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Advent of a Dirge RP

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Haresuno, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    Archais was in the middle of cleaning his summer getaway when a man walked in through the door.
    "What are you doing in my home!" the man yelled.
    "Your home?! I found it in complete disarray." Archais retorted
    "That doesn't make it yours!!"
    The man attacked Archais and the door slammed shut. In that instant a flash of light shone out of the home and as Archais opened the door all that was left of the man was a scorched circle on the floor. "Into town I go...." He covered the circle with a rug and left to Lugarith. Archais found the town pretty much deserted but stumbled upon three men but hid behind a corner instead of walking out and meeting them.
  2. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Zack sensed a malicous presence but said nothing about it. He did know that he should leave. "Right, i can see im not wanted. Bye" He turns, leaps onto a nearby roof top, and leaves."
  3. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Avel maked a sharp hand gesture and two Casovier lept to the roof-top and grabbed the male on both sides and brought him back to the ground infront of Avel, "You didn't answer my question. traveler." Avel said the word in disgust. He did not believe the mans story. No one came this side of Sky Peak without business, and traveling was considered stupidity at a time like this. While the two Casovier, one male and the other female, held the stranger in place Avel looked the man from head to toe. Almost like someone looking at cattle for the butcher.
  4. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    Archais decided he heard enough and tore his clothes a bit, messed up his hair, and hid his scarf. He walked into the open and looked around. "Can someone help me? I live outside of town and well it's my first time here and I noticed that no one seems to be here.."
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Zack was not happy. He also knew that he shouldn't use magic. People don't always act as they should. "Get, your hands off of me. FORCE" The guys were blasted back, almost like they had been hit by a hammer. When the smoke cleared zack was gone.
    Zacks fleein over the fields outside of town. Damn, at this rate they are gonna take away my vacation time. I need to control my TEMPER! Was funny though.
  6. Zeronus

    Zeronus New Member

    Kai played innocent.

    "i'm sorry...i..i....i didn't know. one second people were here and the next poof the were gone....i don't know what's going on. and on top of everything, that guy over there starts bullying me"

    Kai's eyes started to glaze over.

    this jackass is going to stall my plans
  7. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Avel looked at the young man. He noted that the youths eyes glazed over a little, "Regardless, now that you are here it is to late to get you over the mountain. You will be staying with us." Avel said and two Casovier walked next to the young man, "These two will escourt you to a housing area." He turned his back only to see a hair thin vertical line, as black as the night. It opened up into a doorway and from it stepped Detier. Shock was evident on Avel's face, "What are you doing here?" Avel demanded as the doorway closed behind the gold wheat-colored hair Yento.
    "I'm hear as a informent for my people." Detier replied.
  8. Zeronus

    Zeronus New Member

    i better just go with it for now

    he let one tear fall before whipping his eyes

    the he looked towards the two Casovier "otay, were are we going?"
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Zack finally stopped in the middle of a mountain range, though he's not real sure were. "Ok, now that i'm here, i need to find out were here is." "Any one tell you that you talk to much?" He turns, hands flying to the sword at his belt. "Chill man, im not gonna kill you." He relaxes. "I don't know ALL of our operatives. Leo." "Heh, i'm just here to say that you got your pay docked." "What! Why!?" Leo, a dark haired caucasion man standing at 6' with a claymore strapped to his back steps off the rock he's leaning on. He holds up a finger. "1. For intervening in a worlds problems without the superiours concent." He holds up another finger. "2. Exessive magic use." He holds a third finger. "3. Pissing off a military leader here." Zack looks really upset. "I agree to the first one but i didn't mean to use my magic. I was in a bad situation. Also i had no IDEA that guy was important." "Oh, so some old thug in really shiny armor with 2 guys that go faster than us was giving you trouble? I thought he was military. Guess what, so did the superiours." "Oh great. I'm in it now. $#!^." "No need for that. I'm here to give you a hand." "Thanks, but weres my partner?" "He got married and was reassigned to his wife." "Ah, guess i'll have to congradulate him." They both here the sounds of approaching casovier. "Do we run or fight or talk it over?" Leo asks. "Ah well, lets talk this out." They both draw their blades, just to be safe.
    Don't worry, this is my last character to add to this. I just do better with pairs than singles.

    Name: Leo

    Orientation: Closer to Alem


    History: Joined the Knights at age 13, becuase he had no were else to go. His eyes were ruined by a dark spell that he had failed to block so now he uses his hearing to fight his enemies. He is a extremely strong warrior, who can wield his claymore with one hand and at eye blinding speeds. Definently someone you want on your side, because he only needs a breath to know were you are. His aura perception is also as high as it can go, allowing him to distinguish between friend or foe.

    Attitude: A bit of a punk when he is trying to act normally. He's one of those guys you expect to start rapping, but when he begins to fight watch out. He does a total 180 from his peaceful nature, and you might as well not ask for mercy because you won't get any.
  10. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    Archais decided to follow the man and the Casoviers "Are you sure about this?" "don't be such a cry baby damn it." "I'm afraid of what's going to happen.." "Well don't be these nice people will take care of us.." and under his breath he smirked and said to himself "and we'll take care of them."
  11. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "I just have one question." Leo says while they wait. "Whats that?" Zack asks. "If they can run faster, can they move faster?" They both sit there for a minute. "Do we want to find out?" Leo prods. "I am NOT going to be treated like a criminal by some low life. Besides, your the fastest man in our organization. And my spell work is unparraled, except for Zerieth's use's of it of course." "Yah, but i know they can run faster than me." "But you can read their aura. You shouldn't have a problem with finding out were the next attack will come from." "True..." "Just don't fight unless i tell you to." "You got it boss."
  12. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    OOC: Seeing as how all the RP's I've joined died and no one seems to want them to continue.. I'm putting in my warning that I will be quieting KH-3. ~~
  13. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Just Post At Me For Gods Sake!!!!<
  14. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    OOC: If this RP is going to work, than other people need to be posting more.
  15. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Finds his rp remote, again, under his sofa, again.<
    Omg. It's more or less dead man. But i'm waiting on you. I think everyones waiting on you. So just post already, before i leave to.
    >Cries because he lost his rp remote, again.<
  16. Zeronus

    Zeronus New Member

    <Haresuno, i was wondering if i could kill the two Casovier>
  17. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    OOC: I suppose, but remember you are surrounded by Casovier and a Yento. They will do anything to kill your character if they find out he is a Dragoth. Best to just stay quiet.
    Finish post here later.
  18. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    >>I'm waiting for Haresuno to post where the heck the Casovier are taking us<<
  19. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    The two Casovier Alem raced to catch the run away. For his safety they knew he must be found and brought back. Else he would die. As they approched the male, who had recently met up with another, they began to slow. One of the two Alem was a short man named Istov. And by short, he was only short for Alem. He was lean, and his sun dark skin was barely covered with sweat from the slight sprint they had been using.
    "For your protection, and this new man you bring forth, you are to journey with us, back to Sky Peak. Where you will be watched and held under guard for your safety." Istov spoke in a militariant tone as his cold green eyes survied they two men.
  20. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    Archais started skipping ahead of the Casovier and started to whistle and eventually started to break into song "oh happy day in 5 oh happy day in 4, oh happy day in 3,2,1"
    on one Archais made sure they were in a secluded place and turned around grinning "this is where you get off of this band wagon" he twisted his face a bit and his truly sadistic side showed "thank you for traveling with us we hope you had a nice time and make sure not to kill your self on the way out...." he stood there and immediately skipped towards the casovier "and make sure the guide doesn't turn you into a crispy critter" his true form flickered for a brief moment before the two casovier burst into flames and turned to ash. "well of we go Mr. Silent Man" Archais then skipped away from the two char marks. (I figured we should liven up the story a bit..))
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2008

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