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Finished the game so obvious Spoilers

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3' started by Derek, Feb 3, 2019.

  1. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Another thing of note;
    The entire games story was in that final level. That gave me the impression this title had no story.

    Why couldn’t some have been saved earlier? Why was there no mid point or tension? No Final Fantasy?

    This kind of annoys me since they’ve spent 14yrs, 6 titles, between 2 and 3 building this newer lore and this villain and this is how it ends. A 3hr segment of story after 20hrs of padding.

    Even KH2 did some things better than this and it’s written like Sora is a dumbass who Namine turned into a Shounen hero.
  2. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member


    Sadly it wasn’t worth it. I mean, it’s the coolest one in the game but I have no one to use it on. lol


    So I learned that setting keyblade transformations to “basic” makes Sora revert to his older KH2 Drive animation. Nice little nod.


    Ultimate Sora, monster and toy edition:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Really scary thing is that KH shippers (Even the aggressive ones) are probably some of the tamer shippers.

    Honestly I probably won't ever play it, if mostly due to it not being F2P friendly. It absolutely blows my mind how there are people willing to spend thousands of dollars on a cellphone game. Especially in Japan.

    That's fair.

    You did. That Sora and Kairi being the ultimate progressive couple was really funny. But after reading your trolling the next thing scrolling down was that old shipping post. It was interesting, so I read it.

    I'd argue most of Xehanort's knowledge comes from what he learned as he mastered the keyblade in Scala Ad Caelum. So, logically, Eraqus knows most of what Xehanort knows as well. That being said, if this order of keyblade wielders knows that people from the ancient past managed to somehow wind up in the current world then they would have actually done something to protect these people.

    I got only the required Soras as well. I'll probably do a Proud Mode run (Or Critical if it becomes part of a Final Mix DLC) and grab 333 without stopping during that run.

    I figured the Chirithy just appeared to them whenever they wanted. No idea. Naturally the game gives no explanation.

    Never felt that way to me. I dunno. It might feel simplified due to having to fight a larger number of heartless at any given time.

    So best second transformation keyblades are probably the Pirates and Frozen keyblades. Yeah, the chef keyblade or whatever it is. It transforms into a shield like the Olympus one, except instead of thunder animations it has fire animation and its finisher is smacking down with a big frying pan instead of the terrible finisher that is Pegasus chariot. You get it by getting excellent on every recipe.

    To each their own.

    Fair point. After all now that I'm thinking on it, there was that large column of light and darkness when Repliku yoinked Riku-Ansem out of the replica body.

    I've never actually played TWEWY so I don't know much about that universe other than whatever vague things I spoiled myself on (LIke Joshua being some kind of god-like character and Neku supposedly actually dying with the Final Mix version on the Switch).

    Good point. Being one of the people who got into FF from KH (Kinda, but not really. I was introduced to KH first and then one of my brother's friends let him borrow FFVIII. There was never a "Hey, I like those characters what are their games like" kind of thought from me). I also never viewed any Disney animated movie in terms of their time period (Renaissance and all that), so I never would have considered that possibly having an effect on the popularity of KH.

    Thinking now, it's probably jumping to a new "worldline" to delay the MoM's prophecy. Worldline A: The Keyblade War happens and light expires. Worldline B: The Dandelions avoid the Keyblade War and the MoM's prophecy (But knowledge of it gets passed down to the future) but the Darkness still gets at this worldline. Worldline C: The Dandelions jumped to a new worldline again to again avert the MoM's prophecy (Or perhaps only some of the Dandelions. Specifically whichever ones appear in the current time) and we get the events of the main series. Giant heartless tornado nabs everybody and the MoM's prophecy is fulfilled once again and light expires. Which leads us to Worldline D: Sora or somebody else jumps to a new worldline and Namine uses this connection to send the Lingering Will to help, thereby averting (Or at least stalling) the MoM's prophecy. Therefore, assuming this thing I just made up is correct, the MoM's prophecy has technically not yet come to pass and the MoM and Xehanort are still correct in saying time and fate are immutable.

    Of course at the same time I feel KH3 was very much made to imply either Sora altered and prevented the MoM's prophecy or the prophecy came to pass and the MoM knew it wasn't the end.

    I'm curious how she would even manage to do that given that she was supposed to have fallen in battle before Skuld and Ephemer even made it to the Keyblade Graveyard to recover the player character. I don't think Ava was painted as any kind of traitor given that section of the Book of Prophecies seemed to only really imply that the bell's toll would signal the start of the war, not that the traitor themselves would cause the bell to ring. Then again, the MoM did give everybody such specific roles that honestly any of them (Or none of them) could be the actual traitor.

    For all the criticism the game has (Deserved or not), the one thing I don't think you can legitimately criticize it for is the graphics. Visually it is absolutely beautiful. Anybody who says otherwise is either trolling or has no idea what they're talking about (Or are from a point so far in the future that video game graphics have surpassed reality).

    The gif didn't even show the full thing with Sulley. After throwing Vanitas into a door, he then picks the door up and throws it through another door. And then picks that door up and throws it through another door. And then tosses that final door through a door shredder.

    I swear before that the original explanation was that Roxas and Xion were both summoning Sora's keyblade at the same time (And therefore the keyblade was in 2-3 places at the same time depending on when Sora was conscious). But seeing this does remind me of the part where Riku beats Xion and calls her keyblade a fake.

    Weird. Any time I tried to get into a scene during a keyblade transformation Sora would just revert into his normal outfit.

    Yeah, that's a very notable issue. Everyone's all saying stuff like "Aqua/Ven should've been saved at the midpoint" and stuff like that. Hell, thanks to the trailer showing Scala ad Caelum I legit thought the Keyblade Graveyard stuff was gonna be the midpoint.

    Honestly though, they wrote themselves into a corner by having everything bank on Sora getting the power of Waking. Once he gets that power back, there's no reason for him to not immediately go rescue Aqua, then rescue Ven, then head to the Keyblade Graveyard since they'd have all 7 guardians. I suppose they could've decided to go with "Hey, you saved these two but they need time to recover and Kairi and Lea aren't done training" but honestly that's not a good excuse.

    Congrats. I assume you noticed the blade of the weapon is the 3 symbol? Strange how I never thought to transform in those worlds. You can still totally use it on Xehanort himself and the game's "bonus boss" (If you wanna call it that) found in Battlegate 14. It is kinda overkill against it though. I figured my next playthough I would stop story progess the moment I'm able to get all the Orichalcum+ materials so I can use it against all the Organization members.
    Kitty likes this.
  4. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    That's not far from the truth sadly. At most, AT MOST, I just see people doing mental gymnastics to jump around all the Sora and Kairi stuff. Most other fandoms would be sending death threats to studios.

    I dont get it either. Chis/UXs story had potential too before all this main story tying. Perhaps it could shine again as a console remake.

    Ohhhhhh I forgot tumblr recommended posts. I need to go over that again now that KH3 has happened.

    Speaking of that, Eraqus seems to play dumb or something. I wonder if some wielders were allowed more information than others. (which Nort would find out anyway)

    I got them all on a standard run. There's a 333 total before the game forces you to move on.

    Maybe. This gameplay is definitely more about AoE than it is mining tech points off one to one combat.

    I got it! It was neat but like Ultima I had no use for it by then lol. I've found most transformations have some use but my preferred was Ultimate form, the Pirate Spea, Nano Gear, and the Staff. All were great for how I play.

    I love TWEWY, highly recommended. Joshua isn't even the most powerful being, he's ruler of an "area" more than he's a god on a wordly scale. I wont spoil details on that for ya though.

    If you ever play it, get the reports and learn the lore for youself post game. You'll love it or you'll be like me and hope Nomura isn't trying to fuse TWEWY into KH. The second he does TWEWY loses all value to me.

    Hmm well the MoM says it's best to focus on the "after" of the war. When put in this point to point way it gives the air that nothing will stop it. It can be delayed but darkness is always meant to cover all. Perhaps he's focused on what to do after that happens. It would also mean that all Sora is doing is delaying what's meant to happen. (which raises a lot about "fate" which I hate as any story concept personally)

    She appears in the final battle as the foretellers bring their unions to war and the others have appeared in KH3's epilogue wondering where she was so odds are she's not fallen at all. She does act noticeably different after talking to Luxu however. Not that shes' a different person but whatever he's told her may have changed her opinions. She could even be pulling off the same body hop Luxu is.

    I dont mean that she's a traitor in intention but in role. The second she found Luxu the bell rang which made it seem like she kicked the war off. This could easily be a red herring though.

    Here I found it if it helps, this was the only time I had seen it's "fake" nature mentiond:
    -- Namine tells Riku that in order for Sora's memories to be restored, both Sora's Nobody and Xion must no longer exist. So he takes it on himself to defeat them, but when he and Roxas fought, was that the first time he had realized that Roxas was that Nobody?

    Nomura: Riku only realizes it when Roxas takes off his hood and he can see his face, and he responds to his call. Until then he only half believed. When he first met Xion, he didn't think that she was Sora or Kairi's Nobody, and it was the same with Roxas. When he first saw Roxas, he had no proof of who he was. So that's why he lost to Roxas, he was surprised at him using a real keyblade rather than an imitation like Xion's, and he called out to him. Part of Riku didn't really want to believe that his best friend really had a Nobody.

    It seems to vary? I have some shots of the final battle as Ultimate sora in scene yet some I dont. I think the scenes he stays changed varies for some odd reason.

    Honestly though, they wrote themselves into a corner by having everything bank on Sora getting the power of Waking. Once he gets that power back, there's no reason for him to not immediately go rescue Aqua, then rescue Ven, then head to the Keyblade Graveyard since they'd have all 7 guardians. I suppose they could've decided to go with "Hey, you saved these two but they need time to recover and Kairi and Lea aren't done training" but honestly that's not a good excuse.[/quote]It's not only a corner but really odd Sora is important when Riku has that power already. He could do what they wanted Sora too. It's not like they knew about his connection to Ventus yet.

    And even then Sora only used that power on Ven, again to save everyone and then to find Kairi. All the rescues in between happened due to the hearts merging with replica bodies. Sora barely even used the power.

    I did but I was more impressed by how all the ornaments and two of the mid blades dismantle to make the blades Sora throws around.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  5. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    After watching Antdude and Johnny’s videos on KH3 I finally get what made me feel confused about KH3.

    I find myself drawn to play it because it’s just fun. It’s overly easy but between it’s graphical overhaul and gameplay return to KH2…well it’s just outright fun. It’s not perfect and I dont think it’s better than KH2FM’s combat but it’s a variant I appreciate way more than anything after KH2.

    (especially if you dont use some forms or attractions like me)

    Yet storywise? hahaaaa omg. It’s not horrid since the character to character interaction isn’t bad thanks to better dialogue. Admittedly, this applies largely to simple dialogue like Sora, Goofy, and Donald and Disney worlds.

    KH3 left me laughing due to the epilogue ending. Every line Xigbar has ever said is now a hundred times more trollish. Even more, KH3 just left me wishing KH1, CoM, and KH2 had this graphical engine.
  6. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member


    For one final run I tried @Desert Warrior 's idea. The earliest I could get Ultima was right after the Final World but before the maze boss rush.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I don't remember if you had mentioned any issues with the worlds (Other than not liking the Frozen world), but I read in an interview that apparently this time around Disney and Pixar were super strict about things on their end and as a result really tied Square down on things. This would explain why Tangled and Frozen are simply recreating the events of the movie with Sora and co thrown in and why we couldn't have had Elsa as a party member.

    No kidding. When Chi was first announced I was really interested in the fact that there was going to be a game detailing the events of the Keyblade War. In fact because of that I refused to believe Square when they claimed the game would have no actual connection to the rest of the series (I initially interpreted it as it would be connected simply due to showing the Keyblade War).

    No idea. The whole concept of a Keyblade Order needed to be planned out more.

    Is there an extra Namine scene aside from the one you get if you can find her in the Final World?

    Did you get the keyblade for getting all of the Classic Kingdom games and getting a high score on them? I've been lazy and haven't done that yet.

    Fuse in what way? Like make the series actually connected to KH and therefore the TWEWY characters in DDD being the actual, legit characters?

    Well it's not like we're gonna find out for some years now. Thinking now, it could be he's referring to the events of KH3 and focusing on after light expires is simply meaning to focus on when the Foretellers become the new antagonists.

    She could be. We'll get better guesses whenever it gets revealed how exactly the other Foretellers returned. I know Ira said Luxu brought them back, but simply saying that without explaining how doesn't really mean much.

    On the one hand, I've got no idea how anybody can tell if a keyblade is real or fake. I suppose Riku could know when it comes to the Kingdom Key specifically since he did possess it for a time. On the other hand, at least this helps justify how Riku would know Roxas is Sora's nobody (Other than DiZ telling him) since the two look nothing alike, regardless of what Xemnas says.

    Makes sense. I stopped trying to see once I knew for a fact I entered a cutscene while in a transformation. First time I tried I gave myself the benefit of the doubt thinking the transformation might have ended right before the cutscene started.

    I think there's a certain level of power that goes along with the Power of Waking. More importantly though (As to why it was so important Sora master it), the game's journal information on the Power of Waking claims it is used to gain access to the Realm of Darkness (Which the game then argues against it by having Mickey claim his keyblade, being from the Realm of Darkness) is able to open a way to there.

    First time I did the transformation the camera didn't focus on it so I couldn't see that. But seeing the way the weapons spun around Sora and seeing one of his combo finishers where a bunch of weapons spin towards the enemy I was very much reminded of FFXV and Noctis.
  8. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I did but that would explain a lot. By far, the best worlds were the ones with original plots going on. Arendelle was the worst of the batch to me. I literally hate just being there.

    I hate that it's connected to the main story even now but that first "season" which consisted the original browser game was the best original story in some time.
    to the extent that the movie and UX feel like just artificially keeping that story alive by throwing in present day cast and mysterious into the game. Especially when you take time to consider the number of original scenes vs the filler missions and world scenes.

    Tbh they probably will expand it more. From what I've seen, latest UX scenes show something about to go wrong.

    Nope. You just get an HP and MP buff. Not really worth the time but eh.

    I dont remember getting high scores but I DID get a keyblade. It's a hammer based keyblade focused on magic. it's themed after the classic Disney cartoons like Timeless River. I rather enjoyed the keyblade. =D (sadly I wont get it again cause screw those games lol)

    As in TWEWY is a part of the KH universe rather than it just being an altered one. I dont mind the SE altered beings but the second the actual game of TWEWY becomes a part of KH I lose any interest in that series. I'll drop it like dead weight because it goes from an interesting lore to KH's lore and I have no love for KH's lore anymore.

    That's also possible. In either case, the MoM was thinking long term because he considered the current reality a lost cause.

    From the looks of it, the foretellers were summoned from somewhere....not time travel but like they were in a place and now freed.

    My only guess is "feeling"? Riku only notes on it's fake nature after holding it. Same for Roxas, it's only after using Oblivion that Riku demands to know why he has it.

    Upon my last playthrough I think it's due to pre rendering. Some scenes must be pre rendered...even if all keyblades still show up in-scene. The forms seemed to show in lesser scenes like battle transitions.

    The game also claims against it since Xehanort says the power is for traversing worlds, not finding hearts. Then again, all three may be related. They all may just be ways to open portals.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    While on the topic, Game Theory made a video about it 4 days ago. No idea if you like Game Theory at all (Seems to be very love it or hate it), but I feel it's a good video and provides a guess as to how much control Disney had over that world. Plus if the theory is wrong, at the very least it provides a much cooler idea for a world than what we got.

    Can't speak for the filler missions (Plus no idea how bad they were in the original browser game), I get what you mean by them forcing the story alive by continuing it even further than it needed to be.

    I wonder why I kept on seeing people online claiming there was a Namine scene for collecting 333 Soras even though I saw the scene without collecting that many.

    High score as in simply getting a score recorded in each game. I don't think there's a minimum score requirement unlike the flan heartless. There just as easily could be though, since all the games seem to be easy enough and they go on forever basically.

    Sad, but understandable. Just today I was thinking about what if SE decided to make TWEWY officially part of the KH universe, except none of the TWEWY games themselves actually interact with KH themselves and any interaction is solely on KH's side. I suppose that's more towards it being an AU of TWEWY though.

    I mean, we all do. Perhaps the MoM is more like us than we realize (Crack theory, the MoM is revealed to be us, the player).

    I wonder if it's possible they were in the Final World the whole time, stuck in a state similar to how Sora was. Like how Kairi kept Sora bound to the world, Luxu kept the Foretellers bound but at the same time was preventing them from returning until the right time.

    I can understand that in the case of the Kingdom Key specifically since Riku was originally supposed to be its owner, but who knows.

    That makes sense.

    Didn't he specifically say the power was for using hearts to traverse worlds? Not that such a statement makes any sense whatsoever. At least, not making sense aside from arguably traveling across worlds to reach someone's heart. So if I'm in Olympus and you're in Twilight Town, I use the power to travel to your heart, and therefore Twilight Town.
  10. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Interesting. =0 If Disney is gonna treat newer worlds so tightly I'd about want Nomura to use more older ones though.

    Probably trolls and misinformation. You can activate the Namine scene as soon as you're allowed to roam that area. She's right next to the nameless star I think. The info about 333 Soras giving you stat buffs is legit tho 8D

    It's easy enough but by the time I get all the games to get the records it's near the end so I have no reason to get the keyblade from it. I do like it's aesthetic though. It's like it's based on Timeless River.

    That's a crutch (in a way) of Kh. You can't just throw anything into it due to many works having their own fleshed out universe. However you can alter about anything to fit into it. Even the SW or Marvel worlds would work if you're creative. Such as basing a Marvel world on one of the Disney animations (or even spider verse) and make it a comic book. Works like Pooh's book yet it's a comic.
    You could have "The Galaxy" as a realm of it's own or a world within a Holocron (SW data cubes) and so on.

    That's possible. Unless he's done something crazier like perhaps the foretellers jumped "worldlines" during the war and found their way to Luxu after he summoned them. We've seen jumping from one line to another can put you in random places. Like Ven being in a world eons after the one he came from died.

    It may be a semantic or just ill translated? I got the same gist you did though, the power is used to seek out a heart and travel to the world it's in. Instead, Sora's using it to go to hearts and pull them out or whatever/something.
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that's a concern of mine as well. I understand why Disney is so protective of their newer, profitable, franchises. At the same time though, it's okay for them to loosen their grip on these things. Portraying things in an alternate way isn't really a bad thing. At least, not on its own.

    Yeah, I'm still missing like 2 or 3 games and half of them I haven't attempted. Once I go back to working on getting that platinum trophy I'll take the time to do these things.

    Honestly I'm not a fan of the idea of having a Star Wars or a Marvel world in KH. That being said though, making a world just of Spider Verse and nothing else would quite possibly work rather well.

    That could've happened, but the idea of the Foretellers jumping worldlines as they're all dying from the Keyblade War (And not being hostile to each other if they all appear in the same area at the same time) seems a little farfetched. That being said, I can see it being entirely possible that the MoM jumped worldlines. That would explain why he suddenly vanished without a trace.

    That section of the game seemed like Sora jumped to wherever each heart was and guided them back to their bodies, possibly using Kairi's heart as a waypoint to send them to.
  12. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    At this stage I dont even think Disney cares if it's altered so much as they want it to sale the movie. Like Arendelle, that was just the freakin movie but more annoying.

    Most reviews mentioned liking worlds with OG plots more so at least that impression is widespread to a degree. I still love how unique some worlds were done like KH2 Tron, KH needs more of that.

    Neither am I, it's just a point to bring up. Anything can be done if done in a creative manner. Such as Spiderverse.

    I dont think so. Especially after that movie when the bear one and the unicorn foreteller made up...which contradicts all the hostility in the old browser war ending now that I think about it. o-o I wonder if UX will alter that OG ending...eh I probably wont be there to worry.

    *laughs* Ok so I had a friend find some ultimania thing for me and it's worse. Nothing specific about the traveling bit but Sora apparently rewrote reality with that stunt. It was just time travel or another worldline, he outright erased the first death from happening. lmfao

    Nort contradicting himself on time travel was one thing but this kid outright warped reality. hahahah
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I remember seeing how Aced (The bear guy) originally planned on basically making himself ruler of the world after the Keyblade War. UX is probably gonna alter everything it can then. Funnily enough, I was thinking recently about now that the Xehanort Saga is over, KH can actually move forward with a more simplified plot. If you think about it, all the UX/Union Cross stuff was basically trying to force its way into an already established storyline that is drastically different in many ways. Which could explain some of why the series is so convoluted. With the Xehanort Saga out of the way, the story doesn't need to have these ridiculous explanations for things that are obviously contradictory without the explanations. Of course that's probably not how its gonna happen, but oh well.

    Wait what? How did Sora rewrite reality? He had to have at least time traveled even a bit in order to go back to a point in time to prevent his own death.
  14. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    It could but I'm skeptical Nomura has it in him. The series is easy enough to follow by just playing most of it, most of it's convolution is his necessity to throw in twists for twists sake or his interview answers to questions. Which, at times, feels like he picks the most complicated way to explain as opposed to simpler routes. I also think lots is still lost in translation since KH is effectively a game that purposely merges western and eastern cultures.

    It may have been a translation liberty but he's stated in this one to have "rewound time" which is practically the same thing: https://www.khinsider.com/news/King...Scenario-Mysteries-Interview-Translated-14746

    Since time is theoretically immovable so any rewinding of it would basically be undoing a series of events. At least in this context since all words I've seen used are that he rewound time, overwrote it and so on. I haven't delved too much however aside finding it for you so there may be other variants out there.
    It's honestly kind of odd to use adjectives describing time as undone essentially when they now have worldline logic. Sooo I guess that means KH now has a clusterfuck of Novikov, string theory, and apparently now break time entirely.
  15. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member


    Started Critical today. I managed to survive the tutorial that's killed everyone apparently. I died a lot in Olympus due to Sora's stupid burned animation. I hated that damn animation before and I hate it worse now. Sora jumps around too long, they'd ALL agro me and shoot more fire which kept it going and since you die in two hits it was rage inducing.

    Aside from that I died a lot elsewhere but I felt those were fair deaths. As you can see I took my Ultima with me into the mode. It's nice to finally have a NG+ mode. You'll have to level up the Ultima again but the fact I can have it is nice. Now I have a reason to use the Chef and Toon blades too.

    Even weakened the Ultima is a life saving screen nuke.
  16. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Should've updated, I quit midway. I didn't rage quit I just couldn't force myself to finish since I was essentially forcing myself to play KH3. I'm not sure if it's my disconnect or just the game itself but eh. I may try again at a later date.
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I get that, and I hate that I get that. I've yet to try critical mode (I keep on debating whether I should do it now or wait for the dlc to drop), but I have difficulty getting myself to wrap up the rest of the needed trophies. Hit level 99, get all the treasures, play all the Classic Kingdom games, grab the remaining Lucky Emblems, and do the synthesis stuff. I don't know if it's because of the relative lack of postgame stuff but I'm able to keep up with these things better in KH1 and 2.

    Honestly though, I don't think it's the game itself that's the cause of my struggles. As childish as this sounds, growing up sucks. Ever since my last semester or two of college some of my hobbies have gotten thrown to the wayside. I've never been able to recover from that. Heck, I don't ever go on my computer nearly as much as I used to (Which explains my relative lack of activity on the site).

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