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Weather: what's it like where you are?

Discussion in 'General' started by NightShadow, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Been up to 84 degrees here for the past week or so. Terrible time for the A/C to go out in both my car and apartment.
  2. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    D: How are you standing the heat!?
  3. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Yeah. In the nighttime it sometimes gets a little chilly but not cold.

    Right now it's 79 but feels like 85 with a 10% chance of rain
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Sunny and breezy in the low 80s here over the weekend. I think it's supposed to stay nice, at least for a few days.
  5. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I love hearing about new places. :D So it goes from hot to chilly? Do you have seasons?

    I hope it does. I work the next few days, some nice weather will offset the idiots I have to look at.
    Kitty likes this.
  6. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Yes Puerto Rico does have seasons but you barely see them. It does get Hotter during the summer but it's still Hot and everu other month. Because you come here during The first few months itll be hot but not crazy hot like the summer months.

    RIght now its 83 but feels like 92.
  7. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    So it's basically always hot to varying degrees?

    Weather where I'm at is usually random. It usually has four seasons but the intensity of each is never consistent.
  8. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Yes. Today was 103...but it rained and now its at 77 but it feels soooo hot right now
  9. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    It's no 103 but I wish it'd rain to kill pollen a bit more. My area really sucks for pollen. Dx
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    After, I dunno, two weeks straight of hellish temperatures, It's finally cooled down to a not totally miserable lower 80s. They keep saying it's supposed to rain, but my area keeps dodging it, and so far, it's sunny.
  11. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I loved the weather myself today. I was in Florida for one of those weeks, I was told it was hotter here than down there.
  12. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    The past couple days have been rainy and muggy. The temperature was cool which was nice for a change and I loved being surrounded with a slight storm. Yesterday it got really humid, unfortunate downside to the rain. It wasn't all too comfortable being outside. Hopefully the weather is better today, I just haven't yet stepped outside to check.
  13. me4lingual

    me4lingual Active Member

    Ohio is known for crazy weather patterns. For instamce , this week we had extreme heat, rain, hail, and now it is cold out. It is wise to bring a jacket with you because while you may not need it in the morning, you may need it by the end of the day.

    Today, is supposed to start out cold, near freezing, and reach 70°F (21°C).
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Autumn is beautiful in my part of Utah. Days have mostly been clear, we don't get a lot of rain normally. Gets pretty cold overnight and in the early morning but by noon the temperature is usually in the 50 degree range which is fine by me. I can tell it's getting colder though so I'll appreciate it while I can.
  15. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    We're shifting through days of hoodies and short sleeves. KY never is consistent...if anything it being cold this soon is a worry.
  16. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't know that it's much to worry about, but it's for sure been a helluva cold snap these last few days. I'm glad I didn't get rain today, at least. It rained yesterday and made it miserable outside. Today was sort of dreary, but clear.
  17. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Sadly I got the rain. If it was any colder I may have had snow flurries tbh. Not enough to matter but it being that cold at all this early is worrisome.
  18. me4lingual

    me4lingual Active Member

    It has been so gloomy today. The sky was littered with so many clouds, that it almost felt ominous looking outside. I only went outside to feed Luke (the puppy), and to go to the grocery store. The rest of the time was spent at home in various states of undress (because ominous or not, Sunday is my laundry day).
  19. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I am out of state visiting family, and it is cold! No snow, though, so I suppose that's something to be thankful for.
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    It's cold outside. And inside.

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