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What Level did you beat the game

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 1' started by NeRo, Jul 21, 2007.

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  1. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    I beat it on lvl 99 on Proud.
  2. Xephr

    Xephr New Member

    In KH1 I finished it at lvl 56 and at KH2 lvl52 in Proud mode
  3. tinytommy

    tinytommy New Member

    Beginner - LVL 55 or something
    Proud - Still going lol can't beat Chergabod!!!!!!
    Beginner - LVL 50
    Normal - LVL 50
    Proud - LVL 65
  4. Tifa_03

    Tifa_03 New Member

    I beat it around 70-75
  5. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    56 i think. On normal mode
  6. YRPgrls <3

    YRPgrls <3 New Member

    normal mode was in the 60s
  7. NekoNeko

    NekoNeko New Member

    KH 1 - Forgot, remember there was a 5 involved with all of them

    KH 2 - i'v started on begginer so i could get the gist and stuff. I ALMOST beat it (got my butt owned by last boss about 10 times) was lv.62 well Sora was i think goofy was higher someone how by one level and donald was lower by 2 levels (than Sora) hehe

    Sora - 62
    Donald - 60
    Goofy - 63 o_O
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2008
  8. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Goofy is always a lvl higher than you and Donald is always 2 lvl lower than you. I don't know why.
  9. NekoNeko

    NekoNeko New Member

    really? wow. why though? i mean i think it should be at least the other way around (for Donald & Goofy) Donald kept getting killed and Goofy just was the second one to die after Donald at the end of the first few random battles at it would be Sora and Goody and Donald would be dead -__-'
  10. Default_User

    Default_User New Member

    i was on level 65, or so....
    when it came to beating Sephiroth, then i went with my levels waaaay up... =p
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I forget if I already posted on this. When I try and blitz through the games, I end up around 50 against the final boss. The lowest level I can think of in KH2 was 47 when I beat it. I think it was on normal difficulty.
  12. Firebomb50

    Firebomb50 New Member

    me= 45

    i skipped alot
  13. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    i think i got to 65 or 67.. i know i had glide on. Don't remember. Besides i borrowed the game to play the whole thing in 5 days + the dalmations
  14. rikulover2323

    rikulover2323 New Member

    99 proud, and I think 65 normal. I tend to do all the random things before I beet the game.
  15. macax9168

    macax9168 New Member

    i beat it at 62 but i went through and finished again at lvl 99
  16. Kairi10

    Kairi10 Member

    i beat the game at level 59 on all 3 modes
  17. Danielo

    Danielo New Member

    i beat it at lvl 80, in the first one, i got pissed cause i couldnt beat sephiroth, i trained with kurt zisa and ice titan. but Sepiroth always pissed me off, so i just finished the game.
    IS it worth it to go back and pass everything on The hardest mode?
  18. Tntk_2

    Tntk_2 New Member

    Cant remember about lv 72 first time around. now i'm lvl 100 and cant beat Sephiroth.
  19. iridaceous

    iridaceous New Member

    Around Level 60 in Standard, I think.
    In Proud, I trained up to Level 100... just because I could. ;D
  20. saix547

    saix547 New Member

    In my most recent beating of the game I was lvl 58
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