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Final Fantasy XV: Ascendant (IC)

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Reira, Apr 16, 2017.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "It's alright, I'll help them clean up here. There's a room upstairs where you can rest if you like. If not, then you can wait in the car. I'll bring you something to eat once I finish here."

    Lucien just scowled and adjusted his jacket and went upstairs. he patted Axel on the shoulder since he felt bad" My fault." Truth be told Lucien had no outlet, he didnt know how else to get his point across besides resorting to violence. No one but aria ever cared to ask about him or how he felt about anything. he was bred for a lifestyle he was never asked that he wanted. His only outlet was ever training, and fighting in martial arts tournaments.

    He waked up the stairs and found the room with aria's things. he saw her bra hanging out of the dresser. His face turned blood red and he had to compose himself. shaking his head and placing his hands on his cheeks he got it together. " eh.....whats next "

    He sat down on the bed and layed back onto it with his head resting on his arms. " All i can do is wait i guess."
    Taboo Sho likes this.
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    A collaboration between Vox and Reira​

    Downstairs, Aria assisted Axel and the workers in closing the bar up. As the other workers calmed down the customers and saw them out, Aria spent her time carefully picking up plates and broken pieces of glass. Though she felt bad Axel had to close up shop, Aria was more concerned with her brother and what he was going through. With all that had happened to him in these few short days, it was no wonder he was even more on edge and violent than usual, and to help him, she had done nothing but scold him and give him a hard time. Her heart ached for him. She knew what kind of person he was deep down... very deep down... deeper than anything really. Yeah, his kindness was buried pretty deep and seemed nonexistent but she was sure it was there. Despite what many may think, she knew better than anyone how had he'd had it growing up. She had been there through the toughest times and seen him at his lowest. Growing up royal had to have been a thousand times harder on him than it was for her. Aria wasn't in line to inherit a kingdom, afterall.

    "He's had it tough, but does it really excuse him? He can't keep-- Ouch!"

    A sharp pain brought Aria out of her thoughts and she looked down at her hand, the tip of her finger had been lightly cut, a single bead of blood pooling at the surface. She brought the finger to her mouth and sucked it gently before continuing on with her work. When she'd cleaned up all she could, she helped clear the other tables, returning the dishes to the man in the kitchen that was responsible for washing them.

    "Princess?" an unfamiliar voice called to her. Aria looked around before she spotted a woman waving to her.

    "May I help you?" Aria responded, turning to the woman.

    "I saw you were helping the others on the floor today. I wanted to thank you... is there anything you'd like to eat? the woman asked her. It was then Aria noticed she was a chef. Nodding, Aria stepped over. "Something light please, I don't wish you to over work yourself for my sake." The woman was quiet for a moment, thinking.

    "How about some fruit? I cubed quite a lot up, though there's extra since we've closed early." she told her, moving to a large fridge behind her. She brought out a large bowl of fruit and placed in on the table before Aria, who looked at it with wide eyes.

    "Oh my, I couldn't finish all of this. I'll just take enough for my brother and I." she said, taking the spoon and large bowl the woman handed to her. She filled the bowl up with fruit, taking about three large scoops of it before placing the spoon down. "Thank you very much, this will be enough for us." Aria said with a smile, taking two forks the woman held out to her.

    "The Prince is quite a handful, isnt he?" the lady said as Aria started to leave.

    "Yes... he is." Aria said, not turning. "Though he's nothing I can't handle."

    When she returned to the main area of the bar, Axel spotted her and quickly came over.

    "Aria! Hey... I'm sorry about what I said before. I was pretty heated, and I shouldn't have spoken to you like that." he said, genuinely sounding remorseful.

    "Don't think on it another moment, its quite alright." she said to him, giving a warm smile. "I actually had a lot of fun working with you and all these people, though I seem to have a light headache. It was a bit too exciting for me." she told him.

    "Oh, that reminds me. I told you to keep your tips. I saw you leaving them at the counter. Here." he said, reaching out a small pouch to her. "You need it more than I do, don't you?" he said as she took it.

    "Thank you, Axel, really." she said to him.

    "Don't mention it. Still up for catching up tonight, just you and me?" he asked, casually stuffing his hands in his pockets. Aria couldn't quite read his expression, but she didn't dwell on it. Right now she just wanted to check on her brother.

    'I would love to." Aria said, smiling again when his eyes seemed to light up.

    "Great! Come find me whenever you want, OK? Take it easy." he told her, turning and walking off.

    Aria let out a breath and adjusted her grip on the pouch of Gil he'd giving her before heading to the stairs at the back. The wood creaked beneath her feet as she ascended them, heading towards the room across her's. She assumed Lucien would be there, so she was surprised for a half a second when she saw him resting in hers out the corner of her eye. Turning, she entered the room and gently closed the door with her foot, not saying anything right away. She went over to the bed and slipped her feet free from her shoes before climbing up onto it and sitting cross legged next to her brother. She plopped the bowl of fruit onto his stomach, as he was stretched out, and dipped her fork in, picking a ripe looking strawberry as her first victim.

    "Comfy?" she asked him with a light smile, holding the strawberry on the end of her fork out towards Lucien's mouth.

    "Hey! " Lucien said annoyed, as his sister plopped a bowl on his chest. " Oooo fruit!" Oddly enough lucien was a fan of sweet things. "You sharing with me? " he said as he devoured the strawberry like a monster. " So uh....sorry about that thing...down there."

    Aria leaned forward a bit towards her brother, placing an elbow on her leg and resting her chin in her palm. "What was that? Did the almighty Prince Lucien Andraste actually apoligize? Wow, you're not a lost cause afterall." Aria said jokingly, stabbing a bit of melon with her fork and eating it. When she finished chewing, she held out a piece to Lucien again. "It's alright, we got things pretty much cleaned up. Though I'd advise you to use your words next time rather than your fists." she told him, shaking her head. "I understand you have a right to stand up for yourself... and you could probably beat the soul out of anyone... but it doesn't always mean you have to. There are easier ways to win a fight, you know." she said, raising a brow at him.

    He pulled the melon off her fork and bit into it. " Eh..yea its not so easy though, he was being a jack ass. i mean. who was he to judge me. People are fickle, they don't understand words you can say them but what good does it do? will it change them nah....They just end up reserving more judgment about you later but...." Lucien took a deep breath and grabbed a strawberry from the bowl and popped into his mouth like a piece of sweet candy. " But if you show them your hand of justice, they have to respect that."

    Aria nodded and fished around in the bowl for a strawberry of her own. "Yes, that's true, word's wont work on everyone, however it should be your first step before you try to kick someone in the face." she told him.

    "Sis let me cut you off right there...." He said gently. " You know me better than anyone.....you know all i've ever known is kicking people in the face in fact im quite good at it, to be honest its almost all i know how to do..."

    "You are damn good at it aren't you?" she said with a laugh. Aria looked away from her brother then, glancing around the room. "Isn't that why we're here though, Lucien?" she asked him, shifting her weight off her legs and stretching. Her back and feet ached, and it was then that she realized she had probably done too much down in the bar. She wasn't cut out for that kind of work.

    "I don't know much about fighting. Though I've watched you do it all my life, I'd sooner break my own wrist before hurting someone with a punch." she said, bringing her knees up to her chest and hugging them. "Though I don't think that makes me weak. I can end a fight just as good as you can without having to hurt anyone. Maybe I could show you... I don't know... how to get people to respect you without you having the image of a brute written on your head."

    Lucien couldnt help but feel a wave of guilt rush over his body at her words. " Isnt that why we're here..." He didnt know what to say it only now dawned on him that she was in this situation because of him." I uh...eh..i'm sorry ok, i dont know why dad did what he did. i mean it's not like i was ruining the country or anything. sure i ditched meetings and uh..didnt show up to the council but You know the commander, he's a fucking prick. all he ever does is talk about war and how we can " Lucien spoke in a kingly voice mocking the military commander " Expand our great nation" He laughed to himself for a moment " Fucking prick"

    " It'll be ok, just i dont know, tell pops im good now and we can just go back home and i'll uh i'll act right or something i dont know what he wants from me, i mean he didnt really give me much of an explanation he just kicked me out, Pop's is a dickhead too.." Lucien moved her legs from being hugged up and rested his head on her lap. " this sucks....and sorry i got you dragged into it, if i could do anything over and get only myself kicked out i would"

    Laughing lightly at his impression of the Commander, Aria gently patted her brother's head. "As if you'd last a day out here without me." she teased, poking his face a few times. "You barely know the difference between right and left." she told him, though she knew she should be serious with him. Sighing, she ran a hand through her hair, finding it was still pulled tightly into a ponytail. Quickly, she pulled the band free, slipping it onto her wrist and shaking her hair loose, the golden strands falling down her back. "I can admit you probably get more than a few qualities from Father. Though, perhaps you were too upset to understand what he wanted. I think... he know's you don't want the Throne." she said softly, looking up towards the ceiling. "As much as he says he want's me to have it, I'm hardly fit for the job. Deep down, I think he wants you to learn more about the Kingdom... meet the people, learn to love them... then maybe you'll want to take over one day. You're his only son you know? What will we all do when he's gone and Gods forbid the commander has to take over? Could you live with that?" she asked, looking back down at him.

    " Eh...no not really and pop's isnt going anywhere that old coot is too strong. not a human i know exist that can even stand to him. i was bluffing he could have easily kicked my ass...." Lucien let out a heavy sigh as the sun seemed to be setting the day was ending and he messed up again. " Honestly i dont know where i should be headed or what im supposed to be doing, this kingdom stuff is stupid, everyone is out for themsevles buncha greedy assholes if you ask me how can you expect me to care about these people when they dont care for themselves. everyday i go out on the town i see bar fights, homeless people, did i tell you some jagg off through a tomato at my car? YOO i was about to end his life, but i had to pick up my new video game so i let him live." Lucien lifted his head for a moment. " It's getting late, i should be going"

    Aria pressed his head back down on her lap. "Nope. Stay and keep me company. Besides I have to keep an eye on you before you go breaking something else." She sighed lightly afterwards. "For once, I don't have an answer to that question. Though... I'd say while we're out here, let's try to make the best of it. We could travel. Take me to see some pretty places, okay?" she said. "And yeah, I know about that tomato. Washed that stain off a few days ago. You're welcome." she said proudly, though she noted Lucien didn't seem to notice his car was actually clean for once.

    Blinking, Aria suddenly had an idea. "Oh, I know what we could do to solve all our problems." she told him, a mischevious glint in her eyes.

    " uh...Aria whenever you get that look on your face i rarely like it. But! some places you wanna visit? i think we should head to Octavia, that city is a technological master piece. has all the latest tech stuff. we should head there next. But uh. what''s this idea of yours.?"

    With a shake of her head, Aria frowned. "I'm not interested in all that advanced tech stuff like you are. I probably would have a phone had you not bought it for me. No... I want to go to a nice place. A place where there's just nature and flowers and waterfalls and a hot spring and... Oh, well I don't know any places like that in the Kingdom." she said, her cheeks turning a light pink that she had gotten carried away.

    "As far as my genius idea..." she started, pausing for suspense. She leaned her head down close to his and grinned at him, a bit of her hair falling around his face. "We should just get married, shouldn't we? I'll be the nice ruler and you be the iron fist. It all works out, right? Don't you think I'd make a lovely bride?" she asked, her tone was light and joking, but her words still embarassed her a bit. She was curous though at how her brother would react.

    "I uh, well see the thing is. well ya know. " He coughed for a second and gasped for air. his face started to turn blood red like that of a new apple" What i was trying to say was um, One father would never permit me to look at you like that even though pops can't tell me what to do, but im sure the people of this kingdom wouldnt really approve of it. You're 18 now, there are guys dying at your feet why bother with me. im just a person that likes to punch things in the face and eat pasta salad"

    Cheeks puffing slightly as she tried to hold in a laugh, Aria leaned away from her brother as she burst out laughing loudly. She cluched her stomach as she did, hardly able to breathe for the ten seconds or so that she had lost it. Wiping a tear from her eye, she took a few deep breaths to calm herself. "Oh, I know, it's unfortunate for you. You won't likely find a woman pretty as I." she said, flipping her hair dramatically.Though she was only teasing her brother, she felt a bit of sadness in her heart, having to mask her true feelings.

    "I'm well aware men will be eager for my hand. Axel is just one of a few impersonally acquainted with, and he's not shy about it at all." she said. Reaching down, she would twirl some of her brother's hair between her fingers. "I don't have any interest in men right now." she lied easily. "It will be hard to truly know if a man loves who I am, or my title as Princess. Someone like you, a pasta salad lover, wouldn't be too bad. You don't think my title is all there is to who I am." she told him.

    "Well, doesn't that mean I can be promiscuous if I choose?" she asked casually. Though she'd never lain with a man before, she often wondered what it would be like. "Actually, don't answer that question." she said, scratching her cheek lightly. She too had an image to uphold, and there was no way she was about to get into a conversation about this with Lucien. Her heart likely wouldn't be able to take it.

    " No way am i allowing my sister to lay with anyone so dont even think about being promis...promiscu ugh however you say that word. " Time had been passing before they knew it the moon was peering its head out. and the night had come. Lucien let out a yawn and stretched his hand upward. in doing so his hand landed on her breast. He felt somethign soft and warm. the momet he realized what it was his body froze. " Uh..i uh." In like super human speed he had jumped up and was standing to his feet." Well! it's getting late and this room is too small for both of us. i'll sleep in the car. come get me in the morning yea?"

    Lucien walked towards the door swiftly and opened it. The wooden door creaked as it slid open. " See you in the morning." He said as he walked out. But..his jackt got caught on the wooden door as it closed . " Oh son of a bitch.."

    Blushing beet red and a bit stunned and flustered, Aria quickly slid off the bed to go help her brother. She opened the door again, his jacket coming loose. "There you go. G-goodnight!" she said, practically slamming the door in his face. When she was alone she pressed her back against the door and screamed internally. When she took a few moments to calm herself, she pranced back over to the bed, plopping face down and groaning, her emotions all over the place at this point. Aria had a feeling it was going to be a long night...

    Lucien raced down the stairs and headed out the door he nodded at the Axel guy who looked to be talking to his staff about closing up. as he opened the door the cool air brushed against his face. it was a peaceful night. He strode to his car and opened the back door revealing his sleeping bag. Fiddling around with it for a bit he set up a nice sleeping space for himself. Letting the windows down and the air in he laid his head to rest.
    Taboo Sho likes this.
  3. Reira

    Reira New Member

    In the hours after Aria's talk with Lucien, she had spent the time lightly sleeping away. It wasn't until well into the night that the urge to use the bathroom roused her from her sleep. Sitting up, Aria stretched her arms out above her head, her bones popping softly as she did. Looking around her, she remembered where she was and quickly slid off the bed. Going to her things, Aria shuffled around for her phone, in case someone had tried to reach her. Clicking it on as she moved towards the door, she would look through it for and missed calls or messages. As she moved to open the door and step out, she was distracted, and didn't notice Axel walking right up towards her until she nearly bumped into him

    "Woah there, Princess." he said, bringing her attention up to him.

    "Oh! Sorry, Axel, I wasn't paying attention." she said. "I was just heading to the bathroom."

    "No worries, I just came up." he told her, holding up a large bottle. "Got me some fresh Ale to knock me out tonight. Care to share?"

    Though Aria was never a fan due to how often her Father drank it, she didn't want to rudely refuse. "Oh, I'd love to." she said with a smile.

    "Sweet. Head on to my room when you get finished, I'll leave the door open for ya." he said as he marched off.

    Nodding, Aria went on about her business and headed to the bathroom. She was in no hurry to be alone with Axel, so she didn’t rush. Although the man was a sweet friend, his many advances on her sometimes made her uncomfortable. After all he had done for her and Lucien though, offering his home for them to stay in, she figured she should just grin and bear it for now. It was only a few minutes later that Aria approached her friend’s door and knocked on it lightly.

    ”Come on in!” he called from inside.

    Aria stepped inside then, looking around and she moved, barefooted, into her friend’s private space. It was notably bigger than her room, and minimally decorated. Taking a deep breath, she smelled the scent of lavender on her nose. ”It smells wonderful in here…” she said, going over to him when she spotted him. Axel was leaned back comfortable on a long couch that sat across from a TV that played the News softly. Aria went to him, sitting down just close enough and turning to him slightly, so that she could easily talk to him. She rested one leg under her on the couch and the other hung off, toes brushing against a rough carpet beneath them. Not bothering to turn it off, Aria shoved her phone into a pocket of her skirt.

    ”Here.” he said, holding out a tiny glass of Ale. She took it and quickly drunk it down, her face contorting in disgust.

    ”I don’t think I’ll ever like that.” she said, handing him the glass. He laughed, downing a drink of his own.

    You get used to the taste after a while.” he said, adjusting his position so that he was facing her as well on the couch. ”It’ll grow on you, just like me!” he said jokingly, causing Aria to laugh lightly.

    ”Always the confident one, I see.” she said to him, smiling.

    ”That’s all I got if nothing else going for me.” he joked. ”But how would you like to play a little game with me?” he asked her with a devilish smirk.

    ”Go on.” Aria said, intrigued.

    ”Let’s see which one of us remembers more about the other person. We’ll ask each other simple questions, and if they get it wrong,” he held out the bottle of Ale, ”They gotta take a swig of this. If they get it right, the asker has to take a swig. We’ll take turns.”

    Aria looked between Axel and the bottle, wanting to take on his challenge.

    ”You question my memory, do you?” she said, crossing her arms. ”Alright then, let’s play.” she said to him.

    ”Atta girl! Ladies first!”

    ”What is my favorite color?” she asked him without hesitation.

    ”Gold.” he said, equally as fast. Aria frowned as he had gotten it right. Seeing the look on her face, he held the bottle out to her. Rolling her eyes, she took it and raised it to her lips, taking a single large gulp and wincing at the taste.

    ”Too easy, Princess. What’s my favorite food?” he asked her.

    ”Steak.” she said with confidence, holding the bottle out to him. He groaned and took it, taking a long drink.

    ”How many cars do I own?” she asked him, throwing a trick question his way.

    ”You? Not a one! You hardly like driving anyway.” he told her, handing her the bottle. Aria scoffed at him.

    ”I came to see you, didn’t I?” she said before taking a drink.

    The two of them went back and forth like that, challenging each other's friendship with questions that got harder each time. Before long, the two of them were nearly lost to the influence of the alcohol, giggling at each other as they talked about the old times. Axel placed the nearly empty bottle on the table near him, his movements slow. Aria rested her head against the back of the couch and smiled at her friend. Though she still had a bit of sense to her, Aria's mind and movements were no longer as sharp as they normally were, and her guard was completely down.

    Shifting in his seat, Axel looked towards her and then quickly away when he noticed she was staring at him.

    "You know, Aria... You could stay here with me." he said suddenly. "i would take care of you better than anyone else, ya know?" he said, his face seemed to be turning a bit red.

    "Would you?" she asked him. "That sounds really nice... though I can't. There are things I need to do. I need to stay with Lucien." she said to him, her eyes focusing on him and then the picture on the wall behind him. She blinked a few times, trying to get her eyes to work and look at him like she should.

    "It's always Lucien. Why won't you think about yourself for once, Aria?" Axel asked, shaking his head and crossing his arms.

    "He's my brother. He needs me."

    "There are other's that need you too!" Axel said to her, leaning closer and looking her in the eyes. "Seeing you again... it's made all my feelings for you rush back to me even stronger than before. Maybe I need you just as much as he does." he said, placing his hand on her leg.

    Aria blushed and looked away from him, unsure what to say. She moved her leg away from his touch, guilt starting to rise in her heart. "Axel, I like you a lot, but I don't think of you that way. I... have feelings for someone else." she said to him, the image of that person coming to her mind.

    "What does he have that I dont? Money? Is he more attractive?" he asked, moving closer to her again. "Tell me." he pressed.

    "Well... I... um..." she stammered, her mind not finding the right words. She'd had far too much to drink and it was starting to affect her.

    "See? You don't even know yourself. You've never had a man to treat you right. How would you know what you love?" he said to her, his tone growing angry. He too was far under the influence.

    Looking on sadly towards her friend, she shook her head. "Let's not ruin the night like this. I should... I should go, Axel." she said, unsteadily standing. Aria's legs didn't feel too stable and her head spun as she stood. She didn't see that Axel stood a second after she did until his hand gripped her wrist painfully.

    "No! I won't let you leave me again!" he said, pulling her back. She stumbled, falling down on her back onto the couch. She winced as the back of her head painfully hit the arm of the couch. In her pocket, her phone turned on and hit the speed dial number 1, calling her brother's phone.

    "Ouch..." she mumbled, reaching up with both hands to rub her head. Suddenly, Axel was upon her, a single hand shooting out and gripping her wrists tightly.

    "I'll show you how a man treats a woman, Aria." he said to her as she looked at him. His eyes held a dark intent and it caused a chill to run down Aria's spine. She struggled against him, though her arms and legs were so weak compared to his steel grip.

    "Axel, please. Release me this-- mmf" In the blink of an eye, Axel brought his lips crashing against hers, muffling out the rest of her words. She whimpered as her lower lip smashed painfully against her teeth, the tender skin splitting open, the taste of blood washing into her mouth. She wiggled against him as his free hand trailed up her body, fingers pushing under her shirt and gripping one of her breats painfully. She gasped as Axel squeezed and pulled at it, his lips not letting up on hers as his tongue pushed into her mouth. Mind rushing, all Aria could do was writhe and whine beneath him. Try as she might, she couldn't pull her arms free, heavy as they felt.

    When he pulled his lips free from hers, she gasped for air, Axel trailing her tongue down her neck. She trembled in fear as the hand on her breast moved quickly down to her thigh and slipped up her skirt.

    "Please.. let me go. I don't wan't this." she said, trying to raise a leg and kick at him. He didn't seem fazed in the slightest.

    "You don't know what you want! I'll show you... I'll show you what you wan't is me." he said to her, his hand gripping her panties. As he slipped his hand under the thin fabric and pulled, Aria screamed, Axel ripping it from her body.

    "No! Let me go!" she screamed, her heart pounding in a panic.

    "Lucien! Help me!" Aria silently prayed to herself, squeezing her eyes shut, tears falling down her cheeks.
    Taboo Sho likes this.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Lucien was for once sleeping peacefully. The brisk wind was flowing through the car windows, the sounds of the trees brushing against the leaves was relaxing. But something stir'd him from his sleep. turning on his side he felt a vibration coming from his pocket. Rubbing his eyes he slowly reached for his pocket wile his head still rested forward. Fumbling to grab his phone he pulled it from his pocket, the bright screen almost blinding him and he saw his sisters name on the bright display. Lucien quickly slide the phone to answer and placed it to his ear. " Yo whats u-"

    "I'll show you how a man treats a woman, Aria." "Axel, please. Release me this-- mmf""Please.. let me go. I don't wan't this."
    "You don't know what you want! I'll show you... I'll show you what you wan't is me."

    Lucien gripped the phone and almost broke it as he quickly sat up and jumped out of the car. In his anger he even tripped over a few rocks. His face full of determination and anger. That of something nightmares are truly made of. He rushed into the bar and scanned the area with intent. His eyes scattered around searching for his sister.

    "No! Let me go!"

    "Tch...Bastard i'll kill you!" Lucien griped the banister and jumped up the stairs, running at full force to the room where Aria was. the door was slightly closed. With a massive lunge he kicked he door off the hinges and sent it flying through the window. Without saying as much as a word he sprinted forward and kicked Axel in the side knocking him off Aria. " Get back Aria stand against the wall."

    " Eh! Its always you isnt it!" Axel exclaimed in anger holding his side. " You're damn right it's always me. As a matter of fact Aria block the exit...he's not leaving this room...."

    " i aint afraid of you!" The drunk yelled as he reached for the bottle slamming it against the wall causing it to shatter upon the ground. The broken jagged glass half broken bottle he held forward with intent to strike.

    " Just who the fuck do you think i am! huh do you take me for a fool? im Prince....Lucien, No one is coming to save you, no one will hear you scream. in fact i'll scream with you AHHHHHHH SOMEBODY HELP !!! Don't you get it bitch no one can hear you, now shut the fuck up and get whats coming to you!
    " Lucien stepped forward slowly as Axel slowly backed up. Axel swung the broken bottle once. Lucien just moved his head slowly dodging the swipe. Axel continued to swipe at him relentlessly. each swing missed like the previous until his back was pressed up against the wall. " This is it for you, this is where it en-" One last swing cut the princes face slightly causing blood to trickle down his cheek.

    " Tch.." He growled roughly and slammed a fist into Axel's chest. A blow so hard the force caused the curtains to move from the gust. Axel fell to his knees holding his stomach in pain. " Nah fuck that shit!" Lucien gripped the man by his hair and pulled him back up. With his free hand he started to pummel the mans face one after another and another...and another.....and another until Axels face looked a bloody mess. He pushed him to the ground and axel fell against the wall. He tried to stand up despite that. Lucien quickly planted his foot onto his chest and forced him back down " Sit down bitch you move again i'll beat the shit out of you.

    "You...y...you'll never get away with this"

    " You think i give a fuck?!"

    Axel looked up and spit in Luciens face. there was a brief pause...

    Axel somehow mustered the strength to get up and run for the door. " Hey where do you think you're going get back here. You can't run from me bitch its just us nobody else i swear you're only making this harder on yourself!

    Lucien gripped his own face and began laughing. " hahah..haha.....HAHAHAHAH SO THATS HOW ITS GONNA BE EH!! FINE YOU SEALED YOUR OWN FATE!" He dashed after him and gripped his arm before he got to Aria. Lucien tossed his limp body across the room and ran forward in the same moment lunging his knee into the mans stomach. Axel slammed into the wall but Lucien was not done with him " This is where you realize just how fucked you are. " Lucien knelled down with a hand and slapped axel across the beaten face. " You! you're a piece of shit how the fuck DARE you put your hands on her! With each word he punched Axel in the ribs.

    " p..Pls..Pleas" Was all that could be made from the muffled tone. " oh? Oh?? OHHH?? Now you ask for mercy, Nah sorry fuck all that shiti dont give a fuck about you, your life or what happens to your shitty bar. If i ever see your face again i will murder you on sight. Bitch ass!" He stood up and kicked him in the face knocking Axel unconscious.

    " Get your things, we're leaving." His hands were dripping with blood, his face had drops of the crimson liquid that trailed down. he wasnt aware of how he looked to his sister. he must have looked like a monster......
    Taboo Sho likes this.
  5. Reira

    Reira New Member

    By the time Lucien made it into the room where Axel had her pinned, Aria had used up most of her energy fighting her friend off. Two sudden crashes had her yelp in fright and then just as suddenly, Axel's weight was no longer upon her.

    Get back Aria..." she'd heard the voice of her brother say. Sitting up, she shakily slid off the couch and crawled over to a far wall. Aria watched her brother as he stood before Axel, a menacing look on his face. The two exchanged words though and when Lucien ordered her to move towards the door, she did so. It was then that the two of them erupted into a ruthless fight. As the two men exchanged fists, Aria could do little but look on in fright, the sounds of cracking bones and fists hitting flesh had all but stunned her sober.

    "Lucien... he's had enough..." she said, her voice barely audible, drowned out by shouts and grunts. When Axel suddenly dashed towards her, Aria squealed and cried out in fear, bringing her knees up to her chest. She covered her ears and squeezed her eyes shut. It was too much... the whole situation was all too familiar. She'd been in this position only once, as a child, a short time before she and Lucien had even met. Those memories flooded her mind and she remembered all she had felt at that time. Why did it all have to happen again? She whimpered as she tried to hold back a flood of tears that threatened to erupt.

    "Get your things, we're leaving."

    When she heard her brother's voice, Aria slowly opened her eyes. It was still in the room, quiet, save for the sound of her heart pounding in her chest. It seemed the fight was over. Glancing up at Lucien, her eyes widened, as for a split second, the face of her father seemed to be looking down at her. When her grey eyes blinked, she was left staring only at her brother, droplets of blood splattered on his face and hands.

    The image was all too familiar. This was the second time she'd been saved from something like this. First her father, and now her brother. How much more of a burden could she be on the two of them? Causing them to fight and protect her even though she wasn't blood to them.

    "Lucien..." she started to say, tears falling down her cheeks. Slowly, on shaking legs, Aria stood and moved towards her brother, closing the space between them, hugging him tightly as she began to cry uncontrollably. She buried her face in his chest, the smell of sweat and blood filling her nostrils as she did, though she didn't care. This was why she never wanted to leave the safety of her home. This was why she had a hard time trusting people. This was why Aria could never truly love a man she didn't know like the back of her hand. She'd never been more grateful that her brother was there to protect her when she needed him. Gripping his shirt, she clung to Lucien, never feeling more weak and vulnerable than she did in that moment.

    Minutes later when she composed herself as much as she could, she leaned away from Lucien slightly, releasing her grip on him before taking his hands in hers. She looked at them, his knuckles bruised, the skin splitting open, and she felt guilt rise within her.

    "I'm sorry... You got hurt because of me... and just when I'd told you I would help you stop fighting so much." she said softly, sadly.

    Faintly, Aria's hands began to glow as she gathered her magical energy and started to heal the wounds on her brother's fists. It didn't take long, only a few seconds before they would be alright. Looking up at him, she placed a hand on his face where he'd been cut and healed him there too. When she had finished, her hand dropped to her sides and she stood there silently, not trusting her legs to carry her very far. She wiped at her eyes, the skin under them burning as she did.

    "Take me someplace far from here..." Aria said, looking down at her bare feet. In the back of her mind, she told herself to go to the room and get her things, so reaching out, she gripped her brother's hand and turned to leave the room, pulling him along with her. Briefly she thought to return to heal Axel, though it quickly passed when she spotted her torn panties that he'd thrown across the room. Fast as she could, she made her way to the room she'd been gifted.

    It didn't take long for her to gather her things, though she instructed Lucien to wait outside her door while she went inside. As quickly as her trembling hands and legs would move her, she pulled on another pair of undergarments and grabbed all her things, shoving them into her bag. She slipped her feet back into her boots and tossed her jacket over her shoulders before going back out to Lucien.

    "I'm ready..."
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    His sister was now safe, but he could tell this experienced left her in a fragile state, despite how he thought he looked to her, she embraced him tightly. A few short breathes left his mouth before he opened to speak. " It's...it's ok you're safe now" He placed his arms over her tightly and held her close. Feeling his shirt get warm from her tears he didnt know fully how to comfort her all he could do was make her feel like it was going to be ok. After a few fleeting movements he opened his arms and she backed away after she had composed herself.

    "I'm sorry... You got hurt because of me... and just when I'd told you I would help you stop fighting so much."

    "It's alright, it's what im good at remember, it's my job to make sure you're safe. Thats what a hero does, dontcha know?"

    It seemed she was still very frightened and pulled him along with her to the previous room to gather her belongings. While packing her things he heard her spoke, her voice seemed rattled almost like murmurs. "Take me someplace far from here...Im ready"

    Lucien lead the way and held the door open for her as the cool night breeze brushed over them both. Opening the door to the car on both sides he started the black vehicle,pressing a button on the dashboard the top of the car pushed down into the trunk and exposed the car to the cool night. " Let's get on with it. " He started the car and pulled of slowly the image of the bar slowly leaving the sight as they drove off into the night. " Go ahead and get some sleep..."

    He had been driving all night which gave him alot of time to think about his sister and what his dad wanted for him. none of it made sense quite yet however. Lucien started over at his sister, sleeping soundly, her blond locks laying over hear head, she seemed like she was finally at peace as if she had a bad nightmare. Pulling over at a local store he left her to rest.

    "Man im hungry" he said as he got out the car and stretched loudly. Walking away from the car he stepped into the local Cafe " Hey uh...., let me get 3 hot dogs and a pancake meal please" The older lady at the counter nodded and headed towards the back. Lucien leaned on the counter and waited for his order to be finished. time seemed to past quick as the lady returned with 2 bags. He handed her a few coins of Gil and headed back out the door. Sitting back in the drivers seat he placed one bag on the dash board in front of him and poked his sister with the other. " Wakey wakey..."
    Taboo Sho likes this.
  7. Reira

    Reira New Member

    Aria was grateful when Lucien took initiative and led her outside to the car. In the mental state she was in, she would likely be unable to have made it there on her own, her legs wouldn't have taken her so far. Once outside the bar, the cool air whipped at her face and brought about a bit more of her senses. Murmuring a "thank you" when Lucien opened her door, Aria slowly crawled into the passenger seat of the car, pulling her knees up to her chest and settling comfortably on the spacious seat.

    "Go ahead and get some sleep." her brother said to her as the roof of the car slid open, exposing the pair to the cool air of the night. Aria's hair blew around her face gently as the air swirled between the golden strands. She nodded, saying nothing as sue curled up into herself and closed her eyes. Her mind, for once, was blank, and she welcomed the quiet of her thoughts. She didn't want to think about what Axel had done. In that moment, all she wanted to do was what her brother suggested. Rest.

    As Lucien drove them to some unknown destination, Aria was able to sleep on and off. She was a light sleeper, snored softly, but was easily roused if she had to wake for some reason. Occasionally, a bump in the road would startle her awake and she'd look about, calming once she spotted her brother. Until just before dawn, the two drove in silence. When Lucien had stopped to grab food from a local store, Aria was sound asleep, only waking when she felt a light tapping on her arm.

    Wakey wakey..." she heard Lucien say. She opened her eyes slowly, blinking a few times and rubbing at them before she looked at her brother. He was holding a bag out towards her. Aria had prepared to reject the food, but once the scent reached her nose, her stomach growled painfully, and she took the bag from him.

    "Thank you." she said, giving him a small smile. She shifted in her seat, crossing her legs and placing the bag on her lap. 'This smells too good." she told him as a light shiver eased its way across her body. Aria rubbed her arms, the sensation felt odd as if her skin was crawling, and the image of Axel's hands on her flashed into her mind. Quickly, she reached forward and pressed the button to close the roof of the car. "Forgive me... I feel cold." she said before Lucien could ask any questions.

    When she was done, she leaned back in her chair, staring down at the bag in her lap. For some reason, she felt as though there were words to be said between them... Aria wanted to explain herself, though she didn't know what words to say. Sighing, instead she looked at her brother. "Where did you plan on taking us? Or.. did you plan to just drive until the car stopped?" she asked him, reaching into the bag of food.
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  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Aria curled up into her seat slowly. " Thank you" She said giving Lucien a small smile. He nodded and adjusted himself into the drivers seat. " This smells to good" I know right, i got you pancakes and sausage and scrambled eggs with cheese. see im not so bad " he lauhed to himself. Looking down into his bag he could smell he aroma of the large hot dogs with all the toppings. Aria reached forward and fiddled with the dashboard pushing the button to pull the roof back onto the car. "Forgive me ...i feel cold" Lucien shrugged and turned his head towards her. " It's fine really"

    Lucien reached into his bag and took one of the hot dogs out and took a large bite of it. a bit of ketchup was left on his face when Aria spoke to him. " "Where did you plan on taking us? Or.. did you plan to just drive until the car stopped?"

    "I hammm mmff to Galdmfm Key" He swallowed the bite quickly and coughed. ' Sorry i meant i was planning to drive us to Galdin Quay, it's a resort town, i think we could use some down time to figure out a plan i guess, since going home isnt a option. and i may not be the smartest but driving randomly also inst really much of a plan. It's a few hours out still its near a large lake. " Lucien pressed a button on the side of his seat and fell backwards as he was trying to just move it back a bit. " Tch..stuipid thing" He reached forward and pressed the button again and got the seat to a comfortable resting position. " So um.......wanna talk?"
  9. Reira

    Reira New Member

    "Galdin Quay?" Aria repeated, her voice a bit muddled as she was also chewing on a piece of sausage. She was eating the breakfast her brother had gotten her, using her lap as a table to support the container of food. She looked at Lucien, laughing as his chair flew back and he struggled to adjust it. She coughed lightly as a tiny fragment of food seemed to go down the wrong pipe. Clearing her throat afterwards, she would speak.

    "That sounds wonderful... exactly the kind of place I would love to go." she paused, looking down at her lap as a bit of guilt rushed over her. "I'm sorry I dragged us all the way out to Terrace... I thought we would be better off with someone I.... thought I knew." She said.

    After a few more bites of food, she wondered if she should accept her brother's offer to talk, though her mind raced with things she would have to tell him. Embarrassed, she moved her food and placed the container on his lap before unbuckling her seatbelt and turning in her seat. Aria had noticed Lucien had forgotten to grab some drinks, though it wasn't an issue. He usually had a case of bottled water in the backseat. Placing her knees in her seat, she would lean over the chair and reach to grab two bottles of water. As she shuffled through, thin fingers trying to grasp the bottles, she felt her skirt slide further up her thigh, revealing more of her legs the more she leaned.

    "D-don't look!" she mumbled, hyper aware that Lucien was likely going to get quite the view if he even moved his head a little. Despite knowing he'd already seen her in worse conditions, she quickly leaned an inch further, her hand managing to finally grasp two waters, before moving back into her seat. Aria shifted around a bit, getting more comfortable before trading her food with a bottle of water for him. She cracked hers open and brought the container to her lips. As the lukewarm liquid slid down her throat, she felt relief, thirstier than she had thought.

    With a light sigh she closed the lid and wiped at a bit of water that had leaked out the corner of her lips. Before she would speak again, she took a few bites of food.

    "I'd like to talk... though I wouldn't know where to start. There are few things you don't know about me, brother.... but it is for good reason. I don't even know if I could talk about it without..." she hesitated, gray eyes flickering between Lucien's face and anything else she could focus on. "I don't want you to think differently of me... " she said to him.

    "To think I'm tainted..." she thought to herself. Her brother and others thought her to be so pure a woman, and perhaps her spirt was... though her body was far from it. That was something she was more aware than anyone. The thought of Lucien of all people knowing... how would she ever be able to tell him...?

    Blushing, she stuffed more food into her face, falling into silence once again.
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Aria reached back in the backseat for some bottles of water when her skirt came up and white lace was now apparently Luciens new favorite thing. A trickle of blood ran down his nose and his face turned bright red. he quickly turned away and coughed as she handed him the bottle. Swiftly opening the bottle he began to drink down the cool liquid, helping him get down his food as well.

    "I'd like to talk... though I wouldn't know where to start. There are few things you don't know about me, brother.... but it is for good reason. I don't even know if I could talk about it without..." she hesitated, gray eyes flickering between Lucien's face and anything else she could focus on. "I don't want you to think differently of me... " she said to him.

    Lucien continued eating his food quickly as she spoke. His face carried a peaceful look on it as he listend to her. Taking a final large gulp of the remaining water in the bottle he cleared his throat and tossed the empty bag and bottle out the window. " Ahem" he said leaning back in the seat. " Aria you've known me longer than anyone, i doubt i could think any differently of you. I got you into this mess so its only fair i do my part too i guess....so yo if you're willing to talk i'll listen." He winked at her as he used to when the were children and gave her his signature sly smile.
    Taboo Sho likes this.
  11. Reira

    Reira New Member

    Aria blushed noticeably when Lucien smiled at her, and she looked away, her own smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She pushed a bit of hair behind her ears and focused her gray eyes down at her food. As Lucien waited patiently, she would eat a bit more, not in a hurry to say what she needed... Or rather, she was just taking the time to put her words together in her head. After a few minutes she was satisfied and held her remaining food out to her brother, not wanting it to go to waste due to her small appetite. She drank a bit of water before leaning more comfortably in her seat. She faced Lucien but kept her eyes anywhere but his.

    "You know... growing up you picked on me a lot." she said with a light smile. "Though to be fair, I had a good time teasing you too, brother. Even the other day I remember you said something..." she thought back to her birthday, the day everything seemed to fall apart before her eyes. "You said to me, if I ever got a man in my life, I'd know what a man's room is supposed to smell like. Your crazy excuse for just not doing your laundry for days at a time... Though honestly brother, I don't think I could do it... I don't like men." she would say, her last words sharp. Her eyebrows furrowed for a moment as she frowned, though as quickly as the expression came, it was gone.

    "Th-that is not to say I like women!" she told him quickly, wanting to clarify before he had the chance to tease her. "I am... afraid of them." she said, bringing her arms up to hug herself, breasts squeezing together gently as she did. "Every. Single. Time... When I try to get close to them... they're all the same. They want me for my looks or my money or my title, not for me. They don't care about what I like, only that my breasts fit just right in their palm. They don't care about my feelings, only about how my skin feels beneath their fingers, or the weight of my Gil in their pockets." she said sadly. "I've tried to find love, I really have. Even I want a man to show me what it's like to be truly loved... but even still. Even Axel.... who I trusted..." her voice trailed off as tears began to sting in her eyes. Her lower lip quivered and she captured it between her teeth. She chewed the soft flesh for a moment before she felt calm enough to speak.

    "Before Father, your Father, took me in... I don't know what kind of life I had. Perhaps I was too young to remember, though I am grateful. My only memory is of filthy hands in my hair, on my skin, the itch of a beard against me and then... I was saved. Just like you saved me before... Father did the same. I don't know from where he came or how he came to find me but... he nearly killed the man who tried to have his way with me." she told him, knowing it was a story he had never been told.

    "People looked at me as I grew older... as I became more "beautiful" over the years. They all thought me a pure and perfect princess, but I wasn't. Even to this day I'm still as I was all those years ago. I'm tainted."

    Looking up at Lucien, her gray eyes would meet his. "I put on a smile and pretend that I'm not afraid, but they're all around me. Their eyes burn into me and when I'm touched by one my skin crawls. I fear they're all the same. You're- that is, you and Father, are the only ones I can stand to lay a hand on me. You don't look at me as if I'm a prize to be won... I don't know how to find that in anyone else."

    Unconsciously, Aria had been leaning towards Lucien as her voice grew frantic, eyes searching his for answers to her unasked questions, seeking out the disgust she was so sure he'd harbor. "One day you'll grow old with a woman who loves you. You'll be King Lucien Andraste... and who will I be? What will I do once Father is gone and you're married off and there won't be anyone there next time to help me? What then, brother?"

    Blinking, she realized she had leaned far too close to Lucien and she quickly moved away from him, curling her knees up to her chest once again. She felt so vulnerable, so sad. She had just voiced her one and only fear... that one day her brother would be gone, no longer able to stay at her side as she wished.

    "Perhaps you do not now, but one day you will get tired of saving poor Princess Aria. You'll have your own Kingdom to rule and I'll be alone once again, just like before." she said, her voice falling to barely a whisper. Her gray eyes looked out the window towards the sky. Silently she wished the two of them could stay together forever. It was selfish of her for even wanting that much...
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    The Road to Galdin Quay - A collaboration between Vox and Reira

    " Hold that thought" Lucien said as he pulled the drivers seat up and turned the car on. The engine roared lightly as it started up, Shifting the drive into gear he pulled away from the side of the restaraunt and begun driving again.

    " Mind if i let a window down a bit?" He rolled down his window just a tad the day had started and the warm breeze was out. " So go on?" Listening to her he couldnt help but grip the wheel sometimes at the thought of people misusing her for their own personal use. As if she was some object or prize to be won. Some time had passed and he let her finish her words without interupting her once until her last sentence.

    "That's where i have to stop you....you think so low of me that i'd just leave you ? You should know me much better than that, this kingdom can shove a wrench up it's ass for all i care!"

    Aria looked at her brother, eyes widening for a second before they gazed back out the window. "It's not that I think lowly of you, brother... I simply cannot expect you to put aside your duty as a future King just for me. Wouldn't that make me a selfish person?"' she asked. Though she said this, the words of her brother had made her heart swell with happiness. If only... If only it would really be alright for him to stay with her... But it wasn't, and Aria knew this better than anyone else.

    Stretching out in her seat, Aria adjusted a bit, uncurling her legs and crossing the seatbelt across her body. Though she trusted Lucien as a driver, her did so a bit on the wild side for her liking. Just as he had done, she rolled down her window, the air rushing in and blowing her long blonde hair around her face. She gathered it to one side and it tamed a bit as her gray eyes flickered, following the passing scenery.

    "Try as we might, Lucien, I don't think we can run from our futures. This is the hand fate has delt to us, and we must follow through. As a Prince... and Princess, we cannot put our own desires first."

    " Yea that's just how dad spins it, but i think that i can do what i want. You're blood to me, you're one of the few people in this world i can trust..ugh for fucks sake everyone always looks at me as the prince or the champ, what title i have... no one cares about Lucien just plain Lucien...but," He trailed off for a moment. "You do. You get me, so no matter what happens no matter what responsibility comes my way i'll protect you no mater what. Besides, most women i've uh....um"

    Luciens face started to turn red a bit and Aria raised a questioning brow at him. "Girls i've uh had relations with they are fake, and only ask for Gil or what i can buy them. Im sick of it. I dont see myself with anyone right now anyway....you're the only one i want by my side for now." Aria smiled and her cheeks turned a deep pink at his words.

    As they talked the coastine was coming into view but they were still about a hour away from the resort. " We may be Prince and Princess but i think that's why we can put our own desires first...afterall im Prince Lucien!"

    Smiling at her brother, Aria thought about all he had said. Would it really be alright for them to live their lives as they pleased? Aria wasn't too sure, but the confidence in Lucien's voice made her want to believe it.

    "Since we're out here, let's make the most of it then. Since I'm an adult now, there are things I want to experience for myself... I want to see the world too, do things that normal women do... We might not be able to change who we are, but... I wouldn't mind running from the responsibility for a while." she told him. As her eyes met the coast, they widened. "Lucien... lets go places together. Lets do things together. Everything! Right now I want... I want to go swimming!" she said, reaching her hand out the window and pointing towards the sparkling blue waters. The expression on Aria's face was one of pure joy.

    "Even if it's just for now... I want to enjoy every moment with him." she thought to herself. "Maybe living for ourselves for once will be a good thing..."[/b]

    Looking to her brother, she laughed lightly as his hair seemed to be whipping about his face. "You know how to swim, don't you?" she asked, her voice teasing a bit.

    " Tch...do i know how to swim?! of course i do, im like a shark in the waters, easily the best swimmer in the world hands tied behind my back i could swim from here to another coast if i chose to but. water makes my hair frizzy, so uh.....i'll just hang out in the hotel, but you can swim in the pool if you want..." This caused Aria to pout but she didn't protest.

    Sooner than expected, the drive ended as he pulled into the parking lot, the sand wiped up onto the pavement all over the fresh smell of the ocean and brisk air whiped about. Getting out of the car he stretched loudly and let out a mild roar. " Alright!" can uh, can you check us in or whatever? He tossed her his wallet which had his personal credit card on it. " Dad's a dick off he thought he'd take away my money but jokes on that guy i had my own account for years he just didnt know about it." Lucien let out a evil laugh and leaned against the car.

    Aria struggled to catch the wallet that he'd tossed into her hand. When she got a secure grip on it, she sighed in relif before something in her mind clicked.

    "Do you mean to tell me you had your own Gil this entire time and you had me paying for things up until now?" she asked with a pout. "Such an insufferable man." she scolded with a shake of her head. Looking towards a large building, she noticed the place seemed to be a hotel of sorts, though there didn't seem to be many people at this particular one, with only a dozen or so cars scattered around the lot. With a shrug, Aria would grab her bag from the backseat of the car and toss it across her body before making her way towards the door.

    When she entered, a light breeze hit her face, assulting her nose with the scent of the ocean and tanning lotion. Quickly she strode over to the front desk and rang the small bell that was there.

    A few moments passed and no one showed up so she rang the bell again.

    "Alright alright! I heard it the first time!" said a voice from behind the counter. Surprised, Aria took a step away from the counter, the angry voice wasn't what she was expecting. A old woman came through a door and wobbled over to her.

    "Can I help you?"

    "Y-yes. I'd like to reserve a room for two... A large one if you have it, please." Aria said, clutching her brother's wallet nervously.

    "Name?" the old woman asked as she pushed a few buttons on her screen.

    "A-Aria Andraste." she said honestly, without thinking about it first. Suddenly a loud gasp came from the room behind the counter and a younger looking woman came. She rushed over and pushed the old woman aside, nearly causing her to topple over.

    "I'd know that name anywhere! Princess Aria? Here in our hotel? Oh, Ma! This is just what we needed to get this place back on its feet. A royal coming to stay at our place!" she said excitedly. The old woman just scoffed and looked away. A bead of sweat formed on Aria's face.

    "Who are you here with? A man, perhaps?" the woman asked with a wiggle of her brows.

    "Ah... no," Aria said shaking her head. "Just myself and my brother."

    "The Prince is here too?! Ma, let's give em the best room in the place! The suite!" she said, pushing more buttons on a screen. Aria was just about to protest but the young woman already seemed to have made the selection.

    "How many days will you be staying with us?" she asked.

    "Oh.. perhaps just the weekend." Aria said, her palms starting to sweat.

    'Right, right... Okay, how will you be paying?"

    "Oh! Here." Aria said, shuffling through her brother's wallet and pulling out what appeared to be a card. She handed it to the woman who quickly scanned the thing before returning it.

    "Aright, you're all set! H-Here's your two room keys." the receptionist said, handing Aria two key cards with the number 101 on each. 'I hope you'll find the room to your liking. If there's anything you need, just call us on the phone in your suite." she told Aria with a bow. Aria returned the gesture before taking a few steps away from the counter, looking to see if Lucien had come inside yet.
  13. Reira

    Reira New Member

    Aria went back to Lucien and handed her brother his own room key and raised her eyes to gaze at him. She stood there, admiring his face for just a few moments before she smiled.

    I'm going to take a look around and ease my mind. I'll return to the room later. Don't get lost now." she would say to him before turning and going on her way. She stuffed her room key into her bag and wandered away from the hotel. The resort was huge, a place bigger than Aria had ever been on her own, and it excited her. Inside the building she had seen signs that pointed to a spa and restaurant, though at the moment, it was not what she was looking for. As she wandered around, she spotted what seemed to be a shop, advertising Fishing and Swimming gear. Interested, she made her way inside.

    Just like everything else, the large shop smelled of seawater, and she enjoyed the new scent. Looking around, Aria went up and down the isles, admiring some items she know nothing of, but enjoying shopping with her eyes. Fishing lines and rods lined the walls and her gray eyes searched to find the differences in those priced so greatly apart. As she walked aimlessly, she came upon an area that sold an assortment of swim wear. Aria's eyes lit up as they fell upon beautiful swimming suit designs. Never having owned one, she suddenly desperately wanted to purchase one of her own.

    The owner of the shop greeted her and inquired about Aria's needs. She explained that she had interest in buying a swimsuit and was taken to the area for adult women, as well as shown where the fitting rooms were located. Thanking the owner, she went about browsing the hundreds of different colored sets before picking a few out to try. Sliding behind the curtain of a dressing room, Aria would try out a handful of swimsuits, and after admiring herself in a few, decided that she preferred how the bikini looked on her. Though she hadn't fallen in love with any of them, she at least learned what she liked.

    When she redressed and went to look at a few more, the owner approached her again.

    "May I recommend one to you?" the older woman asked, her voice kind as she noticed Aria had been struggling a bit.

    "Oh... I'd very much appreciate it." she said in response, watching as the woman seemed to go directly for a particular suit. She held it up, the fabric was thin and light pink, a color Aria loved right away. She took the bikini and went to try it on, eager to see how it looked.

    When she was in the dressing room, Aria grew a bit more embarrassed as she put the swimsuit on. She tied the sides of the bottom and then back and neck of the top securely before adjusting it a bit at her bust. Her breasts, albeit not very small, seemed to not be completely covered by the fabric. The swell of her cleavage seemed more pronounced as the mounds were barely secured in the top. The bottoms fit well, the curve of her hips and round bottom too seemed to be enhanced by the pink fabric. It left little to be imagined, but as she stood there blushing at herself, she felt a sense of pride as well.

    She never really paid much mind before, but it seemed more clear to her now why people always complimented her looks. Absently, she wondered how a certain someone would like her in this...

    "Um... excuse me? I have something else you might like." said the voice of the owner, pulling Aria from her thoughts. Tentatively, Aria moved the curtain aside a bit and peered out at the woman, about to confirm that this was the one she wanted. Though she paused when she saw the woman was instead holding out to her a white beach dress. "A cover up..." the woman said, tilting her head to get a better look at Aria. "Ahh I was right. It suits you nicely, though you can't be expected to walk around like that. Here." she said, handing Aria the dress and a pair of thin sandals.

    Thanking the woman, Aria quickly clothed herself and slipped her feet into the shoes before looking in the mirror to admire herself again. Running a hand through her disheveled hair, she used the other to smooth a crease in the dress. The white fabric fell to just above her knees, the strapless top resting just above her breasts. Sighing, she felt happy, contently covered but not hot. It all felt so light. With a smile, she worked to remove all the tags before gathering her things and stepping out of the dressing room.

    She looked around, finding the owner behind the counter, Aria made her way over, shoes tapping softly against the ground.

    "I would like to purchase all of this. Your recommendation was perfect, and I thank you. You saved me quite the time." Aria said, pulling out her own little purse of Gil. The owner held out a hand and stopped her.

    "Free of charge for you, Princess."

    Blinking, Aria's eyes widened. "How did you...?"

    The woman laughed at the expression of shock on Aria's face. "I may not know much, but I'd recognize my Princess anywhere. It was truly a pleasure to have you here, and I'm happy I managed to find something you liked." the woman said with a kind smile.

    "But... let me pay you somehow. You are too kind." Aria said, placing her pouch back into her bag. The woman paused and thought silently for a moment before snapping her fingers. Reaching down beneath the counter, she pulled out a camera and held it up.

    "Would you be so kind as to let me take a picture? I would use it in some advertisements for the resort. As I'm sure you noticed, we're not very active this time of year, with the waters being so cold. Once the summer comes, you would make a great poster girl. We'd attract lots of people. Only if you're okay with it."

    "Well, I don't see why not. Where should I stand?" Aria asked, her heart swelling at the thought of being able to help with something like this.

    The woman led her toward a large sign with the store name and Resort logo on it. The two of them spent a few minutes as Aria changed poses a few times before the owner was satisfied with what she got.

    "Thank you, Princess. You've done us a great service."

    "It was my pleasure." Aria said, giving a short bow before bidding farewell and heading on her way again. Thinking ahead, she wondered what else she would want to do. Perhaps she should stop by a local store and buy some things to cook for dinner. Though eating at a restaurant sounded like a treat, Aria knew better than to try and get Lucien to sit in one place and eat like a normal person.

    "A picnic by the water would be nice... relaxing." she thought to herself. But what would she make. She racked her mind thinking of things she could make that would pack easily for a picnic... though she also had to think of what Lucien liked to eat.

    With that thought, she figured it out.

    "Pasta Salad." she said aloud, making her way around to find a convenience store.

    It didn't take long for her to find one. As soon as she entered, she went straight to find the things she would need. Though the store was unfamiliar, she found most things she needed in a short time before she paid for the items and made her way back to the hotel. When she got there, it took her some time to find the suite they'd been given, though ended up passing it once. It was so far away from the other rooms, she'd mistaken the door for a supply closet the first time around.

    When she first entered the suite she was surprised at the size of it. It was decorated in a traditional fashion, with sliding doors that separated the rooms and large floor to ceiling windows along one wall. As she had hoped, the room had two bed, as well as a kitchen where she could prepare their meal. Not seeing Lucien, she assumed he was off doing something on his own, and silently prayed he wasn't getting himself into any trouble. Placing the bag of food on the counter, Aria would start to prepare the Pasta Salad, excited to spend some time relaxing on the beach later in the day.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I'm going to take a look around and ease my mind. I'll return to the room later. Don't get lost now."

    Lucien slid the key into his pocket and nodded to aria who headed off to explore the resort. Lucien headed off into the opposite direction to check out the restaurant he was still pretty hungry. Walking along the sandy area alot of people were shooting him looks. it was clear they knew who he was. " Eh i could really go for some steak right about now. " he placed his hand on his chin and thought as he stared up at the restaurants sign. " Meh might as well chill here i guess. " as he opened the door a rush of strawberry's and warmth covered him. long blue hair whipped into his face and he stood theri confused. his chest was warm from a pair or breast pushed up against him. " Lucien!!" The girl yelled as she hugged him tightly. She pulled away and smiled playfully at him.

    " Tonya ?!?! is that you..?" Tonya stood there wth her hands now placed behind her back she wore a purple pokadot bikini top and a matching skirt. " Of course it is silly! Watcha doin way over in my side of the tides. " She smiled and it gained his attention. " I uh. well im taking a vacation of sorts."

    She grabbed his hand and led him over to a empty booth near a window overlooking the beach. " It's been a long time huh?" She said as she waved over another young lady with a apron on. " Hey Rin can you get us some lemonade?" the girl nodded and walked away towards the kitchen. " So you work here now huh? " He said as he leaned back into the booth. " i actually own the place now, dad's getting to old to run it so i took over, i may not look it but im capable!" He laughed at her briefly " yea sure totes capable last time i saw you you could barely carry bags without dropping them. Clumsy much?"

    she reached over and punched his arm playfully and smiled at him. " I miss you ya know..." Tonya and Lucien had a past of sorts when they were younger. She was the only girl that he spent an extensive amount of time with beyond Aria but some years ago her father opened up a new branch for his restaurants and moved from the capital city and they had lost contact with one another. " Uh...heh, yea sorry about the whole not being in touch thing im not really good at that sort of thing. " Rin had returned with two lemonades and placed them on the table, placing two straws next to them. "Can i hep with anything else? " Yea for sure can you get me a steak? " Yes of course Prince. " Hey hey call me Lucien " No i wouldn't dream of it prince" Rin walked away and headed to the kitchen again. "So i guess no is a better time than any. huh? " He said staring at her, her eyes had the same watery blue glare to them it almost entranced him into a gaze he forgot this feeling...."

    " Gosh we have so much to catch up on!" The pair sat and chatted until rin returned with the food which Lucien ate like a monster while still conversing with Tonya. before they knew it the sun had set and the moon was out. " Hey Lu wanna take a walk? just along the beach..." yea yea sure " he said as he downed another lemonade quickly and stood up. He let her lead and she walked out the door first. the fresh mist of the ocean and sandy breeze was upon them both. She pulled him along to a tree and sat down. " Eh....man i have so much to do and i dont even know where to start ya know? Sometimes i feel like i dont know who i am or what i want to do. " She layed her head on his shoulder and nodded. Time was passing by as they sat there and talked about everything and caught up. " Shit what time is it?" Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his phone " WOW i gotta get back " He stood up quickly but felt something tug on his jacket. " Why.." I mean i have to get back to my room im a bit tired i did alot of driving. " She paused for a moment and stood nex to him. " If....if you want you can stay at my home for the night..." She looked away to hide her blushing face. " I..as awesome as that sounds i need to get back to Aria" " Oh...shes here too...." Yea....i can't leave her alone right now she needs me alright? we'll catch up again soon before i leave i got you homie" He winked and pushed her hair around and ran down the beach.

    Sliding his key into the door he pushed it open and slid through the door quietly" Phew..."
  15. Reira

    Reira New Member

    Aria had spent the majority of the afternoon preparing for the surprise picnic she had planned for her and Lucien. Unsure of when he was to return, she had done her best to get everything prepared before he came through the door to their suite. Twice she had to return to the convience store to get a few things she had forgotten, though it didn’t take long before she had everything set up. Stepping back, Aria admired the work she had done.

    Pasta Salad was Lucien’s favorite thing to eat, hands down. Aria knew, however, he also had some very pedestrian tastes as to what he liked to eat. Double chocolate muffins and blue-raspberry soda were another two of his favorite things. Aria herself didn’t care much for the flavor combination, but she wanted to repay Lucien’s recent kindness towards her, as well as apologize for the mess she’d gotten them into. She’d bought a large picnic basket, one they could hopefully use another time, and packed it full of the food she had made. The pasta salad was packed into two sealed bowls, along with the muffins she’s individually wrapped in plastic. After placing a few bottles of pop into the basket as well, she closed the lid and went to set it near the door.

    In the suite, they had been provided a set of beach towels, which she grabbed and put with the basket of food. When she finished, Aria swiped the back of her arm across her head, smiling happily at the thought of Lucien returning to her surprise. Going to her things, she would pull out her phone and turn it on, noticing it was nearly dead, and quickly searched for a place to plug it in. Against a wall she slid down to the floor and went to typing away on the phone’s bright screen.

    Will you be back soon? I have a surprise for you. Think of it as reward for not breaking anything in the past twenty four hours.

    Aria waited patiently, knowing Lucien was one to always respond within a few minutes. Her gray eyes stared at the screen, a smile plastered on her face. After a few minutes, it faded and she started typing again.

    Well no rush, just don’t get lost ok?

    Turning her phone off, Aria placed the device down on the floor and leaned her head back against the wall. The cool wooden floor felt good against her legs. She wasn’t one that minded the cold much; in fact preferred it over being too hot. Not a fan of being hot and sweaty, many of Aria’s clothes consisted of light, thing fabrics rather than ones that were thick, dark, and heavy like her brother preferred. She closed her eyes, thinking about him, wishing she too shared the firey red hair that framed his face.

    ”Though it’s better this way…” she thought, a hand reaching up and fingers danced between the strands of her hair. She’d overheard once a long time ago that Lucien preferred women with blonde hair.

    Some time passed and Aria began to grow restless as the sun set and Lucien still hadn’t shown up. She didn’t want to think the worst, though she couldn’t help worrying about her brother. Adult he was, but he was more capable of getting himself into trouble than avoiding it. Reaching for her phone, she would text him every half hour or so, growing frantic as the sky grew darker and darker.

    Where have you run off to? It’s getting late and I still haven’t heard from you.

    Lucien seriously, message me back so that I know you’re alright at least.

    Please come back now, I’m worried about you.

    If I don’t hear from you soon, I’m coming to look for you.

    Hey if this is another one of your pranks, it’s not funny.

    Lucien call me or something, please.

    Now well into the night, Aria was nervously pacing around the room. Though she had said she would go out looking for him, she was far too afraid to be out this late alone. Princess or not, she was still a woman and there were still creeps who lurked about after dark. Sighing and trying to calm herself, Aria went to sit on the bed, only to start moving back and forth between that and the door to the suite, occasionally opening it and peeking out. She silently wished she would see him coming down the hall when she did.

    ”Gods, where is he?” she asked aloud, her voice full of concern as she paced over to the window. Looking out, Aria could see a vast majorty of the beach below the hotel, the moon so bright that it illuminated the water and the pearly white sand well. Gray eyes admiring the scenery suddenly focused on a movement from the corner of her vision, and she pressed her hand to the glass in shock when she saw Lucien’s tall frame walking along the sand. A wave of relif washed over her when she saw him and quickly, she slid the window open, taking a large breath and preparing to yell out his name. She froze, his name choking in her throat when she spotted another familiar figure walking alongside him.

    She would recognize the unnaturally blue hair anywhere, belonging to only one childhood friend to her brother. ”Tonya…?” she whispered. What in the world were they doing… alone…?

    That was when it hit her.

    Quickly, Aria slammed the window shut and pulled the curtains closed, her heart suddenly pounding in her chest. ”Of course… they haven’t seen each other in years. From what I last recall, Tonya had feelings for Lucien… maybe… they’re on a date.”

    Aria’s heart sank as the puzzle pieces seemed to fit together in her head. Of course he’d stay out late to spend time with his friend. Maybe he had secret feelings for her too… That was why he didn’t respond to her messages. Who knows what kinds of things those two were doing all day. It wasn’t as if Tonya wasn’t beautiful herself. Her hair was longer than Aria’s, her breasts were bigger, she was overall more of a woman than the flimsy Princess Aria.

    Her lower lip quivered as she suddenly felt sad, though she didn’t know why. Lucien had every right to spend his time with whoever he wished. It was just as she had said… Lucien would become enamored with Tonya and forget all about Aria. It was probably fate that led the two of them together…

    ”I didn’t think it would be this soon…” she thought to herself, capturing her lower lip between her teeth and abusing the soft flesh. It still felt tender from where it had been split, though she didn’t really feel the pain of it. The pain in her heart was too great to focus on anyone else.

    ”So much for being the one he wants by his side…”

    Moving towards the bed, Aria sat down, fingers twisting together and tears stinging in her eyes. The wave of emotions she was feeling was new to her and she wasn’t sure what to do. She sat there, not knowing how much time had passed, until her eyes shot up to the door, as if sensing his presence before he even came into the room.

    Aria’s ears seemed to twitch as he sighed upon entering the room. Her hands turned to fists and she shot up off the bed, marching straight over to him.

    ”Lucien… you’re such… a… JERK!” she yelled right in his face. Bringing a hand up, she wiped at the tears that started falling down her cheeks. ”Do you have any idea how worried I was?” she asked him, glaring angrily up at him when the tears were gone. ”Do you even care about my feelings at all?”

    Hands curled tightly into fists, her nails pressed into the soft flesh of her palm, leaving marks. Looking up at her brother, Aria desperately wanted to punch him and hug him at the same time, though she restrained herself.
  16. Reira

    Reira New Member

    Emotions - A collaboration between Vox and Reira
    " Yo hold up, why am I a jerk? ok my bad i didnt mean to make you worry sheesh i had my phone on silent my bad chill sis chill yo" Lucien leaned by the door and exhaled loudly.

    Aria seemed to grow even more mad at his casual demeanor. Here she was all worked up, mind racing with different emotions and might as well be reading a newspaper.

    "Really? All you can think to say to me is "My bad"? I honestly cant believe you. It must haven't had crossed your mind that you should at least send me a message. I was worried sick all because you wanted to spend time with some girl!" she yelled, pushing past him and out into the hall. She would start to walk briskly, not sure where she was going, but not wanting him to see the tears she could no longer hold in.

    "You truly are an ass..." she mumbled as she pushed past him.

    Clearly she was upset with him but he wouldnt let it slip where he truly was, tailing behind her he spoke. " I wasnt even with a girl, i was ....i went to the local bar and had a few drinks with some guys. we played pool and i just forgot to message you, it's not that big of a deal chill " He reached out to grip her arm to stop her from walking. " Would you just listen to me"

    Aria stopped but didn't look at him when he grabbed her arm. Of course he would be aware that she secretly saw him. "You have no need to lie... I saw her. Tonya. Why don't you just spend the rest of our stay with her? You clearly don't want to be with me anyway." she said, her voice falling from an angry tone to a sad one. Before she could hear any more of his lies, she pulled her arm free and broke into a run away from him. Her feet carried her out of the hotel and around the back where she descended towards the nearby waters. The cool wind stung her eyes as she ran, heart pounding. Though she wasn't the most athletic person, she ignored her body's protests and continued running until she reached the shoreline.

    Aria pulled free of him and took off in a sprint. " Oh come on for fucks sake with this man" He let out a loud rough sigh and punched the wall leaving a small crater in it. " Im always fucking something up i swear to god i...i cant deal." He took off after her in a light jog. "Would you just listen to me for a moment! god dammit ugh." Running through the hall he bumped into a larger man by mistake " Watch ya self piss ant" " Luciens eyes turned to him with the eyes of a devil himself " Bro....if you want to remain alive, i suggest you fuck the hell off" Lucien walked off and adjusted his jacket. Scanning the area he found her standing at the coast. Aria turned to look at him when he approached.

    " Really sis really? ok im sorry i lied but, i had to because this is how you get when it comes to Tonya, you two dont see eye to eye on. well...shit anything. If i had told you i was with her you would have gotten angry just like you are now." He leaned backwards and fell onto the ground . the waves rushed up against the coast loudly before he spoke again. " Man...you act like seeing a old freind is bad i mean you were so excited to see Axel aint it....didnt bother to tell me you were excited to spend time in his room drinking that night eh...but im the villian here..."

    Aria stared down at him, a few tears running down her cheeks. "You really think that's what this is about...?" she asked him. Gods, he was so clueless. "You don't know that girl like you think you do, brother. She's no better than Axel or anyone else for that matter. She pretends to be so enamored with you and only wants what everyone else does!" she yelled at him. Reaching up she placed a hand on her chest. "I'm the only one who- .... Who..." Aria struggled to get the words out that she wanted to say. She wanted to tell him so bad, her heart felt ready to burst. With an angry sigh she turned and started running away from him again, towards a long wooden dock that stuck out over the water. Aria had to get away from him now, else she worried she would say something that shouldn't be said.

    " You're the only one that wha-" Before he could finish the sentence she ran off" This again..." Sitting with his feet crossed he mumbled angrily to himself.Tonya didnt want him for his money right? she never made any reach for it before, right? " She, nah no way....Tonya isnt like that, i dont get why Aria gets so bent out of shape about her. Im a prince i can do what i want with who i want when i want to. i dont owe anyone...Fuck! im so angry right now i want to break something.." Turning a eye he glared at the large tree near him. Standing to his feet lucien stomped over to the large bark. He placed a single hand on it taking his other hand he leaned back and lunged forward forcefully but he was stopped. A small furry creature fell onto his head. " What the hell..." He reached up and grabbed it with his palm it seemed to be a furry animal with big eyes, it seemed to be a pup of some sort He stared at it for a moment as he held it he could hear a faint sound above him and there was a nest. " So this is your home little guy huh and you fell or you jumped huh....just like me..." Placing the furry creature onto the tree it scurried back up to the nest and looked back at him.

    " Eh...safe travels little guy" He sat back down and leaned his back against the tree. " Fuck"

    Some distance away but still within Lucien's view, Aria came to stop in front of a long wooden dock and slowly started walking out to the edge. The waves in the water crashed into themselves, just like the emotions swirling around in her head. Lips parted, she breathed deeply in the fresh ocean air. If only a little, it seemed to calm her. Her fists uncurled and her shoulders relaxed as she sighed, bringing her hands up to wipe at her eyes again. Her eyes stung from the abuse, and she was sure she must have looked just as bad as she felt. the wood beneath her feet began to creak and groan, though she paid it no mind. Aria's gray eyes looked out upon the restless waters and thought back to her.. well, Lucien's mother. When she was alive, the woman always new exactly how to comfort her.

    "Mother... what would you have me do here?" she thought to herself, closing her eyes. Aria knew Lucien better than anyone... probably better than he knew himself. He was a kid at heart, childish by nature, and clearly didn't understand the feelings of girls at all. Knowing this, Aria knew she had acted the wrong way towards him. Yelling and getting upset with him was only going to put a rift between them. She never wished for that to happen.

    "How long must I sit idly by, waiting for him to understand? There's no guarantee he even would..."

    With a light sigh, Aria knew she only had two choices before her: take a risk, or endure whatever pain was to come if she witheld the truth from him. She knew this... though which she would choose was unknown even to her.

    After a few minutes of standing there, the cold wind pulled Aria from her thoughts and back to her senses. Goosebumps rose on her skin and she hugged herself before turning, intending to return to her brother. It was getting too cold out, and she wouldn't want either one of them to get sick because of her. She took a few steps and again, the wood beneath her seemed to goan loudly, and she paused, looking down a split second before the plank beneath her broke in half. Feeling herself falling, she reached up and quickly grabbed onto anything she could touch, though her weak arms screamed in protest. Her heart pounded as she tried to pull herself back up onto the dock, though it was no use. Her fingers slipped free and she let out a scream as she plunged into the ice cold water below.

    " Man i wonder if she-" Suddenly he heard a scream, but he knew who's voice it was " Shit!" Getting up and stumbling to his feet he saw the wooden docks starting to collapse. " I Don't have much time" He stood firm for less than a second " Incursio" he said under his breath His skin took on a more scaley look of that of a dragon. Placing one foot firmly on the ground he leaped upward. Coming down quickly he dived into the water. The pain of the curse was seering his skin like fire but he woudl not have made it in time. Swimming as hard as his muscles would take him he reached out and grabbed her by the waist. Putting as much force as he could behind him he reached the surface with one arm he carried her on his shoulder and the other he swam to the shore.

    Laying her down genly he coughed " You gotta be careful....clumsy as always " But her usual response was not there. Quickly he turned to her and she was lifeless, " No no..no no no no no get up" His face went pale as a ghost as he stared at her seemingly lifeless body" Breathe you have to breathe. " Placing two hands firmly on her chest he pressed down but nothing. Taking a deep breath he placed his lips upon hers and breathed into her. " Wake up dammit wake up you can't leave me you can't what am i supposed to do!" He pressed on her chest one more time this time with more force " I..i can't be without you GET UP!!"

    Though Aria was quite a good swimmer, the sudden rush of cold water against her was enough tear a gasp out of her. With that action, her lungs seemed to fill with the salty sea water, and she began to panic. She thrashed about, trying her best to swim towards the surface, though her arms grew weaker with each stroke. As she felt her consciousness slipping from her, something gripped her around the waist. A moment later, she fell into darkness.

    The dark only lasted a few moments as her mind flashed images of Lucien before her. She was afraid... so afraid of losing him... though it was out of her hands at this point. More images of him seemed to pass through her mind and then a sudden shock seemed to pull her back from the darkness.

    "GET UP!!"

    Her gray eyes shot open and immediately, she turned to her side, coughing and spitting up seawater as she gasped for breath. Her vision blurry, she blinked a few times as she gasped before looking around. She was sure she'd heard his voice. Raising her head, Aria's eyes locked with those of her brother's and she stared at him, unable to speak yet. Reaching a shaky hand out towards him, she would move closer and embrace him, her entire body trembling in fear. He had saved her yet again...

    Without saying a word he took hold of her hand and pulled her close to him. Wrapping both his arms around her." Don't you ever do that to me again" His voice was trembling, Never once has he cried at least nothing he was willing to remember a single tear found its way running down his cheek to hers. " Im sorry ok. im sorry"

    Aria closed her eyes and reached up, wrapping her arms around Lucien's neck, burying her face against his skin. "No... Lucien, I'm sorry..." she croaked, her voice scratchy and trembling. In this moment, Aria felt that she had been given a sign, what she had to do was very clear. Lips parted, she started to speak but hesitated, fear gripping her heart. Only a moment did she wait before her hands slid further up and into his hair.

    "Lucien... I love you. I love you with all my heart... I always have." she said, her voice a whisper, though she was sure he would hear her words. "You saved me again... thank you."

    " Silly...that's what Heroe's do right?" He gave her a warm smile but he could feel his body falling apart. He activated Incursio, and without his original power to keep the balance his body was unfit to weild it at its current state. The curse itself grants immense power but at the cost of the users life force. Even then he refused to show pain to her. " I...Aria i...lo-" at the end of that word without being able to finish it his head leaned onto her shoulder and his eyes slowly closed. His body still warm fell faint into her arms.

    Aria listened as he started to say something but then suddenly he seemed to go limp in her arms, his weight bearing down onto her. "L-Lucien?" she called out, her voice still shaky. She leaned away and his body followed. Eyes widening in panic, she laid him down on his back before patting his cheek. "Lucien? What's wrong with you?" she asked, leaning down close to his face to see if he was breathing. He was and it calmed her a bit, as it sounded like was snoring even. With a shaky sigh, Aria stood and looked around them. There was no way she was going to be able to carry him back to their room alone. Biting her lower lip, she nervously looked down at her brother before taking off to find help.

    As she neared the building, she pushed her wet hair out of her face, the long strands tangling together at her back. She looked around for any soul who would be able to help. As if on que, Tonya walked up to Aria from behind. Spinning, Aria went over and placed her hand on the girl's shoulders.

    "H-Help me... Lucien... I can't..." she coughed then, her chest feeling heavy and she fell to her knees. "Lucien... on the beach... help him please." she said, coughing between words. Quickly, the girl rushed off to get help, bringing back two large, burly men.

    "Where is he?" the blue haired girl asked her.

    "Th-the docks... on the beach. Please..." her voice trailed off as she started to worry.

    "You two go, bring him back. I'll stay with her." Tonya had told her friends, who quickly went to retreive Lucien's limp body from the shore. "What room you two in?" she asked Aria.

    "101. The suite." she said, her gray eyes looking up at the woman. For once, she didn't feel any anger towards the woman. Whatever contempt the two shared, Lucien was one thing the two would cooperate to save.

    "Go to your room, I'll tell the guys, we'll bring him." she said, standing.

    Aria reached out and gripped the girl's hand, stopping her. "Don't go..." Aria would say, pulling herself to her feet.

    A few minutes would pass before the two men came through the hotel door, carrying one of Lucien's arms over their shoulders. Within a matter of a few more minutes, the five of them reached the suite, the door still opened a crack from when the two had ran out. Tonya led Aria towards the bathroom where she grabbed s few towels and pushed them into her arms. Aria tried to push past her to get to Lucien, but she was stopped by the blue haired girl.

    "Those guys are going to get him out those clothes. You do the same or you'll get sick." she demanded. Aria, with no strength to fight, complied and slowly began to strip out of her dress and swimming suit. Tonya left once to bring the two men some towels before returning and asisting Aria, helping the Princess by drying her hair with a towel. The two didn't exchange words as they sat alone in the bathroom. Aria clothed herself in one of the large robes provided, handing one to Tonya for her brother. She wasn't sure how much time passed before the two man knocked on the door.

    "Alright, guy seems to be dead asleep." one of them said as Aria peeked her head out of the bathroom. Seeing Lucien laying covered on one of the beds, she quickly rushed over to his side.

    "We turned the heat up far as it can go, so you two should warm up soon... Also, we ordered room service. Hope you like tea, little lady." the other one said.

    Aria turned to look at the three of them before giving a warm smile and bowing.

    "Thank you all so much. I don't know how I can repay you..."

    "All in a day's work! But shit, the fucker is heavy ain't he?"

    Aria laughed lightly as they four of them said their goodbyes and she was alone. Pulling the robe tighter around her, Aria sighed and climbed into bed next to her brother, resting her head on the pillow and moving as close as she could without being physically on top of him. Right then, she couldn't stand to be even an inch away from him until he woke up. After a few minutes, Aria could no longer keep her eyes open, and they fluttered closed. Moments later, she slipped back into the realm of unconsciousness.
    Taboo Sho likes this.
  17. Reira

    Reira New Member

    Emotions Part II - A collaboration between Vox and Reira

    "Ugh..my head feels like a train hit it" Lucien shifted up in the bed as he awoke. Looking over his shoulder he noticed Aria resting her head on the bed. Staring down at her long hair draped over her face. Her small breath panting silently. she seemed to be sleeping in true peace. " Hey...uh wake up yea? " He reached over to tap her sholder but as he placed his hand on her the robe she was wearign slid down just a bit down her shoulder, exposing her bare chest. Lucien gasped but quickly placed two hands over his mouth his nose started to trickle a bit of blood down his nose. Quickly turning his back and pretending he was sleep.

    Aria mumbled incoherently in her sleep as she felt a light tap on her shoulder. Being the light sleeper as she was, her eyes fluttered open and she yawned lightly, rubbing at her eyes. Sitting up slowly, she looked around her, eyes falling to Lucien who seemed to still be resting.

    "Wha...? I could have sworn I felt something..." she mumbled, reaching over and pushing her brother's arm lightly. "Hey, are you pretending? I know you just poked me or something." she said sleepily, not noticing her robe had slipped open. Her mind was still a bit clouded with exhaustion that hadn't faded yet.

    " Ahem" Lucien said as he cleared his throat. " N...noo..no i didnt tap you, nope sure not me nah wasnt me at all nope"

    :Yeah, sure." she said, sighing and falling backwards onto the bed. Briefly she looked down at herself and saw that her robe had come a bit loose and she quickly pulled it closed with her hands, face turning a light pink as she tightened the rope at her waist. Clearing her throat, she turned her head and looked towards Lucien, though he wasn't facing her. "How are you feeling? You gave me quite a scare last night after... after what happened."

    Feeling that it was now safe to turn around, he sat up against the headboard of the bed. " I gave you a scare? what you meant to say is you gave me a scare. are you feeling ok? because im fine i just ....i got a bit exhausted." He had not opened up to her about the incursio he had preformed. it was something he felt she need not know, it would only add more things for her to worry about. " Im fine honestly. how do you feel after last night?"

    Aria scooted over to give her brother a bit more room, but didn't bother to change positions. She was confortable lying against the pillows. Listening to Lucien, she was just barely convinced that he was alright, but didn't press it any further. When it came to how she was feeling... Aria herself wasn't quite sure. So much had happened...

    "I think I'll live." she started, fingers nervously twirling a few strands of her hair together. "Last night I... I said a lot of things I shouldn't have. I'm sorry for everything." she said to him. With a sigh she turned, letting her back face him. "I let my emotions get the better of me and I took it out on you. I don't know how you can even stand to be near me right now." she said, her gray eyes staring at the closed curtains of the suite. It seemed the sun was harsh behind them.

    " It's alright i said some things too that i shoudlnt have said, sorry...i didnt mean to make you worry. Besides how can you say how can i stand to be near you? Aria come on now i've been forced to be around you all my life" he chuckled to himself softly, placing both his hands behind his head and letting himself relax he breathed in and exhaled loudly. " Well if you're feeling up to it to make up for yesterday i'll do 2 things today no matter what they are i'll do em, but only two! and they gotta be cool too. So it looks like its early and we are at the best beach resort i can think of. So what would you like to do, of course we could just chill here and eat food. which I'D LOVE TO DO" Nudging her with his knee he tried to get her to turn around and face him.

    Aria smiled. "Being around me all the time. Isn't that reason enough to want some distance?" she asked him, laughing lightly herself. As she listened to his next words, a single eyebrow raised. He was doing the thing again. Whenever he wasn't sure how to apoligize properly, he seemed to settle on simply granting her a wish or two. Aria chewed her lip, her mind always going to the wrong places when he said that. Blushing, she cleared her throat.

    "If you choose to continue tempting me brother, I may request something you might not like." she threatened, pushing herself up into a sitting position. "Had you returned at a normal time yesterday, you would know I made your favorite to eat." she said, pointing a manicured finger towards the kitchen area. "I'm not very up for adventuring today after what happened last night. I seem to be a bad luck magnet." she told him, moving to sit next to him. "Sure you want to stick around?"

    Squinting his eyes he stared at the kitchen table. a picnic basket and two bowls were sitting. " Yoooo food did you really make all that for me? what is it?" Lucien thought to himself of what it could be but was still too groggy to give it much thought. His stomach started to rumble so of course he was ready to chow down on whatever it was she made. " Oh and before you get any ideas if it's not something i want to do i get to say no" he said sticking out a sly smile. "Besides you're not a bad luck magnet. If you are then i'l just bear through it and deal. i'll be your good luck charm." Lucien turned and put one foot out of the bed, getting ready to head for the kitchen table.

    Blinking at him, Aria would grin and shake her head, thinking to herself how adorable that was of him to say. Though her brother was a bit rough around the edges, he somehow always knew exactly what to say to cheer her up. With a smile like that, how could Aria not love him?

    When he made a motion to move, Aria's hand shot out, almost on instinct, to keep him from leaving. Blushing at the movement, she quickly thought of something to say, anything that would keep him in place for just a few moments longer.

    'W-wait! I... I want to use one of my requests now." she told him. Her eyes moved up to his and she held his gaze, something a bit more intense behind her gray orbs.

    Before he could get out the bed completely Aria grabbed his arm and mentioned calling in a request already. " So early huh? " Lucien sat back in the bed and leaned back " Ok what up what did you have in mind exactly? make it fast cause food"

    Aria hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest as she was feeling indecisive. Should she ask for what she truly wanted, or should she make something up and waste a request. In her head, she was silently debating with herself, though she was reminded of the incident that had happened the previous night. She had been on the edge of death... It had taken her to reach that point before she finally confessed to him. Though had he forgotten? Lucien didn't seem like he had remembered at all. Aria wondered if that was a good thing, and if she should just drop it altogether... though what would be the consequence of setting her feelings aside once again?

    Taking a deep breath, Aria steeled herself, wanting to commit to her resolve. Looking back at Lucien she parted her lips, speaking a moment later. "I want you... to close your eyes." she told him firmly, wanting it to be known that she was being serious.

    Lucien laughed a bit at the request. " Ha! is that all? ok easy consider it done" He closed his eyes unasure of what it was she had planned, probably feed him a sandwhich or something like that. Though for a split second impure thoughts rushed into his head, why they were there was unknown to even him. Why now of all times? has he been secretly harboring feelings for aria all these years? or was it a heat of the moment deal? either way he waited impatiently." Well im waiting"

    A bit surprised when Lucien had actually complied without a fight, Aria hesitated. Her eyes studied his face for a few moments before inevitably focusing on his lips. Face red, Aria slowly leaned towards him until they were just a few inches apart. Her heart pounded and she could hear its steady beat loud in her ears.

    "D-don't move..." she said to him, her voice barely a whisper. A moment later, she closed the space between them and left a tender, tentative kiss on his lips, her own seeming to hover for a second before she pressed harder, putting a bit more force into it as she leaned into him.

    Lucien felt a warmth he had not felt in a long time, a somehat animal like instict took over him. he coulnt believe what was happening before him but his body moved without him thinking about the actions. Pressing taking one arm he ran it trhough her long hair, it felt warm to the touch, with the other hand he placed it firmly on her chest. Deciding what he was doing was ok he pressed his lips up against hers forcefully. only to pull back gently for a brief momet. " Once....we do this, there is no going back..."

    Aria's face was flushed and she was panting lightly when Lucien pulled away from her. Looking into his eyes, she searched for any signs of uncertainty, though he seemed to harbor none. Perhaps it was simply her who was hesitant. She had question for a long time if it was really alright for her to love him like this.

    "I... I wont ask you to stop." she told him, a hand coming up and brushing a bit of his own hair out of his forehead. She smiled at him, completely into his whole rugged look. Aria decided that in this moment, she'd lay her fears to rest and do what her heart wanted for once.

    "Then...i won't stop....no matter how much you beg" Lucien embraced her firmly and lead into a stronger kiss, causing Aria to let out a contented sigh. He could feel her tender tounge intertwine with his. His firm hand cupped her round breast in one hand seeming to massage it, tearing a muffled gasp from her mouth. He'd been down this rodeo before with other women. It was at this point he took control. grabbing her hand and placing it near his waist all the while not breaking the lip lock he had with her. " I hope you're ready for this...." he whispered into her ear as he pulled away.

    " KNOCK KNOCK!" came from the front door before Aria could respond to him. Quickly he stopped what he was doing almost immedietly coming to his senses. " Lu! Lu are you woke yet sleepy head? are you ok!? open the door!" Lucien could hear Tonya outside the door and it ony made sense that she'd come and check on them since last night. " Shit..." He didnt say much after that he slowly got from under Aria and took off the robe, exposing his heavilly muscular frame, Tossing on just his jacket he still wore his boxers. He walked to the door and cleared his throat adjusting himself. "You may want to head to the back...." he said to Aria before he opened the door.

    Quickly sitting up, Aria complied and slid from the bed before moving farther into the suite, a separate room where the second bed was, not wanting Tonya to see her. Heart still racing, she felt a deep sense of longing, upset that the two of them were interrupted. She could still feel where he had touched her, as if his hands had left a trail of fire on her skin. Not once had any man every had this kind of effect on her. Sighing softly, she went to her bag of things and decided it would be best to simply dress up while Lucien and Tonya had some time to themselves. Though she still didn't like the girl, Aria couldn't reject her wanting to see Lucien after last night, though the feeling didn't sit well in her stomach.

    Aria dressed slowly, her mind not entirely there. She somehow managed to slip into her jeans and a loost tshirt before returning to the bed to sit down. Just barely she could hear Lucien and Tonya talking in the other room, and with a goan, she buried her head into a pillow, grabbing another and covering her ears. She didn't want to her Tonya's voice right now. All she wanted to think about was how soft Lucien's lips had felt agaist hers...
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Opening the door slowly after aria moved to another room Lucien welcomed Tonya into the suite. " Sup T" Lucien was not fully clothed in fact he only wore his black jacket and boxers. Tonya's face was flush red when she saw him. " Lu put on some clothes...." Lucien looked down then glared back at her. " Fair point" He said walking to the door and pulling his black pants from the knob. They were left to dry from the previous night. Slipping each leg into them he asked, " So uh whats up?" Tonya walked over to the couch sitting peacefully. " I came to check up on you after last night. " Oh yea my bad sorry to worry you i just got tired, had a long day and a chain of events that i didn't expect to happen..."

    Buttoning his jeans lucien fell back onto the couch next to Tonya. Almost in an instant Tonya pulled his head onto her lap. " Y..you have to be careful" laughing to himself he allowed her to have her way. Tonya messed about with his crimson hair as she tried to engage him in conversation. " Im glad you're feeling ok, She's fine too im guessing?" Lucien looked up at her from her lap and rolled his eyes. " You two just can't seem to get along ever huh..." Placing his palm on her thigh she began to blush. Even though what happened with Aria had passed his physical needs and desires were still running rampant through his mind. "S..so....so where is she. "

    Looking around the corner to see if Aria would peek through her door. " She's sleep i guess" and they both continued talking with one another.
    Reira likes this.
  19. Reira

    Reira New Member

    Aria spent a good amount of time brooding to herself, her face buried into a pillow. Eventually her heart calmed and her mind stilled, though both were still filled with Lucien. Slowly she sat up, hearing the two in the other room talking softly before her phone buzzed loudly. She looked towards the small thing, it was still on the floor, plugged in where she had left it the night before. Moving towards it, it buzzed again just moments before her fingers grasped it. She turned it on as she moved to her things, slipping some shoes to relieve her toes from the unforgiving cold floor of the suite. A message displayed on the screen with a number she didn't recognize.

    I trust all is well?

    Aria's golden brow raised at the message as she couldn't begin to think of who it was from. She was about to respond when her stomach growled painfully and she pressed her hand upon it. She wasn't sure when she had eaten last. Slowly she moved towards the door and peeked out, seeing Lucien and Tonya relaxing comfortably on the bed she had shared with him a short time ago. An ache pulled at her heart when she saw them together... despite the things she and Tonya disagreed on, there was nothing she could do to keep Lucien away from her. It wouldn't be fair to him...

    Her phone buzzed again and she jumped, startled at the sudden sensation. She looked at it, the same unknown number had messaged her again.


    She shook her head, unsure how the person even knew her name. Aria felt suspicious. A moment later her phone erupted into song, her ringtone playing loudly as the unknown number ended up calling her instead of messaging. Face red with embarassment, Aria quickly scurried out of the room, clutching her phone tightly as she passed Tonya and Lucien. She turned to them and bowed apologetically.

    "P-Pardon me, I'm going to just step out for a little while and get some air. There's food in case you two get hungry." she said, eyes avoiding Lucien purposely. It was nearly unbearable to see him comfortable with someone else. Quickly, she turned and left the room, closing the suite door behind her. She wanted to put some distance between her and them, as she felt almost suffocated in the jealousy and doubt that started to swirl within her.

    The ringing from her phone was relentless and she was unable to ignore it any farther. With a bit of an annoyed tone, she answered and raised the small device to her ear.

    "Hello?" she answered.

    "Aria? It's me." said a familiar voice.

    "F-Father!? When did you... how?" she responded, stunned as she stopped walking down the hall. She was only a few doors away from the suite.

    "You must be surprised. I went and picked up one of these little devices so that I could check on you... Though it took me quite some time to find your phone number." he said before his familiar loud laugh rattled her eardrum.

    "Well, I'm certainly glad you did. How are you?" she asked, slowly sliding down the wall. She sat on the floor in the hallway, knees pulled into her chest as she listened to her Father's familiar voice. Oh how she had missed it.

    "I am well, my daughter, though it is you that is more important. Are things going well." he asked her. She didn't reply for a long moment, her gray eyes falling and focusing on the intricate designs of the carpeting beneath her.

    "It's... going as well as it can." she said finally. In turn, he was quiet. Aria wondered if somehow he could just know... know everything without her having to spill it all to him.

    "Tell me." he said to her, his voice was gentle. "Is it Lucien?"

    With a sigh, she dropped her head to her knees. "It is always Lucien..." she told him.

    And then she had told him everything.
  20. Reira

    Reira New Member

    Aria wiped at her eyes, sniffing as she finished relaying everything that had happened to her Father. Though she wished she wasn’t, the Princess couldn’t help how easy it was to get her to cry. Her gray eyes fluttered closed as she waited for her Father’s reaction. She was certain he’d scold her for… a few things. Fully aware that it would be forbidden for her to love Lucien the way she did, Aria couldn’t help the way her heart fluttered and sang only for him. It wasn’t as if she had planned to fall in love with him, and she couldn’t even remember the moment when he’d became everything to her. It was as if one day she’d woken up and saw him as not a brother or future King… but as himself. She loved him entirely as he was, flaws and all.

    Her father took his time before responding to her. He had stayed silent on his end the entire time she had spoken to him, even though the light sobs that escaped his daughter. He wanted nothing more than to be there for her in that moment and hold her close to him, comforting her, though it was not only impossible, but would go against everything he was trying to have them achieve.

    ”Aria, still your tears, my daughter and listen to what I will say to you know.” he said, his tone firm but not as if he was upset with her.

    ”S-Sorry.” she mumbled, stretching her legs out in front of her.

    ”Now, tell me, is Lucien there with you?” he asked her.

    ”No, he’s… with a friend right now.” she said, looking down the hall towards the suite

    Her father seemed to understand completely, catching the sadness in her voice. ”Aria…” he started.

    ”It’s fine, Father. I can’t keep them apart, it wouldn’t be fair to him. As much as I dislike her, he seems to be enamored.” she said, cutting him off before he continued. ”Try as I might, I cannot control his heart.” she said, looking away from the door, back towards the ground. A laugh came from her father, the sound was loud in her ear and she pulled her phone a few inches away from her face, frowning at it. What the hell was it that the old man had found so funny?

    ”That’s where you’re wrong my daughter. Lucien may be difficult, though he’s just like any other man at his core. You just need to know what it is that he wants. It’s not something you can simply ask him, as he likely has no clue either. If I recall, your mother was very good at… How do I put it?” he paused, thinking. ”Before she became my Queen, she knew me more than even I knew myself. She had a way of knowing what I needed when I was at my lowest and how to compliment me at my best. She was the most wonderful woman I’ve ever known… You are like her in more ways than one, Aria.”

    ”You hold me to such a high standard, Father.” Aria said, smiling to herself.

    ”I only speak the truth, Aria. Lucien too is much like me in many ways. He is aware of his faults but chooses to ignore them, hiding behind his strength. With his powers gone, he will be forced to acknowledge and overcome them. Do you know what part you must play in that?” he asked her.

    Aria was quiet for a long moment, her gray eyes focused on her feet as she wiggled them and tapped the tips of her flats together. Aria knew the answer in her heart, though she hesitated, unsure if she was even worthy of such a role.

    ”Aria, you are the only one in this world strong enough to stand with him, and I’m not talking about your power alone. In terms of strength, you-“

    ”Don’t even say it. You and I both know I’m not his equal.” Aria said, blushing. Her Father was always so quick to praise her, as if he knew it was what she needed to hear. She doubted herself too much, though it didn’t go without reason.

    ”Your own fears are holding you back.”

    ”I cant control it…” she said, growing angry at her Father’s statement.

    ”You can’t control your emotions.” he said firmly, sensing the hostility in her voice. It only served to prove his point. ”Your will is too fragile, your mind is too easily strayed, and your resolve is too easily broken. You must learn to be steadfast and unbending. Only then will your powers be yours to control, Aria… and perhaps the heart you so desperately seek will be yours too.” he said, she could hear the lightness in his tone, as if he was smiling on his side of the call.

    With a sigh, Aria nodded her head. ”I understand, but what do I do?”

    ”Had you not stopped your training, you’d know the answer to that.” he said with a chuckle. ”I will have your magic instructor contact you if you wish. Perhaps he can still teach you some things despite the distance. For now, I would recommend meditation. Your mother did that often. It stills the soul.” he advised her.

    ”I will try it.” she told him. ”Thank you, Father. You really couldn’t have called at a better time.” she said, pulling her legs in and folding them underneath her. ”So many things have just made me feel uncertain.”

    ”Well, I expected some stumbles along the way.” he said with a laugh. ”Though all of that in the span of a week? My children are truly—“

    ”Well what did you expect, Father?” she asked him, cutting him off. ”You tossed a child out into the world and told a slightly more mature child to look after him.” she said, her tone a bit scolding at him.

    ”Now now, it seemed like a good idea, and I still stand behind it. As I’m sure you’re aware, the future of the Kingdom will one day rest upon the shoulders of that unruly Prince. I am a King, and it is my duty as King to leave behind only the best for my people.” he said, his voice was full of pride. Aria shook her head. King he was, and a good one.

    ”However,” he started, bringing Aria’s attention back to him. ”Before I am King, I am a father. As such, I want nothing more than my children to be happy. If there is a way for me to have both, even the smallest chance, I must grab onto it. For that reason, I wish you and Lucien to take the time you need... to see all there is to love about this Kingdom. Aria… what is it that you wish to come of all of this?”

    Aria thought for a moment, her lower lip getting caught between her teeth as she did. ”I want… to stay by Lucien’s side. To see him happy.” she said firmly. That was it… she wanted him happy. To always see him smiling and laughing, even if she wasn’t the reason behind it.

    ”Then you have much more you need to endure, my daughter, should you choose that path.” her Father said, though it was clear he was talking more than just staying by his side. Aria was fully aware, if there was to be anything between her and Lucien, there were only going to be harder times ahead of them. The question was… would Aria be able to accept Lucien having to go through those things just to be with her?

    ”Aria, I must go now.”

    Blinking, Aria clutched the phone tighter. ”Already? B-But-“

    ”I do not wish to interfere too much. Don’t speak of this talk to Lucien, do you understand?”

    ”I… Y-Yes Father, I understand. When will I hear from you again?” she asked him, slowly using the wall as support to stand. Once on her feet, she stretched out her legs, one of them having fallen asleep beneath her.

    ”I don’t know. Perhaps longer this time. My own worries got the better of me, though hearing your voice has stilled my mind.”

    ”Alright Father, you take care of yourself at least.” she said to him, leaning her head against the wall. ”Love you, Dad.”

    The King seemed to be a bit stunned at her last words but he did good not to let it show. ”And you as well, my daughter, take care.”

    Lowering the phone from her ears, she ended the call and turned the thing off, stuffing it into the pocket of her jeans. Slowly, she made her way back towards the door to their suite, her mind full of thoughts, though they didn’t seem to overwhelm her. When she approached the door, Aria paused as she reached a hand towards the handle, remembering that Lucien and Tonya were still in there. With a light sigh, she stepped away and leaned against the all once again, sliding down to the floor and closing her eyes once she assumed a comfortable position. She hadn’t brought any money with her sadly, and she was hungry, but also didn’t want to enter the room and disturb whatever was going on in there.

    Reaching up, she ran a hand through her hair catching a few snags and pulling them loose. ”Geez…” she mumbled under her breath as her stomach groaned again, persistently urging her to find something to eat.

    ”Wait… It’ll be over soon.” she said, praying the blue haired woman would come out of the room already.

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