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KH3 E3 Trailer

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3' started by Derek, Jun 11, 2017.

  1. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Even I got a lil excited. At least it seems to be getting some work put in. Now I just hope it's not rushed like KH2 was.
    Desert Warrior and Nova like this.
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Yeah, it looks amazing!
    Maleficent and Pete are looking for a Black box in Olympus Coliseum and needs Hades help to find it.

    Xemnas tells Sora that in order to bring Roxas back that he must finally call upon darkness.
  3. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Is it odd to say that the most amazing animation detail to me was Hades model? Even the fire hair was like the movie. xD

    I'm thinking the Xemnas part is a red herring. He likely means turning into a heartless again. I'm not even sure that'd bring Roxas back. Roxas & Namine had very unique circumstances that first time.

  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Oh boy does this look amazing. This is the Coliseum world we've deserved. Also this video helps confirm a thought I've had lately. With this big surge of massive open world games lately I began thinking that KH is going to go that way as well, with each world moving more towards one massive area instead of several "sectors" connected to each other. Footage of (I assume) Tangled's world and Olympus Coliseum seems to be pointing in this direction.

    KH2 was rushed? Like officially? Or is that speculation?

    That's what I figured Xemnas meant. Until Nomura changes the rules on us, the only way to make a nobody is to lose a heart. That scene could be Xemnas trying to trick Sora into losing his heart, which would then help Xehanort succeed in his plans.

    Also as long as Sora has Ventus' heart within him, I'm pretty certain Roxas could be brought back. Namine wouldn't be able to due to her being formed from Kairi's heart leaving Sora as Sora lost his heart. But I see no reason why Roxas wouldn't be brought back if Sora lost his heart.
  5. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I sure hope so. Hopefully they also make some parts fill less empty as well. Not every world or place, just spots where you expect people to be. Like a town or the Coliseum seats. *remembers BBS*

    Last I remember it was rushed. The quote saying that may be obscure though. What I do know is that the KH2 final mix has a lot of what Nomura wanted in the original version. The fact they're almost like different games in content kinda paints a picture that something must've went awry there.

    Well it wasn't just Sora being a nobody. What made Roxas himself was that he lacked Sora's memories. He couldn't remember being Sora, likewise Ven was asleep so he couldn't be Ven, so Roxas instead had to be himself. It's why he was so vacant only to grow.

    Kairi returned Sora to normal depriving Roxas those memories, Ven was way less active making him basically not there, you can't really replicate those events again. We saw Ven being active in KHDDD, there's no certainty he'll remain in the body this time if all those hearts are released. Kairi may not be around or able to bring Sora back so Roxas may not come out as exactly Roxas.

    I'm just spit ballin what ifs though. I do find it odd they'd try to temp Sora. If he does turn heartless and even half the things I listed happen then Xehanort loses a chance at Sora, Roxas and Ven all at once. It's kinda puzzling....
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    At any rate, it seems like the Disney villains are going to be somewhat more involved in the story than they were in KH2, which I can chalk up as a good thing.
    Derek and Nova like this.
  7. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Agreed. They should've been for a long time. :D
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    While I agree with that statement, I can also understand why they wouldn't have been as involved in other installments since KH1. But I think that's better off left to a different conversation.

    I'm definitely hoping that the increased involvement of Maleficent and crew will also mean giving the Disney Worlds more pull within the plot as a whole. Though I think that much will go without saying; those world will have more influence than they did in KH2, for sure.
  9. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Them not being AS involved is understandable, their fall into anime filler isn't. It's not really much of a different conversation to have. Small things would've worked. For example, KH2 could've had the Org appear in the Disney worlds more with the explanation that they're releasing heartless into each world rather than them just still hanging around or using Pete.

    I have a crack theory that KH3 will show Maleficent ending up in Unchained from the secret ending of Chi.
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Here I always assumed the stuff in final mix was added when they decided to expand the series beyond KH2.

    I forget if it was fan theory or the actual explanation, but I remember reading somewhere either Ven was used as a template for Roxas, which would explain why he didn't look like Sora, or that Roxas somehow was in possession of Ven's heart and that's how he was able to have actual emotions unlike the rest of the Organization.

    I'm certain Xehanort would be fine without them. Honestly tricking Sora into becoming a heartless means more that there will be one less obstacle to overcome and less that Xehanort's plans will be derailed. Setting aside the actual logic of his plans, in universe Xehanort has been established to basically be Batman with the number of countermeasures he's set up. So he's got multiple plans for if Sora isn't around anymore.
  11. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Nah. KH2FM originally released in 06, a year after OG KH2. We all know KH wasnt made thought out too far in advance, more like stages. That's not to say some of it wasn't due to that, I mean in retrospect that'd make the whole Lingering Will boss make far more sense. Even OG KH2 was setting up BBS with it's ending.

    It was both if memory serves. As soon as KH2FM's secret ending was hit the net theories were everywhere. The Terranort and Ven>Roxas theories were rampant.

    Sora's heartless was somehow returned to a human form thanks to Kairi, Sora regained his memories. Ventus, who was within Sora, remained within Sora's body but he was still deeply asleep. So Ven was there which is what let Roxas use two keyblades at once, one from Sora, another from Ven.

    Whether Ven helped him feel before he developed his own persona is up in the air I think. Back when I kept track of interviews, all I remember seeing was confirmation he was indeed inside Roxas. Roxas is his own man now but I could see a good debate being made that Ven is a big part of why.

    Bah, Xehanort is more like Sosuke Aizen at this point with his inhuman level of scheming. You have a point very valid though, Xehanort likely has twenty backups.
  12. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Black box....ya mean the Master of Master box. I wonder what Maleficent want with that box.....
  13. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Hopefully something good so she'll be relevant/a threat. :D
  14. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Maybe she knows Luxu >_<
  15. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Hopefully he's not alive. Dx
  16. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    He probably is lol
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    If he's not, he'll probably get a rez just like everyone else. Death has as few consequences in KH as it does in Dragonball.
  18. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Something which bothers me more and more.

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