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Remembering the DMC Reboot

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Derek, Sep 6, 2017.

  1. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member


    Now I’m not gonna blast it about aesthetic changes or Re:Dante’s hair, there’s been enough of that. Instead, the only true issue I had with the reboot was personality. I just could not stand it, for any character.

    For instance, Vergil. There’s nothing okay about the baby murder scene, nothing. I also didn’t like that they went down the same root as Classic Vergil.
    To me, if you’re gonna reboot then try something new with Vergil. I liked the brother dynamic, I would’ve preferred to see what happens in a story where the brothers remain close.

    Then Mundus. I didn’t understand their ideology here. Why make Mundus some corporate man? Mundus has literal god scale power. He had no reason to fool humanity, he could’ve just enslaved it which would’ve made far more sense to me since he had the power to do it.
    The corporate CEO angle for reboot Mundus was just superfluous.

    Then Dante. I think he had room to grow like Classic Dante did over DMC3 but this didn’t happen. I could barely stand to hear him talk because of how much pointless swearing he did. It made this Dante seem pathetic because he’s trying to appear cool or edgy.
    Classic Dante was cool to a degree but overall he was entertaining. He had fun, you had fun watching him, and he was witty without cursing much if at all.

    They changed things in a bad way rather than rebooting what was good in a new way.

    For example, while playing, I thought it would’ve been a more believable growth if Dante grew from his interactions with Vergil, Kat and perhaps some of the human allies.
    Dante didn’t need some love interest bullshit, just have him understand humanity more. This would’ve been a greater aspect to show him grow since this Dante isn’t even part human. (this dante is a demon/angel hybrid) What’s it like for a being not human at all to try and understand them? Ya know?

    Plus Vergils’ group was a perfect set up for a series long story. Vergil could’ve been a fun alt character, Kat could’ve been a support that lead to Dante having spells and so no.

    *sighs* Perhaps it just disappoints me that the PS4 edition had funner gameplay and the lore is interesting to me.

    Like the idea of the nephilim. I liked this idea. I didn’t mind that Dante looked different nor did I mind that he was some angel/demon hybrid. If anything, this intrigued me.

    Then there was the angels, where were they?
    Hell, perhaps we could’ve had a story of Dante and Vergil freeing the souls of their parents or something.

    There was just so much potential here and it was just kinda…thrown away. Lots of lost potential. =[
  2. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I see no reason to make a new DMC thread. Need to alter the title maybe. Anywho:

  3. Rogue

    Rogue Member

    This game is so edgy. It's hard to defend...
  4. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I dont even try. Had potential though, I wont deny that however slight it was.
  5. Rogue

    Rogue Member

    It was still a decent game, but I'd much rather see Devil May Cry 5. Perhaps at E3 this June.
  6. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    It just tried too hard to be edgy, Dante cursed like he's a 14yr old that just learned the word "f*ck". They ruined Vergil and I'm unclear on Munus' reason. Why rule secretly when he has the godlike power to rule bluntly?

    I would love DMC5. They're bringing the collection to PS4.

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