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something i noticed about hair...

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by Luke, May 14, 2008.

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  1. Luke

    Luke Member

    Terra = Earth - Hair = Brown

    Aqua = Watter - Hair = Blue

    Ventus = Wind - Hair = Blonde(yellow)
  2. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    ummm..., exactly what does that have to do with anything.
  3. Riku6979

    Riku6979 New Member

    ur an idiot that means nothing
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Don't be calling anybody an idiot. Luke just wanted to point out a similarity. (Right Luke?)
  5. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    desert and luke are right
    dont call him an idiot for noticing a coinsidence that does make sense
    excpet i think winds color is supposed to be green or white
    yellow is more like light
  6. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    yeah i'm sorry, grey is more like wind.
  7. 1-up salesman

    1-up salesman New Member

    Hey, that's pretty cool. Good Observation. And Riku6979, don't call him an idiot when you're the one that doesn't understand it.
  8. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    its irrelevent and has probably nothing to do with the game, maybe hair style but not color...
  9. Riku6979 you're a freakin' jerk. I do see the reference Luke thank you.
  10. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    dude, nothin is wrong. Every observation, theory, ideas are all right beacause every stuff can compile the whole storyline. So, leave him alone. No one's an idiot, jerk or whatever. Just bad comment riku6979.

    BTW, good observation Luke. Keep it up!
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2008
  11. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    In defense of everybody number1:Luke is not an idiot.number2:stop picking on Riku6979 He may be the one in the bad but I think he gets the point now.

    Luke that's interesting but as sma pointed out mabye ven's element is more light than wind.
  12. smosh103

    smosh103 New Member

    Exactly so every one just stop picking on eachother OK!:mad:
  13. ~Narikoo~

    ~Narikoo~ New Member

    Whoaw! Of course Luke isn't a idiot ! Now, I suppose Riku regrets ^^*
    And I've noticed something too. As everybody know, Sora means Sky in Japanese, Kairi means the Sea, and Riku, the Land.
    So... if I'm right, I could complete what Luke said:
    Terra = Riku = Earth
    Aqua = Kairi = Water
    Ventus = ??? / Sora = Sky...
    Well... it's weird ^^
    (And I don't understand what I'm saying... hihihi ^^*)
  14. rikuchie

    rikuchie New Member

    but some people said that sora=wind???
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Sora means sky and Ventus means wind.
  16. noir07

    noir07 New Member

    I think that's a very good observation.

    Even if you think it isn't, let's face it: Everything in Japan (look at the haiku) is given more profound meaning than we give it credit for. Video games are no exception. Nothing is ever what it seems.

    I think that knowing these characters' abilities and stories only scrape the surface. What Luke pointed out can possibly allude to these character's destinies.
  17. noir07

    noir07 New Member

    I know I'm double posting, but I want to make a point. Looking at things objectively, throughout Kingdom Hearts, Kairi has always been between Riku and Sora--the object of competition. Look at the facts.

    Riku is to Terra, as Land is to Earth.
    Kairi is to Aqua, as Sea is to Water.
    Sora is to Ven, as Sky is to Wind.

    Wind and sky are not entirely the same, but related. The same thing can be said about Sora and Ven.

    I think we're getting somewhere, and that destinies of Aqua, Terra, and Ven are very closely intertwined with Kairi's, Riku's, and Sora's.
  18. Luke

    Luke Member

    Duh its obvious. And yet many people Didn't notice it. Also that contributed nothing to the topic and you should be warned.
    And riku person, It obviously means something. I doubt there would be that big of a coincidence.
  19. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    i never would have noticed that if you wouldnt have said somthing.
  20. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    So maybe Ven and Terra and Aqua are Masters of certain elements, Such as
    Terra: Darkness/dark keyblade
    Ven: Light/light keyblade
    Aqua:Love or magic/magic keyblade
    and Sora and Riku and Kairi are like apprentices to them or something. Like Sea is a part of Water, but not WAter entirely. Or like land isn't earth, but its a part of it. And how Sky is apart of wind, but not the entire thing. See what I'm getting at? Maybe their name relations are a key to the plot of their powers.
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