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post your best "yo' mama jokes" here

Discussion in 'Comedy' started by un BLE vble, Jan 14, 2008.

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  1. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    Yo momma's so fat,, that she measured herself on the weighting scale and it said To Be Continued
    Yo momma's so stupid that she brought a spoon to the super bowl
    Yo momma's so ugly that not even a paper bag could block her face

    Classic Skills:D
  2. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Owch!! lol!
  3. Twin in Shroud

    Twin in Shroud New Member

    yo mama so old she farts mummy dust
    yo mama so dumb she tried to teach a book how to read
    yo mama so black she got out the car and the oil light came on
    yo mama sweat donut glaze and bleed grease
    yo mama tried to bake the pilsbury dough man
    y mama so fat she went swimming in the ocean a boat saw her and yelled out"Land Ho"
  4. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    Woah O.O.....
  5. Twin in Shroud

    Twin in Shroud New Member

    Jokes and Jokes and Jokes and Jokes and HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  6. Yo mamma so lazy she fainted when she found out what DIY stood for!
  7. un BLE vble

    un BLE vble New Member

    yo momma's s poor, she goes to KFC just to lick people's fingers.
  8. xrawrxmassacre

    xrawrxmassacre New Member

    yo mamma's so fat and ugly when she walked into tokyo the japanese yelled "AHHHH GODZILLA!"
  9. ~Narikoo~

    ~Narikoo~ New Member

    Whoaow! ^^* lol You guys are so horrible with mothers ! ^^
    I have one, but it's in French...
    "Ta mère est tellement grosse que lorsqu'elle mange des cacahuètes, elle chie des Snickers" Haha, I hope I'm not the only person who speaks French ! >.<
    Have a nice day ! ^^*
  10. xrawrxmassacre

    xrawrxmassacre New Member

    hahahaha that's really good Narikoo

    hehe i take french and german so i mostly understood it in french
  11. un BLE vble

    un BLE vble New Member

    LOL, evn tho i had to use a translator word for word it was still hilarious. i guess deciphering it made it even more funny.
  12. ~Narikoo~

    ~Narikoo~ New Member

    Ouf! ^^* I'm so glad to hear that ! I was afraid that nobody understand... hihihi thanks ^^*
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    That is funny.

    Yo mamma's so fat, food comes to her from gravitaional pull.

    Yo mamma's so stupid, she runs away from her own shadow.

    *Yes, I know they are stupid.*
  14. Terra

    Terra (Previously RoxasXRiku)

    Yo Momma so fat her furniture orbits around her

    Yo momma so dumb she got run over by a parked car
  15. Twin in Shroud

    Twin in Shroud New Member

    yo mama so ugly she looked in a mirror and it said out of order

    yo mama so fat she stepped on a crack and broke gods back

    yo mama so dumb she tried to spell the alphabet

    yo mama so bumb she tried to put cherrios in aplhabetical order
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Yo mama so ugly scientist wanted to test to see if she was even from this universe.
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Yo mama so dumb she spells 'dumb' as 'bumb.'
  18. Yo' mamma so stupid she tried to wake up a sleeping bag!

    Yo' mamma so stupid she invented a waterproof teabag!
  19. .mop

    .mop New Member

    yo mama so hairy she got afros on her bobiez
  20. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Ahahahah funny..

    Yo mama so hairy Bigfoot is taking her picture!
    (classic I know...)
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