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My Eight KH2 Alterations

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Derek, Jan 8, 2019.

  1. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member


    Originally posted by haido

    • No Maleficent or Pete. Instead, the ones we regularly run into are the Organization. They need hearts so they spend a good portion of the game releasing heartless into worlds, usually along Sora’s path.

    • Kairi has larger role. It can vary but my solution is to have her there from the beginning. Brought to Sora, by Namine, as the final key to waking him up. Then she’s made a party member having light-based variants of Sora’s spells.

    • Riku doesn’t look like Ansem nor does he have a keyblade. He already feels shame for his past actions so he has reason to hide from Sora and Kairi.
    And show him earning a keyblade or show us Mickey giving Riku the kingdom key d. Dont just grant him one off screen.

    • Keep Namine around. She could be Riku’s traveling companion behind the scenes. Appearing with or without Riku to help at points in the story.

    • Cut Atlantica and 100 Acre Wood.

    • Going back to the first point, make the nobodies more prominent. Have the new enemy class appear more, make Sora wonder why they’d be causing chaos (seemingly) at random.

    • Rewrite or fix the script. Fix some of the translation errors like “Bleig” or “why did he choose you”. Keep “Sora! Donald! Goofy!” to the barest minimum.

    • Rework Disney Castle. With Pete gone we need a new reason to go there, I suggest a magical painting plot akin to Epic Mickey. It’d let you visit past eras of Disney history without actually time traveling.
    Nova and Kitty like this.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I agree with much of this, at least in part.

    Cutting Atlantica is a no-brainer, honestly. I love The Little Mermaid but that level was a definite waste. I don't actually remember 100 Acre Wood in KH 2 very well. I remember liking some of it and thinking it was generally an improvement over the same in KH I, but I don't think the game loses anything if it were cut.

    I don't remember being bothered by translation errors and I thought this script was less cringey and toned down the "Sora!Donald!Goofy!" crap when compared to KH I, but the writers taking another pass-through probably wouldn't have hurt.

    I kind of disagree with your point about Riku. Like, I honestly don't remember why he looked like Ansem, but I thought it was interesting (maybe because I really liked Ansem's character design? or because I liked him as a villain more than Xemnas? I dunno). And I'm pretty down with Riku's keyblade and how he just happened to have it one day. To me it made sense back then because he was supposed to have one- he should have been the hero of the story, but he screwed up and Sora was called instead. But he's the only one besides Sora and Mickey who I thought should have one.

    I agree with wanting more Namine. I liked her character a lot and would have liked to see her be even more involved. I think she would have worked well as a traveling companion to Riku.

    I don't know what to say about Kairi. On the one hand, I don't like her. On the other hand, if we spent more time with her and she was actually helpful and useful, I might like her. Certainly she was underutilized in this game. I don't know that I would want her as a party member for the whole game, though. I don't mind the occasional substitution- I liked using Riku and Auron, as well as some of the Disney characters as party members, but I mostly feel like Sora, Donald, and Goofy are a team and they should stick together.

    I would have liked more of the Organization, but I don't know if I would cut Pete completely. I really enjoyed Timeless River, so maybe Pete could have been utilized there and had his story end when that level concluded. Maleficent could've been left out, though. Her story was kind of done at the end of KH I, I felt.

    I don't like the idea of the magical painting/Epic Mickey plotline for Disney Castle only because that seems really similar to plot devices they've used for 100 Acre Woods and Tron. The time travel aspect didn't bother me because I didn't think about it that closely.
  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I can agree with cutting Maleficent... but I think they could have worked something out with Pete trying to rebuild from the shambles of what was left of the Disney villains. Maleficent's circle of baddies was pretty much all that kept the Disney element tied into the core of the story, IMO.
    Kitty likes this.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I honestly am against Maleficent being cut out. Just leaving her out means also leaving out Pete as to why he even know Maleficent in the first place in Birth by Sleep and in later installments. It's good to have a secondary antagonist in there even though Maleficent is not the main focus anymore.

    Kairi should've been a party member, to begin with. No exceptions.

    100 Acre Woods should be kept. I enjoyed it. Atlantica being cut I'm cool with but Disney Castle SHOULD NOT be reworked. Leave it as is.

    Riku is fine as is. He worked his way and Chain of Memories explain some already as well as the reports.
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Maleficent would have been better done if she had been kept "dead" until later in the game than she was. Reorient Pete's exploits so that they're an effort to bring her back. The way they brought her back... via the raven, was a bit too convenient for her.
    Kitty likes this.
  6. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    The translation errors aren't that bad really, it's just something I'd encourage. As much as I find "Bleig" hilarious I did have lots of headaches as a teen wondering who "he" was when Roxas really meant "it". I just largely want them to cut most of the "sora! donal! goofy!" lines. o-o

    He had to tap into darkness or something and he got that look. I just dont like it because, like the two Ansems, it's a twist that's just there to be there. It's not even that big a twist really, at least it wasn't to me. Back then all I had for reaction was "he looks like that why?"
    I just want to see him earn the keyblade. I dont like that it's off screen, not that he should've had it or not. Although, a tangent that's not part of this topic, I did wish he stuck to the whole darkness arc of CoM. It was more unique to me but that's a personal thing.

    She doesn't have to be a party member really. That's just the first option that came to mind in terms of "being used". But I'm similar to you, I dont hate or like her, I just wish she was used better so I could think one way or the other. Especially in hindsight since most of the characters I played later was some variant or Sora.

    Hmm I dont mind that idea I guess. I do really dislike the Maleficent and Pete role the series has taken though. That painting idea is just something I tried to offer, I'd totally be down with yours if Pete was isolated to that level. It'd be a fun excuse to see older disney. :D

    Honestly, I wouldn't mind that in a later title but not in KH2. I'd want as much villain focus as possible on the nobodies. They barely appeared at all in 2 and now they're back and somewhat relevant but they're either human now or Xehanort. If they couldn't be relevant when they were the focus it registers as a disappointment in my mind.

    Namely because the nobodies had the perfect narrative excuse to cause random trouble, they needed hearts. Release heartless at random, Sora does his thing, etc.

    I'm fine with that however since I hated Disney Town in BBS. They could cut that entire sequence and I'd be happy. If they have to bring her back they could to it later and better but we'll have to agree to disagree here.

    I didn't, then again I dont like KH's mini games either. I've yet to play one I enjoy so that's just a preference but I'd rather it be cut.

    Maybe if Riku had got the keyblade at the end of CoM I'd agree with that but otherwise ehhhhh

    I should probably note that some changes exist to accommodate my other alts for other titles. (I was trying to keep consistency basically) I ended up making one for each entry but put the biggest ones on here just to see reactions.

    I've rather enjoyed the feedback this one got.
    Kitty likes this.
  7. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Narratively speaking, it makes sense to address the fallout following the events of KH1 in KH2. Pete without Maleficent could be kept well enough on fringe of the plot while still being a recurring baddie. Maybe have him being used by the Org, or teaming with them because he needs protection and they want an expendable patsy.
  8. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    We see the fall out though because Sora goes back to nearly everywhere he fought a villain in during KH1 but I wouldn't mind a plot in which he's an Org pawn. I dont think Maleficent would be tricked or allow that set up though.
    Long as the Org is given focus as villains I can deal. You could even make Maleficents return Petes post credit reward maybe?
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Biggest change I would want to see is making the Disney worlds more relevant like they were in KH1. In KH2 it seemed more of a thing of "Arrive, do thing, maybe see an Organization member, ask about Riku, leave." Disney worlds in KH1 seemed to contribute more. Sora grew as a person from each world he visited.
    Kitty likes this.
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I suppose part of that might just be due to the growing prominence of the original characters. In KH I, they were banking on Disney fans (and FF fans, to a lesser extent, I think) buying the game, so I think they relied more heavily on the Disney characters. The Disney antagonists in particular were more united and more directly influenced the overall plot thanks to Maleficent's role, even if Ansem was technically the Big Bad. By the time KH II came around, the developers were more confident in their original ideas/characters, and were able to utilize them more in the story. Personally, I think that was a poor choice, because a lot of the charm of the first game for me was thanks to the heavy Disney aspect, but . . .

    Longwinded way of saying "I agree." I'd love to see the Disney worlds reworked and feel more important, rather than being just a setting.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Funny thing is it is that exact argument that has caused people to fear that the FF inclusion in KH3 will be minimal/not there. In an interview Nomura said something like the FF characters were used to help support all the new OC characters. That, and when KH1 came out there weren't really any games that had FF characters from all titles appear. But now that KH characters can stand on their own and there are plenty of games where you can have characters like Cloud and Squall interact, the need for FF characters in KH just isn't there anymore. According to Nomura.
    Kitty likes this.
  12. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Well, he's wrong. :)

    I don't think the FF characters should run the show (but then, they never have), but there is definitely a place for them, I feel like. Lord knows we don't need to see Cloud and Sephiroth fight each other again. But I do enjoy seeing them throughout the games. They're part of that KH charm.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    True, but given he said that it's probably best that, if you ever play KH3, don't expect to see them. That way if they're not there you're not disappointed and if they are there you're pleasantly surprised.
    Kitty likes this.
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I feel like I'll probably never play KH III, but yeah, with everything needed to be concluded, I can't imagine they'd spare much thought on the FF crew, sad as that may be.
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Now that I think about it, I forget if he also said something like that. That there's too much to focus on to give the FF characters screen time. Also I understand why you may not play it, but it's still sad to hear anyways.
  16. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    It's mainly because I don't have the right console to play it. Now, if they want to release it for PS2, I'd pick it up. XD

    I feel like he did say something along those lines regarding the FF characters. It's not surprising, but a little disappointing all the same. I still wouldn't mind seeing some as NPCs chilling around in the background, at least.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  17. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    The loss of FF cameos makes me so mad and so sad all at once. I dont see the point of a universe built on a cross over if one half isn't going to appear. I never liked FF much and back then I didn't know them so the FF people were integral to me. I'm sad they're gone and he's a fool if he thinks that.
    I wouldn't be surprised if he did believe it given his shock at Aqua's popularity or the sheer outcry of emotion at DarkQua. He doesn't seem to grasp why she's popular so I can imagine he can't with the FF.

    Not that FF needs to be a large role but they should always be there to some degree. They're at least a bigger pool to pull from instead of recycling the same Sora, Norts and nobodies/people over and over.
    Kitty likes this.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    It's not just that. Remember, the man thought the biggest thing people would focus on with the trailer revealing DarkQua was not her, but the fact that Frozen was in the game.
    Kitty likes this.
  19. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Do people even care about Frozen? For him to think this just shows that he's out of touch with the fanbase. Maybe S-E is working him too hard.
  20. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Oh glob dont remind me. lmao

    I dunno about others but I care for it WAY less after 3. It's my most hated world of the game.
    That wouldn't shock me either since they keep losing people left and right.

    3 had no FF cameos at all. I'm not surprised but I am severely disappointed.

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