our current arms as being magically imbued as well.


    I would prefer if you scaled back your number of abilities. Leaf Bracer for now? And Guard (assuming you don't mean it to just be blocking) or Reflect.

    As I said, you need not specify that your character can dodge roll or block attacks or anything. In fact, I'd say, for moving forward, we could lump things like those under the broader categories of combat skull and acrobatics/mobility.

    Alright. I see Angel has amended his sheet.

    I've also decided to make an edit to my character, opting for different weaponry... mostly because I'd like us to have... errr... diverse fighting styles I guess, and a spear seems too similar to a staff to me. lol.

    But yeah, as long as no one has any comments, questions or concerns, you can all expect the RP to go up at some point tomorrow.

    @Angel and @Hope,

    Just so the two of you know, @KuraiKeybladeMaster will be making the first post IC.
    From there, the rest of us can post as we are able to. Since there are only four of us, I think we can deal with having a posting order. I'll declare that such an order should just be KKM posting first in the order, followed by the rest of us in the same order that we make our intro posts.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
  16. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    UPDATE: Currently rattling KKM's tree. I may just get us up and running within the next few days if I can't get hold of him and the three of us can take the time to get our characters together before the Master arrives on scene.

    My window for this will likely be Thursday/Friday of this week.
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Just a quick announcement: I would like for us all to, from this point forward, direct our primary communications regarding this RP to this thread.

    On that note, I will be making my next post tonight. It'll mostly just be jumping Kaia to Esau's house; the apprentices will gather there.
    Nova likes this.
  18. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I'll have a post up tonight too.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    You're still up! ^_^
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I will be making another post to move the apprentices forward later tonight. That should give Kurai something more to work with.

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