• Square Elite
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Layout Help wanted.

Discussion in 'Audio and Visual' started by Rakka, Jun 2, 2007.

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  1. Rakka

    Rakka New Member

    [IMGW]http://i11.tinypic.com/6f8jqxz.jpg[/IMGW] << Click

    Right, what square characters/pictures would look best with this layout? Just that i want to restart my site after loosing my laptop and such. I got a host [waiting for the subdomain to accept itself] i got the content and such but i have no idea what would work with this layout.

    Nitro Edit: For large images, you can use [​IMG] this tag, to enable the resize and lightbox viewer :).
  2. Nitro

    Nitro New Member

    I think something simple would do, the basic structure is basic so you don't wanna go ott really. I think you need to find a really nice stock and focus on that and have your content vibrant and a focal point. as for what character, it's hard to say just experiment.
  3. Rakka

    Rakka New Member

    I was thinking of just doing what i did last time, have it the shape of the character be one color and letting the content talk for itself.

    Thats why i designed it simple, for content to be the focal point. Does it look good other rise?
  4. Nostalgic

    Nostalgic New Member

    Do you have to have two bars? i really think two bars is suited for 1024x layouts not 800 it just looks weird IMHO, now as for the top image i would a Sora image as it seems like it would fit with that layout just my opinion. /o/o/
  5. Rakka

    Rakka New Member

    Yeah i have two bars, i just made this as a plan, the coded version will be much more balanced.

    I was thinking more of that artwork for Relevant Wings, you know the airship.
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