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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    What's that got to do with anything? Besides the Obama thing.
  2. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    nothing really, you posted it and some lyrics made me think of your narrow minded opinions.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Me, narrow, your the one who won't get off science and stuff. I said other stuff. Please go back where I said that the ones who would live life in pain, thus mentally and physically. Yet your all I'm for abortion.
  4. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    No, I have said about 5 times in this topic I am against it, But I am 'Pro-Choice' as you call it.

    And Science is truth and fact, I wont get off it if it helps my debate, God is fiction as far as we know, its not really helping your debate too much.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    And that pro-choice is real not American slang or anything, and that's why I'm letting you meet someone that's mocked by some who's pro-choice.
  6. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    I know its not American slang, its just a word that I use losley, We don't really call it Pro-Choice in the UK. Its the ay things work so theres not really a name for it.

    And I have not met anyone, I honestly don't get your last sentence...
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    The video's. Obama is cosntantly mocked on youtube. Thus youtube live.

  8. Why would you want others to have the choice to kill an innocent baby. No one should have that choice.

    Science cannot prove God because he exist on a heavenly plane. Science can only prove things on an earthly plane. God is not a earthly being, he is a heavenly being. Science amounts to bull shit in the grand picture of everything. Their is more to existence that the here and now, and science in the big picture of things can only go so far and can only do so little. Their for Science is not absoulute truth and fact. But Jesus said I am the truth, the way, and the light. No man comes to the father except through me. The Christian religion is based on faith, because God and heavenly things are beyond human understanding. As God said to Job, "You are a human and you can only know so much." Humans are not meant to know these things, God will not allow it. So quite trying to prove God and have faith in him. Because in when death comes thats all we truly have. We either have faith we are going to heaven or we have faith that we are simply going to be a rotting corpse. It's all about faith. For that is the only truth in the grand scheme of everything.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    And let there be light, ^, nice going.
  10. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    I want people to have the choice becomes it is their choice, if they wish to do so its their choice not yours. If you were to get pregnant then it would be your choice.

    And what your saying about science can be said about Humans and 'God' not existing. I agree with what you say about faith, just some people like me rather take their fate into their own hands.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    And like you stick through a paper shreader. Plus I talked to someone, my step mom, turns out she had an abortion and she regrets it. She can't have kids anymore because they messed it up. She regrets it from the day it happened. She also says she doesn't want no one getting an abortion ever again. So how do you like that, straight from an abortion person.
  12. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Well, with any operation there is a chance things can go wrong. I know people who have had abortions and they went fine.
    By you religious logic it seems that 'god' never intender for her to have children so it doesn't really matter...

    Also, once again you make no sense with your first quote. Please explain.
  13. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    Why am I even posting here.
    This thread has turned into another religous debate.
    You people piss me off. When it comes down to it. The whole abortion thing is something that is taking care of through the government, through legislature. And does anyone remeber? SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. So stop argueing God this bible that, its all irrelevant bullshit when it comes down to a debate like this.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well see we tried that, but that guy won't get in his head killing babies are bad and if a mother does not want it then it should be put up for adoption once born.
  15. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    i born in indonesia, and i see lot of abortion case, and case like "a woman killed her own baby" or something like that, and i think, what's happening to them? they have possesed by devil, and that's making me think, my country is the worst in the world
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    It's not the worst no I think it's actually pretty high up there, now the worst I'm sure alot of us agree is Iraq and Afganastan. Now those are the worst.
  17. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    they must penitent before God sent them to Hell
  18. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    Idiot my comment went to you too. And he says hes ProChoice, yoiu imbecille. He isn't saying that a women has to kill the baby, but if she feels she doesn't want to put up with birthing a child and all the shit before and after it she should have the choice.

    And get with the times, the Middle East is nowhere near Indonesia's problems. Get with the times, learn some facts about the world, and mature a bit before posting in debates your not old enough to fully understand. And also stop misquoting people and going off topic on what others say.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2008
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    First off, I really don't know who on Earth you are, but if you want to debate, bring it, I was born to debate. Second, the guy is a bigger idiot while I'm trying to explain no matter what the women will go through pain. They do and myself every month. Lastly, if you would notice all his post you'll see the true idiot.

    So again, don't know you, but if you want a debate bring it on. I have many facts and statements to bring to the table.

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