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Discussion in 'Fun & Games' started by Yukie, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Well, I say that Johnny Depp is more better.:p Then comes Orlando Bloom. Mwahhahhaa!:D
  2. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Well for those who don't noe me already, my name is Leah. I'm really into anime, manga, reality tv, and food! I'm from the small town of Edgewood, Maryland, and I'll be a junior in high school this August! Go 2010!!! Uh...I don't really have a favorite genre of music, just anything that sounds good to me is fine. My friends usually describe me as funny, outspoken, crazy, random, and weird! They also say I'm brutally honest too, but that's not always a good thing! Well I guess that's all about me, so yeah! :)
  3. Anagelina Jolie and Alba I would do. hehehee nasty!
  4. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    ahh, ok.. where do i started! My name is Gabriel. Thats why my name is Locogabitron
    Loco is Crazzy in spanish. And Gabitron.. u know lol. So, im Crazygabitron. but call me loco, for me its betta
    Ok, my ps2 broke yesterday. I play violin over 12 years. I live in Puerto Rico, i like going to the theaters and play arcade machine games lol. I type fast, and i know how to do the RUBIX CUBE!!! ROFL. ok, what else.. i like a little bit of hip hop, rock, classic..
    I like to do Parkour (jumping on walls and such) and i like to play soccer and volleyball. Actually, I was in a team once in volleyball.
    Everyone!! and again u can call me Loco
  5. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Whoa, I haven't say anything about me here... ^^''
    Well, I'm a weirdo from Finland.... Brrr, it's cold here usually, but now on the summer here's quite warm... A little over 20 celsius..
    I'm really into Japanese rock and pop music! Oh, I really love them...! :3 I try to study Japanese myself, but it's pretty hard.. -.-'' I love Spanish, too. ^w^
    About my hobbies... Swimming is the most important. I've been into it a little over six years, four times at week.
    Oh yeah, my really name is Assi, but u can call me Kyuu... I've said that kyuuketsuki means a vampire, and I AM vampire, mwahhahaa! *insane smile*
    I'm quite crazy, don't worry about it, hehhee... XD
  6. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    I'll Introduce my self again too for other people who don't know me ^_^. I'll just use the good ol' copy&paste style lol:cool:

    :cool:hey guys. I'm Master Sora and I've known Kingdom Hearts for a long while. We all know kingdom hearts is awesome, but its not so awesome when used for the wrong reasons, like the organization and Ansem were doing. I'm pretty much like sora, although I change a little bit. I really know about kingdom hearts, know much about the keyblade, know little on what may happen on the next adventure, and know nothing at all about why Donald annoys me with his anger problems, and Goofy confusing me sometimes. Although I like them a lot, and I like having new friends. I also want to know about new stuff of Kingdom Hearts and it's new titles.

    I like goofin off, have fun, going on fun, and mysterious adventures, ice cream, pizza, and like to dream. everyday I have weird dreams,but they're based on my thoughts and knowledge, or secrets in my mind that were never unlocked. =l

    Things will be awesome in the future, I'm hoping!

    *And that's me everyone:D
  7. KnuXl3s

    KnuXl3s New Member

    I am Brandon Hamby and I am from a country family but i am far from contyr I am a metal head all they way but I do like other types of music some rap song by Tech N9ne and I also like relaxing music like Bob Marley but most of my time I play video games, practice on my bass, watch TV, sword fight with friends, practice muay thai, and sometimes read only if they are really good stories so I spend most of my time reading stories on here cause they are so cool like my friends fan fic called Orginization Branch 2 it is really interesting and it has a character based of me in it his name is xenroc which translates to necro with an X and Necro means nothing and my guys element is the void and something else that is cool about Xenroc he is the first nobody
    well that a little about me
  8. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Ummm.... What's muay thai?
  9. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    It is like a fighting style. Thai Boxing. I practice pole fighting, pole dancing, and ninja skills! ^_^
  10. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Aaaa, I see. Then it would be nice. ^w^
  11. KnuXl3s

    KnuXl3s New Member

    Yeah it is a good way to stay in shape hey if you look at the member pics on the general disscusion there is a pic of me
  12. ~Narikoo~

    ~Narikoo~ New Member

    Hi everyone! =) This topic is a great idea!
    Well... I don't know how I can begin.... I'm French and I'm so crazy when I play video games! I want to see them all !^^ I'd like to become a game designer, yeah I love drawing over and over again. I like drawing mangas and characters and... a lot of other things ^^ I try to learn Japanese on my own. I love that too =) And I like to fall asleep dreaming and listening to my music.
    Well... I think that's all, I love the life except one thing... Why Europeans have to wait for videos games more than other players ?! That's my question... (Well... I say that for my compatriots because i have a Magic Swap on my PS2 and also Kh COM and Kh 2 FM+... solidarity hihihi ^^)
  13. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Did I mention that I love to cook.
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Wow, you guys make it seem like group therapy.... Cool.

    My name is Tom. I love video games, Nintendo would be my favorite. I have a DS, a Wii, a PS2, an N64, a GBA, a Gamecube. RPGs are my favorite style of video games, but I like most games. I like to play airsoft. My favorite genre of music is Country, and I like some Rock. I like swords. I am going into 11th grade on August 20. I don't have a car yet, and I can get my liscence in September. My birthday is in April, and I live in California. Where I live we get a big blizzard every 3 to 4 years, and we had one early this year.

    That is all I can think of.
  15. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    We have lots of blizzards every winter... And yayy, my b-day is also in April! ^_^
  16. Kairi008

    Kairi008 New Member

    My names Sarah. I love to listen to music and draw. I have a Wii, DS, PS3 and a PS2. I'm going into 11th grade. I hang out with friends all the time and im very social. I'm athletic and im a girl gamer. thats me :]
  17. xrawrxmassacre

    xrawrxmassacre New Member

    my name is renee. i'm 16. i'm usually the quiet shy girl, but when you really get to know me i'm this crazy outgoing person. i love video games. i can't get enough of them. my favorites are Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts (and of course i can't get enough of Rockband or Guitar Hero). i love music. i can't get enough of music. i am teaching myself guitar and piano. i'm also in the highest choir at my school. (it's something you audition for and go through this craziness to get in).

    oh and i am also a manager for my friends band. i make them posters, CDs, and connections for places to play at. (it's a lot harder to do than you think.)
  18. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Im torii, its not my realy name but i dont think i have to share that here. My hobbies are reading, and movies. Games are more of a passtime. My favourites are FPS and beat em ups. Im currently playing Bad company and Soul Calibur IV. I also love JRPGs but there less of a hobby.

    My favourite subjects are art and physics. And when im done school i want to study performing arts.
  19. rencoinfreak

    rencoinfreak Banned

    i'll introduce myself to them who haven't know me. so, here i come!

    (ahem) im lauren and everyone calls me ren 'cause it short. im 16 years old and im in sophmore year. i love to play video games (PS2, DS, PSP), play soccer, skateboarding, draw comic, watch movies, sleeping, chocolate milk, magic tricks, and collect coins & rocks. i dont like homework, someone wake me up, make up, tampons, dancing, math, hot weather, american idol, pink (they burn my eyes), and super-duper girly stuff, etc... i live in Missouri, United States. that's all, i guess.

    oh yeah, im a girl. a lot people here thought im a boy. -.-;
    well, you could say that im actually tomboy. yup, that's works.
  20. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    hiya! i'm not going to reveal my name so jst call me sora,sora-x or any one of my rp characters names.(i'm weird like that.)

    anyways i'm 16 and enjoy a variety of music mostly metal. my favorite bands are bullet for my valentine and children of bodom. i'm into rp'ing and random talk forums like the spam lounge. you can find my mostly trying new rp's and trying out different ideas on them. also if you need any help or someone to talk to just email me or post on the spam lounge peace! >^-^<

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