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Rap vs Rock/metal

Discussion in 'General' started by KnuXl3s, Aug 13, 2008.

Rap vs Metal

  1. Rap is better

    3 vote(s)
  2. Metal is better

    10 vote(s)
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  1. KnuXl3s

    KnuXl3s New Member

  2. Twin in Shroud

    Twin in Shroud New Member

    A few good rappers alot of great Metal
  3. KnuXl3s

    KnuXl3s New Member

    Every one can post 2 song but both from different generas okay
  4. Unsure

    Unsure New Member

  5. Mike

    Mike Member

    This forum's a pretty skewed demographic...I'm sure you'll find just about everyone prefers metal.
  6. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Yeahhh, metal is better!
  7. KnuXl3s

    KnuXl3s New Member

  8. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    I like Metal, but not hardcore metal. Rap is good, but I like Hip-hop better.
  9. un BLE vble

    un BLE vble New Member

    rap is hip-hop... (i voted for rap btw but you can't just say one is better than the other, it's just a matter of preference)
  10. Mike

    Mike Member

    Rap is not synonymous with Hip-hop. If they were, they would have the same name.

    But the term "Hip-hop" is being used incorrectly in most contexts it's being used in. Hip-hop is actually a type of culture, which expresses itself through four so-called 'elements.'

    The 'true' use of the term 'Hip-hop music' actually focuses on creating the music as an artform...typically done by a DJ or CD Mixer, Hip-hop music is the 'lifeblood' of breakdance...one of the four elements. They include:

    DJing ("Hip-hop" music)
    Emceeing (aka. Making rap music)
    Bboying (aka. Breakdancing)

    Most people use hip-hop and rap synonymously when there is actually that subtle difference. Rap is what we know as rap...and hip-hop is the modification of rap by a DJ. Hip-hop may or may not have 'lyrics' and may instead just consist of strange noises and Vinyl Scratching. Hip-hop music's main purpose is to stimulate the bboy (breakdancer)...rap quite rarely does this.

    Wikipedia's pretty accurate on the subject: Hip hop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  11. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    I hate both of em. Rap is weird...And Metal scares me. LOL
  12. un BLE vble

    un BLE vble New Member

    that's exactly what i meant. i was just pointing out the irony made in the previous comment. for example, if you replace "rap" with "rock" and "hip-hop" with "music" in the previous comment, it doesn't make sense.

    trust me, i know my hip-hop. xD
  13. Twin in Shroud

    Twin in Shroud New Member

    Okay i like them both but with rap i only listen to ne artist

    Chamillionaire-he's the truth to me
  14. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    I really dont like rap that much. I would put hip-hop rather than rap. Rock is ok. I would say both. Exept on rock, i dont like emo music. It just scares me to T_T
  15. KnuXl3s

    KnuXl3s New Member

  16. Mike

    Mike Member


    Contradiction. :p

    Haha...I just failed to see how an explanation of what hip-hop is (ie. you know your hip hop) comes out when you say the words "Rap is hip-hop." So I posted an explanation.
  17. Xadimurti

    Xadimurti New Member

    I voted metal, 'cause that's probably closer to the music I prefer than rap (I can't stand most rap).

    Erm. I'll post this for my entry. The Smashing Pumpkins and "Disarm".
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2008
  18. Xadimurti

    Xadimurti New Member

    "Emo" is a different genre - it came from post hardcore, which came from the punk scene in the late 70's. :) There's some pretty classic Emo bands (which many don't actually class as Emo) that aren't like the more recent mainstream Emo bands. The Cure, for example. They set the way for a lot of today's 'Emo' bands when it came to style and the general feel of their music. It isn't all Taking Back Sunday and My Chemical Romance. :p
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2008
  19. Sora the Darkeater

    Sora the Darkeater New Member

    1. Okay everyone needs to stop 5seperating rap and hip hop. they are the same thing. Rap has always been rap but it is more of a verb. as in "Rapping" or "Rapper" they recently called it rap but now as a noun. Hip hop is the genre name so when yp say you prefer hip hop you like rap.

    2. don't try to say hat they are seperate when the rap depends on the rappers style. meaning a hip hop artist as some ignorant people would put it is a non ganfgster rapper but a gangster is as the name says. basically what i'm saying is through the need to simplify and seperate people, everyone has come up with the category of rap and sub-categiry of hip hop. when they used to be the same. an Genre and it's verb or adjective to describe it's preformers
  20. un BLE vble

    un BLE vble New Member

    what i meant by "rap is hip-hop" is that rap is a part of the hip-hop culture. i didn't mean to say that rap is the (exact) same thing as hip-hop.

    (again with an example) it's exactly the same concept with a square (rap) and a rectangle (hip-hop). a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle isn't a square. but you can't say a square isn't a rectangle because it is indeed by definition a rectangle--which proves that you can't say rap isn't hip-hop.

    (sorry if i confused anyone there.)

    also, sora the dark eater, we can separate rap and hip-hop at times. hip-hop as a culture came first, and then DJs came, and then rapping came to compliment the DJs' music, so it's just respect to its history to differentiate between the two. plus, mike already explained how hip-hop is a broad movement and rap is just a genre of music of hip-hop.

    and, i'll say it again, i do know my hip-hop. here's a link post that i wrote in the beginning of the year to defend my statement.

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