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Dream a Dream of Reality.

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Unsure, Jul 31, 2008.

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  1. Unsure

    Unsure New Member

    I swung my sword to deflect the demon off of Tidos.

    "Get up, Tidos!" I say.
  2. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Alia helped Tidos up with a kiss.

    >Can I make this RP into a story please?<
  3. Unsure

    Unsure New Member

    >Uh...I was actually going to. And then Link was going to make it into a manga. But we'll see. Haha<
  4. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    >ok then.<
  5. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Tidos kissed her back and faced the demon.
    "So what's the plan" Tidos whispered to Alia
  6. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    A: Well first we kill it and then...
    She pointed at the demon that was rising from the floor.
  7. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Tidos rushed towards the demon and casted Blizzaga at it.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2008
  8. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Alia found two guns lyng on the floor.She picked them up and shook them.
    A:No ammo,ah well fine.
    She begun shooting pellets of water at the demon and then jumped up into the air did a flip and shot a massive ball of water from the guns.The water broke through the blizzard and hit the demon straight on,then the blizzaga hit killing the demon.
    She landed next to Tidos and kissed him on the lips.
  9. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Tidos held Alia tightly and kissed her deeply causing them to breath deeper and smack their lips loudly.
  10. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Suddenly a cicle of heartless and demons cicled them.
    A:Lets ditch them.
    They all ran into the castle and shut the door.
  11. Unsure

    Unsure New Member

    I unsheathe my sword and it lights up the corridor.

    "Where does our destination lie?" I say.
  12. linka8

    linka8 New Member

    "Iwanna get outta here!" Rizing said, covering his eyes.
  13. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Alia looked tired she felt tired and if it wasn't for the fact people spoke she would have passed out.
    A:First Rizing shut up please.Second to a bed.
    they walked over to 4 beds which magically became 3.
    A:Looks like me and Tidos will have to share a bed.
    Of course Alia had delribatley destroyed the bed.
  14. linka8

    linka8 New Member

    "Don't tell me to shut up!"
  15. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Alia was tired
    A:Sorry now goodnight.
  16. linka8

    linka8 New Member

    "How can we sleep if we're asleep?"
  17. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    A:Never had a dream of a dream.
  18. linka8

    linka8 New Member

    "a what?" Rizing asked, profoundedly.
  19. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Alia was asleep.
  20. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    >C'mon people lets stick this to the end,too many rp's have just been stopped dead.pop and gone.<

    Alia awoke the next morning and ran to the castle doors,she was cryng and muttering,"what have I done."
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