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DMC and PoP

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Agent Heart Smash, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. Agent Heart Smash

    Agent Heart Smash New Member

    For those of you who don't know what those acronyms mean they're: Devil May Cry and Prince of Persia. I just finished DMC 4 and I've beaten all four that have come out (even the special edition). And with PoP I honestly only played part of the first for PS2 and 3 fully. I just got done reading all the info on wiki about both series and after understanding the story of DMC and seeing Dante evolve into what he is in DMC4 and seeing all the old chars grown up, understanding that in PoP the first game erased the first two etc., and playing these totally awesome series and after getting a full understanding of it I get this feeling inside... I can't really describe it. These series gave me a feeling all gamers want to feel and I was wondering (besides final fantasy) if there were any games that this forum could suggest to me that may give me the feeling or gave you the feeling that I can't describe? I highly recommend either reading about them or playing them because they are honestly the best action games I have played in my gaming career. And the folks at Ubisoft are making a 4th PoP but in a different age, different "prince" I don't even know if he's a Prince... but the whole concept looks really cool. And there HAS JUST GOT TO BE a 5th DMC.. I have lots of unanswered questions. Like: who's Nero? How'd he get his arm? It was mentioned in the game he had blood of Sparda, could that mean Sparda is still alive? (Dante and Virgil are older than Nero so Sparda could have come back for some lovin'. And what are they doing now (the DMC co.)? So yeah.. any games you guys can suggest?

    P.S. Sorry for the rant I just.. have that feeling.
  2. darkside

    darkside New Member

    god of war, kingdom hearts, okami,
  3. Agent Heart Smash

    Agent Heart Smash New Member

    I've beaten both God of Wars, waiting for the third. Obviously beaten KH and need to play the two again. I wish I could read japanese so I could just buy the final mix to both. D: And I actually didn't beat okami.. I got like 5/6 of the way through.
  4. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    I love PoP.
  5. darkside

    darkside New Member

    is prince of persia really good. i hear about it all the time, and i just never got into it
  6. Agent Heart Smash

    Agent Heart Smash New Member

    It's fucking awesome. It's like the original Assassin's Creed. The story consumes you and it's like you don't want to put it down. When I was playing the 3rd, I was playing WoW at the time and WoW is very addictive because of all the time you have to spend on it and PoP was able to take me away from it lol. I am going to play through the first and second now, though. I really wanna see it all for myself. My friend suggested Metal Gear Solid series, any good? I always see cool commercials but have never played any of them.
  7. Khthree

    Khthree Banned

    to the openning post, im playing DMC4 right now, and i just got to the fourth mission, and ive seen way better action in the original Ninja Gaiden then this. its too "hack-in-slashy for me, tho i think ill try to beat it but then after ima trade it in to gamestop.

    havent gotten to play the 2nd NG yet, but i will, and im sure itll b better then DMC4
  8. Agent Heart Smash

    Agent Heart Smash New Member

    Eh. I agree. I'm talking about story. I played them all and it is awesome. Also, I forgot to add in Legacy of Kain series. I was too young to play Blood Omen (I watched a video or three on it and the graphics are hilarious) but I want to download it, it looks really cool. I remember my sister's first boyfriend left Soul Reaver at our house and I didn't tell him about it and OMG. I loved switching from realm to realm. That was sooo much fun. And another series that has a great story. I have never played a Ninja Gaiden game, but I'm gonna rent Sigma soon, it got a high score and I'm just waiting for Warhammer Online.

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