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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by rikulover2323, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. rikulover2323

    rikulover2323 New Member

    Or maybe it has to do with the fact that some of us are not human.
  2. Mike

    Mike Member

    I'm not sure I've ever heard the 'larger brain' part (Cerebellum?) in cannibals. Not that I'm doubting the validity of your claim, but would you have a reference for that? (I'd like to read more about it)


    To bring up a new, non-'ethics' based argument against cannibalism:

    Last week, I attended a medical guest lecturer on this exact subject actually (oddly enough, this topic motivated me to attend)...but not quite in the same context. It was an attempt at studying the origin of prion-based brain diseases (such as Creutzfeld-Jacob), and they have some convincing evidence supporting the hypothesis that these disorders originated from the ingestion of decaying human flesh....ie. cannibalism.

    I've yet to find a good web reference (besides one from 5 years ago merely claiming that it was a possibility), but I'll post if I do find one.
  3. Xadimurti

    Xadimurti New Member

    I can't remember the name of the documentary I saw it on. It's just theory from a study, but whenever I search it, it's coming up with some theory of cannibalism wiping out the neanderthols.
  4. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I have already stated what I think on this but...
    What on earh are you tying to imply.that cannibals are not human,that non-cannabiles are not human?This is a very awkward and unexplained statement.
  5. Xadimurti

    Xadimurti New Member

    Perhaps he means that some of us are Vampires... or Warewolves. They have a tendancy for human flesh, don't they? :confused:
  6. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    But still human,it's like saying that gays aren't human
  7. Xadimurti

    Xadimurti New Member

    I've had that argument with plenty of people (gay = morally wrong). I usually win by personal attacks. Haha.

    And I was only fooling around, about vampires and warewolves. :p
  8. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    yeah but what a strange thing to say,"Or maybe it has to do with the fact that some of us are not human."

    I think he is trying to imply something.
  9. Xadimurti

    Xadimurti New Member

    Perhaps he was implying that some of us aren't as advanced as oters when it comes to having a complex conscience that most humans have as a result of evolution?
  10. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Mabye,the only way to find out is wait until he posts back.
  11. Xadimurti

    Xadimurti New Member

    Which he seems to be taking his sweet time about! :p
  12. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    This is getting Spammy,I'll stop posting.
  13. rikulover2323

    rikulover2323 New Member

    I am implying the there are some of us are vampires. It just comes natural to want human blood, and on the occasion, human flesh. So yes you were correct. Who wants to bash me about this one?
  14. Mike

    Mike Member

    Sure, what the heck.

    Porphyria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <--Nicknamed the 'vampire disease.' An interesting read on the subject. (There was also an episode of CSI devoted to Porphyria)

    This isn't a want or 'lust' to eat blood. It's a dependency, as the body can't produce its own. The blood is also not 'ingested' and is instead given in the form of its substrates (carbs and hemoglobin), or in the worst case scenario, a blood transfusion.


    I'm not sure where you're going with that...the only sources I could find on the subject describe vampyrism as folklore (I looked pretty far and wide). And though I can't argue with, or disprove folklore, it's definitely not a scientific basis for claiming 'some people are not human.' If this were true, some people would exhibit symptoms...and that would put it in the realm of science, and not folklore.
  15. Xadimurti

    Xadimurti New Member

    I think that's leading to a whole different discussion, but hey - believe what you want, if you ask me.
  16. Mike

    Mike Member

    True, and that's a point worth mentioning.

    @rikulover: I'm not trying to argue with your right to believe in vampires. (Personally, I don't believe either way very strongly; I've never seen one, so as long as it stays that way then to me it's as if they don't exist. Not much matters beyond that)

    Instead, what I am emphasizing is that you can't make a factual claim, like people have vampire-like urges, based on something that has no empirical evidence.

    For instance, I'd be the first to acknowledge I believe in a higher power. But to claim factually that there's going to be (let's say) an apocalypse, or that for doing such and such you'll be banished to hell, won't go over too well right?

    It's the same thing, in a different subject area.
  17. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    I think i have already posted here in this thread. But for just case, i disagree about cannibalism. We won't go to the point of eating ourselves. That's really impossible to appear.

    In fact, Im really sure that we won't end like this. Yes, this world is going downhill every day and more deaths comes, but it doesn't conclude that such man can make it self as a cannibal.
  18. rikulover2323

    rikulover2323 New Member

    I was not trying to make a factual calim, just a personal belief, and strong belief in that, in that there are vamps out there. Im sorry if was i made it seem that i was trying to state a fact.
  19. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    ookay,i guess i have my suspicions about supernatural beings to so whatever. But you say that this is our last untouched food resource,couldn't we eat bugs or something,I'm sure people would rather eat them than other humans.
  20. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Back to cannibalism. Quite frankly, I believe it should work the same way as hitting a deer.

    If you hit a deer with your car you cannot take it home to eat, but the next person who passes the dead deer can.

    I don't see people willing to murder each other for food at this point in time, maybe in a few thousand years but by then it is believed we would have found another planet able to sustain human life.

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