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The Inori Chronicles (Private RP) OOC

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by RebelMurf, Oct 26, 2017.

  1. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    The world of Gaura is inhabited by all kinds of beings. The most dominant are Humans, Elves and Dwarves. Throughout the centuries there have been conflicts between the races, wars raged on long and bloody. That is until new foes appeared. It was the day of a battle, humans and dwarfs had gathered together to face a common foe, the elves. The battle had raged on for hours, neither side yielding a quarter. The elves had the superior weaponry, but it was negated by the human witches and their magic. Thousands of lives had been lost and each side was becoming desperate, their numbers were dwindling, the moral was failing; and that’s when it happened. The sun was blocked by the moon and darkness engulfed the land. Both armies came to a standstill neither of them able to comprehend what was occurring. A tense silence hung in the air and was only broken by the moans and cries of the wounded and dying. Then chaos erupted. Retreat horns were sounded by the armies, men dwarves and elves fled from a new foe. Monsters appeared seemingly out of nowhere and began attacking unprejudiced. In the chaos elves, dwarves and humans followed each other to find shelter, folk who had until moments ago been killing each other were now picking each other up, helping each other fend off this new threat. In the years that followed the races began working uneasily together. The elves shared their knowledge of weaponry with the humans and dwarves, and in return the human witches would take on elven apprentices. Dwarves who had a proficiency for mining found and traded rare materials to improve gear and weaponry.

    With the appearance of monsters in the world there was a new job to be had. Research began on how to combat this new enemy. Magic proved the most successful. The races banded their collective knowledge together to develop weaponry and means to defeat the new enemy. Many knights of each race stepped forward as combatants, and while the magically enhanced weapons help with lesser monsters, the fighter’s reaction time and strength couldn’t match those of higher monsters. The next step was clear. Experimentation began on those willing to participate with the knowledge of the great risk involved. The experiments ended as expected. In failure, the death rate stood at one hundred percent. And while it was seen as an honour to die for the greater good fewer and fewer volunteers stepped forward. The fated day arrived when both an elf and human survived the trials they were subjected to. The two who survived showed enhanced ability in every regard. Their natural senses were heighted, their strength and speed had become augmented to match the strongest known monsters. They even proved susceptible to magic. The privilege of which was previously reserved only for witches. It would later be discovered that those who had been enhanced, were they not killed through their work; their lifespan was extended. Through extensive training the two became the saviours the world needed. In the years that followed the two spent many years killing, monster after monster. When one was cut down, it seemed two more would take its place. The two decided they needed extra hands and went on to have children. Due to the mutations; these children were born with deformities, often being stillborn or not living for more than a year. It was soon agreed that those who underwent the mutations would undertake a procedure to render themselves sterile. Instead it was agreed people would send a child to one of the two schools formed that were responsible for producing the enhanced.

    Further experimentation proved that the trials only worked on the males of those sent from the human and elven race. While the two schools had ultimately the same goals in mind their teachings and combat styles differed. With the high production rate of the enhanced, monsters soon became less of a threat. They retreated to remote places and the confidence that the enhanced instilled in the people caused them to turn to them with all sorts of problems. It was soon established that matters such as crimes would be judged by the enhanced when they were present in different areas. Throughout this time investigation was carried out on how the people came to be in this predicament. Racial tensions were still high, and the threat of a renewed war was imminent. A council was held between the three races, the enhanced were mediating and the situation was becoming frustrating for all parties involved.

    During the talks an offhand comment from an enhanced would change the world. While the dwarves were blaming the elves for the monsters an enhanced would comment that the elves had no means to cause the sun to turn black, and more than likely it would take great magic to accomplish something like that. The room was silent for a long tense moment when all as one the three races turned on the witches. The enhanced were forced to act for their safety and rumours soon spread claiming the enhanced believed the witches to be at fault for the dark day. The people were quick to accept this as truth and despite the efforts of the enhanced they could do little to quell the anger directed at the witches. To avoid lynch mobs and riots some witches moved to the Enhanced schools. Tensions were high, and times became very trying for the witches. The world changed once again for the worse one fateful day when an enhanced and his witch partner were returning from a job. While they were walking through a town when the witch was struck in the head with a rock. Try as he may there was nothing the enhanced could do and the witch passed on. The culprit was severely punished but this wasn’t the end of it. There were those in the witches covens who took great offence that they were now seen as low as the monsters they supposedly allowed into this world, and this latest offence was the final straw. A group of witches confronted a mob. Choice words were thrown from both sides and the enhanced gathered in number in an attempt to keep the peace. This proved to be in vain and things quickly broke down. The enhanced were forced to attack both witches and citizens alike when a riot broke out. Things ended in a bloodbath. Corpses of people, enhanced and witches littered the town. The witches proceeded to break away from the enhanced, and as a result the majority of witches who couldn’t forgive the people and blamed the enhanced for their ordeal became another entry on a long list of monsters.

    A millennium has passed since these events. During that time the enhanced worked diligently and eventually the world saw fewer and fewer incidences involving both monsters and witches. Due to the increased risk involved in being an enhanced fewer and fewer were accepting apprentices due to the fact that training was time consuming and many apprentices would die before they could undergo the trails. This resulted in a decrease in the number of active enhanced. The world was in for one more twist of fate when both schools seemingly without reason closed their gates and the enhanced disappeared. The schools fell mostly to ruin and no one saw or heard anything from an enhanced for over one hundred years.

    When the enhanced made themselves known to the world again there was considerably less of them. None bar themselves knew their exact numbers. The world had been forced to change without them. Kings now ruled different provinces that all seemed to have an uneasy alliance with each other. Times have changed for the enhanced. However monarchs and commoners alike know the history of the land and still show them the respect due to their guild. People still volunteer to undergo the trails but few enhanced are willing to accept an apprentice. Our story starts with....















    *Theme: *Optional

    Private role play for now. Some people have been approached. If anyone is interested in joining shoot me a message.
  2. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Name: Ausar Dan Inori

    Age: Exact age unknown

    Race: Human Enhanced

    Role: Enhanced - Monster Hunter - Head of the
    Human Started Enhanced School

    Description: Standing at 6”5 Ausar has a well built body with strong shoulders. His hair is medium length coloured a dirty blonde undertone. He has a tightly trimmed beard which he has a tendency to let grow out while on his travels. He has green eyes the brightness of which can be enhanced due to his mutations, almost giving them the appearance of glowing. He has scars from his many battles, the majority of which are covered by his gear.




    · Enhanced hand a half sword: The sword was created specifically for Ausar when he completed his trials. The blade was forged of the rare material Amethyst. Due to the properties of the blade his sword has natural healing abilities. This process is somewhat slow and is more effective when Ausar is not in battle or exerting himself. The blade has an array of runes etched into it. As such the blade never loses its edge and will never break. Being augmented to Ausar the blade won’t work properly for another and it will never harm Ausar in any way.

    · Enhanced Crossbow: The crossbow as with the blade is enhanced. It is extremely rare and is believed to be the last in existence. It has a few runes etched into it. The first is a rune to ensure its durability. The crossbow will never jam or misfire. A second rune when activated allows it to fire with a much greater force than a common crossbow.

    · Enhanced Dagger: A beautiful blade. It is the only one in existence and was gifted to Ausar as he was the head of his school.

    Armour: As seen in picture. It is light armour that offers a full range of movement. Crafted and enchanted for the tedious work of an Enhanced. The armour is light but durable while offering good protection to the wearer. He wears a pair of reinforced gauntlets as well as greaves. His boots are custom made from leather with a thin piece of steel at his heel for protection as well as steel toes. Each piece of armour is enhanced with runes of durability and protection. Under his armour he wears a long light but durable red coat.


    · Enhanced Senses: As an Enhanced Ausar’s senses are improved significantly compared other living beings. There are very few creatures who can match him. Through years of training he has managed to nearly perfect each individual sense.

    · Enhanced Strength: Due to his mutations Ausar’s base strength is superior to most. Through his long life training and years of fighting different monsters and men he has grown truly strong.

    · Enhanced Speed: Again his mutations have greatly bolstered Ausar’s base speed. His reflexes are also highly trained.

    · Extended life: Enhanced unlike other beings have an unusually long life span. No one knows exactly how long but through the many years in history no successfully enhanced being has died of natural causes.

    · Magic sense/defence: Enhanced have an inert ability to sense magic. The Enhanced were developed to combat monsters of varying abilities. For this reason they were made so that they could send out their own aura in search of others. Doing so exposes their own presence to any being able to sense others. They also have the ability to use their own aura as defence against different magical attacks. Most notably magic that would affect the Enhanced directly. Effectiveness depends on the skill level of the user.

    · Wealth of Experience: Ausar has been alive and fighting for a long, long time. He has become wise and efficient in many aspects of life both on and off the battlefield.

    · Alchemy Skills: Ausar can create and use a variety of potions, bombs and oils that can be applied to his weapons.


    Magical Talent: When the Enhanced were created they were made with the base for magical abilities. Some fare better than others when it comes to the level of abilities they can use. In Ausar’s case he use what witches would consider simplified magic or signs.

    · Aard: A directed blast of telekinetic energy that staggers opponents, leaving them open for a subsequent attack.

    · Igni: A fiery blast that damages. Damage scales with the intensity of the spell.

    · Yrden: A magic trap that slows or stops enemies who enter the area of effect.

    · Quen: A protective shield that can be used to protect the user or a designated target

    · Axii: Charms an opponent’s mind that can make the enemy fight for him or simply leave them in a daze. Can be used outside of battle to command weak minds.

    Enhanced sight: Enhanced can focus their eyes allowing them to see in the dark. They can also see greater distances at a clearer range than others. When this ability is activated it gives the eyes of the Enhanced the appearance of glowing.

    Enhanced metabolism: Enhanced metabolism work faster and because of this their bodies can ingest and burn through some poisons without causing any damage to the Enhanced.

    Enhanced healing: The Enhanced have a natural healing ability. They will heal from most attacks; the severity depends on how long it takes. If an Enhanced suffers too much damage they won’t be able to heal on their own.

    • Bombs: Ausar carries a variety of bombs with him. He can carry a maximum of two of each bomb at a time.
    • Dancing Star: This bomb produces an explosion which can cause opponents to catch fire
    • Dimeritium Bomb: This releases a cloud of gas that blocks magical spells and abilities
    • Samum: Blinds opponents within its explosion radius

    Each potion (White Honey excluded) carries with it a certain level of toxicity. This limits the use of each potion to a few at a time. Again he carries a maximum of two of each with him at a time.
    • Swallow: Increases Enhanced healing ability allowing them to heal greater wounds for a short period of time
    • Buzzard: Improves reflexes and reaction time
    • Petri’s Philter: Increases sign intensity
    • Tawny Owl: Boosts Stamina
    • White Raffard’s Decoction: Immediately heal a wound
    • White Honey: Resets Toxicity level and cancels all active potion effects


    • Superior Beast Oil: 50% Attack power vs Beasts
    • Superior Cursed Oil: 50% Attack power vs Cursed Ones
    • Superior Draconid Oil: 50% Attack power vs Draconids
    • Superior Elementa Oil: 50% Attack power v Elementa
    • Superior Hanged Man's Venom: 50% Attack power vs Humans and Nonhumans
    • Superior Hybrid Oil: 50% Attack power vs Hybrids
    • Superior Insectoid Oil: 50% Attack power vs Insectoids
    • Superior Necrophage Oil: 50% Attack power vs Necrophages
    • Superior Ogroid Oil: 50% Attack power vs Ogroids
    • Superior Relict Oil: 50% Attack power vs Relicts
    • Superior Specter Oil: 50% Attack power vs Specters
    • Superior Vampire Oil: 50% Attack power vs Vampires

    Biography: Will be added as the RP goes along
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Name: Hadria Caswell

    Age: Exact age unknown

    Race: Human Witch

    Role: Witch, mercenary, hunter

    Description: Hadria is 5'6'' and has an athletic, narrow, body type. She has warm toned light skin and a clear complexion. She has no battle scars of note. Her left shoulder has a grey tattoo that half sleeves down her upper arm. Her face shape is oval and she has youthful, feminine features. Her eyes are wide and bright crimson. Her hair is shoulder length, straight, and quite thick. It is the same vibrant red color as her eyes. It is unkempt and tends to be on the stringier side during her travels. She has thick, long, black eyelashes and paints a bit of black around her eyes to give her eyes a more fearsome appearance. She has been known to wear an ambiguous expression.


    • Throwing Knives: x30.
      • She has crafted several knives of various shapes. Each have a thick ring around the handle end which is adorned with abrasive spikes for blunt force. The blades of her knives vary in three shapes- 10- dual edge, 10- single edge, and 10- pierces that are more dull and come to a single sharp point at the end.
      • Her knives are made up of various metals and some have various elemental or status runes.
      • The pointed knives have shadow runes, allowing her to phase them through solid objects or clone them while throwing.
    • Wire Garrote: x1
      • A gold ring that she wears around her finger. It is hollowed out and magically enhanced with runes for durability. Inside the hollowed ring is a coil of metal wire that can be used to strangle or decapitate enemies. She uses some magic to bring it to lethal heat as well. She has 3 wire changes on her at all times in case one breaks.
    • Crossbow: x50 poison darts(Fatal). x50 paralytic darts(paralyzes the limb that they hit). x50 Disorientation darts (potent drug disorients and clouds the mind. Effects are strengthened by increased dosages.) She can use it to launch anything she can reach that will fit.
      • A small crossbow strapped to her wrist. It is of a very old design, where the arches are able to fold in neatly flush with her wrist. It is extremely compact and magically enhanced to launch projectiles at speeds that are near impossible to dodge.
    • Double Edged Sword: x1
      • Fully matte black blade, though it is a metallic silver along the sharpened edges. It has a small window engraved just beneath the handle where a small red stone is placed. The sword is protect with runes that enhance it's durability and also allows it to fade to shadow to phase through solid objects. It is also capable of being a sort of beacon to conduct magic spells.
    Armor: Hadria's attire is also shown in the above image. She wears a knee-length black leather coat that clasps in front and has a large hood to shroud her face. Under the coat she wears tight fiting leather armor that is easy to move in. It has thicker metal plating sewn into the forearms, chest, and back for added defense. It is also enchanted with runes to ward against elemental magic damage and enhance her speed/durability. She has also placed inch long spikes on the bottoms of her boots. Mostly to add traction for climbing, but they are quite lethal to kick with.

    • Enhanced Speed- She is very quick on her feet and has excellent reflexes.
    • Enhanced Strength- Hadria's strength does not compare to that of an Enhanced or a dwarf. But she is much stronger than the average Human or Elf.
    • Stealth- She's quiet, even when moving quickly.
    • Agility- Hadria's agility and flexibility are far above average, due to many years of training herself to be so. She is capable of moving quickly, into various different positions to dodge or block attacks. Or to attack from unexpected angles.
    • Heightened pain tolerance
    • Elemental Runes:
      • Immune to Fire
      • Immune to Shadow
      • Reduced Damage from Ice
      • Reduced Damage from Holy Magics.
    • Apparent Insanity: Hadria is quite unpredictable and a bit of a loose canon. She talks to herself during battle, at times her voice comes from many different directions at once which can cause confusion.
    • Tactical Proficiency: Her experience in hunting and killing all kinds of prey gives her an expanded knowledge on how to find the upper hand in most forms of combat.
    • Intuition: Hadria is quite observant and is good at learning a lot about her targets patterns and strategies in a very little amount of time.
    • Enhanced Senses: She has honed all of her senses (Touch, Taste, Hearing, Sight, and Magical) to be hyper sensitive.
    • Mental Guard: Hadria is able to block outsiders from reading her mind or assessing her power level with spells.

    Hadria can cast lethal spells rapidly. She does not need to say words out loud to cast them. But for the sake of the Arena I will write them out.
    • Healing- A number of years being completely self reliant has taught Hadria much about a variety of different healing methods and spells.
      • Spells
        • Heill- A spell used to heal minor wounds quickly. She can do this without much concentration in rapid succession but it is limited to minor wounds.
        • Galba Heill- A spell for larger wounds. Consumes a bit of the caster's energy and takes a few moments to cast. The larger the wound, the more energy/time it takes.
        • Taek- Spell that allows the caster to draw energy from an outside source. The best sources are conscious beings such as animals or people. She not against using it against targets in a fight. The spell is interrupted if she takes damage or is distracted.
    • Offensive Magics
      • Saboteur-
        • blöthr- To paralyze a target. She can hold the spell as long as she is able, but it does drain on her energy and strength. The effects vary depending on the strength of her target and how hard they resist.
        • hljödhr- To temporarily deafen her enemies.
        • verkr- To inflict and cause the sensation of pain by forcing the muscles to contract, which also limits movement. The effects vary depending on the tolerance of her target.
        • sundavr- To bring a shroud of darkness that she can use to her advantage or the disadvantage of her foes.
      • Damage-
        • istalrí- Fire. She knows various lethal spells that incorporate flame. Including though not limited to flame throwing/breathing.
        • kveykva- Lightning. She knows various spells that utilize lighting and can summon bolts from the sky as well as from her metal weapons.
        • lunaea- Earth. She has some freaky control over various unfriendly plant life that grows in the uncivilized areas.
        • Adurna- Water. She can move water with her mind.
        • svell- Ice. Knows various spells that utilize ice and freezing.
        • sharjalví- Telekinesis. She can lift, throw, and hold things with her mind. The weight of the objects have an effect on this abilities.
        • deyja- Death. She can kill another being instantly. This spell drains just as much energy from Hadria as it does to take from another all at once, so it's effectiveness works best on simpler creatures.
    • Defensive-
      • Physical Defense
        • sköliro- An extension of her Telekinesis. She can block certain attacks with a gesture of her hand.
        • Eitha- Haste. Used to stimulate the caster's own speed/strength temporarily.
    • Other-
      • iet tauthr- To impose her will on weaker beings. This can be used in a variety of ways but she mostly uses it as a form of compulsion to summon wild animals/monsters to fight for her or to steer off unwanted questions from civilians.
    • She can break down the formation of objects on a molecular level and re-construct it into something else. This skill is used when potion making, weapons crafting, armor upgrading, etc...
      • In combat she uses the ability to form forms of weapons from her surroundings.
      • Rune Crafting- Hadria's knowledge of alchemy and magic come together as she draws out runes on certain surfaces in unique patterns to create new spells. (Harden, Destroy, Ignite, Rise/Expand, and Stop are most often used)
    • Armed Combat- Magic aside, Hadria is backed by years worth of experience with many different weapons. She prefers the sword/knife over any other.
    • Unarmed Combat- Equally as deadly without a weapon as she is with one if given the chance.

    • Potion: (Potions have various side effects and toxicity levels. Taking more than one over a short period of time is to be avoided.)
      • Health Potion- x5
        • The quickest way to heal wounds in battle. All she needs to do is pour it onto wounds. But she has a limited amount she can carry.
      • Crimson Elixer- x5
        • A mysterious red liquid that gives Hadria's magic and physical strength a boost when used. Effects wear off after a powerful spell.
      • Black Tonic- x4
        • Heals status ailments and poisons.
      • Pearl Essence- x1
        • Renews magic stamina.
    • Ammunition
      • Smoke Bombs:
        • Poison Gas: x5
          • Acute exposure will cause loss of consciousness and death. Effects vary.
        • Tear Gas: x5
          • Irritant to eyes. Like a cloud of pepper spray.
        • Smoke: Black x3 Red x3 Green x3
          • Enhanced smoke enchanted to linger and emit different colors to limit a target's vision and cause confusion.
      • Flash Bombs
        • Flair: x3
          • One single bright white flash that also lets off a loud crack, temporarily blinding enemies and irritating ears.
        • Strobe: x1
          • A handfull of much smaller flash bombs that go off at various times when thrown with the same brightness and volume.

    • Multi tool: x1
      • A silver cuff that she wears around her ear can be folded and manipulated into different shapes to pick locks or double as a small knife.
    Bio: Hadria is a skilled witch. Though the mistrust and hate for her kind among the general population have forced her to keep that quiet. She works mostly as a monster hunter and a mercenary and very few people know about her affinity for magic. She has trained herself physically to protect herself and be a lethal killer with or without the use of it. More of her past will be revealed as the story progresses.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  4. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Name: Morgana

    Age: ??

    Race: Human Witch

    Role: A lone witch in the woods.

    Description: Morgana is quite beautiful, yet unnerving. She has high cheekbones, wide eyes, clear complexion, and narrow nose. Her lips have a prominent cupids bow and have a natural smile-like curve. Her skin is quite pale and her eyes have a bit of a sunken appearance and are surrounded with dark blue and purple hues almost like faint bruising. Her left eye is in worse shape and is surrounded by darkened blood vessels in black, blue, purple and pink tones. That same eye also has a gold, bio luminescent color in the iris. Her right eye is a more natural green color but has the same glow.
    Her hair is quite thick and golden in color. It has a natural wave to it and shines brilliantly under even the faintest of light. She pulls the top section of it back with a beautiful gold hairpin but leaves some of her curls out to frame her face. The lower section she leaves hanging loosely around her shoulders. It is long enough to brush the mid of her back.
    Her body is similarly thin and sunken in as though she hasn't eaten properly in weeks. Her collar bones, wrists and spine protrude in a quite notable way. She is 5ft 6in tall. She has many tattoos in varying colors that decorate her arms, lower front abdomen, and back. Each are runes that have their own specific purpose.


    Armor: Morgana does not wear heavy physical armor. She wears a low cut black lace/mesh 'dress' that hugs her upper form tightly. It has long, form fitting sleeves that have many delicate and intricate gaps in a pattern reminiscent of tree branches. The shoulders and back are the most revealing, to the point of being sheer. The lower half only covers the back of her legs and the lace begins to become more thick the lower down it gets creating a sheer to opaque black gradient. It leaves a wide gap in the front half that reveals her legs. Her legs are covered by black leather trousers and blue thigh high stiletto boots. Her boots have thick gaps up the outer sides that are held together by decorative golden buckles. She wears a blue corset over the top of her lace dress that covers her upper body from bust to waist. It has the same golden clasps as her boots. She has a shawl that is the same gold and blue as her boots and corset. It has a quite aged and dirty look to it. She wears it draped around her shoulders.

    • Dagger:
      • A small blade that is of brilliant craftsmanship. It once belonged to someone dear to her. She carries it on her hip, tied to the side of her corset in it's sheath. She has etched the blade with runes to strengthen it, prevent it from rusting, and give it various enhancements for combat.
    • Enhanced Speed- She has quite a few physical enhancements. This includes enhanced speed.
    • Stealth- She is silent as the grave, so to speak.
    • Grace- Morgana moves as though her feet never touch the ground.
    • Self Control- Morgana has an impressive will and affinity for self control. She can push herself to great lengths through almost any type of obstacle.
    • Runes-The runes tattooed to her body provide these status enhancements.
      • Strength- Enhanced Physical Strength. Her strength is comparable to an Enhanced.
      • Armor- An invisible barrier of magic energy that stops mortal weapons.
      • Nul Poison- Can not be killed by poisons though highly potent ones can still have negative effects.
      • Magic- Most of them are to boost the effects of various kinds of spells.
      • Nul Fire- Immune to fire. She got this one after the persecution of the witches led to public burnings.
      • Nul Holy- A veil of shadow that dulls the effects of holy magics.
      • Draw- She draws energy from outside sources for her spells, mostly from nearby animals.
    • Allure- There is a certain allure to Morgana. Her presence tends to cloud the judgement and manipulate. She is very good at getting people to do what she wants.
    • Empath/Intuition- Able to sense power levels and intents of those around her.
    • Telepathy- Can communicate using her mind and read other's minds as well. This ability can be blocked if the subject is powerful enough to resist it. She can find multiple ways in, though, making it difficult to block out.
    • Foresight- Magical ability to predict near future events. Gives her an edge in combat as she tends to be one step ahead of whoever she's facing.
    • Enhanced Senses- Senses of sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing are all more sensitive.
    • Mental Guard- Able to block outsiders from reading her mind or assessing her power level with spells.
    • Sociopath- Has rid herself of feeling for other living creatures and remorse.
    • Magic- Morgana is a recluse with impressive magical abilities.
      • Healing- A number of years being completely self reliant has taught Morgana much about a variety of different healing methods and spells
        • Heill- Due to a lack of energy draw from her spells, she only needs Heill to heal herself rapidly despite of the wound's size.
        • Taek- Spell that allows the caster to draw energy from an outside source. The best sources are conscious beings such as animals or people.
      • Offensive Magics
        • Saboteur-
          • blöthr- To paralyze a target. This is less effective on Witches or other Enhanced beings who can counter-spell.
          • hljödhr- To temporarily deafen her enemies.
          • verkr- To inflict and cause the sensation of pain by forcing the muscles to contract, which also limits movement.
          • sundavr- To bring a shroud of darkness that she can use to her advantage or the disadvantage of her foes.
          • Garjzla- A projectile ball of magic energy that both damages and dazes a target.
          • letta- Stealing the eyesight of the spells target.
          • Gëuloth- Dull or break an enemy's weapon.
          • etc... (She knows too many spells to list them all. I'll add to this list as they are used.)
    • Damage-
      • istalrí- Fire. She knows various lethal spells that incorporate flame. Including though not limited to flame throwing/breathing.
      • kveykva- Lightning. She knows various spells that utilize lighting and can summon bolts from the sky as well as from her metal weapons.
      • lunaea- Earth. She has some freaky control over various unfriendly plant life that grows in the uncivilized areas.
      • Adurna- Water. She can move water with her mind.
      • svell- Ice. Knows various spells that utilize ice and freezing.
      • sharjalví- Telekinesis. She can lift, throw, and hold things with her mind. The weight of the objects have an effect on this abilities.
      • deyja- Death. She can kill another being instantly.
      • etc...
      • iet tauthr- To impose her will on weaker beings.
    • Not much is known at this point. She knows Ausar quite well and has worked with, and done trade with him on multiple occasions.
    Nova and RebelMurf like this.
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    My last post has been edited with Hadria's template.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  6. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Awesome. I'll get the IC up sometime and we can get started
  7. Akira

    Akira True Lord of Arenas

    Name: Sammy/Sam

    Age: Exact age unknown

    Race: Human Witch/Enhanced

    Role:???/ Hunter and assassin of those in the secret society

    Description: Standing at 5”6 Sammy/Sam has a ripped toned body. Their hair is medium length, coloured a hazel brown and wavy. Sammy has amazingly golden eyes with flecks of intense green around her pupils Sam’s eyes are an intense bright green with a golden ring around the Iris. They are covered in a plethora of scars from many years of beatings and experiments while in captivity the majority of which are covered by their clothing.


    · Enhanced Daggers: A beautiful set of blades. They were the pride and joy of one of the witch captor’s. Originally designed for an enhanced, the witch enjoyed using them for her perverse experiments. They are black steel with a Damascus, moon silver, edge and obsidian handles with two large jewels embedded in the handles in the shape of eyes one blue amethyst and one yellow amber in each blade; granting the wieldier with slight healing and greater accuracy as if the blades know where to go.

    Armour: A mismatch of light armour taken from those sent to kill them, they are a bit loose tightened where needed with belts but has a nice sized hood which they like.


    · Enhanced Senses: As an Enhanced Sam’s senses are improved significantly compared other living beings. There are very few creatures who can match him. Through years of training he has managed to nearly perfect each individual sense.

    · Enhanced Strength: Due to his mutations Sam's base strength is superior to the general population but not that impressive for when compared to the old timer enhanced.

    · Enhanced Speed: Again his mutations have greatly bolstered Sam base speed to unprecedented levels. His reflexes and agility are uncanny extremely hard to follow even for other enhanced.

    · Extended life

    · Magic sense/defence: Sam is a master of hiding his presence so much so that their captors only realized his presence as he was killing them. Sammy struggles with all magic mostly out of fear of what she will do

    · Raw magic ability: Although Sammy is too scared to use her magic she had amazing raw talent before the enhancement not knowing any spells she could still manipulate it to her will. Since the enhancement it is to overwhelming to even contemplate using. If anyone was ever able to train her she would be an amazing force of power.

    · Intense fortitude: Developed as a survival mechanism both Sammy and Sam can take inhuman amounts of damage and endure and function through pain that would incapacitate all most all.


    Magical Talent: When the Enhancements were implemented the only enhancements evident for Sammy was a dramatic increase in her magical abilities to the point where Sammy is scared to use them after accidently destroying a wing of their prison killing several of her friends; and her ageing process decreased dramatically. Sammy even with her pendant struggles to rain in her magic. Deemed too dangerous to train Sammy has a brief understanding of the theology of magic but no experience save for when it has gone completely out of control. Sam had shown some proficiency in magical signs the simpler type of magic being able to perform signs he has witnessed; to him the signs were like a natural game in which when shown the rules, i.e. witnessing them being done, he excelled in them. However he has been unable to use them since Sammy started wearing the pendant.

    · Aard: A directed blast of telekinetic energy that staggers opponents, leaving them open for a subsequent attack.

    · Yrden: A magic trap that slows or stops enemies who enter the area of effect.

    Sam also has:

    Enhanced sight: Enhanced can focus their eyes allowing them to see in the dark. They can also see greater distances at a clearer range than others. When this ability is activated it gives the eyes of the Enhanced the appearance of glowing.

    Enhanced metabolism: Enhanced metabolism work faster and because of this their bodies can ingest and burn through some poisons without causing any damage to the Enhanced.

    Enhanced healing: The Enhanced have a natural healing ability. They will heal from most attacks; the severity depends on how long it takes. If an Enhanced suffers too much damage they won’t be able to heal on their own.


    • A protective pendant worn by one of their captor which kept him immune to extreme magic while it doesn’t completely block any particular magic it reduces the intensity of all magic including healing magic Sammy likes it as it helps her some-what maintain control over her magic
    Biography: Known to have magic as a child; with a incident the like of which has happened to, to many potential witches then there ever should have been, Sammy witnessed her family being murdered, was captured, tortured and experimented on by a secret society. Being born with both genders, growing up, Sammy struggled with her identity a lot; her parents had been very supportive. She use to feel so conflicted about who she was until that awful day. Coming to the knowledge that she was definitely female seemed to be the only good to have come out of such tragedy. Sam came in to being on that day when things had gotten so bad Sammy’s mind fractured. Sammy has no idea about Sam, Sam sees and feels everything that happens to Sammy. He loves her. Since then Sammy has seen her new family taken off one by one eventually to their death; on the day they came for her she blacked out, when she came through everyone was dead save her-self and she was holding those bloody daggers no matter how many times she tries to get rid of them, they kept coming back so now she just accepts them as her cursed blades, they have no use to her other than to occasionally gut and prepare food. She has no fear of the monsters, she would be quite happy for them to take her life but she knows she has a magic that keeps her safe, no matter what.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2018
    RebelMurf likes this.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: Phoenix

    Age: ???

    Race: Enhanced Elf

    Role: Enhanced, ???


    Standing at a modest 5 feet 6 inches. Phoenix's body is like a well oiled machine. From the many years of intense training they've undergone, their body is well built, and gorgeously toned. They have lightly freckled, tanned skin, and long black hair, parted like a raven in the front. They are typically dressed in form fitting clothes, or robes to conceal the many weapons they carry on their person.

    Phoenix has long been mistaken as a female, and has thusly taken to simply referring to themselves as male only when asked to specify their gender. It matters little, after all, to dead people.



    • Enhanced Assassin Needles- Primary weapon of choice
      • Upon successfully becoming an enhanced, they were given a set of throwing knives that were magically enhanced to be virtually indestructible. In later years, as Phoenix’s magic ability grew, they used magic to alter their form into longer, thinner needles for more effective killing.
        • Enhanced with shadow runes, they can use them to phase through armor and summon them back seamlessly.

        • Some are hollowed out and can be filled with poison.
    • Stiletto- A knife or dagger with a long slender blade and needle-like point, primarily intended as a stabbing weapon.


    As seen in the picture, Phoenix typically dons form fitting, light leather armor, leggings, and boots, allowing for easier mobility, but also providing less physical defense. They also have a set of robes that they were gifted in their early years, that are enhanced with a concealing magic to hide any and all weaponry Phoenix may have on them at the time.The rune’s power varies based on the individual’s own magical prowess. For example, while a human would not be able to see any of Phoenix’s concealed weapons, an enhanced human, may see some, and a skilled witch could very well see them all.


    · Enhanced Senses: As an Enhanced, Phoenix’s senses are improved significantly compared other living beings. There are very few creatures who can match them. Through years of training they have managed to nearly perfect each individual sense.

    · Enhanced Strength: Due to their mutations, Phoenix’s base strength is superior to most. Through their long life training and years of fighting different monsters and men they have grown truly strong.

    · Enhanced Speed: Again, their mutations have greatly bolstered Phoenix’s base speed. Their reflexes are also highly trained.

    · Extended life: Enhanced unlike other beings have an unusually long lifespan. No one knows exactly how long but through the many years in history no successfully enhanced being has died of natural causes.

    · Magic sense/defence: Enhanced have an inert ability to sense magic. The Enhanced were developed to combat monsters of varying abilities. For this reason they were made so that they could send out their own aura in search of others. Doing so exposes their own presence to any being able to sense others. They also have the ability to use their own aura as defence against different magical attacks. Most notably magic that would affect the Enhanced directly. Effectiveness depends on the skill level of the user.

    · Wealth of Experience: Phoenix has been alive and fighting for a long, long time. They have become wise and efficient in many aspects of life both on and off the battlefield.

    • Stealth- They’re quiet, even when moving quickly.

    • Agility- Phoenix’s agility and flexibility are far above average, due to many years of training themself to be so, on top of being an enhanced. They are capable of moving quickly, into various different positions to dodge or block attacks. Or to attack from unexpected angles.

    • Intuition: Phoenix is quite observant and pays attention to their targets patterns and strategies to be capable of countering them in a very little amount of time.

    • Tactical Proficiency: Their experience in hunting and killing almost any manner of target gives them an expanded knowledge on how to find the upper hand in most forms of combat.


    MAGIC: Though not as gifted in the magical arts as a skilled witch might be, Phoenix always leaned more towards the magical aspects of battle over the physical. They are capable of using unique synergy spells to further enhance their own abilities, as well mastering a few ranged offensive spells and illusionary spells.

    • Skölir: A moderately powerful protective spell used to shield the caster from harm, such as redirecting fire to pass harmlessly around the caster for a time

    • Thaefathan: Enhances the physical potential of a weapon, increasing the damage it can deal, and allowing it to pierce through weaker heavy armor sets with ease for a time.

    • Eitha: Enhances the casters speed and reflexes, allowing them to act, and react, faster than normal, for a time.
    • Heill- A spell used to heal minor wounds quickly. They can do this without much concentration in rapid succession but it is limited to minor wounds.

    • Galba Heill- A spell for larger wounds. Consumes a bit of the caster's energy and takes a few moments to cast. The larger the wound, the more energy/time it takes.
    • verkr- To inflict and cause the sensation of pain by forcing the muscles to contract, which also limits movement. The effects vary depending on the tolerance of their target.

    • sundavo- To darken the area specifically around themselves to stay out of sight.


    Poisons: Phoenix carries a vast array of poisons for use in battle. A single vial can fill all three of their needles.

    Crippling x10: When inflicted, slowly causes the affected’s joints to lock up, preventing movement. Wears off after a while.

    Burning x10: When inflicted, causes the afflicted to burn up from the inside out(a burning sensation). Fighting through it is possible, but the effects are potent, and can lead to permanent damage if not treated.

    Coercive x2: When inflicted, burns through skin from the inside out, effectively melting the victim. The effects are extremely slow, and can be cured, but the longer it goes without treatment, the more permanent the damage that is inflicted.

    Paralysis x10: When inflicted, shocks the body into a state of paralysis, preventing movement of any kind. Wears off after a while.

    Death x1: When inflicted, sends a crippling poison through the body into the heart, killing them instantly. The effect is extremely potent, and is almost completely unstoppable. Not as effective against more powerful opponents.

    Potions: Alongside the poisons, Phoenix has a collection of potions on hand as well.

    Healing Potion x5: A basic healing salve. Apply to wound to heal it up.

    Mystic Potion x 3: A potion used to further enhance one’s magical ability. It allows the use of more potent versions of known spells.

    Biography: A powerful enhanced who was highly gifted in magical prowess upon becoming an enhanced. Upon mastering everything their teachers could teach them, they journeyed the world in search of someone who could teach them farther. It was during this journey, that they came across a powerful witch, who went by the name of Hadria. After dueling her, and losing, they persistently insisted that she train them, to which she eventually agreed, and trained with them for a time. It was under her tutelage that they gained even more knowledge and power.

    But as the years passed, and the enhanced became fewer in number, Phoenix disappeared. And nobody has seen them since. Until now.

  9. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    So Kai invited me in(excited fangirl noise). So here's one of my characters. I plan on posting another one, probably tomorrow. So let me know if I should change anything.

    Name: Yeroc Nightengale

    Age: 63

    Race: Human

    Role: King of Galaen, second largest human kingdom in Gaura.

    Description: Yeroc stands at 6'5, weighing 240 pounds. He keeps his golden brown hair grown out and pushed back to keep the strands when getting in his eyes. His brown eyes always watch every corner and his grin is sure to bring out the sun on a rainy day. His ears, although seemingly pointy in elven comparison, are human and he continuously claims that his proof is how he's too rugged looking to ever be an elf. He has a slight scar on his left cheek, which was the only wound the previous king left on Yeroc when they dueled for the throne.


    Weapons: Yeroc simply carries a sword and small shield to battle, but these weapons are no mere weapons.
    • Ironlock: Ironlock is an enchanted sword crafted centuries ago for the exact purpose of hunting magic users. The blade itself is embedded with a spell that negates any magic attack it touches. The sword does not extend this protection to the user itself, so the wielder must be proficient in swordplay.
    • Rebound: Rebound is an exceptionally made small shield which has the ability to collect any momentum that is knocked into it and can rebound it on a larger scale at the wielders command.

    Armour: Yeroc tends to wear heavy armor in combat, specifically fitted for him and enhanced by dwarves to be able to withstand his power when he's using all of it at once. He also wears a cape with it, only for formal occasions, however. Capes have no place in war, after all.

    Stats: Due to the political nature of Galaen, the titles of Prince and Princess do not exist. So to become king, Yeroc had to literally push his body to its breaking point. This allowed Yeroc to build his muscles even stronger, bringing him to near superhuman speed and power. He also trained his mind to the extent that he could, reading books upon books in his spare time. He soon became a master tactician and could fight against ten men on his own.

    Abilities: Due to his rigorous training regime, Yeroc's body can withstand tremendous amounts of pressure under any circumstance. It also allowed him to develop an immunity to poison.

    Items: Yeroc carries a small trinket of his past life, a locket with a picture of his siblings in it. He never parts with it and will kill anyone who attempts to take it from him.

    Biography: Yeroc Nightengale was not born into royalty, as many who ascend to other thrones are. Instead, he lived in the streets of his kingdom's capital city, Ratoke. His family lived in squalor, using their kids to beg money on the streets and get sympathy from strangers. Yeroc longed to be free of his prison and looked to the Enhanced as a source of inspiration. Yeroc wished to one day to become as powerful as the Enhanced and use his freedom to bring his family up from the pits they called home. But this dream would not last long, as one fateful day, Yeroc made is way across the city in search of medicine for his mother, and returned home to find his entire street leveled to the ground. Rumors persisted of an Enhanced facing off against a monster in the street, one that proved nearly too much for them, so they unleashed their full power and destroyed the street and everyone on it. As Yeroc watched his families body be dragged out, he swore a vow to eliminate all Enhanced from the world. To do this, Yeroc began training his body and mind to become tools of war. For years, he traveled and studied among the best warriors in Gaura, becoming stronger and faster as the time went by. On the day of the Challenges, where young eager warriors challenged lords and even the king who were in charge of provinces in the kingdom for their titles and lands, Yeroc strolled into the arena where everyone else was gathered and challenged the current king at the time. In good spirits, the king accepted the challenge and faced off against Yeroc. The match would prove too much for the king, as Yeroc ended up beheading the king shortly after the match began. Holding the decapitated head, Yeroc looked to the people watching him and shouted, "I am Yeroc Nightengale! I am now your king!"

    For the next forty years, peace surprisingly came to Galaen. Yeroc fought hard for the people of his country, sweating and slaving with them for years on end. He would ride into battle ahead of the charge, sword drawn wild and his laughter in the air. He trained every day for those fourty years, not caring about the weather or his health. In time, he came to adopt a young elven girl and trained her in the art of witchcraft to become his second in command, his eyes and ears in the world. When news of the Enhanced resurfacing after a century of quiet began to spread across the noble grapevine, Yeroc saw it as an opportunity to finally achieve his lifelong goal of getting his revenge on the Enhanced. He decided he would use the might of an entire empire to bring them down.


    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
  10. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    And here's my 2nd character. Let me know if it's good

    Name: Kahlan Nightengale

    Age: 37

    Race: Elf witch

    Role: Witch, Right-hand of the King, assassin

    Description: Kahlan stands at 5'5 with long, black hair that hangs past her shoulders. Her skin remains a pale white no matter how much sun she gets from traveling. Her body, due to some combat training under King Yeroc himself, is athletically fit. When traveling, she tends to wear a cloak to hide her elf nature from anyone looking for her. Her bright blue eyes, once full of light and wonder, now gaze upon the world in contempt.


    Weapons: Kahlan wields two small swords, specially crafted for her by the royal blacksmith, while in short-range combat. When pushed to the point, she will use her spellbook to help fight back the enemy. Her magic helps her fight both at short and long range.

    Armour: Kahlan wears a white dress into battle with rugged boots. The dress is enchanted with wear and tear resistance, and allows her to use her full motion while fighting.

    • Enhanced speed: her magic power as a witch fuels her body, giving her a extra boost in whatever she needs.
    • Enhanced healing: Kahlan's magic is always at work, keeping her body in the tip top shape it needs to be.
    • Superior eyesight: Kahlan has enhanced eyesight, being able to see at long distances and even clearly in the night.
    • Dexterity: her elven body frame and combat style has left Kahlan extremely flexible and light on her feet, as if she's always dancing, even in combat.
    • Aura sense: Kahlan has a sixth sense that can detect other magic users near her.

    Abilities: Kahlan has a vast amount of magic power in her and her spellbook, due to her mother having stocked up on magical energy in case Kahlan was left alone. Her powers include:

    Healing magic
    • Healing Twister: A magic spell that envelops her target in a twister that surrounds them with healing magic and gradually takes their pain away.
    • Restore: A spell with the power to reset a body to its correct form. Fixes broken bones, fractures, torn muscles, etc.
    Battle magic
    • Distort: fractures the very air surrounding her, causing her enemies to become disoriented and confused.
    • Cyclone: creates a giant gust of wind from her spellbook that sweeps up anything it can and sends it scattering.
    • Firewhip: she summons a rather large whip made of some of the hottest flames ever produced. Any limb that gets this whip wrapped around them tends to be burned off its owner rather quickly.
    • Lightning shot: a bolt of lightning is summoned from the spellbook and shot at the nearest target. The lightning tends to be random, so it's only used when surrounded by enemies.
    • Vinetrap: summons vines and roots from the earth to ensnare her enemies. Works in great effect within wooded areas.
    • Submit: This spell has the power to destroy a person's free will, leaving them utterly submissive to Kahlan, who they view as their mistress. The spell requires physical contact, and once activated, is near impossible to break free of.
    • Devoid: this spell earns a special place in spellbook, as it gives her the ability to drain magic energy from any user, be it monster, human, or elf. She must place the magic symbol on her intended target and hold it there for a total of ten seconds for the power to take affect, but it's near instantaneous and drains her magic power to the point of death if not performed correctly. This is a one shot, last ditch effort spell used in desperate situations.
    • Weapon enchantment: Kahlan can enchant any weapon and item. She has taken on the duty of enchanting her kings weapons when necessary.
    • Sixth sense: When concentrating hard enough, Kahlan can sense the magic power of anyone near her and can even determine the power level. She uses this ability to hunt Enhanced and monsters.

    Items: Kahlan only carries a few items with her.
    • Healing potions
    • A magic ring that was found with her and she keeps inside a pocket at all times.
    • A crystal with raw magic power locked inside it. When broken, it would create a deafening explosion, killing anyone twenty feet around it.
    • A blue crystal that also acts as a water canister. Is enchanted to always be full.

    Biography: Kahlan, while carrying the Nightengale name, is not of the same blood. An Elf by birth, Kahlan was trained by her mother to harness her magic power and to use it only when necessary, and to beware and despise the Enhanced. One day, on the eve of her sixteenth birthday, Kahlan's hut was raided by nearby hunters who still claimed them responsible for the monster invasion centuries ago. Kahlan watched as her mother was pulled from her and strung up onto a tree to be burnt. After that, the men proceeded to beat Kahlan as hard as they could while blaming her and saying that the Enhanced should've wiped them from the earth before laughing and being on their way. As she lay there, broken and dying, her mothers spellbook slid towards her as if drawn to her by a magnet. It flipped open to one of the healing spells and activated, slowly bringing Kahlan back from the brink of death. It would be the last act her mother had ever done as she burned to death.

    Once healed and rested up, Kahlan buried her mother and set off in the direction of the hunters. She carried her mothers spellbook with her throughout her journey. Kahlan finally arrived upon the city of Ratoke, in the kingdom of Galaen. There, in broad daylight in the castle grounds, Kahlan found the hunters that had killed her mother. She strung them up for all to see and proceeded to torture them with her Firewhip spell, chastising them and everyone who watched for their faith and belief in the Enhanced. Guards had appeared and Kahlan readied herself to fight to the death, but she was saved by non-other than King Yeroc himself. The king, who only saw a hurt and traumatized child, offered her a place within his kingdom to focus her abilities and do some good for the world. Kahlan accepted, and became Kahlan Nightengale, adopted daughter of the king and his right-hand in all his affairs. Seeing her potential for greatness, Yeroc hired magic tutors to train Kahlan on how to harness the power inside her and her spellbook. She spent the remainder of the years training and hunting monsters and Enhanced.


    Last edited: Jun 5, 2018
    RebelMurf likes this.

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