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If you were given 5 Million $.....

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by NeRo, May 1, 2018.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    As the thread topic says what would you do if you were given 5 million dollars to do with as you see fit. no restrictions of course, i want this to be a actual mature discussion about your life goals and what you'd achieve or invest in with that level of money at your disposal. Would you spend it on personal stuff like video games, would you give some of it away, would you invest in stocks and bonds? What would you do? Honestly im really curious because the older i get i feel the wiser i get and the more stuff i see within youth and the world in general i just dont like lol. So id like to see where everyone else stands.

    As for me the short version is i'd give about 2 million of it away to people in general they'd be selected of course but i want people to feel like they can have hope, i'd like to walk into a store and tell everyone that everything they want is on me. or Go to a single mom or struggling family and just leave 100K in their hands to get out of a situation ya know? its too much money out here for people to struggle the way they do.

    the rest tho .....im buying shit i dont need LMAO
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I would most definitely take care of my personal obligations, as far as financials go, as a top priority. With $5 million in my pocket (I'll assume that this $5 million is after any taxes and such), all of my student loan debt would be a thing of the past, with more than enough left over afterwords (when you get right down to it, 60K in loan debt isn't all that much as far as college is concerned; next to the people that are dealing with 100K+).

    After that, I really don't know. I'd probably use a fair sum of the income to help stimulate programs within the arts, as they're something that I believe in. Beyond that, maybe invest in something in the way of stocks, or some sort of retirement safety net (it would take more than $5 million for me to want to retire early, so I'd continue working eventually). Most likely, though, I'd invest in personal enrichment, take a sabbatical from any employment obligations to just get out and see the world for myself.

    Something like that.
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I wouldn't give money to someone. I feel people don't know how to manage money.

    Anyway, I would pack up my crap, quit my job and start my own business with the 5 mill. Or convert it all into treasury bills which ironically the maximum you can convert is 5 million then just live off the ROI when it matures.
  4. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I'd disappear and ensure I invest some of it well enough to live off of till death.
    Kitty likes this.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    When people find out you've got money, they all come crawling out of the woodwork like they're your best friends. So I certainly wouldn't be advertising that I had come into money.

    What I would do is knock down my house and build a new one- something a little bigger and laid out the way I wish mine were now, but not some McMansion or anything too showy. I'd pay cash for a brand new car, again, something that I like and that is well made, but not something that is over the top. I'd pay of the mortgages I owe on my businesses and invest some in either new premises or more remodeling. I'd pay off my parents' and my sister's home mortgages, buy my other sister a home of her own and set up trust funds for my niece and nephew. After that, I'd invest it and live off the interest. Travel a little to places that aren't shitholes. With some of the interest money, I'd maybe do something like anonymously pay for every child in the county to have free breakfasts and lunches for the year at school and pay off any kids' outstanding school meal balances- I kind of have a thing about kids being hungry. I'd probably also donate some to Make-a-Wish, one of the few charities that I actually like and that seems like it actually uses its money to help, not inflate their CEO's bank account.

    Mostly I wouldn't want to change my lifestyle too much. It'd be nice to just not have to worry about bills. Too many lottery winners screw up by throwing money around extravagantly or giving it away to people. I'd like to think I'd be smarter than that.
    Derek and NeRo like this.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Just another thought on how I'd use (at least part) of 5 million dollars: So. Many. Dogs.
  7. deltamind

    deltamind New Member

    I have a lot of things in Mind, well let us see,
    • Invest in precious metals like gold,silver and etc.
    • Donate(Food and providing shelter), will not give money because I don't trust people.
    • Going for a shopping spree like there's no tomorrow.
    Well there is more but then it would look like a huge article :)

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