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Favorite Kingdom Hearts Character

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 1' started by Father-McKenzie, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. darkside

    darkside New Member

    My favorite for the first game, would probably have to be mickey because he takes out two darksides with little to no effort
  2. Deja Vu

    Deja Vu New Member

    Mickey, short and quick, just like yoda.
  3. Kairi008

    Kairi008 New Member

    in this one umm probably sora even though he acted imature sometimes haha
  4. bladelight25

    bladelight25 New Member

    Mine would have 2 b Sora Or Riku.
  5. rikuchie

    rikuchie New Member

    riku, roxas and sephirot:)
  6. Angel of Oblivion

    Angel of Oblivion New Member

    i liked sora a lot cuz hes waz funny and silly and i luvd how he helped ppl and did the right thing ^-^ he got kinda cute in the second KH ^.~

    i liked kairi and namine too cuz they r coolie girls in KH ^.^

    i luvd Mickey! cuz hes so awesome!!! ^-^

    Axel waz super super awesome!! such a cool hair style and stuff ^-^ he waz a good guy too not one of the creepy organization XIII ^.~
  7. axel_girl_1513

    axel_girl_1513 New Member

    My fav is........

    my character is axel.....i know u people might think i weird but axel is kind person and help sora i bit...........:) but he the best
  8. RayCaptain

    RayCaptain New Member

    My absolute fave character is Riku
  9. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    I like Leon And Sora Donald Goofy...Others i can't think of....
  10. Default_User

    Default_User New Member

    Leon and Donald are my choices... Leon's voice is better in this one. He sounds a but gay sometimes in KH2

    Not to mention that Mandy Moore's voice is MUCH better suited for Aeris. A really sweet voice, they should have tried to continue with it for KH2 and AC as well.
  11. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    I like Sora, he's so funny.:D Riku is a cool guy, like him, too. Best FF-character is... umm... Yuffie! ^^
  12. Firebomb50

    Firebomb50 New Member

    cloud looks AWESOME and is cool...thats y hes my avi
  13. Blake

    Blake New Member

    I'd have to say Sora and Ven i would have said riku but he was really annoying in KH1 but was alrite in KH2
  14. xHotsumax

    xHotsumax New Member

    Favorite character = Axel lol :)
  15. gottaloveCLOUD

    gottaloveCLOUD New Member

    omg that made me laugh out loud
  16. nightshine

    nightshine New Member

    roxas and namine they r cool
  17. gottaloveCLOUD

    gottaloveCLOUD New Member

    i like HMMMMM...axel, sora, roxas, riku, kairi, and namine LOL
  18. KnuXl3s

    KnuXl3s New Member

    Mine has to be Cloud, Xalien
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2008
  19. rikulover2323

    rikulover2323 New Member

    Mine is Riku and Sephiroth.
  20. worbs

    worbs New Member

    mine is

    Cloud: I like his cool exterer
    Sephiroth: Got to be the best villian of all time
    Ansem: Got to be the second best villian of al time
    Hades: I love the way he comes out with things but then again James Woods is one hell of an actor

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