• Square Elite
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Square Elite- General and Community Rules

Discussion in 'Rules & FAQ' started by Taboo Sho, Oct 3, 2017.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    With the forum change, and all of the moving around we’re doing with the sections, it was about time we got around to revising the old rules and of course, adding the new ones.

    • ONE Account per person, no exceptions.

    • Respect the forum. As a member you represent the forum, and your actions reflect on that.

    • Respect one another. Treat others the way you yourself want to be treated.

    • Respect the Staff. They are here to help, but do not take their warnings or suggestions lightly.

    • Please refrain from making a scene. If you have a disagreement with a staff member or admin, please take your concern directly to them. They will address it in kind. Members may address @Hope Or @Vox for issues they would rather keep anonymous or just don't want to address with the staff member they might have offense with.

    • Any and ALL Rule breaking should be reported to staff immediately, they will take care of it. Do not try and take it into your own hands.

    • Do not link to any illegal websites. If you find a site to download photoshop or free music, don’t link it here. No Piracy as well(taking images, etc that aren’t yours, and without permission is prohibited.)

    • Please refrain from using excessive text speak or slang.

    • No advertising other websites- you may post a link in your signature, but if staff feels it is too far we will go in and remove it from your sig and tell you. A simple link "and check this site out" will work

    • No spam or irrelevant posts are allowed. Please stay on topic in whichever thread you are viewing and responding to.

    • No pornography or sexually explicit images.

    • No posting anyone's private information.

    • No multi-posting- you may multi post in sections showcasing your work i.e. traditional and digital showcase.

    • Some forums have separate rules, read them and follow them.

    • The Signature Limit is 500x300 pixels. Any larger and it will be removed.

    • Images in threads should be no bigger than 800x800. If you can't tell the size, please be reasonable. Is it going to extend the post where nobody can read it, or is it going to cause people to scroll a lot to get to the next post?
    The Staff know and follow each of these rules, and they will uphold them. Please review them as necessary, and enjoy your time on Square Elite!

    Warning System-

    1. Informal warning via VM or PM
    2. Formal warning
    3. Infraction
    4. Temporary ban- this time period can range from a couple of days to a year
    5. Permanent Ban
    Square Elite staff reserves the right to skip to temporary or even permanent ban for more serious offenses to any of the above rules.

    Questions may be asked here.
    Angel likes this.

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